915 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Bervisi SETS terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Hasil Belajar pada Materi Larutan Elektrolit dan Nonelektrolit Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Gorontalo

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing bervisi SETS terhadap keterampilan proses sains dan hasil belajar siswa pada materi Larutan Elektrolit dan Nonelektrolit di SMA Negeri 1 Gorontalo (2) Seberapa besar pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing bervisi SETS terhadap keterampilan proses sains dan hasil belajar siswa pada materi Larutan Elektrolit dan Nonelektrolit di SMA Negeri 1 Gorontalo. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Gorontalo, terdiri dari 9 kelas yang terdaftar pada tahun ajaran 2017-2018. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampling purposive. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah X IPA 1 sebagai kelas Eksperimen dan X IPA 3 sebagai kelas kontrol, masing-masing terdiri dari 25 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument tes dan lembar observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji validitas, uji realiabilitas, uji nilai rata-rata, uji normalitas, uji homogenitas dan uji hipotesis. Berdasarkan uji hipotesis, terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pada model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing bervisi SETS terhadap keterampilan proses sains yaitu dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 88% (thitung = 1,804 > ttabel = 1,6722). Adapun model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing bervisi SETS terhadap hasil belajar kognitif, menghasilkan hasil yang signifikan, memperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 80,4 % (thitung = > ttabel = 1,6722). Hasil belajar afektif memperoleh nilai rata-rata 82,25% (thitung = > ttabel = 1,6722) sedangkan hasil belajar psikomotor memperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 83% (thitung = 3,136 > ttabel = 1,6722)

    Size Structure, Growth Pattern, and Condition Factor of Red Lolosi Fish (Caesio Chrysozona, Cuvier, 1830) From the Bay of Ratatotok Subdistrict, Southeast Minahasa Tenggara District

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    The research was conducted in December 2016 in Totok Bay, Ratatotok Subdistrict, with the aim to know the size structure, growth pattern and condition factor of red lolosi fish (Caesio chrysozona). It is expected that this research can provide basic information to monitor the presence of these fish in the future, especially in the territorial waters of Ratatotok. The name of red lolosi fish is a local name in North Sulawesi. Fish with the scientific name Caesio chrysozona is commonly found around the coral reefs and shallow rocky coastal waters. Data were collected in the field by taking a random sample of fish from the catch of fishermen who are still in a fishing boat. The number of fish samples taken to be analyzed were 66. Based on the measurement of 66 individuals of red lolosi, the structure size is as follows: male (51 head) with total length of 180 mm - 259 mm, length of fork 153 mm - 216 mm, and raw length 135mm - 200 mm. While body weight ranges from 71.38 gr - 217.18 grams and females (15 fish) with a total length range of 196 mm - 243 mm, fork length of 165 mm - 209 mm, and standard length of 149 mm - 185 mm. While body weight ranges from 110.22 gr - 193.99 gr. The growth pattern of red lolosi fish both male and female is a negative allometric growth pattern (b <3) where the length of fish increase faster than weight gain. The condition factor of each individual male and female varies with the value of the male condition factor ranging from 0.8094 - 1.2547 and females ranged from 0.9668 to 1.0281. Because the value of K ranged 1 then the conclusion is that male and female of red lolosi fish have a less flat shape. This causes the loss of weight of fish due to the influence of food, age, sex and gonad maturity

    Assessment of the calling detection probability throughout the day of two invasive populations of bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) in Uruguay

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    Bullfrog invasion is a major conservation concern in South America, so there is an urgent need to detect and monitor its many invasion foci. Amphibian sampling methods commonly use calling display, specifically the nuptial calls of males. With the aim of obtaining the better day period to sample and monitor Lithobates catesbeianus presence, we recorded its calls at three ponds in two invaded localities in Uruguay (Aceguá, Cerro Largo, and San Carlos, Maldonado) during the reproductive season. Then, we studied the records, obtaining a subsample of calling intensity at the first 5 minutes for each hour. We detected that vocalization intensity remained almost constant between 20:00 and 05:00 h. Detection probability remained high and constant during this period, and then decreased. Therefore, bullfrog displays a constant calling activity during the nights of its reproductive period, even longer than native anurans. This long calling period facilitates its detection during nocturnal sampling

    Size Structure, Growth Pattern, And Condition Factor Of Red Lolosi Fish (Caesio chrysozona, Cuvier, 1830) From The Bay Of Ratatotok Subdistrict, Southeast Minahasa Tenggara District

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    The research was conducted in December 2016 in Totok Bay, Ratatotok Subdistrict, with the aim to know the size structure, growth pattern and condition factor of red lolosi fish (Caesio chrysozona). It is expected that this research can provide basic information to monitor the presence of these fish in the future, especially in the territorial waters of Ratatotok. The name of red lolosi fish is a local name in North Sulawesi. Fish with the scientific name Caesio chrysozona is commonly found around the coral reefs and shallow rocky coastal waters. Data were collected in the field by taking a random sample of fish from the catch of fishermen who are still in a fishing boat. The number of fish samples taken to be analyzed were 66. Based on the measurement of 66 individuals of red lolosi, the structure size is as follows: male (51 head) with total length of 180 mm - 259 mm, length of fork 153 mm - 216 mm, and raw length 135mm - 200 mm. While body weight ranges from 71.38 gr - 217.18 grams and females (15 fish) with a total length range of 196 mm - 243 mm, fork length of 165 mm - 209 mm, and standard length of 149 mm - 185 mm. While body weight ranges from 110.22 gr - 193.99 gr. The growth pattern of red lolosi fish both male and female is a negative allometric growth pattern (b <3) where the length of fish increase faster than weight gain. The condition factor of each individual male and female varies with the value of the male condition factor ranging from 0.8094 - 1.2547 and females ranged from 0.9668 to 1.0281. Because the value of K ranged 1 then the conclusion is that male and female of red lolosi fish have a less flat shape. This causes the loss of weight of fish due to the influence of food, age, sex and gonad maturity. ABSTRAK Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2016 di Teluk Totok Kecamatan Ratatotok, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui struktur ukuran, pola pertumbuhan dan faktor kondisi dari ikan lolosi merah (Caesio chrysozona).  Ikan lolosi merah adalah nama lokal di Sulawesi Utara, dan ditemukan cukup berlimpah di  sekitar terumbu karang dan perairan dangkal yang berbatu-batu di Teluk TotokPengambilan sampel di lapangan  dilakukan dengan metoda sampling yaitu dengan cara mengambil sampel ikan secara acak dari hasil tangkapan nelayan yang masih berada dalam perahu nelayan.  Jumlah sampel ikan yang diambil untuk dianalisis sebanyak  66 ekor. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap 66 individu lolosi merah, diperoleh struktur ukuran sebagai berikut: jantan (51 ekor) dengan kisaran panjang total 180 mm - 259 mm,.  Sedangkan berat tubuh berkisar dari 71.38 gr – 217.18 gr,  dan betina (15 ekor) dengan kisaran panjang total 196 mm - 243 mm, Sedangkan berat tubuh berkisar dari 110.22 gr – 193.99 gr.  Pola pertumbuhan ikan lolosi merah baik jantan maupun betina adalah pola pertumbuhan allometrik negatif ( b < 3)  dimana pertambahan panjang ikan lebih cepat dari  pertambahan beratnya. Faktor kondisi setiap individu jantan dan betina bervariasi dengan nilai faktor kondisi jantan  berkisar 0.8094 - 1.2547 dan Betina berkisar 0.9668 - 1.0281

    First Report of Satellite Males during Breeding in \u3cem\u3eLeptodactylus latrans\u3c/em\u3e (Amphibia, Anura)

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    Individual males can adopt alternative mating tactics. The occurrence of satellite males is a common behaviour across anuran taxa (e.g., Lithobates clamitans, Wells, 1977; Anaxyrus cognatus, Krupa, 1989; Dendropsophus ebraccatus, Miyamoto and Cane, 1980; Rhinella crucifer, Forester and Lynken, 1986). Satellite males take peripheral positions to calling males, and adopt alternate mating tactics in an attempt to intercept females that are attracted to calling males (Wells, 2007) to increase their own mating success. Satellite males could have an inexpensive form of mate-locating, avoiding predators, and saving energy (Arak, 1983). Furthermore, this strategy could play an important role in the genetic structure of populations (Lodé and Lesbarrères, 2004)

    Investigating the Entrepreneurial Mindset of Engineering and Computer Science Students

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    In recent years, numerous engineering programs around the country have introduced curricular revisions and co-curricular activities to develop entrepreneurial skills in students. The primary motivation of these efforts is to graduate engineering students who can rapidly contribute to the economic growth of the nation through entrepreneurship and innovation. A precursor to launching startups or creating new products or services is the development of an entrepreneurial mindset. Efforts focused on developing an entrepreneurial mindset in engineering students through curricular and co-curricular activities are emerging from the many partner institutions of the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN). As these efforts strengthen, approaches to assess the entrepreneurial mindset have also been developed. A popular approach is the use of survey instruments. We have developed a rigorously validated assessment instrument to explore the entrepreneurial mindset of engineering and computer science students. This instrument was developed based on a framework in which an entrepreneurially minded engineer is defined as one who possesses curiosity about our changing world, habitually makes connections to gain insight from many sources of information, and focuses on creating value for others. The italicized words, referred to as the 3C’s, form the core of this framework which was developed by the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN)1. The instrument consists of 50 questions loaded on 14 factors that are associated with learning outcomes based on the 3C’s. The instrument was administered to first-year and senior engineering students in two consecutive years and 394 valid samples were collected. Statistical analyses were performed to answer the following research questions: 1. How diversified is the entrepreneurial mindset of first-year students when they enter the university? 2. How diversified is the entrepreneurial mindset of seniors when they complete their program? 3. How does the entrepreneurial mindset of students evolve through traditional engineering and computer science undergraduate experiences? 4. Are there differences in the entrepreneurial mindset between male and female students? 5. How does family background influence the entrepreneurial mindset? By investigating the answers to these research questions, we hope to answer the broader question: How can engineering and computer science undergraduate programs be revised to enhance entrepreneurial mindset growth as we strive to meet the challenges of “Educating the Engineer of 2020”

    Impact of Integrated E-Learning Modules in Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset based on Deployment at 25 Institutions

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    In this paper, we describe an innovative curricular model employed at the University of New Haven to develop an entrepreneurial mindset in engineering students. The entrepreneurial mindset in this model is characterized by the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN)’s 3C’s, which are curiosity, connections and creating value. The core of the model is the integration of short, self-paced, e-learning modules into courses spanning all four years of all engineering and computer science programs. A flipped classroom instructional model is used to integrate the modules into courses. We are in the third year of implementation on campus, and following a pilot deployment of the model at five other institutions in spring 2016, have conducted a large-scale deployment. Six e-learning modules were deployed at 25 institutions across the country during the 2016-17 academic year. We first summarize the integrated e-learning model implemented at the University of New Haven, which follows a clearly defined structure on module and course mappings. This structure, however, is not rigid, and we demonstrate by examples the wide potential for adopting these modules within all engineering disciplines and at all class levels. We also describe the deployment and adoption of these modules at 24 other institutions. We assessed the impact of the modules on student learning using pre and post surveys, and student and instructor feedback. We performed assessment across all institutions where modules were deployed. We also discuss lessons learned during development, and internal and external deployment of the e-learning modules

    Integrated e-Learning Modules for Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset: Direct Assessment of Student Learning

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    In an effort to develop an entrepreneurial mindset in all our engineering and computer science students, the University of New Haven is embedding entrepreneurial concepts throughout the 4-year curricula in their majors. This is done with the use of several short e-learning modules developed by content experts. The modules are integrated into engineering and computer science courses by faculty who reinforce concepts through a related activity, project, or assignment. The e-learning modules, available online through course management systems, are self-paced and targeted at conceptual learning of 18 specific entrepreneurial topics. Using a flipped-classroom instructional model, students complete the modules outside of class, typically over a set two-week period, and instructors engage the students in discussion either in-class or online and through an activity. This mode of integration enables the assessment of higher cognitive understanding of the concepts and students’ ability to apply what they learn. At present, 12 modules have been developed. In addition to the modules being integrated within the University, they have also been adopted by faculty at 42 other institutions across the country over the past three years. The broad-scale deployment has provided assessment and feedback data regarding the effectiveness of integrating the modules into existing courses using a blended approach (face-to-face and online learning). Whereas prior work relied on indirect assessment using pre/post student surveys to quantify the acquisition of knowledge from the e-learning modules and contextual activities, the current work employs student deliverables that are directly assessed by instructors. Faculty were provided assessment rubrics based on criteria aligned with the learning outcomes of the e-learning modules. Direct assessment is tangible, visible and measurable, and provides more compelling evidence of student learning. In this paper we propose an Entrepreneurial Mindset Learning Index to map and quantify the progress of students toward attaining an entrepreneurial mindset. The criteria in the assessment rubrics for the e-learning modules were mapped to the learning outcomes associated with an entrepreneurial mindset proposed by the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network’s (KEEN) framework. The KEEN framework is based on the premise that an entrepreneurial mindset is characterized by a persistent curiosity of all things, the skills to make connections between seemingly unrelated things, and an ever-present goal to create value. Through the mapping, the direct assessment results provided an indication of how well students taking courses with integrated e-learning modules achieved elements of an entrepreneurial mindset

    Assessing the Growth in Entrepreneurial Mind-set Acquired through Curricular and Extra-curricular Components

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    In an effort to develop an entrepreneurial mindset in our engineering students, the University of New Haven has adopted both curricular and extra-curricular approaches. The curricular components include: 1. Several e-Learning modules covering specific entrepreneurial concepts integrated into the regular engineering and computer science curricula. Available online, each module contains readings, short videos, and self-assessment exercises. Students complete these self-paced modules outside of the classroom over a two-week period. Instructors normally engage students on the content of the module through online or in-class discussions and in-class contextual activities. 2. An elective course on business principles and entrepreneurship that incorporates four e-learning modules. The elective extra-curricular components include: 1. A 24-Hour Imagination Quest event held twice a year. 2. A Startup Weekend event held once a year. 3. A 10-day immersive design experience held once a year. 4. Events at other universities that some students participate in. In order to measure the growth in students’ entrepreneurial mindset as a result of these curricular and extra-curricular components, a measurement instrument containing 37 items was developed. The survey was first administered to first-year students during the new student orientation in August 2014. An exploratory factor analysis was performed based on the data collected and a revised instrument with 50 items was developed subsequently. 25 items from the first version of the instrument were retained in the revised survey. Many of the first-year students who enrolled in fall 2014 graduated in May 2018 and the revised instrument was administered to them just before they left the university. We analyzed the responses of 25 students who took the surveys in 2014 and 2018 to the 25 items that were identical on both surveys. The results of the analysis indicate that the students generally achieved significant growth in their entrepreneurial mindset. The growth is more obvious in the areas addressed by the e-learning modules integrated into the curricula. This result is very encouraging and indicates that the curricular and extra-curricular components are effective in developing an entrepreneurial mindset in engineering and computer science students
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