22 research outputs found


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    The study establishes lines of direction to perform Compulsory Environmental Audit, i.e. legal requirements for rural establishments, in order to allow the application of the State Law n.º13.448/2002 currently in force in Paraná State, that determines the need to evaluate and examine, on a regular and organized basis, the legal, technical, and administrative aspects related to the activities with intensive use of pesticides capable to produce hazardous effects to the environment. It was proposed a specific methodology to conduct the environmental audit in conformity with the rural properties, which involved at first the establishment of the theoretical concepts of the environmental audit, criteria and methodologies of application, then the identification of the environmental aspects of the rural establishments, harmonizing them with the legal criteria to which the rural establishments must attend. Additionally, a specific methodology to audit these establishments for conformity is proposed. The suggested methodology was applied in three rural establishments of Paraná State to validate the lines of direction. It is concluded that the methodology developed and applied in this study enables auditing farms in order to meet the existing state law and that the environmental audit identifies and provides for its own compliance, non-conformities and opportunities for improvement in dealing with environmental issues , allowing to establish the most critical and defining the scale of priorities for resolving problems.O trabalho visou propor e validar diretrizes para realização de Auditoria Ambiental Compulsória em propriedades rurais, viabilizando a aplicação da Lei Estadual n.º 13.448/2002 vigente no estado do Paraná. Esta determina a necessidade de avaliar e examinar, de modo periódico e ordenado, os aspectos normativos, técnicos e administrativos relacionados às atividades com utilização intensiva de agrotóxicos, capazes de provocar efeitos nocivos ao meio ambiente. Foram estabelecidos os conceitos teóricos da auditoria ambiental, critérios e metodologias de aplicação; em seguida foram identificados os aspectos ambientais das propriedades rurais, sistematizando-os com os critérios legais aos quais as propriedades rurais estão sujeitas. Posteriormente, foi proposta uma metodologia específica de auditoria de conformidade para estas propriedades, tendo como hipótese o fato de que as diretrizes levantadas contribuam para a efetiva aplicação da legislação existente. A metodologia sugerida foi aplicada em três propriedades rurais representativas do Estado do Paraná, identificando-se aspectos de conformidade legal, não conformidade e oportunidade de melhorias nas questões ambientais em cada unidade auditada. Conclui-se que a metodologia desenvolvida e aplicada neste estudo possibilita auditar propriedades rurais, de modo a atender a legislação estadual vigente, e que a auditoria ambiental identifica e disponibiliza para os proprietários suas conformidades, não conformidades e possibilidades de melhorias no trato das questões ambientais, permitindo estabelecer os pontos mais críticos e definir a escala de prioridades para resolução dos problemas detectados

    A simple architecture with self-assembled monolayers to build immunosensors for detecting the pancreatic cancer biomarker CA19-9

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    Accepted ManuscriptThe challenge of the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in routine clinical practice requires low-cost means of detection, and this may be achieved with immunosensors based on electrical or electrochemical principles. In this paper, we report a potentially low-cost immunosensor built with interdigitated gold electrodes coated with a self-assembled monolayer and a layer of anti-CA19-9 antibodies, which is capable of detecting the pancreatic cancer biomarker CA19-9 using electrical impedance spectroscopy. Due to specific, irreversible adsorption of CA19-9 onto its corresponding antibody, according to data from polarization-modulated infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS), the immunosensor is highly sensitive and selective. It could detect CA19-9 in commercial samples with a limit of detection of 0.68 U mL−1, in addition to distinguishing between blood serum samples from patients with different concentrations of CA19-9. Furthermore, by treating the capacitance data with information visualization methods, we were able to verify the selectivity and robustness of the immunosensor with regard to false positives, as the samples containing higher CA19-9 concentrations, including those from tumor cells, could be distinguished from those with possible interferents.CAPES, FAPESP (Grant 2013/14262-7 and 2012/15543-7), CNPq (150985/2017-7), nBioNet network and Barretos Cancer Hospital for financial supportinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo do silicio amorfo hidrogenado (a-Si:H), aplicado a fabricação de células solares

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    Orientador: Fernando AlvarezDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb WataghinResumo: O silício amorfo hidrogenado (a-Si:H), e suas ligas tem sido largamente estudado nos últimos anos em diversos laboratórios de todo o mundo por suas propriedades únicas, tendo em vista o seu uso em dispositivos de filmes finos (transistores , "vidicon" , fotosensores, ...), e na geração de energia elétrica pelo aproveitamento da radiação solar (células fotovoltáicas). Neste trabalho vamos estudar algumas propriedades físicas básicas do a-Si:H e aplica-las no desenvolvimento das células solares, cuja estrutura básica é do tipo: Vidro/ óxido condutor/ Camada dopada-p/ Camada Intrínseca/ Camada dopada-n/ Metal. Nós também relacionamos a eficiência das células solares com as condições de deposição, tais como: Voltagem de pico a pico, potência, temperatura e polarização do substrato, fluxo dos gases e pressão. Estudamos também camadas tipo "janela" onde usamos o carbeto de silício amorfo hidrogenado (a-SiCx:H) que possui um hiato eletrônico maior. Os resultados experimentais permitiram-nos obter um conjunto de deposições para cada uma das camadas, que nos levou a fabricação de células solares com eficiência superior a 6%. Parte deste esforço permiti obter alguns resultados e interpretações importantes sobre o efeito da tensão aplicada ao substrato durante a deposição, na incorporação de impurezasAbstract: In the last ten year's considerable effort have been devoted to the study of hydrogenated amorphous silicon(a-Si:H). Its unique properties, such as deposition easiness, relative high absorption coefficient and photoconductivity made this semiconductor a good one for technological use as well as a prototype of a new kind of material for electronics applications. Some examples of technological applications are photosensors, thin film transistors, "vidicon" cameras, eletrophotographic and, up to day the more Important application, as solar energy conversion devices(solar cells). In this work some of the more important basic properties of a-SI:H are studied, namely transport properties in relation with macroscopics fabrication parameters. The experimental results were used in the fabrication of junctions, such us Boron doped a-Si:H/ intrinsic a-Si:H/ Phosphorous doped a-Si:H onto Indium-tin-oxide coated glasses. Also considerable effort was dedicated to the development of amorphous silicon carbide(non-stoichiometric) materials. A material with 2.0 eV band gap was used as the contact of the above mentioned junctions. Grater efficiency is obtained due to the better transmission characteristics of the wide band gap silicon carbide "window" layer. Complementary studies of the bias Influence on the doping efficiency of the a-Si:H and a-silicon carbide were also performed allowing us to suggest a phenomenological explanation of the microscopics reasons of such behavior. Finally, solar cells with efficiencies over 6.0% of energy conversion were obtained, confirming the good quality of the development materialMestradoFísicaMestre em Físic

    Barrier-induced carrier localization effects in ordered/disordered/ordered quaternary quantum wells grown on GaAs substrates

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    Optical and micro-structural properties of ordered/disordered/ordered InGaAsP quantum wells grown on GaAs substrates were investigated by photoluminescence spectroscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and selective area diffraction. Strong evidence of carrier localization effects was obtained from low temperature photoluminescence experiments. Photoluminescence spectra of thinner quantum wells were dominated by a broad emission band located at energies below the bandgap of the well material. The energy peak position of this emission varied considerably with the laser excitation power. Carrier localization was attributed to potential fluctuations in the barrier and well layers, as a result of two coexisting effects: Spontaneously atomic ordering and, in a minor degree, alloy inhomogeneities.We show that a reduction of the ordering degree in the bottom barrier layer resulted in a considerable decrease of localization effects in quaternary quantum well heterostructures

    Barrier-induced carrier localization effects in ordered/disordered/ordered quaternary quantum wells grown on GaAs substrates

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    Optical and micro-structural properties of ordered/disordered/ordered InGaAsP quantum wells grown on GaAs substrates were investigated by photoluminescence spectroscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and selective area diffraction. Strong evidence of carrier localization effects was obtained from low temperature photoluminescence experiments. Photoluminescence spectra of thinner quantum wells were dominated by a broad emission band located at energies below the bandgap of the well material. The energy peak position of this emission varied considerably with the laser excitation power. Carrier localization was attributed to potential fluctuations in the barrier and well layers, as a result of two coexisting effects: Spontaneously atomic ordering and, in a minor degree, alloy inhomogeneities.We show that a reduction of the ordering degree in the bottom barrier layer resulted in a considerable decrease of localization effects in quaternary quantum well heterostructures