124 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Interaktif Berbasis Android

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    The importance of mastering English for Creative Media State Polytechnic students, especially the Graphic Design study program, has an impact on the number of reference materials that students can read. This is because there are still many reading books for Graphic Design study program students written in English. However, the lack of Creative Media State Polytechnic students, especially the Graphic Design study program, who are able to master English language competence is caused by unattractive learning methods. For this reason, an interactive learning method is needed in learning English. Currently, the use of Android is no stranger to students. By developing an Android-based interactive English learning application, it is hoped that the application will be accessed by all Android users, especially the Graphic Design Study Program for Creative Media State Polytechnic Students. Kata kunci:  Interactive learning application, Android-based learnin


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    Penelitian dilaksanakan di McDonald’s SM Raja Medan yang berjumlah 1900 orang. Adapun sampel tersebut berjumlah 95 responden. Motode penelitian yang digunakan yakni dengan Teknik Pengumpulan Data melalui penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan yang dilakukan secara sistematik berdasarkan tujuan penelitian. Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk memecahkan permasalahan dan membuktikan hipotesis adalah dengan Analisis Deskriptif, Analisis Regresi. Analisis ini mencakup: Validitas dan realiabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi berganda, pengujian hipotesis melalui uji t dan f, dan analisis koefisien determinasi (R2). Dari analisis tersebut diperoleh analisis regresi: Y = -6.236 +0.502x1 + 0.186x2 + 0.870x3 + e Hasil uji regresi R2 menunjukkan bahwa 79,8% faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan memilih makanan cepat saji dapat dijelaskan oleh Aktifitas, Minat, dan Pendapat konsumen sedangkan sisanya 19,6% dijelaskan oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Hasil uji F menunjukkan bahwa f hitung sebesar 124.469>2.70. yang berarti variabel bebas Aktifitas, Minat, dan Pendapat konsumen  secara serempak (simultan) berpengaruh terhadap variabel terikat keputusan memilih makanan cepat saji. Sedangkan uji t menunjukkan bahwa variabel aktifitas berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan memilih makanan cepat saji memilih McDonald’s SM Raja Medan dimana t hitung > t tabel, (3.782 > 1.9858)  ini berarti bahwa H1 dapat diterima dan terdapat hubungan antara aktifitas terhadap keputusan memilih makanan cepat saji memilih McDonald’s SM Raja Medan. Untuk variabel Interest berpengaruh dan  t hitung > t tabel, (2.756 > 1.9858) ini berarti bahwa H2 diterima dan signifikan hubungan antara interest terhadap keputusan memilih makanan cepat saji memilih McDonald’s SM Raja Medan. Untuk variabel pendapat konsumen berpengaruh dan  t hitung > t tabel, (8.227 < 1.9858) ini berarti bahwa H3 diterima dan signifikan hubungan antara pendapat konsumen terhadap keputusan memilih makanan cepat saji memilih McDonald’s SM Raja Meda

    Study Of Deformation And Crack Propagation On Component During Reflow Soldering Process

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    A typical element found in electronic assemblies and devices is the multi-layered ceramic capacitor (MLCC). However, MLCC mechanical defects such as voiding, cracking, and delamination would significantly reduce the device's usefulness, dependability, and longevity. This mechanical defect is one of the significant factors that will develop in the surface mount of the multi-layered ceramic capacitor, especially the layer between the two different materials that are mounted together. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to study the crack propagation that will be found in the boundary of the copper and copper-epoxy layers of the multi-layered ceramic capacitor during the reflow soldering process. The numerical simulation method for the thermal reflow process of the MLCC model and the crack propagation from the initial micro voids due to the high moisture contamination on that layer was approached. Besides, the temperature flow and the moisture contamination on the copper and copper-epoxy layers were examined during the simulation for the causes of the crack propagation on the MLCC. From the results of the simulation conducted, the crack propagation in between the copper and copper-epoxy layers was caused by the thermal mismatch and propagation growth of micro voids during the reflow soldering process. As a result of the high pressure of vapour absorbed in the gap between the copper and copper-epoxy layer, it will have a greater capacity to absorb moisture and cause crack delamination, resulting in the higher temperatures required to commence the crack at 270 °C during the reflow process. At 284.2 (mg/mm3), the concentration is at its highest. Because of this, a multi-layered ceramic capacitor results in a 0.077218 mm deformation between copper and copper-epoxy. Higher vicinity stress, mode I stress intensity factor, and crack elongation rate would result from this greater void. The main reason for the temperature reflows that is related to the fracture propagation problems in capacitors has been identified, and workable solutions have thus been suggested. This would help the end-users by enhancing the performance and dependability of the electronic equipment, as well as minimizing the additional manufacturing costs and lead times required in locating and resolving the problems

    Road accident risk perception among police officers

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    Police job is regarded as one of the riskiest profession with high likelihood to experience physical harm while on duty. Amongst the greatest safety and health hazards towards them are road accidents that may cause injuries and deaths. The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences and relationship level on road accident risk perception among police officers as dependent variable with independent variables which are demographic characteristics, driving attitudes toward safe driving and link between management commitment on vehicle safety. The research method is quantitative analysis and adopting cross-sectional survey in data gathering. Primary data generated from the questionnaire choose as a data collection which consist of 25 questions. Random sampling method used in collecting data involving police officers around Klang Valley area. SPSS version 25.0 was used for quantitative analysis and the findings shows driving attitudes toward safe driving and management commitment on vehicle safety influences road accident risk perception

    On the catalytic behavior of copper toward oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline solution

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    The kinetic and mechanistic aspects of the oxygen reduction reaction as well as the electrocatalytic effect of copper surface in alkaline solution were studied by cyclic voltammetry and rotating disk electrode technique. In the potential range of -0.4 to -1.4 V/SCE time dependent cathodic peaks at -0.9 V/SCE, -1.2 V/SCE and plateau extending through this domain were observed. Direct reduction of oxygen along with the dominating reduction of copper oxides which formed during time delay at open circuit potential is discussed in the light of electrochemical techniques. The number of electrons transferred per O2 molecule (n) obtained on different copper surface is close to 4 on oxide free surface and gradually decreases to 2 when the oxide layers cover the copper surface. Moreover calculation of rate constant of oxygen reduction on copper surface, demonstrated a faster kinetic of reaction on oxide free surface of copper. Tearing down and building up of the surface causing increased surface area is also observed

    “DVT” of the Heart A “Novel” Treatment for an Old Problem

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    Elective surgery system strengthening: development, measurement, and validation of the surgical preparedness index across 1632 hospitals in 119 countries

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    Background The 2015 Lancet Commission on global surgery identified surgery and anaesthesia as indispensable parts of holistic health-care systems. However, COVID-19 exposed the fragility of planned surgical services around the world, which have also been neglected in pandemic recovery planning. This study aimed to develop and validate a novel index to support local elective surgical system strengthening and address growing backlogs. Methods First, we performed an international consultation through a four-stage consensus process to develop a multidomain index for hospital-level assessment (surgical preparedness index; SPI). Second, we measured surgical preparedness across a global network of hospitals in high-income countries (HICs), middle-income countries (MICs), and low-income countries (LICs) to explore the distribution of the SPI at national, subnational, and hospital levels. Finally, using COVID-19 as an example of an external system shock, we compared hospitals' SPI to their planned surgical volume ratio (SVR; ie, operations for which the decision for surgery was made before hospital admission), calculated as the ratio of the observed surgical volume over a 1-month assessment period between June 6 and Aug 5, 2021, against the expected surgical volume based on hospital administrative data from the same period in 2019 (ie, a pre-pandemic baseline). A linear mixed-effects regression model was used to determine the effect of increasing SPI score. Findings In the first phase, from a longlist of 103 candidate indicators, 23 were prioritised as core indicators of elective surgical system preparedness by 69 clinicians (23 [33%] women; 46 [67%] men; 41 from HICs, 22 from MICs, and six from LICs) from 32 countries. The multidomain SPI included 11 indicators on facilities and consumables, two on staffing, two on prioritisation, and eight on systems. Hospitals were scored from 23 (least prepared) to 115 points (most prepared). In the second phase, surgical preparedness was measured in 1632 hospitals by 4714 clinicians from 119 countries. 745 (45·6%) of 1632 hospitals were in MICs or LICs. The mean SPI score was 84·5 (95% CI 84·1–84·9), which varied between HIC (88·5 [89·0–88·0]), MIC (81·8 [82·5–81·1]), and LIC (66·8 [64·9–68·7]) settings. In the third phase, 1217 (74·6%) hospitals did not maintain their expected SVR during the COVID-19 pandemic, of which 625 (51·4%) were from HIC, 538 (44·2%) from MIC, and 54 (4·4%) from LIC settings. In the mixed-effects model, a 10-point increase in SPI corresponded to a 3·6% (95% CI 3·0–4·1; p<0·0001) increase in SVR. This was consistent in HIC (4·8% [4·1–5·5]; p<0·0001), MIC (2·8 [2·0–3·7]; p<0·0001), and LIC (3·8 [1·3–6·7%]; p<0·0001) settings. Interpretation The SPI contains 23 indicators that are globally applicable, relevant across different system stressors, vary at a subnational level, and are collectable by front-line teams. In the case study of COVID-19, a higher SPI was associated with an increased planned surgical volume ratio independent of country income status, COVID-19 burden, and hospital type. Hospitals should perform annual self-assessment of their surgical preparedness to identify areas that can be improved, create resilience in local surgical systems, and upscale capacity to address elective surgery backlogs

    Age- and sex-related changes in fasting plasma glucose and lipoprotein in cynomolgus monkeys

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    BACKGROUND: The age-related dysfunction of glucose and lipid metabolism has a long-standing relationship with cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disease. However, the effects of metabolic dysfunction on men and women are different. Reasons for these sex differences remains unclear. Cynomolgus monkeys have been used, in the past, for the study of human metabolic diseases due to their biologically proximity to humans. Nevertheless, few studies to date have focused on both age- and sex-related differences in glucose and lipid metabolism. The present study was designed to specifically address these questions by using a large cohort of cynomolgus monkeys (N = 1,399) including 433 males and 966 females with ages ranging 4 to 24 years old. METHODS: Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and lipid parameters including total cholesterol (T-Cho), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were measured. All these parameters were compared between ages and sexes. RESULTS: Among the entire cohort, age was strongly correlated with levels of FPG, TG and HDL. Consequently, sex-related analysis revealed that females had significantly higher average levels of FPG, T-Cho, TG, HDL-C and LDL-C than their male counterparts. In addition, more female (28.5 %) than male (16 %) monkeys qualified for impaired fasting plasma glucose (IFPG). In those IFPG animals, sex-related differences were also detected i.e. females had significantly increased levels of T-Cho, TG and LDL-C. CONCLUSIONS: The result, for the first time, demonstrated the similarities and differences in detail between male and female cynomolgus monkeys in relationship to age-related glucose and lipoprotein metabolisms, and differences under various physiological conditions. The detailed glucose and lipoprotein profiling should provide additional and important insights for prediabetic conditions. Cynomolgus monkeys appear to be an excellent model for translational research of diabetes and for novel therapeutic strategies testing to overt diabetes


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