80 research outputs found

    A practical scheme for error control using feedback

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    We describe a scheme for quantum error correction that employs feedback and weak measurement rather than the standard tools of projective measurement and fast controlled unitary gates. The advantage of this scheme over previous protocols (for example Ahn et. al, PRA, 65, 042301 (2001)), is that it requires little side processing while remaining robust to measurement inefficiency, and is therefore considerably more practical. We evaluate the performance of our scheme by simulating the correction of bit-flips. We also consider implementation in a solid-state quantum computation architecture and estimate the maximal error rate which could be corrected with current technology.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Minor typographic change

    Some Ecological Considerations on the Use of Sago as Food in Indonesia

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    Di negara-negara yang sedang berkembang seperti Indonesia, sagu asal pohon sagu, sebagai bahan makanan pokok sehari-hari hanya cocok dalam lingkungan alamiahnya yang khas. Berbeda dengan padi-padian (serealia seperti beras, jagung, gandum), sagu asal pohon sagu praktis tidak mengandung protein, tapi terutama hanya karbohidrat saja dalam bentuk pati. Walaupun sagu tidak mengandung protein, keadaan gizi si pemakan sagu alamiah ("natural sago-eater") tidak jelek, lingkungan alam di mana si pemakan sagu hidup dan pohon sagu tumbuh secara alamiah, terdiri dari rawa-rawa dan sungai yang sangat kaya akan ikan. Keperluan tubuh sehari-hari akan protein dari si pemakan sagu dapat dipenuhi seluruhnya dengan protein ikan yang mempunyai nilai biologik tinggi. Di samping itu, untuk penduduk yang jumlahnya memang terbatas (kecil), persediaan sa­gu selalu ada cukup untuk memenuhi keperluan tubuh sehari-hari akan enersi. Seandainya penduduk pulau Jawa harus mengganti makanan pokok padi-padian atau serealia se­perti beras atau jagung, untuk suatu jangka waktu yang cukup lama, dengan bahan makanan sagu asal pohon sagu, diduga akan terjadi suatu penderitaan kekurangan protein. Karena di pulau Jawa sumber protein yang akan menjamin kecukupan protein sehari-hari, tidak tersedia dalam jumlah cukup diban­ding dengan jumlah penduduk. Untuk penduduk pulau Jawa, sagu akan sangat berguna hanya sebagai sumber enersi tambahan saja (energy expander). Karena sagu dalam bentuk lempeng dapat disimpan lama, maka sagu lempeng dapat dipertimbang­kan sebagai makanan darurat (emergency food) dalam keadaan musibah atau bencana alam

    Spectrum of qubit oscillations from Bloch equations

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    We have developed a formalism suitable for calculation of the output spectrum of a detector continuously measuring quantum coherent oscillations in a solid-state qubit, starting from microscopic Bloch equations. The results coincide with that obtained using Bayesian and master equation approaches. The previous results are generalized to the cases of arbitrary detector response and finite detector temperature.Comment: 8 page

    Nanomechanical-resonator-assisted induced transparency in a Cooper-pair-box system

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    We propose a scheme to demonstrate the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in a system of a superconducting Cooper-pair box coupled to a nanomechanical resonator. In this scheme, the nanomechanical resonator plays an important role to contribute additional auxiliary energy levels to the Cooper-pair box so that the EIT phenomenon could be realized in such a system. We call it here resonator-assisted induced transparency (RAIT). This RAIT technique provides a detection scheme in a real experiment to measure physical properties, such as the vibration frequency and the decay rate, of the coupled nanomechanical resonator.Comment: To appear in New Journal of Physics: Special Issue "Mechanical Systems at the Quantum Limit

    Measurement of Two-Qubit States by a Two-Island Single Electron Transistor

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    We solve the master equations of two charged qubits measured by a single-electron transistor (SET) consisted of two islands. We show that in the sequential tunneling regime the SET current can be used for reading out results of quantum calculations and providing evidences of two-qubit entanglement, especially when the interaction between the two qubits is weak

    Quantum feedback control of a solid-state qubit

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    We have studied theoretically the basic operation of a quantum feedback loop designed to maintain a desired phase of quantum coherent oscillations in a single solid-state qubit. The degree of oscillations synchronization with external harmonic signal is calculated as a function of feedback strength, taking into account available bandwidth and coupling to environment. The feedback can efficiently suppress the dephasing of oscillations if the qubit coupling to the detector is stronger than coupling to environment.Comment: Extended version of cond-mat/0107280 (5 pages, 5 figures); to be published in PRB (RC

    Nonideal quantum detectors in Bayesian formalism

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    The Bayesian formalism for a continuous measurement of solid-state qubits is derived for a model which takes into account several factors of the detector nonideality. In particular, we consider additional classical output and backaction noises (with finite correlation), together with quantum-limited output and backaction noises, and take into account possible asymmetry of the detector coupling. The formalism is first derived for a single qubit and then generalized to the measurement of entangled qubits.Comment: 10 page

    Fast Non-Adiabatic Two Qubit Gates for the Kane Quantum Computer

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    In this paper we apply the canonical decomposition of two qubit unitaries to find pulse schemes to control the proposed Kane quantum computer. We explicitly find pulse sequences for the CNOT, swap, square root of swap and controlled Z rotations. We analyze the speed and fidelity of these gates, both of which compare favorably to existing schemes. The pulse sequences presented in this paper are theoretically faster, higher fidelity, and simpler than existing schemes. Any two qubit gate may be easily found and implemented using similar pulse sequences. Numerical simulation is used to verify the accuracy of each pulse scheme

    Entanglement of solid-state qubits by measurement

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    We show that two identical solid-state qubits can be made fully entangled (starting from completely mixed state) with probability 1/4 just measuring them by a detector, equally coupled to the qubits. This happens in the case of repeated strong (projective) measurements as well as in a more realistic case of weak continuous measurement. In the latter case the entangled state can be identified by a flat spectrum of the detector shot noise, while the non-entangled state (probability 3/4) leads to a spectral peak at the Rabi frequency with the maximum peak-to-pedestal ratio of 32/3.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
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