13 research outputs found

    Study on international cooperation in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions

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    The objective of this study is to provide a clear view and comprehensive analysis of the structure and results of third countries’ involvement in the MSCA under FP7 and Horizon 2020, covering both inward and outward mobility of researcher. The study also addresses the impacts of international cooperation in the MSCA under Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) and the predecessor programme (Marie Curie Actions) under the FP7 People Specific Programme (2007-2013). The findings of the study are expected to feed into the final evaluation of H2020, but in particular into the preparation for the future international dimension of the MSCA under Horizon Europe. Before this study, only anecdotal evidence was available for understanding the reasons and factors influencing the involvement of third countries in the MSCA. In addition, there was no comprehensive qualitative or quantitative assessment, which would allow an informed decision to be taken as to which cooperation should be reinforced to ensure more effective brain circulation. This study provides the first in-depth analysis by taking stock of the structure and impacts of international cooperation within the MSCA. The outcomes of the study and its recommendations will allow the European Commission to better decide on the focus, funding streams and rules regarding third country involvement in the MSCA. Furthermore, the research conducted will help to look beyond the MSCA and embed the MSCA in the wider context of European R&I international cooperation policies. The study concludes that the programme is and will remain bottom-up, but at the same time efforts should be made to better align it with the EU external policy objectives, given its strong international dimension and the growing role of science diplomacy in foreign policies and strategies. As an overarching line of action, the study therefore recommends that MSCA cooperation issues be systematically addressed during formal S&T policy dialogues held with national authorities from third countries or regional fora, and that the results of these discussions be reflected in corresponding bilateral and regional cooperation roadmaps. The study provides 13 detailed recommendations that should be implemented as part of this overarching framework

    LeverAge: a European network to leverage the multi-age workforce

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    Bringing together 150+ scholars and practitioners from 50+ countries, and funded by the European Commission, COST Action LeverAge (https:// www.cost.eu/actions/CA22120/) is the first network-building project of its kind in the work and organizational psychology and human resource management (WOP/HRM) aspects of work and aging. Focused on the aging workforce, the Action aims to foster interdisciplinary and multinational scientific excellence and the translation of science to practical and societal impact across 4 years. Based on a research synthesis, we identify five broad research directions for work and aging science including work and organizational practices for a multi-age workforce, successful aging at work, the integration of age-diverse workers and knowledge transfer, aging and technology at work, and career development in later life and retirement. We provide key research questions to guide scientific inquiry along these five research directions alongside best practice recommendations to expand scholarly impact in WOP/HRM

    Health-related quality of life and mood characteristics in general population

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    Special Issue: "Health promotion interventions" : 25th conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Crete, Greece, 20-24 September 2011Health-related quality of life (QoL) as measured by the WHOQoL-100 is related to syndrome of clinical depression. The aim of this research was to investigate whether QoL correlates with intensity of specific mood characteristics (sadness and lack of energy) in general population. Methods: Statistical analysis was applied to data of 3600 participants of the QoL study Kaunas region (Lithuania). Participants of this study have completed WHOQoL-100 questionnaire and items reflecting intensity of sadness and lack of energy. Findings: Average scores of all 24 scales and 6 domains of QoL-100 in both male and female were lowered significantly ( p50.05) in subgroups with increasing intensity of sadness and lack of energy. Discussion: The changes in normal mood spectrum have similar impact on QoL as it is reported in depressive patients. Conclusion: Health-related QoL as measured by WHOQoL-100 is related to mood characteristics in general populationPsichologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta


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    Tyrimas atliktas 2017 m. Tyrime dalyvavo 9 Kauno miesto pirminės asmens sveikatos priežiūros centrai. Anoniminės anketos apklausos būdu atsitiktinai apklausti 18 metų ir vyresni 374 pacientai (265 moterys ir 109 vyrai), besikreipiantys į šeimos gydytoją. Tyrimui atrinkti asmenys suskirstyti į 2 grupes pagal gydymo įstaigą: besigydantys viešosiose (194 asmenys) ir privačiose (182 asmenys) pirminės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose. Nustatyti ir palyginti duomenys apie dabartinę gydymo įstaigą, jos pasirinkimo, keitimo motyvai. Duomenų statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant statistinių programų paketą (SPSS Version 24.0 for Windows) ir MS Excel. Skirtumas tarp grupių vertintas taikant χ2 testą. Skirtumas laikytas statistiškai reikšmingu, kai p<0,05. Dažniausi pirminės asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos pasirinkimo motyvai privačiose ir viešose gydymo įstaigose – patogumas atvykti (65,2 proc.), kokybiškos paslaugos (39,8 proc.) ir malonus personalas (21,7 proc.). Didžioji dauguma (77,3 proc.) rekomenduotų jų lankomą gydymo įstaigą savo artimiesiems, draugams. Dažniausi pirminės asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos pasirinkimo motyvai buvo patogumas atvykti, kokybiškos paslaugos ir malonus personalas. Dauguma rekomenduotų savo gydymo įstaigą artimiesiems, draugams.Objective. To evaluate factors that determine the choice of pirmary heatlh care institution in Kaunas. Research method. The research was done during the year of 2017 by anonymous questionnaire 374 randomly selected patients over the age of 18 (265 women and 109 men) were questioned, who applied to family doctor. The selected patients for the research were divided into two groups based on a health care institution: patients who attend public (194 individuals) and private (182 individuals) primary health care centres. Patients attitude to choice of certain primary health care institution, its determinational factors, replacement motives were analyzed and compared. The data analysis was performed using a statistical program package (SPSS Version 24.0 for Windows). The differences between the groups were evaluated using χ2 test. The disparity is considered statistically significant, when p<0.05. Results. The most common factors for choosing a certain primary health care institution were convenience – close to the residence (65.2%), high quality of services (39.8 %) and friendly personnel (21.7%). The majority (77.3%) of respondents would recommend their primary health care institution to relatives and friends. Conclucions. The most common criteria for selecting a certain primary health care institution were convenience (close to the residence), high quality of services and friendly personnel. The majority of respondents would recommend their primary health care institution to relatives and friends