11 research outputs found

    Deciphering CHFR role in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Checkpoint with forkhead-associated and ring finger domains (CHFR) has been proposed as a predictive and prognosis biomarker for different tumor types, but its role in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) remains unknown. The aim of this study was two-pronged: to review the role of CHFR in PDAC and evaluating CHFR as a potential predictive biomarker in this disease. For this purpose, we first explored the CHFR messenger (m)RNA expression and promoter methylation through the TCGA database. Secondly, the CHFR expression and promoter methylation were prospectively evaluated in a cohort of patients diagnosed with borderline (n = 19) or resectable (n = 16) PDAC by immunohistochemistry (IHC), methylation specific-PCR (MSP), and pyrosequencing. The results from the TCGA database showed significant differences in terms of progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) based on the CHFR mRNA expression, which was likely independent from the promoter methylation. Importantly, our results showed that in primarily resected patients and also the entire cohort, a higher CHFR expression as indicated by the higher IHC staining intensity might identify patients with longer disease-free survival (DFS) and OS, respectively. Similarly, in the same cohorts, patients with lower methylation levels by pyrosequencing showed significantly longer OS than patients without this pattern. Both, the CHFR expression intensity and its promoter methylation were established as independent prognostic factors for PFS and OS in the entire cohort. In contrast, no significant differences were found between different methylation patterns for CHFR and the response to taxane-based neoadjuvant treatment. These results suggest the potential role of the higher expression of CHFR and the methylation pattern of its promoter as potential prognostic biomarkers in PDAC, thus warranting further comprehensive studies to extend and confirm our preliminary findings.This work was funded by grants from the Department of Health from the Government of Navarra (Ref. 008-2018), REFBIO II Pyrenees Biomedical Network from Programa INTERREG V-A España-Francia-Andorra (Ref. BMK_PANC) and Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) to AV. IG-B was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Department of Economic Development Government of Navarre Ayudas para la contratación de doctorandos y doctorandas por empresas y organismos de investigación y difusión de conocimientos: doctorados industriales 2018–2020. Intensification Programme Navarrabiomed 2017-2021 Obra Social La Caixa Fundación Caja Navarra. This work has also been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy [MINECO; BFU2016-80360-R (to JC)] and the Ministry of Science and Innovation [MICINN; PID2019-105201RB-I00 (to JC)]. Instituto de Salud Carlos III, co-funded by European Union (ERDF/ESF, Investing in your future) [Predoctoral contract FI17/00282 (to EA-P)]. Junta de Andalucía (BIO-0139); GETNE2016 and GETNE2019 Research grants (to JC); and CIBERobn

    Cytokines and lymphoid populations as potential biomarkers in locally and borderline pancreatic adenocarcinoma

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    Despite its relative low incidence, PDAC is one of the most aggressive and lethal types of cancer, being currently the seventh leading cause of cancer death worldwide, with a 5-year survival rate of 10.8%. Taking into consideration the necessity to improve the prognosis of these patients, this research has been focused on the discovery of new biomarkers. For this purpose, patients with BL and resectable disease were recruited. Serum cytokines and growth factors were monitored at different time points using protein arrays. Immune cell populations were determined by flow cytometry in peripheral blood as well as by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in tumor tissues. Several cytokines were found to be differentially expressed between the study subgroups. In the BL disease setting, two different scores were proven to be independent prognostic factors for progression-free survival (PFS) (based on IL-10, MDC, MIF, and eotaxin-3) and OS (based on eotaxin-3, NT-3, FGF-9, and IP10). In the same context, CA19-9 was found to play a role as independent prognostic factor for OS. Eotaxin-3 and MDC cytokines for PFS, and eotaxin-3, NT-3, and CKβ8-1 for OS, were shown to be predictive biomarkers for nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine regimen. Similarly, oncostatin, BDNF, and IP10 cytokines were proven to act as predictive biomarkers regarding PFS, for FOLFIRINOX regimen. In the resectable cohort, RANTES, TIMP-1, FGF-4, and IL-10 individually differentiated patients according to their cancer-associated survival. Regarding immune cell populations, baseline high levels of circulating B lymphocytes were related to a significantly longer OS, while these levels significantly decreased as progression occurred. Similarly, baseline high levels of helper lymphocytes (CD4+), low levels of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CD8+), and a high CD4/CD8 ratio, were related to a significantly longer PFS. Finally, high levels of CD4+ and CD8+ intratumoural infiltration was associated with significantly longer PFS. In conclusion, in this study we were able to identify several prognostic and predictive biomarker candidates in patients diagnosed of resectable or BL PDAC.This work was funded by grants from the Department of Health from the Government of Navarra (Ref. 008-2018), REFBIO II Pyrenees Biomedical Network from Programa INTERREG V-A España-Francia-Andorra (Ref. BMK_PANC) and Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) to A.V. I.G.B was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Department of Economic Development Government of Navarre Ayudas para la contratación de doctorandos y doctorandas por empresas y organismos de investigación y difusión de conocimientos: doctorados industriales 2018–2020. Intensification Programme Navarrabiomed 2017–2021 Obra Social La Caixa Fundación Caja Navarra. Work by JPC received funds from Spanish Ministry of Economy (MINECO; BFU2016–80360-R) and Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN; PID2019-105201RB-I00), Junta de Andalucía (BIO- 0139), Universidad de Córdoba-FEDER (UCO-202099901918904), GETNE2019 Research grant; and CIBERobn Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBER is an initiative of Instituto de Salud Carlos III, co-funded by European Union: ERDF/ESF, “Investing in your future”). EAP was funded by a Predoctoral contract FI17/00282 Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    Omics approaches in pancreatic adenocarcinoma

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, which represents 80% of pancreatic cancers, is mainly diagnosed when treatment with curative intent is not possible. Consequently, the overall five-year survival rate is extremely dismal—around 5% to 7%. In addition, pancreatic cancer is expected to become the second leading cause of cancer-related death by 2030. Therefore, advances in screening, prevention and treatment are urgently needed. Fortunately, a wide range of approaches could help shed light in this area. Beyond the use of cytological or histological samples focusing in diagnosis, a plethora of new approaches are currently being used for a deeper characterization of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, including genetic, epigenetic, and/or proteo-transcriptomic techniques. Accordingly, the development of new analytical technologies using body fluids (blood, bile, urine, etc.) to analyze tumor derived molecules has become a priority in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma due to the hard accessibility to tumor samples. These types of technologies will lead us to improve the outcome of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients

    Splicing regulator SLU7 is essential for maintaining liver homeostasis

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    A precise equilibrium between cellular differentiation and proliferation is fundamental for tissue homeostasis. Maintaining this balance is particularly important for the liver, a highly differentiated organ with systemic metabolic functions that is endowed with unparalleled regenerative potential. Carcinogenesis in the liver develops as the result of hepatocellular de-differentiation and uncontrolled proliferation. Here, we identified SLU7, which encodes a pre-mRNA splicing regulator that is inhibited in hepatocarcinoma, as a pivotal gene for hepatocellular homeostasis. SLU7 knockdown in human liver cells and mouse liver resulted in profound changes in pre-mRNA splicing and gene expression, leading to impaired glucose and lipid metabolism, refractoriness to key metabolic hormones, and reversion to a fetal-like gene expression pattern. Additionally, loss of SLU7 also increased hepatocellular proliferation and induced a switch to a tumor-like glycolytic phenotype. Slu7 governed the splicing and/or expression of multiple genes essential for hepatocellular differentiation, including serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 3 (Srsf3) and hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (Hnf4α), and was critical for cAMP-regulated gene transcription. Together, out data indicate that SLU7 is central regulator of hepatocyte identity and quiescence

    Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Crosstalks in Liver Cancer

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    Hepatocarcinogenesis is a complex multistep process in which many different molecular pathways have been implicated. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is refractory to conventional chemotherapeutic agents, and the new targeted therapies are meeting with limited success. Interreceptor crosstalk and the positive feedback between different signaling systems are emerging as mechanisms of targeted therapy resistance. The identification of such interactions is therefore of particular relevance to improve therapeutic efficacy. Among the different signaling pathways activated in hepatocarcinogenesis the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) system plays a prominent role, being recognized as a “signaling hub” where different extracellular growth and survival signals converge. EGFR can be transactivated in response to multiple heterologous ligands through the physical interaction with multiple receptors, the activity of intracellular kinases or the shedding of EGFR-ligands. In this article we review the crosstalk between the EGFR and other signaling pathways that could be relevant to liver cancer development and treatment

    Cytokines and Lymphoid Populations as Potential Biomarkers in Locally and Borderline Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma

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    Despite its relative low incidence, PDAC is one of the most aggressive and lethal types of cancer, being currently the seventh leading cause of cancer death worldwide, with a 5-year survival rate of 10.8%. Taking into consideration the necessity to improve the prognosis of these patients, this research has been focused on the discovery of new biomarkers. For this purpose, patients with BL and resectable disease were recruited. Serum cytokines and growth factors were monitored at different time points using protein arrays. Immune cell populations were determined by flow cytometry in peripheral blood as well as by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in tumor tissues. Several cytokines were found to be differentially expressed between the study subgroups. In the BL disease setting, two different scores were proven to be independent prognostic factors for progression-free survival (PFS) (based on IL-10, MDC, MIF, and eotaxin-3) and OS (based on eotaxin-3, NT-3, FGF-9, and IP10). In the same context, CA19-9 was found to play a role as independent prognostic factor for OS. Eotaxin-3 and MDC cytokines for PFS, and eotaxin-3, NT-3, and CKβ8-1 for OS, were shown to be predictive biomarkers for nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine regimen. Similarly, oncostatin, BDNF, and IP10 cytokines were proven to act as predictive biomarkers regarding PFS, for FOLFIRINOX regimen. In the resectable cohort, RANTES, TIMP-1, FGF-4, and IL-10 individually differentiated patients according to their cancer-associated survival. Regarding immune cell populations, baseline high levels of circulating B lymphocytes were related to a significantly longer OS, while these levels significantly decreased as progression occurred. Similarly, baseline high levels of helper lymphocytes (CD4+), low levels of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CD8+), and a high CD4/CD8 ratio, were related to a significantly longer PFS. Finally, high levels of CD4+ and CD8+ intratumoural infiltration was associated with significantly longer PFS. In conclusion, in this study we were able to identify several prognostic and predictive biomarker candidates in patients diagnosed of resectable or BL PDAC