16 research outputs found


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    Nos encontramos ante unos retos globales de nuevas dimensiones, la mayoría relacionados entre sí y recogidos en gran parte en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas. Para contribuir a la consecución de la Agenda 2030, el conocimiento es uno de los elementos clave. Las universidades desempeñan un papel primordial a la hora de contribuir al desarrollo sostenible. Sin embargo, actualmente nos encontramos con diferentes obstáculos que impiden sumar y compartir conocimiento con eficiencia y eficacia. Ante este contexto, también las universidades tienen que cambiar y replantearse su papel en la sociedad. En la UOC apostamos por que esta transformación implique convertirnos en nodos de conocimiento. Para ello hemos puesto en marcha el Plan de acción de Conocimiento Abierto que presentamos y analizamos en este artículo. We are faced with global challenges of new dimensions, most of which are interrelated. The majority are included in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Knowledge is one of the key elements for achieving the 2030 Agenda. Universities play a vital role in contributing to sustainable development. However, we are currently faced with obstacles that prevent us from adding and sharing our knowledge efficiently and effectively. In this context, universities must change and reconsider their role in society. At the UOC, we are committed to transformation through becoming a knowledge hub. For that reason, we kicked of an Open Knowledge Action Plan which we present and analyse in this article

    la apuesta por un cambio cultural de la Universidad

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    Nos encontramos ante unos retos globales de nuevas dimensiones, la mayoría relacionados entre sí y recogidos en gran parte en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas. Para contribuir a la consecución de la Agenda 2030, el conocimiento es uno de los elementos clave. Las universidades desempeñan un papel primordial a la hora de contribuir al desarrollo sostenible. Sin embargo, actualmente nos encontramos con diferentes obstáculos que impiden sumar y compartir conocimiento con eficiencia y eficacia. Ante este contexto, también las universidades tienen que cambiar y replantearse su papel en la sociedad. En la UOC apostamos por que esta transformación implique convertirnos en nodos de conocimiento. Para ello hemos puesto en marcha el Plan de acción de Conocimiento Abierto que presentamos y analizamos en este artículoWe are faced with global challenges of new dimensions, most of which are interrelated. The majority are included in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Knowledge is one of the key elements for achieving the 2030 Agenda. Universities play a vital role in contributing to sustainable development. However, we are currently faced with obstacles that prevent us from adding and sharing our knowledge efficiently and effectively. In this context, universities must change and reconsider their role in society. At the UOC, we are committed to transformation through becoming a knowledge hub. For that reason, we kicked of an Open Knowledge Action Plan which we present and analyse in this article

    From distance universities to universities without distance: engagement and social commitment at UOC

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    Presentació exposada a la Higher Education Partnerships for Social Impact IAU 2018 International Conference, celebrada a Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, els dies 13 - 15 de novembre de 2018.Presentación expuesta a la Higher Education Partnerships for Social Impact IAU 2018 International Conference, celebrada en Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, los días 13 - 15 de noviembre de 2018.Conference presented to the Higher Education Partnerships for Social Impact IAU 2018 International Conference, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on November 13 - 15, 2018

    From distance universities to universities without distance: engagement and social commitment at UOC

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    Presentació exposada a la Higher Education Partnerships for Social Impact IAU 2018 International Conference, celebrada a Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, els dies 13 - 15 de novembre de 2018.Presentación expuesta a la Higher Education Partnerships for Social Impact IAU 2018 International Conference, celebrada en Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, los días 13 - 15 de noviembre de 2018.Conference presented to the Higher Education Partnerships for Social Impact IAU 2018 International Conference, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on November 13 - 15, 2018

    Participatory Final Projects - educating for global citizenship. An approach to knowledge co-creation integration into curricula

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    At UOC we critically engage with the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals which are embedded in our Strategic Plan. As SDG 4 proposes, we strive for educating global citizens. At the same time and in the framework of our Open Knowledge Action Plan we wish to convert our institution in a more porous university with stronger relationships with society. To contribute to both these goals we set up a pilot project called "Participatory Final Works" which offers students the opportunity to realise their thesis together with a civil society organisation on real social challenges. Presentation of the project at the ICDE Lilelonglearning Summit which took place in Lillehammer, Norway from 11 to 13 February 2019.https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/events/552/programme-builder/view/sort/presenter?view=publishe

    Taking stock: results of the Open Knowlegde Action Plan (2018 - 2020)

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    Infographics about Taking stock: results of the UOC Open Knowlegde Action Plan (2018 - 2020).Infografia sobre el Balanç del Pla de Coneixement Obert de la UOC (2018-2020).Infografia sobre el Balance del Plan de Conocimiento Abierto de la UOC (2018-2020)

    UOC: an online university engaged with sustainable development taking the lead on SDG 3

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    The UOC's open knowledge action plan: a commitment to cultural change in universities

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    Nos encontramos ante unos retos globales de nuevas dimensiones, la mayoría relacionados entre sí y recogidos en gran parte en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas. Para contribuir a la consecución de la Agenda 2030, el conocimiento es uno de los elementos clave. Las universidades desempeñan un papel primordial a la hora de contribuir al desarrollo sostenible. Sin embargo, actualmente nos encontramos con diferentes obstáculos que impiden sumar y compartir conocimiento con eficiencia y eficacia. Ante este contexto, también las universidades tienen que cambiar y replantearse su papel en la sociedad. En la UOC apostamos por que esta transformación implique convertirnos en nodos de conocimiento. Para ello hemos puesto en marcha el Plan de acción de Conocimiento Abierto que presentamos y analizamos en este artículo.We are faced with global challenges of new dimensions, most of which are interrelated. The majority are included in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Knowledge is one of the key elements for achieving the 2030 Agenda. Universities play a vital role in contributing to sustainable development. However, we are currently faced with obstacles that prevent us from adding and sharing our knowledge efficiently and effectively. In this context, universities must change and reconsider their role in society. At the UOC, we are committed to transformation through becoming a knowledge hub. For that reason, we kicked of an Open Knowledge Action Plan which we present and analyse in this article.Ens trobem davant d'uns reptes globals de noves dimensions, la majoria relacionats entre si i recollits en gran part a l'Agenda 2030 per al Desenvolupament Sostenible de les Nacions Unides. Per contribuir a la consecució de l'Agenda 2030, el coneixement és un dels elements clau. Les universitats desenvolupen un paper primordial a l'hora de contribuir al desenvolupament sostenible. Tot i així, actualment ens trobem amb diversos obstacles que impedeixen sumar i compartir coneixement amb eficiència i eficàcia. Davant d'aquest context, les universitats també han de canviar i replantejar-se el seu paper a la societat. A la UOC apostem perquè aquesta transformació impliqui convertir-nos en nodes de coneixement. Per això hem posat en marxa el Pla d'acció de Coneixement Obert, el qual presentem i analitzem a aquest article

    El plan de acción de conocimiento abierto de la UOC:La apuesta por un cambio cultural de la universidad

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    We are faced with global challenges of new dimensions, most of which are interrelated. The majority are included in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Knowledge is one of the key elements for achieving the 2030 Agenda. Universities play a vital role in contributing to sustainable development. However, we are currently faced with obstacles that prevent us from adding and sharing our knowledge efficiently and effectively. In this context, universities must change and reconsider their role in society. At the UOC, we are committed to transformation through becoming a knowledge hub. For that reason, we kicked of an Open Knowledge Action Plan which we present and analyse in this article

    eLearning to promote quality education for all at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

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    The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) is an innovative university, based in Catalonia and open to the world, which was created in 1995. The mission of the UOC is to train people throughout their lives, contributing to their progress and to the progress of society, while carrying out research related to the knowledge society. In 2015 the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an action plan that seeks to address major global challenges and contribute to building a sustainable future. Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SDG 4 seeks to guarantee inclusive, equitable and quality education for all, including university education. At UOC, we are convinced that one of the most effective and efficient ways to contribute to SDG 4 is through quality e- learning. There are several targets linked to SDG 4. For the purposes of this paper we will focus on the one that refers to the commitment to guarantee equitable access to a quality higher education without any discrimination and that mentions the commitment to put in place mechanisms for positive discrimination to certain collectives through scholarship systems