123 research outputs found

    Nuclear Magnetohydrodynamic EMP, Solar Storms, and Substorms

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    In addition to a fast electromagnetic pulse (EMP), a high altitude nuclear burst produces a relatively slow magnetohydrodynarnic EMP (MHD EMP), whose effects are like those from solar storm geomagnetically induced currents (SS GIC). The MHD EMP electric field E < 10^-1 V/m and lasts < 10^2 sec, whereas for solar storms E > 10^-2 V/m and lasts >10^3 sec. Although the solar storm electric field is lower than MHD EMP, the solar storm effects are generally greater due to their much longer duration. Substorms produce much smaller effects than SS GIC, but occur much more frequently. This paper describes the physics of such geomagnetic disturbances and analyzes their effects.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures, 5 table

    Review of rigorous coupled-wave analysis and of homogeneous effective medium approximations for high spatial-frequency surface-relief gratings

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    A review of the rigorous coupled-wave analysis as applied to the diffraction of electro-magnetic waves by gratings is presented. The analysis is valid for any polarization, angle of incidence, and conical diffraction. Cascaded and/or multiplexed gratings as well as material anisotropy can be incorporated under the same formalism. Small period rectangular groove gratings can also be modeled using approximately equivalent uniaxial homogeneous layers (effective media). The ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices of these layers depend on the gratings filling factor, the refractive indices of the substrate and superstrate, and the ratio of the freespace wavelength to grating period. Comparisons of the homogeneous effective medium approximations with the rigorous coupled-wave analysis are presented. Antireflection designs (single-layer or multilayer) using the effective medium models are presented and compared. These ultra-short period antireflection gratings can also be used to produce soft x-rays. Comparisons of the rigorous coupled-wave analysis with experimental results on soft x-ray generation by gratings are also included

    Rigorous analysis of extremely asymmetrical scattering of electromagnetic waves in slanted periodic gratings

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    Extremely asymmetrical scattering (EAS) is a new type of Bragg scattering in thick, slanted, periodic gratings. It is realised when the scattered wave propagates parallel to the front boundary of the grating. Its most important feature is the strong resonant increase in the scattered wave amplitude compared to the amplitude of the incident wave: the smaller the grating amplitude, the larger the amplitude of the scattered wave. In this paper, rigorous numerical analysis of EAS is carried out by means of the enhanced T-matrix algorithm. This includes investigation of harmonic generation inside and outside the grating, unusually strong edge effects, fast oscillations of the incident wave amplitude in the grating, etc. Comparison with the previously developed approximate theory is carried out. In particular, it is demonstrated that the applicability conditions for the two-wave approximation in the case of EAS are noticeably more restrictive than those for the conventional Bragg scattering. At the same time, it is shown that the approximate theory is usually highly accurate in terms of description of EAS in the most interesting cases of scattering with strong resonant increase of the scattered wave amplitude. Physical explanation of the predicted effects is presented.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; v2: corrections to metadata and bibliographical info in preprin

    An algorithm for decoherence analyses of lights through three-dimensional periodic microstructures

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    A transfer-matrix algorithm is presented herein as a beginning to study the transmission characteristics of coherent light through three-dimensional periodic microstructures, in which the structures are treated as two-dimensional-layer stacks and multiple reflections are considered negligible. The spatial-correlated noise is further introduced layer by layer to realize the actual decoherence of the light and allows for statistical investigation of the partial spatially coherent optics in transparent mediums. Numerical analyses show comparable results to the Gaussian Schell model in free-space cases, indicating the validity of the algorithms.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Theory of Transmission through disordered superlattices

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    We derive a theory for transmission through disordered finite superlattices in which the interface roughness scattering is treated by disorder averaging. This procedure permits efficient calculation of the transmission thr ough samples with large cross-sections. These calculations can be performed utilizing either the Keldysh or the Landauer-B\"uttiker transmission formalisms, both of which yield identical equations. For energies close to the lowest miniband, we demonstrate the accuracy of the computationally efficient Wannier-function approximation. Our calculations indicate that the transmission is strongly affected by interface roughness and that information about scale and size of the imperfections can be obtained from transmission data.Comment: 12 pages, 6 Figures included into the text. Final version with minor changes. Accepted by Physical Review

    Quantum-well infrared photodetector structure synthesis: Methodology and experimental verification

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