389 research outputs found

    A new 2-D model of a thin annular disk using a modified assumption

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    The work describes an improved 2-D model for a thin annulus by using a modified assumption with regard to coupled vibration. With this approach, the impedance spectrum and displacements due to radial modes, both in radial and thickness direction of a thin ring, are obtained. Bending displacement is investigated by finite element analysis (FEA) and matches our model. The bending in the thickness direction is coupled to radial modes and shows several node circles in the high radial overtone frequency range. The model is validated by FEA with excellent agreement between the new theory and FEA result

    Time-resolved full-field imaging of ultrasonic Lamb waves using deflectometry

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    This pioneering experimental work is a proof of concept in which ultrasonic flexural waves have been imaged in a spatially and temporally resolved manner. Thin vibrating plates made of mirror glass and carbon/epoxy composite have been used in the experiments. Results obtained via a standard approach (scanning laser Doppler vibrometry) and the novel methodology based on deflectometry have been compared with a multi-physics finite element simulation. There is a very good correlation between the two experimental techniques. The numerical model provides insight into the experiments, but differs in its detailed structure due to uncertainties over material properties. The extreme slope resolution of deflectometry allows the measurement of peak-to-peak deflections of a few tens of nanometres in one shot. The use of an ultra-high speed camera allows for both space and time resolved measurements of Lamb waves which, to the best knowledge of the authors, has never been reported before. The limitations of the technique arise from the need for a flat specularly reflective surface. However, coating is possible for non-reflective materials and extension to moderately curved surfaces is possible in the future

    A micro electromagnetic generator for vibration energy harvesting

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    Vibration energy harvesting is receiving a considerable amount of interest as a means for powering wireless sensor nodes. This paper presents a small (component volume 0.1 cm3, practical volume 0.15 cm3) electromagnetic generator utilizing discrete components and optimized for a low ambient vibration level based upon real application data. The generator uses four magnets arranged on an etched cantilever with a wound coil located within the moving magnetic field. Magnet size and coil properties were optimized, with the final device producing 46 ”W in a resistive load of 4 k? from just 0.59 m s-2 acceleration levels at its resonant frequency of 52 Hz. A voltage of 428 mVrms was obtained from the generator with a 2300 turn coil which has proved sufficient for subsequent rectification and voltage step-up circuitry. The generator delivers 30% of the power supplied from the environment to useful electrical power in the load. This generator compares very favourably with other demonstrated examples in the literature, both in terms of normalized power density and efficiency

    High throughput imaging cytometer with acoustic focussing

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    We demonstrate an imaging flow cytometer that uses acoustic levitation to assemble cells and other particles into a sheet structure. This technique enables a high resolution, low noise CMOS camera to capture images of thousands of cells with each frame. While ultrasonic focussing has previously been demonstrated for 1D cytometry systems, extending the technology to a planar, much higher throughput format and integrating imaging is non-trivial, and represents a significant jump forward in capability, leading to diagnostic possibilities not achievable with current systems. A galvo mirror is used to track the images of the moving cells permitting exposure times of 10 ms at frame rates of 50 fps with motion blur of only a few pixels. At 80 fps, we demonstrate a throughput of 208 000 beads per second. We investigate the factors affecting motion blur and throughput, and demonstrate the system with fluorescent beads, leukaemia cells and a chondrocyte cell line. Cells require more time to reach the acoustic focus than beads, resulting in lower throughputs; however a longer device would remove this constraint

    Phase II study of capecitabine and oxaliplatin given prior to and concurrently with preoperative pelvic radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer

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    This multicentre phase II study evaluated the efficacy and safety of preoperative capecitabine plus oxaliplatin and radiotherapy (RT) in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (T3/T4 rectal adenocarcinoma with or without nodal involvement). Treatment consisted of one cycle of XELOX (capecitabine 1000 mg m−2 bid on days 1–14 and oxaliplatin 130 mg m−2 on day 1), followed by RT (1.8 Gy fractions 5 days per week for 5 weeks) plus CAPOX (capecitabine 825 mg m−2 bid on days 22–35 and 43–56, and oxaliplatin 50 mg m−2 on days 22, 29, 43 and 50). Surgery was recommended 5 weeks after completion of chemoradiotherapy. The primary end point was pathological complete tumour response (pCR). Sixty patients were enrolled. In the intent-to-treat population, the pCR rate was 23% (95% CI: 13–36%). 58 patients underwent surgery; R0 resection was achieved in 57 (98%) patients, including all 5 patients with T4 tumours. Sphincter preservation was achieved in 49 (84%) patients. Tumour and/or nodal downstaging was observed in 39 (65%) patients. The most common grade 3/4 adverse events were diarrhoea (20%) and lymphocytopaenia (43%). Preoperative capecitabine, oxaliplatin and RT achieved encouraging rates of pCR, R0 resection, sphincter preservation and tumour downstaging in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer


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    ABSTRAK Sri Wahyuni Y. 2017. Analisis Struktur Fisik dan Struktur Batin Puisi Anak dalamMajalah Potret Anak Cerdas. Tesis, Program Studi MagisterPendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Keguruan danIlmu Pendidikan Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pembimbing (1) Dr.Mohd. Harun, M.Pd., Pembimbing (2) Dr. Rajab Bahry, M.Pd. Kata Kunci: Struktur Fisik, Struktur Batin, Puisi Anak Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan struktur fisik dan struktur batin puisi anakdalam majalah Potret Anak Cerdas meliputi (1) bunyi, (2) pilihan kata, (3) saranaretorika, (4) tema, dan (5) amanat. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian iniadalah pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian struktural.Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah puisi anak dalam majalah Potret AnakCerdas edisi 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, dan 19. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah bunyi, kata,sarana retorika, tema dan amanat dalam puisi anak majalah Potret Anak Cerdas.Teknik pengumpulan data adalah studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data terbagidalam tiga tahap, yaitu (1) tahap reduksi data, (2) tahap penyajian data, dan (3) tahappenarikan simpulan. Hasil yang ditemukan sebagai berikut. Pertama, dari segi aspekbunyi berupa rima ditemukan ada 11 jenis rima yang digunakan, yaitu (1) rimaaliterasi (2) rima mutlak, (3) rima awal, (4) rima tengah, (5) rima akhir, (6) rimadatar, (7) rima berpeluk, (8) rima bersilang, (9) rima rangkai, (10) rima kembar, dan(11) rima patah. Rima secara menyeluruh ditemukan yang paling menonjol adalahrima mutlak dan rima patah. Irama yang ditemukan ada 2 jenis irama, yaitu (1)repetisi, dan (2) paralelisme. Irama secara menyeluruh ditemukan yang palingmenonjol adalah bentuk repetisi. Kedua, dari aspek pilihan kata ditemukan ada 4penggunaan kata sifat hakiki puisi, yaitu (1) emotif, (2) objektif, (3) imitatif ataureferensial, dan (4) konotatif. Diksi secara menyeluruh ditemukan yang palingmenonjol adalah kata yang bersifat emotif. Ketiga, dari segi sarana retorika berupagaya bahasa ditemukan ada 4 jenis gaya bahasa, yaitu (1) gaya bahasa personifikasi,(2) gaya bahasa hiperbola, (3) gaya bahasa simile, dan (4) gaya bahasa sinekdoce.Gaya bahasa secara menyeluruh ditemukan yang paling menonjol adalah gayabahasa personifikasi. Citraan yang ditemukan ada 5 jenis citraan, yaitu (1) citraanpenglihatan, (2) citraan pendengaran, (3) citraan perabaan, (4) citraan pencecapan,dan (5) citraan gerak. Citraan secara menyeluruh ditemukan yang paling menonjoladalah citraan gerak. Keempat, tema yang ditemukan dalam puisi anak majalahPotret Anak Cerdas ada 5 tema, yaitu (1) tema orang tua, (2) tema guru, (3) temateman sepermainan, (4) tema religius, dan (5) tema lingkungan alam. Tema secaramenyeluruh ditemukan yang paling menonjol adalah tema orang tua. Kelima, amanatyang ditemukan dalam puisi anak majalah Potret Anak Cerdas, yaitu (1) mengajakpembaca untuk menghargai dan menghormati indahnya kasih sayang yang diberikanoleh orang tua dan guru serta mematuhi segala perintahnya, (2) mengajak pembacauntuk selalu menjaga persahabatan, (3) mengajak pembaca untuk sering berselawatkepada Nabi, (4) mengajak pembaca untuk bersabar, berusaha, semangat, rajinbelajar, dan berakhlak mulia serta tidak cepat cemburu terhadap segala sesuatu, (5)mengajak pembaca untuk selalu menjaga kebersihan dan melestarikan lingkunganalam.Banda Ace

    Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and -2α are expressed in most rectal cancers but only hypoxia-inducible factor-1α is associated with prognosis

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    The hypoxia-mediated response of tumours is a major determining factor in growth and metastasis. Understanding tumour biology under hypoxic conditions is crucial for the development of antiangiogenic therapy. Using one of the largest cohorts of rectal adenocarcinomas to date, this study investigated hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) and HIF-2α protein expression in relation to rectal cancer recurrence and cancer-specific survival. Patients (n=90) who had undergone surgery for rectal adenocarcinoma, with no prior neoadjuvant therapy or metastatic disease, and for whom adequate follow-up data were available were selected. Microvessel density (MVD), HIF-1α and HIF-2α expressions were assessed immunohistologically with the CD34 antibody for vessel identification and the NB100-131B and NB100-132D3 antibodies for HIF-1α and HIF-2α, respectively. In a multifactorial analysis, results were correlated with tumour stage, recurrence rate and long-term survival. Microvessel density was higher across T and N stages (P<0.001) and associated with poor survival (hazard ratio (HR)=8.7, P<0.005) and decreased disease-free survival (HR=4.7, P<0.005). hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and -2α were expressed in >50% of rectal cancers (HIF-1α, 54%, 48/90; HIF-2α, 64%, 58/90). HIF-1α positivity was associated with both TNM stage (P<0.05) and vascular invasion (P<0.005). In contrast, no associations were shown between HIF-2α expression and any pathological features, and HIF-1α positivity had no effect on outcome. The study showed an independent association between HIF-1α expression and advanced TNM stage with poor outcome. Our results indicate that HIF-1α, but not HIF-2α, might be used as a marker of prognosis, in addition to methods currently used, to enhance patient management
