284 research outputs found

    F18RS SGFB No. 7 (Lighting)

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    A FINANCE BILL To Appropriate A Maximum of Eighteen Thousand Dollars and zero cents (18,000.00)FromtheStudentSenateInitiativesAccountToAidLSUFacilityServicesInFundingTheThirtySixThousandDollar(18,000.00) From the Student Senate Initiatives Account To Aid LSU Facility Services In Funding The Thirty-Six Thousand Dollar (36,000) Installation Of Lighting Along The Walkway Between the Patrick F. Taylor and Energy, Coast & Environment Parking Lots Located On South Quad Dr

    Report of IAU Commission 30 on Radial Velocities (2006-2009)

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    Brief summaries are given on the following subjects: Radial velocities and exoplanets (Toward Earth-mass planets; Retired A stars and their planets; Current status and prospects); Toward higher radial velocity precision; Radial velocities and asteroseismology; Radial velocities in Galactic and extragalactic clusters; Radial velocities for field giants; Galactic structure -- Large surveys (The Geneva-Copenhagen Survey; Sloan Digital Sky Survey; RAVE); Working groups (WG on radial velocity standards; WG on stellar radial velocity bibliography; WG on the catalogue of orbital elements of spectroscopic binaries [SB9]).Comment: 11 pages, to appear in the IAU Transactions Vol. XXVIIA, Reports on Astronomy 2006-2009, ed. Karel van der Hucht. Editor: G. Torre

    Multicolour CCD photometric study of galactic star clusters SAI 63 and SAI 75

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    We present U B V I CCD photometric observations obtained in the field of open clusters SAI 63 and SAI 75. CCD optical data obtained for the first time for these clusters are used to derive the fundamental parameters of the clusters. Stellar surface density profile indicates that radii of SAI 63 and SAI 75 are ∼3′.5 and 2′.5 respectively. The reddenings E(B−V) are 0.44±0.05 and 0.34±0.05 mag for SAI 63 and SAI 75 respectively while the corresponding distances are 2.2 ± 0.2 and 3.5±0.3 kpc. An age of 450 ± 50 Myr for SAI 63 and 90 ± 10 Myr for SAI 75 is determined using the theoretical isochrones of Z=0.019. Our analysis shows that reddening law is normal towards SAI 75

    Prince Leopold Saksen-Coburg-Goth (1790-1865) - a heavy choice of the first king of modern Greece

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    The article attempts to trace the process of diplomatic struggle around the candidature of the German prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha as an English candidate for the Greek throne. This problem is considered in the context of the intensification of revolutionary activities in the Balkans in the 1820s, as a result of which a new Greece was born. This process took place against the background of the aggravation of the struggle of diplomacy of European countries on the future of this state, which, in many respects, was determined by the choice of the candidate for the Greek throne.В статье делается попытка проследить процесс дипломатической борьбы вокруг кандидатуры немецкого принца Леопольда Саксен-Кобург-Готского в качестве английского претендента на греческий престол. Эта проблема рассматривается в контексте активизации революционной деятельности на Балканах в 1820-х гг., в результате которой родилась новая Греция. Данный процесс проходил на фоне обострения борьбы дипломатии европейских стран по вопросу о будущем этого государства, что, во многом, определялось выбором претендента на греческий престол

    Chinese writing system: Forms and methods of memorizing

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    © Serials Publications. The relevance of the problem in question is caused by the necessity of developing the most effective method of studying of one of the most important and most complex aspects of Chinese: the writing system. This study is directed at examining the most efficient forms and methods of memorizing Chinese characters. In the process of our work we also analyzed and presented the main techniques of learning and methods of teaching Chinese characters created by Chinese and Russian scholars. The leading approach to this problem is the problem-thematic approach. The key findings of the study are in the systematization of the main mechanisms and principles of learning and memorizing Chinese characters. The materials of this article may be helpful for school and university teachers of Chinese at the earliest stages of the students' learning, as well as for educators and developers of educational materials

    Automated search for star clusters in large multiband surveys: II. Discovery and investigation of open clusters in the Galactic plane

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    Automated search for star clusters in J,H,K_s data from 2MASS catalog has been performed using the method developed by Koposov et. al (2008). We have found and verified 153 new clusters in the interval of the galactic latitude -24 < b < 24 degrees. Color excesses E(B-V), distance moduli and ages were determined for 130 new and 14 yet-unstudied known clusters. In this paper, we publish a catalog of coordinates, diameters, and main parameters of all the clusters under study. A special web-site available at http://ocl.sai.msu.ru has been developed to facilitate dissemination and scientific usage of the results.Comment: 9 pages, 3 tables, 5 figures, accepted to Astronomy Letter

    Automated search for galactic star clusters in large multiband surveys: I. Discovery of 15 new open clusters in the Galactic anticenter region

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    Aims: According to some estimations, there are as many as 100000 open clusters in the Galaxy, but less than 2000 of them have been discovered, measured, and cataloged. We plan to undertake data mining of multiwavelength surveys to find new star clusters. Methods: We have developed a new method to search automatically for star clusters in very large stellar catalogs, which is based on convolution with density functions. We have applied this method to a subset of the Two Micron All Sky Survey catalog toward the Galactic anticenter. We also developed a method to verify whether detected stellar groups are real star clusters, which tests whether the stars that form the spatial density peak also fall onto a single isochrone in the color-magnitude diagram. By fitting an isochrone to the data, we estimate at the same time the main physical parameters of a cluster: age, distance, color excess. Results: For the present paper, we carried out a detailed analysis of 88 overdensity peaks detected in a field of 16×1616\times16 degrees near the Galactic anticenter. From this analysis, 15 overdensities were confirmed to be new open clusters and the physical and structural parameters were determined for 12 of them; 10 of them were previously suspected to be open clusters by Kronberger (2006) and Froebrich (2007). The properties were also determined for 13 yet-unstudied known open clusters, thus almost tripling the sample of open clusters with studied parameters in the anticenter. The parameters determined with this method showed a good agreement with published data for a set of well-known clusters.Comment: accepted to A&

    Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way: III. 139 new open clusters at high Galactic latitudes

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    Context. An earlier analysis of the Milky Way Star Cluster (MWSC) catalogue revealed an apparent lack of old (t � 1 Gyr) open clusters in the solar neighbourhood (d � 1 kpc). Aims. To fill this gap we undertook a search for hitherto unknown star clusters, assuming that the missing old clusters reside at high Galactic latitudes | b | > 20°. Methods. We were looking for stellar density enhancements using a star count algorithm on the 2MASS point source catalogue. To increase the contrast between potential clusters and the field, we applied filters in colour-magnitude space according to typical colour-magnitude diagrams of nearby old open clusters. The subsequent comparison with lists of known objects allowed us to select thus far unknown cluster candidates. For verification they were processed with the standard pipeline used within the MWSC survey for computing cluster membership probabilities and for determining structural, kinematic, and astrophysical parameters. Results. In total we discovered 782 density enhancements, 524 of which were classified as real objects. Among them 139 are new open clusters with ages 8.3 < log (t [yr]) < 9.7, distances d< 3 kpc, and distances from the Galactic plane 0.3 <Z< 1 kpc. This new sample has increased the total number of known high latitude open clusters by about 150%. Nevertheless, we still observe a lack of older nearby clusters up to 1 kpc from the Sun. This volume is expected to still contain about 60 unknown clusters that probably escaped our detection algorithm, which fails to detect sparse overdensities with large angular size