265 research outputs found

    An in situ instrument for planar O2 optode measurements at benthic interfaces

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    A new in situ instrument for two‐dimensional mapping of oxygen in coastal sediments is presented. The measuring principle is described, and potential mechanical disturbances, solute and particle smearing associated with the measurements, and calibration routines are evaluated. The first in situ measurements obtained in two different benthic communities are presented. In a shallow photosynthetic sediment (1 m of water depth), an extensive horizontal and temporal variation in the O2 distribution caused by benthic photosynthesis and irrigating fauna was resolved. Repetitive planar optode measurements performed along a transect in central Øresund, Denmark (17 m of water depth) revealed a positive correlation between the apparent O2 penetration depths (OP) measured with a lateral distance <5.0 mm, whereas OP measured with a larger horizontal distance (up to 50 m) were not correlated. Consequently, the OP varied in patches with a characteristic size of 5.0 mm. The instrument described is a powerful new tool for in situ characterization of spatiotemporal variations in O2 distributions within benthic communities. The instrument can be adapted for use at full ocean depths, e.g., on deep‐sea landers or remote operating vehicles

    Estimating respiration rates and secondary production of macrobenthic communities across coastal habitats with contrasting structural biodiversity

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    A central goal of benthic ecology is to describe the pathways and quantities of energy and material flow in seafloor communities over different spatial and temporal scales. We examined the relative macrobenthic contribution to the seafloor metabolism by estimating respiration and secondary production based on seasonal measurements of macrofauna biomass across key coastal habitats of the Baltic Sea archipelago. Then, we compared the macrofauna estimates with estimates of overall seafloor gross primary production and respiration obtained from the same habitats using the aquatic eddy covariance technique. Estimates of macrobenthic respiration rates suggest habitat-specific macrofauna contribution (%) to the overall seafloor respiration ranked as follows: blue mussel reef (44.5) > seagrass meadow (25.6) > mixed meadow (24.1) > bare sand (17.8) > Fucus-bed (11.1). In terms of secondary production (g C m−2 y−1), our estimates suggest ranking of habitat value as follows: blue mussel reef (493.4) > seagrass meadow (278.5) > Fucus-bed (102.2) > mixed meadow (94.2) > bare sand (52.1). Our results suggest that approximately 12 and 10% of the overall soft-sediment metabolism translated into macrofauna respiration and secondary production, respectively. The hard-bottoms exemplified two end-points of the coastal metabolism, with the Fucus-bed as a high producer and active exporter of organic C (that is, net autotrophy), and the mussel reef as a high consumer and active recycler of organic C (that is, net heterotrophy). Using a combination of metrics of ecosystem functioning, such as respiration rates and secondary production, in combination with direct habitat-scale measurements of O2 fluxes, our study provides a quantitative assessment of the role of macrofauna for ecosystem functioning across heterogeneous coastal seascapes.Peer reviewe

    Bottom mixed layer oxygen dynamics in the Celtic Sea

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    The seasonally stratified continental shelf seas are highly productive, economically important environments which are under considerable pressure from human activity. Global dissolved oxygen concentrations have shown rapid reductions in response to anthropogenic forcing since at least the middle of the twentieth century. Oxygen consumption is at the same time linked to the cycling of atmospheric carbon, with oxygen being a proxy for carbon remineralisation and the release of CO2. In the seasonally stratified seas the bottom mixed layer (BML) is partially isolated from the atmosphere and is thus controlled by interplay between oxygen consumption processes, vertical and horizontal advection. Oxygen consumption rates can be both spatially and temporally dynamic, but these dynamics are often missed with incubation based techniques. Here we adopt a Bayesian approach to determining total BML oxygen consumption rates from a high resolution oxygen time-series. This incorporates both our knowledge and our uncertainty of the various processes which control the oxygen inventory. Total BML rates integrate both processes in the water column and at the sediment interface. These observations span the stratified period of the Celtic Sea and across both sandy and muddy sediment types. We show how horizontal advection, tidal forcing and vertical mixing together control the bottom mixed layer oxygen concentrations at various times over the stratified period. Our muddy-sand site shows cyclic spring-neap mediated changes in oxygen consumption driven by the frequent resuspension or ventilation of the seabed. We see evidence for prolonged periods of increased vertical mixing which provide the ventilation necessary to support the high rates of consumption observed

    The hadal zone is an important and heterogeneous sink of black carbon in the ocean

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    Black carbon is ubiquitous in the marine environment. However, whether it accumulates in the deepest ocean region, the hadal zone, is unknown. Here we measure the concentration and carbon isotopes (delta C-13 and Delta C-14) of black carbon and total organic carbon in sediments from six hadal trenches. Black carbon constituted 10% of trench total organic carbon, and its delta C-13 and Delta C-14 were more negative than those of total organic carbon, suggesting that the black carbon was predominantly derived from terrestrial C3 plants and fossil fuels. The contribution of fossil carbon to the black carbon pool was spatially heterogeneous, which could be related to differences in the distance to landmass, land cover and socioeconomic development. Globally, we estimate a black carbon burial rate of 1.0 +/- 0.5 Tg yr(-1) in the hadal zone, which is seven-fold higher than the global ocean average per unit area. We propose that the hadal zone is an important, but overlooked, sink of black carbon in the ocean. Black carbon accumulation rates in hadal trenches in the deepest regions of the oceans could be seven-fold higher than the global ocean average, according to geochemical and isotopic analyses of sediments from six trenches in the Pacific Ocean

    Microphytobenthos of Arctic Kongsfjorden (Svalbard, Norway): biomass and potential primary production along the shore line

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    During summer 2007, Arctic microphytobenthic potential primary production was measured at several stations around the coastline of Kongsfjorden (Svalbard, Norway) at ?5 m water depth and at two stations at five different water depths (5, 10, 15, 20, 30 m). Oxygen planar optode sensor spots were used ex situ to determine oxygen exchange in the overlying water of intact sediment cores under controlled light (ca. 100 ?mol photons m?2 s?1) and temperature (2–4°C) conditions. Patches of microalgae (mainly diatoms) covering sandy sediments at water depths down to 30 m showed high biomass of up to 317 mg chl a m?2. In spite of increasing water depth, no significant trend in “photoautotrophic active biomass” (chl a, ratio living/dead cells, cell sizes) and, thus, in primary production was measured at both stations. All sites from ?5 to 30 m water depth exhibited variable rates of net production from ?19 to +40 mg O2 m?2 h?1 (?168 to +360 mg C m?2 day?1) and gross production of about 2–62 mg O2 m?2 h?1 (17–554 mg C m?2 day?1), which is comparable to other polar as well as temperate regions. No relation between photoautotrophic biomass and gross/net production values was found. Microphytobenthos demonstrated significant rates of primary production that is comparable to pelagic production of Kongsfjorden and, hence, emphasised the importance as C source for the zoobenthos

    Depression chains in seafloor of contrasting morphology, Atacama Trench margin: a comment on Marsh et al. (2018)

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    This comment presents acoustic and visual data showing deep seafloor depression chains similar to those reported in Marsh et al. (R. Soc. open sci. 5: 180286), though from a different deep-sea setting. Marsh et al. present data collected during cruise JC120 from polymetallic nodule rich sites within the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCFZ), at water depths of between 3999 and 4258 m. Within this comment, we present data collected with equivalent acoustic and imaging devices on-board the RV Sonne (SO261—March/April 2018) from the Atacama Trench, approximately 4000 m depth, which shows comparable depression chains in the seafloor. In contrast with the CCFZ observations, our study area was wholly free of polymetallic nodules, an observation therefore weakening the ‘ballast collection’ by deep-sea diving mammals formation hypothesis discussed in their paper. We support their alternate hypothesis that if these features are indeed generated by deep-diving megafauna, then they are more likely the resultant traces of infauna feeding or marks made during opportunistic capture of benthic fish/cephalopods. We observed these potential prey fauna with lander and towed camera systems during the cruise, with example images of these presented here. Both the SO261 and JC120 cruises employed high-resolution sidescan systems at deployment altitudes seldom used routinely until the last few years during scientific deep-sea surveys. Given that both cruises found these depression chains in contrasting physical regions of the East Pacific, they may have a more ubiquitous distribution than at just these sites. Thus, the impacts of cetacean foraging behaviour on deep seafloor communities, and the potential relevance of these prey sources to deep-diving species, should be considered
