101 research outputs found

    Angažman i političke institucije: slučaj ombudsmana

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    In this article, I examine the relationship between engagement and political institutions by using the example of the creation and development of the ombudsman institution. The article starts with the short introduction to key theoretical views about institutions, political institutions and institutionalization. Then, I concentrate on how political institutions change, i.e. whether they can be changed through social engagement and whether and when we can actually say that they are originally created by an engagement. By using the case of ombudsman, I explore if political institutions can engage themselves and under what conditions, that is, whether are institutions characterized by in-built permanent reflexivity possible.U ovom radu se na primeru nastanka i razvoja institucije ombudsmana propituje veza izme-đu angažmana i političkih institucija. Tekst započinjem kratkim osvrtom na glavna teorijska viđenja institucija, političkih institucija i institucionalizacije. Potom se koncentriÅ”em na to kako se političke institucije menjaju, da bi fokus potom bio usmeren na to da li se one mogu menjati druÅ”tvenim angažmanom, te da li se i kada može smatrati da političke institucije na-staju angažmanom. S tim u vezi, koriŔćenjem primera ombudsmana proveravam da li i pod kojim uslovima političke institucije i same mogu biti angažovane, odnosno da li su moguće institucije kojima je svojstvena kontinuirana refleksivnost spram sopstvenih normi delanja

    Euphemisms: Careful Language in Croatian Public Communication

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    This paper analyzes euphemisms - embellished expressions - excerpted from the Croatian public communication dis course. The introductory chapters provide an overview of the definitions of euphemisms, from rhetorical to cognitive-lin guistic ones. The central part of the paper analyses the functions of euphemisms in Croatian public communication, the ways and mechanisms of creating euphemisms in the Croatian language and the semantic areas in which euphemisms are more significantly represented. The research started from the hypothesis that euphemisms have deviated from their original purpose - to beautify the expression and save oneā€™s own or someone elseā€™s face - and that euphemisms are increas ingly used in public communication to manipulate the interlocutor. To test the hypothesis, research was conducted using a bottom-up methodological approach that involved selecting materials from the corpus by ā€œmanuallyā€ browsing and following news and announcements in the electronic media, classifying euphemisms by types, functions, semantic areas and ways of formation, and concluding their use in Croatian public communication space

    Combating corruption in Ukraine: are the countryā€™s parliament and anti-corruption agency up to the task?

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    Countries in transition increasingly count on anti-corruption commissions and agencies in the fight against corruption. Franklin De Vrieze and Luka GluÅ”ac examine the case of Ukraine, assessing the role of the countryā€™s parliament and anti-corruption agency in combating high-profile corruption

    Jezične uloge vokativa kao morfoloŔke, sintaktičke i pragmatičko-semantičke kategorije

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    The vocative as a pragmatic-semantic category, i.e. vocativeness as an appellative category, is a means of expressing many linguistic functions. From the functional point of view, vocative expressions are never monosemic, i.e. they do not serve only a conative function, as explicitly defined in the literature, but they very frequently perform other linguistic functions as well ā€“ especially the emotive function (expressing speakerā€™s feelings, personal attitude towards the interlocutor) and the poetic one. As a means of establishing and maintaining communication, i.e. checking the functioning of the communication channel, vocative expressions perform a phatic function as well. The referential function of vocative expressions is confined to the subject and predicative role in the language of folk poetry, and this paper shows that such a role in the contemporary Croatian language can also be performed by vocative expressions in the role of predicate adjuncts and adverbials with certain verbs.Vokativ kao pragmatičko-semantička kategorija, odnosno vokativnost kao jedna od kategorija apelativnosti, potvrđuje se kao sredstvo ostvarivanja svih jezičnih funkcija. Promatrani s funkcionalne strane vokativni izrazi nisu nikada jednoznačni, tj. ne služe samo kao sredstvo konativne funkcije, kako se i izrijekom u literaturi određuju, nego se njima vrlo često ostvaruju i ostale jezične funkcije ā€“ osobito emotivna (iskazuju se govornikovi osjećaji i osobni stav prema sugovorniku) i poetska. Kao sredstvo uspostavljanja i produženja komunikacije te provjeravanja ispravnosti komunikacijskoga kanala vokativni izrazi ispunjavaju i svoju fatičku funkciju. Referencijalna je funkcija vokativnih izraza svedena na subjektnu i predikatnu ulogu u jeziku narodne poezije, a radom se pokazuje da tu funkciju u suvremenom hrvatskom jeziku mogu imati i vokativni izrazi u ulozi predikatnoga proÅ”irka i priložne oznake uz određene glagole

    Razvoj koncepta nacionalnih institucija za ljudska prava: od Ženevskih smernica do Pariskih principa

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    Ovaj rad teži osvetljavanju evolutivnog puta koncepta nacionalnih institucija za ljudska prava.One su danas prisutne u preko sto država sveta, sa posebnimstatusomu sistemu Ujedinjenihnacija. Ipak, domaća literatura se nije bavila time kako je do takvog razvoja doÅ”lo. Stoga ovaj rad pokuÅ”ava da doprinese popunjavanju te praznine, predstavljajući i kritički se odnoseći prema ključnoj fazi razvoja koncepta nacionalnih institucija za ljudska prava, od usvajanja Ženevskih smernica 1978. godine do donoÅ”enja Pariskih principa 1991. godine, te njihovog utemeljenja kroz odluke organa UN. Posebna pažnja posvećuje se modelima nacionalnih institucija, kao i postupku akreditacije ovih institucija, jedinstvenog u sistemu UN

    The effectiveness of using dictionaries as an aid for teaching standardization of English-based sports terms in Serbian

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    This paper reports on the effectiveness of a new teaching method employing diction-aries as an aid for teaching the standardization of English-based sports terms in Serbian. The research was conducted among the students of a sports faculty in 2017 by means of a questionnaire distributed to the students both at the beginning of the second half of an ESP course and again at its end. Its aim was to measure the students' progress related to the acquisition of standardized sports terms in Serbian as an indicator of the effectiveness of the new teaching method. The find-ings generally indicate a certain degree of improvement of the students' knowledge of standard-ized sports terminology, though a less than satisfactory amount of progress regarding their lin-guistic competence. Even though the outcomes did not fully meet the goals set in advance, they do provide solid arguments for further efforts in developing and monitoring dictionary use in teach-ing the standardization of English-based sports terms in Serbian within the ESP curriculum and, even more importantly, for the systematic education of dictionary usage as part of the mother tongue curriculum.Keywords: dictionary use, English, Serbian, ESP teaching, sports terminology, standardizatio

    Newspapers of Osijek, Then and Now

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    Početak novinstva u Osijeku označuje 1848. godina kada Osijek dobiva svoje prve novine, tiskane na njemačkom jeziku (Der Volksredner fĆ¼r Vaterland, Freiheit und Gesetz, fĆ¼r Kunst, Gewerbe und Wissenschaft), dok su svoje prve novine na hrvatskom jeziku (Branislav) Osječani dobili tek 1878. godine. U radu se opisuju obilježja novina tiskanih u Osijeku u prvoj polovici 20. stoljeća (Narodna obrana koja 1914. godine mijenja ime u Hrvatska obrana; Hrvatski list). Usporedbom sa suvremenom osječkom novinskom građom izdvajaju se i uspoređuju sličnosti i razlike novinskoga jezika i stila uvjetovane jezičnim i izvanjezičnim razlozima: opisuju se izrazi vremenskoga značenja i novinski naslovi.The beginning of journalism in Osijek marks the year 1848, when Osijek gained itā€™s first newspaper, printed in German language (Der Volksredner fĆ¼r Vaterland, Freiheit und Gesetz, fĆ¼r Kunst, Gewerbe und Wissenschaft), while the first newspaper in Croatian language was not printed until the year 1878. In the paper, the features of newspapers printed in Osijek during the first half of the 20th century (Narodna obrana which in 1914 changed itā€™s name to Hrvatska obrana; Hrvatski list) are described. Through comparison with contemporary newspaper material of Osijek, the similarities and the differences of newspaper language and style are shown and compared, as well as the distinctiveness of style, caused by linguistic and extra ā€“ linguistic reasons: the expressions of time significance and newspaper headlines

    Osječki gradski govor

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    Newspapers of Osijek, Then and Now

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    Početak novinstva u Osijeku označuje 1848. godina kada Osijek dobiva svoje prve novine, tiskane na njemačkom jeziku (Der Volksredner fĆ¼r Vaterland, Freiheit und Gesetz, fĆ¼r Kunst, Gewerbe und Wissenschaft), dok su svoje prve novine na hrvatskom jeziku (Branislav) Osječani dobili tek 1878. godine. U radu se opisuju obilježja novina tiskanih u Osijeku u prvoj polovici 20. stoljeća (Narodna obrana koja 1914. godine mijenja ime u Hrvatska obrana; Hrvatski list). Usporedbom sa suvremenom osječkom novinskom građom izdvajaju se i uspoređuju sličnosti i razlike novinskoga jezika i stila uvjetovane jezičnim i izvanjezičnim razlozima: opisuju se izrazi vremenskoga značenja i novinski naslovi.The beginning of journalism in Osijek marks the year 1848, when Osijek gained itā€™s first newspaper, printed in German language (Der Volksredner fĆ¼r Vaterland, Freiheit und Gesetz, fĆ¼r Kunst, Gewerbe und Wissenschaft), while the first newspaper in Croatian language was not printed until the year 1878. In the paper, the features of newspapers printed in Osijek during the first half of the 20th century (Narodna obrana which in 1914 changed itā€™s name to Hrvatska obrana; Hrvatski list) are described. Through comparison with contemporary newspaper material of Osijek, the similarities and the differences of newspaper language and style are shown and compared, as well as the distinctiveness of style, caused by linguistic and extra ā€“ linguistic reasons: the expressions of time significance and newspaper headlines
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