Newspapers of Osijek, Then and Now


Početak novinstva u Osijeku označuje 1848. godina kada Osijek dobiva svoje prve novine, tiskane na njemačkom jeziku (Der Volksredner für Vaterland, Freiheit und Gesetz, für Kunst, Gewerbe und Wissenschaft), dok su svoje prve novine na hrvatskom jeziku (Branislav) Osječani dobili tek 1878. godine. U radu se opisuju obilježja novina tiskanih u Osijeku u prvoj polovici 20. stoljeća (Narodna obrana koja 1914. godine mijenja ime u Hrvatska obrana; Hrvatski list). Usporedbom sa suvremenom osječkom novinskom građom izdvajaju se i uspoređuju sličnosti i razlike novinskoga jezika i stila uvjetovane jezičnim i izvanjezičnim razlozima: opisuju se izrazi vremenskoga značenja i novinski naslovi.The beginning of journalism in Osijek marks the year 1848, when Osijek gained it’s first newspaper, printed in German language (Der Volksredner für Vaterland, Freiheit und Gesetz, für Kunst, Gewerbe und Wissenschaft), while the first newspaper in Croatian language was not printed until the year 1878. In the paper, the features of newspapers printed in Osijek during the first half of the 20th century (Narodna obrana which in 1914 changed it’s name to Hrvatska obrana; Hrvatski list) are described. Through comparison with contemporary newspaper material of Osijek, the similarities and the differences of newspaper language and style are shown and compared, as well as the distinctiveness of style, caused by linguistic and extra – linguistic reasons: the expressions of time significance and newspaper headlines

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