226 research outputs found

    Aerodynamic load distributions at transonic speeds for a close-coupled wing-canard configuration: Tabulated pressure data

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    Wind tunnel studies are reported on both the canard and wing surfaces of a model that is geometrically identical to one used in several force and moment tests to provide insight into the various aerodynamic interference effects. In addition to detailed pressures measurements, the pressures were integrated to illustrate the effects of Mach number, canard location, and canard-wing interference on various aerodynamic parameters. Transonic pressure tunnel Mach numbers ranged from 0.70 to 1.20 for data taken from 0 deg to approximately 16 deg angle-of-attack at 0 deg sideslip

    Load distribution on a closed-coupled wing canard at transonic speeds

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    A wind tunnel test where load distributions were obtained at transonic speeds on both the canard and wing surfaces of a closely coupled wing canard configuration is reported. Detailed component and configuration arrangement studies to provide insight into the various aerodynamic interference effects for the leading edge vortex flow conditions encountered are included. Data indicate that increasing the Mach number from 0.70 to 0.95 caused the wing leading edge vortex to burst over the wing when the wing was in the presence of the high canard

    A study of canard-wing interference using experimental pressure data at transonic speeds

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    The canard had an exposed area of 28.0 percent of the wing reference area and was located in the chord plane of the wing or in a position 18.5 percent of the wing mean geometric chord above or below the wing chord plane. The canard leading edge sweep was 51.7 deg and the wing leading-edge sweep was 60 deg. The results indicated that the direct canard downwash effects on the wing loading are limited to the forward half of the wing directly behind the canard. The wing leading-edge vortex is located farther forward for the wing in the presence of the canard than for the wing-alone configuration. The wake, from the canard located below the wing chord plane, physically interacts with the wing inboard surface and produces a substantial loss of wing lift. For the Mach number 0.70 case, the presence of the wing increased the loading on the canard for the higher angles of attack. However, at Mach numbers of 0.95 and 1.20, the presence of the wing had the unexpected result of unloading the canard

    Effect of canard position and wing leading-edge flap deflection on wing buffet at transonic speeds

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    A generalized wind-tunnel model, with canard and wing planform typical of highly maneuverable aircraft, was tested. The addition of a canard above the wing chord plane, for the configuration with leading-edge flaps undeflected, produced substantially higher total configuration lift coefficients before buffet onset than the configuration with the canard off and leading-edge flaps undeflected. The wing buffet intensity was substantially lower for the canard-wing configuration than the wing-alone configuration. The low-canard configuration generally displayed the poorest buffet characteristics. Deflecting the wing leading-edge flaps substantially improved the wing buffet characteristics for canard-off configurations. The addition of the high canard did not appear to substantially improve the wing buffet characteristics of the wing with leading-edge flaps deflected

    Effect of wing-tip dihedral on the longitudinal and lateral aerodynamic characteristics of a supersonic cruise configuration at subsonic speeds

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    Force and moment data studies were conducted to determine the effect of wing-tip dihedral on the longitudinal and lateral aerodynamic characteristics of a supersonic cruise fighter configuration. Oil flow studies were also performed to investigate the model surface flow. Three models were tested: a flat (0 deg dihedral) wing tip, a dihedral, and an anhedral wing tip. The tests were conducted at the NASA Langley high-speed 7- by 10-foot wind tunnel

    The effect of wing dihedral and section suction distribution on vortex bursting

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    Eleven semi-span wing models were tested in the 1/8-scale model of the Langley V/STOL tunnel to qualitatively study vortex bursting. Flow visualization was achieved by using helium filled soap bubbles introduced upstream of the model. The angle of attack range was from 0 deg to 45 deg. The results show that the vortex is unstable, that is, the bursting point location is not fixed at a given angle of attack but moves within certain bounds. Upstream of the trailing edge, the bursting point location has a range of two inches; downstream, the range is about six inches. Anhedral and dihedral appear to have an insignificant effect on the vortex and its bursting point location. Altering the section suction distribution by improving the triangularity generally increases the angle of attack at which vortex bursting occurs at the trailing edge

    Aluminum Oxide Layers as Possible Components for Layered Tunnel Barriers

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    We have studied transport properties of Nb/Al/AlOx/Nb tunnel junctions with ultrathin aluminum oxide layers formed by (i) thermal oxidation and (ii) plasma oxidation, before and after rapid thermal post-annealing of the completed structures at temperatures up to 550 deg C. Post-annealing at temperatures above 300 deg C results in a significant decrease of the tunneling conductance of thermally-grown barriers, while plasma-grown barriers start to change only at annealing temperatures above 450 deg C. Fitting the experimental I-V curves of the junctions using the results of the microscopic theory of direct tunneling shows that the annealing of thermally-grown oxides at temperatures above 300 deg C results in a substantial increase of their average tunnel barriers height, from ~1.8 eV to ~2.45 eV, versus the practically unchanged height of ~2.0 eV for plasma-grown layers. This difference, together with high endurance of annealed barriers under electric stress (breakdown field above 10 MV/cm) may enable all-AlOx and SiO2/AlOx layered "crested" barriers for advanced floating-gate memory applications.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Pinch Resonances in a Radio Frequency Driven SQUID Ring-Resonator System

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    In this paper we present experimental data on the frequency domain response of a SQUID ring (a Josephson weak link enclosed by a thick superconducting ring) coupled to a radio frequency (rf) tank circuit resonator. We show that with the ring weakly hysteretic the resonance lineshape of this coupled system can display opposed fold bifurcations that appear to touch (pinch off). We demonstrate that for appropriate circuit parameters these pinch off lineshapes exist as solutions of the non-linear equations of motion for the system.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Uploaded as implementing a policy of arXiving old paper
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