116 research outputs found

    El acontecimiento biopolítico como forma de resistencia

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    En este artículo se tratarán de plantear las posibles relaciones que pudieran darse entre el concepto marxista de subsunción real y el concepto acuñado por Foucault de biopoder. Será a partir de este concepto, recuperado por el paradigma postmoderno en el ámbito político a través del pensamiento de Michael Hardt y Antonio Negri, desde don-de se intentará mostrar una posibilidad de resistencia frente a la subsunción real, propia de la sociedad contemporánea, anticipada en la obra de Marx.This article analyses possible relationships between the Marxist concept of real subsumption and the biopower concept coined by Foucault. Based on this concept, reco-vered by the post-modern paradigm in the political area through the thinking of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, we will attempt to show the possibility of resistance to real sub-sumption, intrinsic to contemporary society, anticipated in the work of Marx

    Aportaciones del POMS a la medida del estado de ánimo de los deportistas : estado de la cuestión

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    Diseñado por McNair, Lorr y Droppleman (1971) para el ámbito clínico, el Perfil de los Estados de Ánimo (POMS) se ha convertido en un instrumento importante para la investigación en Psicología del Deporte. El presente trabajo sintetiza las principales aportaciones del cuestionario a la evaluación psicológica de los deportistas. El interés inicial por su efectividad en la predicción del rendimiento deportivo ha derivado, fruto del número creciente de estudios, en una serie de aplicaciones. Se ha empleado para analizar el efecto de la participación en programas de ejercicio, así como en el seguimiento psicológico del sobreentrenamiento y la fatiga. Ha sido adaptado a diferentes segmentos de la población y a distintos idiomas. A pesar de que existen ciertas dificultades de tipo metodológico que afectan al desarrollo de la escala, los resultados obtenidos con el POMS son muy prometedores y parece que su viabilidad y popularidad se mantendrán en el futuro.Created by McNair, Lorr and Droppleman (1971) for clinical settings, the Profile of Mood States (POMS) has become one of the most important instruments for research in Sport Psychology. This work is a synthesis of POMS contributions to the psychological assessment of athletes. Due to the increasing number of research studies, the initial interest in its accuracy in predicting sports performance has led to a series of applications. It has been used to examine the effects of exercise participation on mood, as well as for monitoring of overtraining and staleness. It has been adapted to different population

    Mediators linking insecure attachment to eating symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    In the last two decades, the number of studies focused on the mediators connecting insecure attachment with Eating Disorders (EDs), at both clinical and sub-clinical level, has considerably increased. However, there has not been a systematic synthesis of this literature to date. To fill this gap, the current meta-analytic review aimed at identifying and quantifying the extent to which mediators contribute to the explanation of this relationship. The present study was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42017076807). A comprehensive search process in seven different electronic databases retrieved 24 studies that examined how insecure attachment leads to ED symptoms through mediation analysis. Standardized regression coefficients of the indirect and total paths of 21 mediation models were pooled. Studies were coded and ranked for quality. We found evidence to show that maladaptive emotion regulation and depressive symptoms had the highest effect size for mediation (mediation ratio [PM] = 0.71). Further, body dissatisfaction, neuroticism, perfectionism, mindfulness and social comparison had significant, but moderate to low mediating effects (PM = 0.21–0.58). The methodological quality of these studies was mostly low to moderate and potential areas for development were highlighted. Our findings support the direct targeting of these psychological constructs in prevention programs and treatment of EDs. Future investigations addressing the time sequence between the variables will provide valuable clues to untangle the prospective contribution of each variable on the development and maintenance of eating pathology.Dr. Takkouche would like to thank the Regional Ministry of Education, Universities and Vocational Training (Consellería de Educación, Universidades y Formación Profesional) (ED431C 2018/20), Santiago de Compostela, SpainS

    Notas para la constitución de una subjetividad antagonista

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    RESUMEN: El presente trabajo se plantea como un acercamiento a la posibilidad de constitución de una subjetividad antagonista a partir del análisis del modo de comprensión de la subjetividad en Foucault y su aplicación al tipo de subjetividad que opera hoy en las sociedades contemporáneas. Una vez hecho un estudio por el recorrido intelectual foucaultiano referido a la constitución de subjetividad estimamos que habremos establecido las bases para la comprensión del tipo de sujeto que opera en la sociedad contemporánea. Este sujeto no sólo es la consecuencia de un tipo concreto de ejercicio del poder, sino que además es la condición de posibilidad del mantenimiento del mismo. De ahí que nos resulte esencial plantear la posibilidad de una subjetividad antagonista que sea capaz de hacerle frente ,estableciendo nuevos ámbitos de libertad, siendo la reflexión que Judith Butler realizó a la noción de crítica foucaultiana el hilo conductor de dicho estudio. Así, realizaremos una aproximación a diversas prácticas de libertad, donde será el pensamiento de Jesús Ibáñez el que estructurará la reflexión central en torno al concepto mismo de libertad Lo que habremos de analizar será el modo en el que la subjetividad sería capaz de alcanzar un poder antagonista, bajo qué condiciones o a través de qué medios, obligándonos a repensar el concepto mismo de libertad. Pero, una vez que hayamos abierto una brecha en el interior del sujeto para dar cabida a su potencia antagonista, tendremos como tarea el planteamiento de la relación que hubiera de establecerse entre esa subjetividad antagonista y nuevas formas de acción colectiva. Pasaremos entonces de un problema ético a un problema político intentando responder a la pregunta de cómo es posible que las subjetividades antagonistas ejerzan una acción política colectiva. Esto nos conducirá al último capítulo que intentará realizar una aproximación al pensamiento político de algunos filósofos contemporáneos, como Agamben, Hardt y Negri, para poder reflexionar en torno a la cuestión del establecimiento de las condiciones de práctica social que habrán de servir de marco de referencia para integrar a los nuevos sujetos antagonistas. Por último, las conclusiones a las que nos conduce toda la reflexión anterior tendrán como objetivo señalar las posibles insuficiencias que encontramos en los planteamientos políticos señalados, así como esbozar las líneas de investigación futura que el presente escrito nos posibilita para trabajar. ABSTRACT This paper studies the possibility of creating antagonistic subjectivity by analyzing Foucault’s understanding of subjectivity and its application to the type of subjectivity operating in contemporary society. Studying Foucault’s intellectual process for the constitution of subjectivity will lay down the basis for understanding the type of subject that operates in society today. This subject is not only the consequence of a particular exercise of power, but also the condition for its maintenance. Thus, it is essential to raise the possibility of antagonistic subjectivity with a sufficient counter-capacity for establishing new areas of freedom, where the thread of this study is Judith Butler’s reflection on Foucault’s notion of criticism. Thus, we will look at various practices of freedom and apply the thinking of Jesús Ibáñez to the main reflection on the very concept of freedom We will analyze the mode in which subjectivity would be capable of acting as an antagonist and look at the corresponding means and conditions. This will lead us to rethink the concept of freedom; however, when we have made room in the subject’s interior for their antagonistic potential, our task will be to examine the necessary relationship between antagonistic subjectivity and new forms of collective action. We will then move from an ethical issue to a political problem and attempt to find out how antagonistic subjectivities are capable of collective political action; this will take us to the final chapter, which will consider the political thought of certain contemporary philosophers, such as Agamben, Hardt and Negri. We will then be able to reflect on the conditions of social practice as a reference framework for integrating the new antagonist subjects. Finally, our conclusions will reveal the shortcomings of the political approaches to which we have referred and outline options for future research as a result of our work

    Pragmatic factors in conditional reasoning

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    * This paper was presented at the NINTH CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY - ESCOP, celebrated at the University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany (September, 4-8, 1996). A posterior version of this work was published in J. Hoffmann & A. Sebald (Eds). Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (p.142). Pabst Science Publishers (Lengerich)We investigated the importance of pragmatic factors in conditional reasoning. The performance of 54 subjects was examined, with the four basic inferences of Modus Ponens (MP), Denial of the Antecedent (DA), Affirmation of the consequent (AC) and Modus Tollens (MT), on the usual three-answer format. The empirical relation in the real world between antecedent and consequent of the premises on conditional arguments (probabilistic, deterministic and without relation) and scenario availability (available versus non-available), were manipulated. The results showed that: a) the scenario availability is not sufficient in itself to explain differences in performance, but affects the subjects' degree of confidence in their conclusions; b) there is an interaction between availability and logical structure of rules on correct performance. The results support the semantic theories of conditional reasoning and are not consistent with theories based on formal rules of inferenc

    The Importance of Protesters’ Morals: Moral Obligation as a Key Variable to Understand Collective Action

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    Collective action and protest have become a normalized political behavior that in many cases defines the political agenda. The reasons why people take to the streets constitute a central subject within the study of social psychology. In the literature, three precedents of protest that have been established as central to the study of this phenomenon are: injustice, efficacy, and identity. But political action is also deeply related to moral values. This explains why in recent years some moral constructs have also been pointed out as predictors of collective action. Moral variables have been introduced into the literature with little consideration to how they relate to each other. Thus, work in this direction is needed. The general aim of this research is to differentiate moral obligation from moral norms and moral conviction, as well as to compare their ability to predict collective action. In order to do so, the research objectives are: (a) conceptualize and operationalize moral obligation (Study 1, N = 171); (b) test its predictive power for intention to participate in protests (Study 2, N = 622); and (c) test moral obligation in a real context (Study 3, N = 407). Results are encouraging, showing not only that moral obligation is different to moral conviction and moral norm, but also that it is a more effective predictor working both for intention and real participation. This work therefore presents moral obligation as a key precedent of protest participation, prompting its future use as a variable that can enhance existing predictive models of collective action. Results regarding other variables are also discussedThis research was partly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Social Fund (grants for excellence projects 2015: PSI2015-66608-P) and by the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia (grant no. ED431B 2016/017). The research was also funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Social Fund through the 2016 grants for predoctoral contracts (BDNS: 316231)S

    Desarrollo y validación de la Escala de Monopolio de la Verdad. Una medida de extremismo político

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    Background: Extreme political attitudes have been on the rise since the economic and political crisis of 2008. This surge of extremism constitutes a real threat, as attitudes like these are dangerous for the peaceful, democratic functioning of society. A new cognitive style, Monopoly on Truth has been proposed, based mainly on the concept of naïve realism. Method: The development and validation of a scale for this new construct is the main objective of this study. A pilot study (N=209) was performed in order to gather the items that make up the fi nal scale; and a main study (N=369) was conducted to test the validity and predictive power of the scale. Results: The validation is successful as the scale shows good reliability scores, while also proving to be linked to extremism-related constructs. Additionally, the scale shows signs of not being ideologically biased. Conclusion: Results show the scale to be a very useful tool for studying extremism and other political trends. Future directions and other implications of the Monopoly on Truth are also discussedDesarrollo y validación de la Escala de Monopolio de la Verdad. Una medida de extremismo político. Antecedentes: las actitudes políticas extremas han experimentado un crecimiento constante desde la crisis político-económica de 2008. Esta oleada de extremismo constituye una amenaza real, debido el peligro que supone para el funcionamiento pacífico y democrático de la sociedad. Se propone un nuevo estilo cognitivo, el Monopolio de la Verdad, basado principalmente en el concepto de realismo ingenuo. Método: el desarrollo y validación de una escala para este nuevo constructo es el objetivo principal del presente trabajo, para ello se llevó a cabo un estudio piloto (N=209) con la finalidad de desarrollar la escala, así como un estudio principal (N=369) cuyo propósito fue la validación de la misma. Resultados: el proceso de construcción y validación fue satisfactorio ya que la escala muestra una buena fiabilidad y está vinculada con constructos relacionados con extremismo. Adicionalmente, la escala no muestra sesgos ideológicos. Conclusiones: la Escala de Monopolio de la Verdad es una herramienta de gran interés para el estudio del extremismo y otras tendencias políticas. Se discuten también direcciones futuras y otras implicaciones del Monopolio de la VerdadThis research is partly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Social Fund (2016 grant for predoctoral contracts BDNS:316231 and Grants for Excellence Projects 2015. PSI2015-66608-P). Research is also partly funded by the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia (ED431B 2016/017)S

    Comparing Measures of Individual Differences in Performance of Conditional Reasoning

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    This work was presented at 10th EUROPEAN MEETING OF THE PSYCHOMETRIC SOCIETY, celebrated in Santiago de Compostela, Spain (15-18th July, 1997). This study examined the following issues: 1) The relation among different measures in psychometric ability tests (verbal comprehension and reasoning), computerised measure of comprehension skills and the subjects´ performance in a experimental task of conditional reasoning, 2) Whetehr or not good and por comprehenders sistematically differ in their performance in Wason´s selection task (Wason, 1966, 1968) and 3) The differential influence of rule content and instruction on the subjects´ performance in the selection task. 154 undergraduate students each completed three psychometric ability tests (DAT-VR, PMA-V and PMA-R), and a spanish versión of Gernsbacher´s Comprehension Battery. Subsequently each subject was given three problems corresponding to the content of the theree different rules (abstract content, thematic-premission and thematic-norm) and the instructions were also manipulated (verification/falsation vs. violation) (Valiña & cols., 1996). The results showed that: a) Performance in Wason´s selection task with abstract and thematic-permission content in terms of logical index is related to measures of the DAT-VR, b) In terms of differential analyses it was found that the logical index was considerably better in the higher reasoning-verbal group (DAT-VR) with abstract content and thematic-permission, but differences were not found in performance among good and por verbal comprehenders (PMA-V and Gernsbacher Comprehension Battery) or subjects with high and low scores in the PMA-R, and c) For he logical index and the matching index the principal effects of the content of the rule and the instructions were registere

    Adaptación española del Subjective Value Inventory

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    Background: Different studies have highlighted the importance of subjective outcomes in negotiations. The Subjective Value Inventory (SVI) is the only existing instrument for measuring this aspect. The aim of this research was to analyze the psychometric properties and gender factorial invariance of the SVI in a Spanish sample. Method: A double back-translation of the original tool was carried out and it was then applied to a diverse sample of 345 university students and professionals of both genders. Analysis of factorial validity, reliability, and factorial invariance of the model across gender were carried out. Results: A model of sixteen items grouped into four factors, equivalent to the original, was confirmed. All the factors of the model, except the Self, demonstrated adequate psychometric indices. The configural invariance across gender is acceptable. Conclusions: The Spanish version of the SVI matches the original scale. However, this study proposes using the scale without the Self factor. Lastly, the scale shows configural invariance across genderAntecedentes: diferentes estudios han destacado la importancia de los resultados subjetivos en las negociaciones. El Subjective Value Inventory (SVI) es el único instrumento para medir este aspecto. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas y la invarianza factorial de género del SVI en una muestra española. Método: se realizó la doble traducción de la herramienta original y luego se aplicó a una muestra de 345 universitarios y profesionales de ambos géneros. Se realizaron análisis de validez factorial, de fiabilidad y de invarianza factorial del modelo en relación al género. Todos los factores del modelo, excepto el Self, mostraron unos índices psicométricos adecuados. La invarianza configural en relación al género es aceptable. Resultados: se confirmó un modelo de dieciséis ítems agrupados en cuatro factores, equivalente al original. Conclusiones: la versión española del SVI se ajusta a la escala original. Sin embargo, en este estudio se propone utilizar la escala sin el factor Self. Finalmente, la escala muestra invarianza configural en relación al géneroS