2,660 research outputs found

    Multiple paths in complex tasks

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    The relationship between utility judgments of subtask paths and the utility of the task as a whole was examined. The convergent validation procedure is based on the assumption that measurements of the same quantity done with different methods should covary. The utility measures of the subtasks were obtained during the performance of an aircraft flight controller navigation task. Analyses helped decide among various models of subtask utility combination, whether the utility ratings of subtask paths predict the whole tasks utility rating, and indirectly, whether judgmental models need to include the equivalent of cognitive noise


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana penggunaan hak prioritas terhadap pemegang hak guna bangunan yang berakhir jangka waktunya dan bagaimana perlindungan hukum terhadap pemegang hak guna bangunan yang berakhir jangka waktunya untuk mendapatkan hak prioritas, yang dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Penggunaan hak prioritas terhadap pemegang hak guna bangunan yang telah berakhir jangka waktunya sesuai dengan ketentuan pasal 42, Permenag KaBPN Nomor 9 Tahun 1999 masih belum maksimal diterapkan dan dijalankan, sehingga pemegang hak guna bangunan yang sudah berakhir jangka waktunya merasa tidak mendapatkan keadilan untuk hak-hak yang wajib didapatkan. 2. Perlindungan hukum terhadap pemegang hak guna bangunan yang berakhir jangka waktunya untuk mendapatkan hak prioritas hanya dapat dilakukan dengan tindakan preventif sebagai pencegahan melalui aturan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang selaras dan tidak tumpang tindih

    Capillary and microdevice electrophoretic tools for genetic analyses: heteroduplex analysis for tuberculosis drug susceptibility and ligase detection reaction for colorectal cancer detection

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    The traditional format of electrophoresis, the slab gel, is quickly being replaced by capillary and microdevice platforms, which offer improvements in cost, resolution, speed, quantitation and automation in genetic analyses. These techniques also employ a variety of separation matrices while the slab gel is limited to agarose and polyacrylamide. The research presented here explores the use of these electrophoretic formats for the detection of single nucleotide mutations using two genetic models associated with human disease. Slab gel based heteroduplex analysis (HDA), a popular mutation scanning method, uses a specially designed universal heteroduplex generator (UHG) containing controlled variation to enhance the subtle conformational differences caused by single-base substitutions that are difficult to discriminate. Here, the slab gel based HDA-UHG method has been modified to capillary and microdevice formats for the quantitative and reproducible analysis of single-base substitutions in rpoB that give rise to the rifampin-resistant phenotype of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The capillary method reduced analysis time from 2.5 hours to approximately 30 minutes. The microdevice further reduced analysis time to 6 minutes while maintaining efficiency and resolution. Both capillary and microdevice methods employed methyl cellulose as the sieving matrix at 0.3% and 0.75% (w/v) concentrations, respectively. In colorectal cancer, base substitutions in the K-ras gene occur early in development, are preserved throughout the course of tumor progression and thus, can be used as biomarkers for the diagnosis of early, curable tumors. The current detection scheme uses slab gel electrophoresis and a mutation specific method, multiplexed polymerase chain reaction/ligase detection reaction, to identify all 19 possible single-base substitution mutations at codons 12, 13 and 61. This technique was also adapted and optimized to the capillary and microdevice formats. This study evaluated capillary methods employing both cross-linked as well as entangled polymer matrices. The capillary methods ranged from 30 to 45 minutes in analysis time. The cross-linked capillary exhibited increased deterioration at longer electrokinetic injection times, while severe injection biases were observed in the entangled polymers evaluated. Initial microdevice experiments were possible in approximately 5 minutes using the entangled polymer matrices and have great potential in microdevice analysis for such mutations

    Density dependence and the control of helminth parasites.

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    1. The transient dynamics and stability of a population are determined by the interplay between species density, its spatial distribution and the positive and negative density-dependent processes regulating population growth. 2. Using the human-helminth parasite system as an example, we propose that the life-stage upon which negative density dependence operates will influence the rate of host reinfection following anthelmintic chemotherapy, and the likely success of control programmes. 3. Simple deterministic models are developed which highlight how a parasite species whose population size is down-regulated by density-dependent establishment will reinfect a host population at a faster rate than a species with density-dependent parasite fecundity. 4. Different forms of density dependence can produce the same equilibrium behaviour but different transient dynamics. Under-representing the nature and magnitude of density-dependent mechanisms, and in particular those operating upon establishing life-stages, may cause the resilience of the parasite population to a control perturbation to be underestimated

    Copyrights: The Law, the Teacher, and the Principal

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    Life cycle assessment of multi-loop recycling: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Today, circular economy plays a prominent role in optimization of natural resource consumption, while also minimizing waste generation throughout the life cycle of a product. Both in relation to climate targets, the UN Sustainability Development Goals, as well as simply meeting recycling targets at national level. Keeping products, materials and resources in subsequent production cycles, for as long as possible, is one of the fundamental concepts of circular economy, and consistent strategies for how to improve resource utilization throughout the life cycle(s) of products are needed. Regarding the end-of-life waste stage of the product cycle, this can be achieved by reusing, repairing and recycling waste materials. However, within waste management most focus has been simply on recycling with little reflection of the material loops in a longer time perspective. Therefore, to avoid implementation of circular economy initiatives that may lead to net environmental impacts rather than benefits, comprehensive and systemic assessments are needed also involving subsequent recycling loops. While life cycle assessment (LCA) of repairing, reuse, recycling, and utilization options have been provided in literature, little attention has been placed on cascading and multiple recycling loops, although this is one of the primary intentions behind circular economy. This study provides preliminary results evaluating LCA approaches from the perspective of multi-loop and cascading recycling with the aim of identifying opportunities, limitations and challenges based on current literature. Recommendations are provided based on evaluation of simple cases

    Control on the Illegal Use of Clenbuterol in Pigs In Hong Kong

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    Clenbuterol is a beta-agonist normally used for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in horses (Adams 1984) and management of parturition in cattle and sheep (Sasse 1987). However, it also has leanness-enhancing effects when included in the feed of several livestock species, including swine (Ricks et al., 1984: Anderson et al., 1990; Mersmann, 1998). Studies on improved growth promotion associated with beta-agonist in feed first appeared in the literature in the early 1980s (Baker and Kiernan 1983, Baker et al. 1984) Significant improvements in food conversion ratio were found in a large range of livestock species, including cattle (Allen et al. 1997), sheep (Hanrahan et al. 1987), pigs (Jones et al. 1985) and poultry (Dalrymple and Ingle 1987)

    Preparing Principals: New Directions

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    The time for traditional, mechanical administrator training programs has long since run its course. (New Curriculum and Training Techniques.

    A carboxylesterase, Esterase-6, modulates sensory physiological and behavioral response dynamics to pheromone in Drosophila

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    Conclusions: Our study presents evidence that Est-6 plays a role in the physiological and behavioral dynamics of sex pheromone response in Drosophila males and supports a role of Est-6 as an odorant-degrading enzyme (ODE) in male antennae. Our results also expand the role of Est-6 in Drosophila biology, from reproduction to olfaction, and highlight the role of ODEs in insect olfaction