1,830 research outputs found

    Videoscheme: A Research, Authoring, and Teaching Tool for Multimedia

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    The availability of digital multimedia technology poses new challenges to researchers, authors, and educators, even as it creates new opportunities for rich communication. This paper suggests interactive computer programming as a fruitful approach to these challenges. VideoScheme, a prototype video programming environment, is described along with promising applications

    Editorial: Special Issue on Social Media

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    Social Media and Collective Intelligence: Ongoing and Future Research Streams

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    The tremendous growth in the use of Social Media has led to radical paradigm shifts in the ways we communicate, collaborate, consume, and create information. Our focus in this special issue is on the reciprocal interplay of Social Media and Collective Intelligence. We therefore discuss constituting attributes of Social Media and Collective Intelligence, and we structure the rapidly growing body of literature including adjacent research streams such as Social Network Analysis, Web Science, and Computational Social Science. We conclude by making propositions for future research where in particular the disciplines of artificial intelligence, computer science, and information systems can substantially contribute to the interdisciplinary academic discourse

    Conference on a Disk: A Successful Experiment in Hypermedia Publishing (Extended Abstract)

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    Academic conferences are a long-standing and effective form of multimedia communication. Conference participants can transmit and recieve information through sight, speech, gesture, text, and touch. This same-time, same-place communication is sufficiently valuable to justify large investments in time and travel funds. Printed conference proceedings are attempts to recapture the value of a life conference, but they are limited by a fragmented and inefficient approach to the problem. We addressed this problem in the multimedia proceedings of the DAGS\u2792 conference. The recently published CD-ROM delibers text, graphic, audio, and video information as an integrated whole, with extensive provisions for random access and hypermedia linking. We belive that this project provides a model for future conference publications and highlights some of the research issues that must be resolved before similar publications can be quickly and inexpensively produced

    Inverse modeling of CO2 sources and sinks using satellite data: a synthetic inter-comparison of measurement techniques and their performance as a function of space and time

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    Currently two polar orbiting satellite instruments measure CO<sub>2</sub> concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere, while other missions are planned for the coming years. In the future such instruments might become powerful tools for monitoring changes in the atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> abundance and to improve our quantitative understanding of the leading processes controlling this. At the moment, however, we are still in an exploratory phase where first experiences are collected and promising new space-based measurement concepts are investigated. This study assesses the potential of some of these concepts to improve CO<sub>2</sub> source and sink estimates obtained from inverse modelling. For this purpose the performance of existing and planned satellite instruments is quantified by synthetic simulations of their ability to reduce the uncertainty of the current source and sink estimates in comparison with the existing ground-based network of sampling sites. Our high resolution inversion of sources and sinks (at 8&deg;x10&deg;) allows us to investigate the variation of instrument performance in space and time and at various temporal and spatial scales. The results of our synthetic tests clearly indicate that the satellite performance increases with increasing sensitivity of the instrument to CO<sub>2</sub> near the Earth's surface, favoring the near infra-red technique. Thermal infrared instruments, on the contrary, reach a better global coverage, because the performance in the near infrared is reduced over the oceans owing to a low surface albedo. Near infra-red sounders can compensate for this by measuring in sun-glint, which will allow accurate measurements over the oceans, at the cost, however, of a lower measurement density. Overall, the sun-glint pointing near infrared instrument is the most promising concept of those tested. We show that the ability of satellite instruments to resolve fluxes at smaller temporal and spatial scales is also related to surface sensitivity. All the satellite instruments performed relatively well over the continents resulting mainly from the larger prior flux uncertainties over land than over the oceans. In addition, the surface networks are rather sparse over land increasing the additional benefit of satellite measurements there. Globally, challenging satellite instrument precisions are needed to compete with the current surface network (about 1ppm for weekly and 8&deg;x10&deg; averaged SCIAMACHY columns). Regionally, however, these requirements relax considerably, increasing to 5ppm for SCIAMACHY over tropical continents. This points not only to an interesting research area using SCIAMACHY data, but also to the fact that satellite requirements should not be quantified by only a single number. The applicability of our synthetic results to real satellite instruments is limited by rather crude representations of instrument and data retrieval related uncertainties. This should receive high priority in future work

    Information Systems for “Wicked Problems” – Proposing Research at the Intersection of Social Media and Collective Intelligence

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    The objective of this commentary is to propose some fruitful research direction built upon the reciprocal interplay of social media and collective intelligence. We focus on “wicked problems” — a class of what Introne et al. 2013 call “problems for which no single computational formulation of the problem is sufficient, for which different stakeholders do not even agree on what the problem really is, and for which there are no right or wrong answers, only answers that are better or worse from different points of view”. We argue that information systems research in particular can aid in designing appropriate systems due to benefits derived from the combined perspectives of both social media and collective intelligence. We document the relevance and timeliness of social media and collective intelligence for business and information systems engineering, pinpoint needed functionality of information systems for wicked problems, describe related research challenges, highlight prospective suitable methods to tackle those challenges, and review examples of initial results

    Right Hemisphere Partial Complex Seizures: Mania, Hallucinations, and Speech Disturbances During Ictal Events

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    A patient with right hemisphere complex partial seizures exhibited extreme emotional lability resembling mania, neologisms resembling those found in fluent aphasia, and hallucinations during ictal periods. The electroencephalographic and clinical findings in this case suggest that cortical and subcortical structures of the right hemisphere may play a role in mediating the expression of language content. RÉSUMÉ Chez un patient prÉsentant des crises partielles complexes de l'hÉmisphÈre droit, nous avons observÉ pendant les crises une labilitÉÉmotionnelle Évoquant le diagnostic de manie. des nÉologismes ressemblant À ceux de l'aphasie de Wernicke et des hallucinations. Nos constatation EEG et cliniques suggÈrent que les structures corticales et sous-corticales de l'hÉmisphÈre droit peuvent jouer un rÔle dans la mÉdiation de l'expression du contenu linguistique. RESUMEN Un paciente con ataques parciales complejos originados en el hemisferio derecho mostrÓ una labilidad emocional extrema semejante a la mania, neologismos comparables a los que se encuentran en la afasia fluida y alucinaciones durante los perÍodos ictales. Los hallazgos clÍnicos y del EEG en este caso sugieren que estructuras corticales y subcorticales del hemisferio derecho pueden jugar un papel en la funciÓn del contenido del lenguaje expresivo.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66016/1/j.1528-1157.1988.tb05093.x.pd

    Psychogenic Elaboration of Simple Partial Seizures

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    Seizures that cause loss of consciousness (LOC) can be classified as epileptic or nonepileptic based on evaluation of ictal semiology and analysis of changes in EEG events, recorded with continuous scalp EEG and video monitoring. We report 3 patients who had hippocampal electrographic seizures documented with intracranial EEG recording with no accompanying scalp EEG change immediately preceding psychogenic unresponsiveness. Each patient also had complex partial seizures (CPS) originating in the hippocampus. Some individuals can have complex interactions of epileptic and nonepileptic seizures.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66184/1/j.1528-1157.1995.tb00471.x.pd

    Effect of Chemotherapy on the Microbiota and Metabolome of Human Milk: A Case Report

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    BACKGROUND: Human milk is an important source of bacteria for the developing infant and has been shown to influence the bacterial composition of the neonatal gut, which in turn can affect disease risk later in life. Human milk is also an important source of nutrients, influencing bacterial composition but also directly affecting the host. While recent studies have emphasized the adverse effects of antibiotic therapy on the infant microbiota, the effects of maternal chemotherapy have not been previously studied. Here we report the effects of drug administration on the microbiota and metabolome of human milk. METHODS: Mature milk was collected every two weeks over a four month period from a lactating woman undergoing chemotherapy for Hodgkin\u27s lymphoma. Mature milk was also collected from healthy lactating women for comparison. Microbial profiles were analyzed by 16S sequencing and the metabolome by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. FINDINGS: Chemotherapy caused a significant deviation from a healthy microbial and metabolomic profile, with depletion of genera Bifidobacterium, Eubacterium, Staphylococcus and Cloacibacterium in favor of Acinetobacter, Xanthomonadaceae and Stenotrophomonas. The metabolites docosahexaenoic acid and inositol known for their beneficial effects were also decreased. CONCLUSION: With milk contents being critical for shaping infant immunity and development, consideration needs to be given to the impact of drugs administered to the mother and the long-term potential consequences for the health of the infant

    The Roles of Video in the Design, Development, and Use of Interactive Electronic Conference Proceedings

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    In this paper, we discuss the design and development of a particular type of electronic publication that has gained recent popularity: electronic conference proceedings. We suggest that modern electronic proceedings should provide a high degree of interactivity. To support such interactivity, proceedings should include an extensive collection of features and diverse multimedia components. Features appropriate for electronic proceedings include annotation, presentation, and retrieval mechanisms. Conference papers and multimedia reproductions of conference presentations with features that allow readers to manipulate these reproductions particularly enhance the interactivity of electronic proceedings. Experience from interactive proceedings the authors have designed is also discussed. Special attention is given to the multiple roles video elements can and should play in interactive proceedings
