50 research outputs found
Administrative methods of local-scale entrepreneurship development support by territorial governments in Poland
According to Doing Business Index (which ranks countries on their ease of conducting business), published by the World Bank in 2009, Poland is on the 72nd place among 184 studied countries. Poland's main problems include excessive bureaucracy, complicated regulations, and multiple licences and permissions required in various sectors of the economy. According to the partial criterion 'starting a business', our country is on the very distant 117th place . This, undoubtedly, is a significant problem for Polish entrepreneurs and, at the same time, a major challenge for legislators who should quickly implement legislative solutions supporting new business development. The main barriers to business development in Poland are legal and administrative requirements which have to be met by businesses in the country. According to the conclusions of numerous studies conducted among entrepreneurs in Poland, the strongest disadvantages are inflexible labour law regulations as well as arduous administrative procedures. Accomplishment of formalities connected with the settlement of various regulatory liabilities (duration of procedures, number of required documents, availability of various document forms from one place, etc.) constitutes the main difficulty. This particularly applies to smaller companies which are used to traditional payment methods and fulfilment by themselves of all procedures required by the authorities. Despite the procedural obstacles limiting business activity in Poland, there is an increasing number of initiatives undertaken by local authorities with the aim to improve the climate for business development within their territories. Local authorities implement simple solutions helping to overcome administrative barriers. A measure commonly adopted by the authorities described in this paper is the implementation of a certified quality management system compliant with the ISO 9001:2000 standard. In this paper, the authors present initiatives implemented in selected municipal offices in Poland with the aim to facilitate business activity starting and conducting by entrepreneurs. The initiatives have been diagnosed in a questionnaire-based survey carried out by one of the authors among selected Polish municipal offices having implemented the quality management system
Preferencje klientów związane z zakupami online
Nowadays online shopping is becoming more popular among Polish consumers. The aim of the article is to establish the existence of statistically signifiant differences between certain aspects of the behaviour of consumers when shopping online and their age. The empirical base for the article comprises the material obtained as a result of a survey carried out on a sample of 597 people buying over the Internet.Zakupy online stają się coraz bardziej popularne wśród polskich konsumentów. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu wykazanie istnienia statystycznie istotnych różnic między wybranymi aspektami zachowań konsumentów podczas zakupów online a ich wiekiem. Bazę empiryczną opracowania stanowią wyniki badań diagnostycznych przeprowadzonych techniką CAWI na próbie 597 osób dokonujących zakupów przez Internet
The situation in the labour market is conditioned by many factors that often have a local dimension. Identification of different levels of development of labour demand as well as potential of labour supply on the local level is a crucial element of diagnosis of reasons for regional and local diversity and implementation of an appropriate labour market policy. As there is available a variety of indicators describing regional labour relations, there is a need to create synthetic measure to include different aspects of the labour market situation. The aim of the paper is identification of the diversity of the situation in the local labour markets of all 16 Polish voivodeships. At the first step, a synthetic measure including eight variables was created. At the second stage 16 Polish voivodeships were clustered following Ward’s and k-means methods. As the authors assume that the position of voivodeship labour markets is connected with the position of capital cities, the analysis was deepened by ranking voivodeship cities based on Hellwig’s method. As a result of conducted research and the classification of Polish voivodeships and their capital cities in the context of the situation in the labour market, there have been identified the reasons of regions’ positions and proposed recommendations for the labour market policy.
Increasing the employment among young people is one of the main objectives of the European Union labour market policy. On the one hand, labour market indicators of youths are worse than the ones for the population as a whole. Moreover, the EU countries face NEETs phenomena when young people are not in education, employment and training. Simultaneously, the strong aging process in Europe and demographic changes determine the need for a particular focus on young people who are an important part of future labour force. It is crucial to equip young people with the skills and competencies tailored to the needs of employers, which also would be consistent with the attitudes and expectations of young people. That is why the authors of the paper decided to take into consideration the work and education attitudes of students in two European countries - Poland and Lithuania. These neighbouring EU member states went through comparable historical and political conditions, which influenced their economic situations also in the area of labour market. However, those countries followed different educational reforms. Lithuania implemented basic dual learning and Poland still represents more theoretical orientation in tertiary education. The research aim of the paper is to identify the differences in education and future work attitudes of Polish and Lithuanian students. Those differences were diagnosed taking into account: an assessment of own skills for a 'dream' job, perceptions of the impact of environmental factors on a future career, as well as a diagnosis of motivators to work.The chosen research methods were both secondary data analysis as well as realisation of the primary quantitative research among Polish and Lithuanian students. The survey was conducted among 500 students - roughly in half from each country. The comparison showed large similarities in the factors affecting the motivation of students to work as well as some differences in the perception of the impact of the environment on the future career. The biggest differences among students from two countries were identified in the evaluation of skills needed to find employment.
Kierunki rozwoju nanotechnologii w województwie podlaskim. Mapy. Marszruty. Trendy
W monografii zaprezentowano możliwe kierunki rozwoju nanotechnologii w województwie podlaskim opracowane w ramach projektu badawczego „Foresight technologiczny «NT FOR Podlaskie 2020». Regionalna strategia rozwoju nanotechnologii”.Joanicjusz Nazark
Czynniki wzmacniające doskonalenie zawodowe w rozwoju regionalnym Polski wobec wymogow Unii Europejskiej
Kowalewski, Tadeusz; Glinska, Eva. Factors strengthening vocational training in the regional development of Poland in relation to the requirements of the European Unio
Wizerunek i tożsamość jako elementy zarządzania miastem
Glińska, Ewa; Zalejski, Jaroslaw. Image and identity as elements of city managemen
Stakeholders engagement for solving mobility problems in touristic remote areas from the Baltic Sea Region
Stakeholder participation is particularly important when dealing with mobility problems in touristic remote areas, in which there is a need to find sustainable solutions to increase transport accessibility. However, the literature lacks research linking the issues of establishing stakeholder groups with the most desirable level of involvement and methods ensuring involvement on the indicated level. The aim of the paper is to fill this gap on example of project dedicated to six Baltic Sea Regions. In the first stage key stakeholder groups were identified, then different methods and tools were proposed depending on levels of engagement of given group of stakeholders on solving the problems of local mobility. Two research methods were implemented–the case study and the content analysis of documents. The results of the research point to the existence of five key groups of stakeholders interested in solving transport problems of touristic remote areas: authorities, business and service operators, residents, visitors and others (like experts and NGOs). Among the five–authorities and business representatives–should be to a higher degree engaged. However, the main conclusion is that engagement local government units, when developing their own, long-term strategies for social participation, should adapt the selection of participation methods and techniques to a specific target group and the desired level of their involvement so as to include stakeholders in the co-decision processes as effectively as possible and achieve effective regional co-management
Angażowanie interesariuszy w proces brandingu miasta – teoria versus praktyka
W związku z rozwojem paradygmatu relacyjnego w marketingu organizacji publicznych, a także w brandingu terytorialnym, coraz częściej podkreśla się, że angażowanie interesariuszy lokalnych do formułowania i wdrażania koncepcji marki miasta to kluczowy warunek sukcesu tego typu projektów. Celem artykułu jest ustalenie, czy bardziej partycypacyjne podejście do kształtowania pożądanego wizerunku miast, uwzględniające opinie różnych grup lokalnych interesariuszy, jest powiązane z wyższym stopniem klarowności zdefiniowania koncepcji marki przez samorządy miejskie w Polsce. W artykule wykorzystano analizę statystyczną wyników sondażu przeprowadzonego wśród naczelników wydziałów promocji 217 urzędów miejskich. Wyniki badań pokazały występowanie statystycznie istotnych zależności między liczbą angażowanych grup interesariuszy oraz włączaniem mieszkańców (jako jednej z lokalnych grup interesu) w proces związany z kształtowaniem pożądanego wizerunku miasta a poziomem klarowności zdefiniowania koncepcji marki przez samorządy.In connection with the development of the relational paradigm in marketing of public organizations, as well as in territorial branding, it is increasingly emphasized that involvement of local stakeholders in the process of formulating and implementing the city brand concept is a key condition for the success of such projects. The aim of the paper is to determine whether a more participatory approach in forming the desired image of cities, taking into account the opinions of various groups of local stakeholders, allows municipalities in Poland to define a clearer concept of city brand. The study uses statistical analysis of the results of a survey carried out among heads of promotion departments of 217 municipalities. The results show the presence of a statistically significant correlation between the number of stakeholders and ordinary citizens (as one of the local interest groups) involved in the process associated with the formation of the desired image of the city, and the level of clarity the local governments have regarding the definition of the concept
Маркетинговый анализ коммуникационных достоинств рекламных слоганов городов
Slogany są ważnymi strategicznymi narzędziami wykorzystywanymi w marketingu i brandingu miast. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu identyfikację strategii formułowania sloganów miast przez ustalenie kategorii skojarzeń z miastem, które ich twórcy chcą potencjalnie wywołać wśród odbiorców działań marketingowych samorządów miejskich. Wykorzystując technikę analizy treści dokonano przeglądu
144 sloganów małych i średnich miast w Polsce. Wyniki badań pokazały, że slogany miast najczęściej odwołują się do cech osobowości marki miasta, obejmujących głównie takie jej wymiary, jak szczerość i ekscytacja, a także do ukazywania korzyści związanych z doświadczeniem potencjalnego użytkownika miejskiej oferty. Rezultaty opracowania mają implikacje praktyczne, gdyż dostarczają wiedzy gospodarzom miast i pracownikom samorządowym z zakresu metod formułowania sloganów reklamowych innych ośrodków. Mogą mieć także zastosowanie społeczne, pokazują bowiem sposoby kreowania sposobów oddziaływania na percepcję odbiorców działań marketingowych. Artykuł ma charakter badawczy.Slogans are important strategic tools used in marketing and branding activities of towns and cities. The aim of this article is to identify strategies of formulating slogans of cities by establishing categories of associations with the city, which their creators want to potentially cause among recipients of its marketing activities. Using
the content analysis technique 144 slogans of small and medium cities in Poland were reviewed. The study’s findings showed that the creators of cities slogans frequently refer to the characteristics of the brand personality of the city, consisting mainly of its dimensions such as honesty and excitement, as well as to benefits
of the experience. The results of studies have practical implications, because they provide the local governments with the strategy of formulating slogans of competitive cities. They have also social implications, showing the ways of influencing the perception of consumers as receivers of marketing activities of cities. The article is of the research nature.Слоганы – важные стратегические инструменты, используемые в маркетинге и брендинге городов. Цель настоящей статьи – выявить стратегию создания слоганов городов путем определения категории ассоциаций с городом, которые их создатели хотят потенциально вызвать у адресатов маркетинговых действий городских самоуправлений. Используя технику анализа содержания, провели обзор 144 слоганов малых и средних городов в Польше. Результаты исследований показали, что слоганы городов чаще всего относятся к чертам
личности марки города, охватывающих в основном такие ее измерения как искренность и эксцитация, а также к указанию выгод, связанных с опытом потенциального пользователя городского предложения. Результаты разработки имеют практические импликации, ибо они поставляют знания хозяевам городов и работникам самоуправления из области методов создания рекламных слоганов других центров. Они могут тоже иметь общественное применение, ибо они показывают способы создания методов воздействия на восприятие адресатов маркетинговых действий. Статья имеет исследовательский характер