723 research outputs found

    Towards a Formal Framework for Mobile, Service-Oriented Sensor-Actuator Networks

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    Service-oriented sensor-actuator networks (SOSANETs) are deployed in health-critical applications like patient monitoring and have to fulfill strong safety requirements. However, a framework for the rigorous formal modeling and analysis of SOSANETs does not exist. In particular, there is currently no support for the verification of correct network behavior after node failure or loss/addition of communication links. To overcome this problem, we propose a formal framework for SOSANETs. The main idea is to base our framework on the \pi-calculus, a formally defined, compositional and well-established formalism. We choose KLAIM, an existing formal language based on the \pi-calculus as the foundation for our framework. With that, we are able to formally model SOSANETs with possible topology changes and network failures. This provides the basis for our future work on prediction, analysis and verification of the network behavior of these systems. Furthermore, we illustrate the real-life applicability of this approach by modeling and extending a use case scenario from the medical domain.Comment: In Proceedings FESCA 2013, arXiv:1302.478

    A Denotational Semantics for Communicating Unstructured Code

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    An important property of programming language semantics is that they should be compositional. However, unstructured low-level code contains goto-like commands making it hard to define a semantics that is compositional. In this paper, we follow the ideas of Saabas and Uustalu to structure low-level code. This gives us the possibility to define a compositional denotational semantics based on least fixed points to allow for the use of inductive verification methods. We capture the semantics of communication using finite traces similar to the denotations of CSP. In addition, we examine properties of this semantics and give an example that demonstrates reasoning about communication and jumps. With this semantics, we lay the foundations for a proof calculus that captures both, the semantics of unstructured low-level code and communication.Comment: In Proceedings FESCA 2015, arXiv:1503.0437

    Fault-Tolerance by Graceful Degradation for Car Platoons

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    The key advantage of autonomous car platoons are their short inter-vehicle distances that increase traffic flow and reduce fuel consumption. However, this is challenging for operational and functional safety. If a failure occurs, the affected vehicles cannot suddenly stop driving but instead should continue their operation with reduced performance until a safe state can be reached or, in the case of temporal failures, full functionality can be guaranteed again. To achieve this degradation, platoon members have to be able to compensate sensor and communication failures and have to adjust their inter-vehicle distances to ensure safety. In this work, we describe a systematic design of degradation cascades for sensor and communication failures in autonomous car platoons using the example of an autonomous model car. We describe our systematic design method, the resulting degradation modes, and formulate contracts for each degradation level. We model and test our resulting degradation controller in Simulink/Stateflow

    An introduction to (Co)algebras and (Co)induction and their application to the semantics of programming languages

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    This report summarizes operational approaches to the formal semantics of programming languages and shows that they can be interpreted inductively by least fixed points as well as coinductively by greatest fixed points. While the inductive interpretation gives semantics to all terminating programs, the coinductive one defines moreover also a semantics for all non-terminating programs. This is especially important in areas where programs do not terminate in general, e.g. data bases, operating systems, or control software in embedded systems. The semantic foundations described in this report can be used to verify that transformations (e.g. in compilers) of such software systems are correct. In the course of this report, coalgebras and coinduction are introduced, starting with a gentle intuitive motivation and ending with a detailed mathematical description within the notions of category theory

    Addressing the Needs of Children of Incarcerated Parents

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    Out of the Shadows: What Legal Research Instruction Reveals about Incorporating Skills throughout the Curriculum

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    The article first examines the politics of curricular reform. Before a law school will be able to increase or improve any skills instruction, the targeted skill must be important to enough to affect the curriculum. For example, sometimes law schools send inconsistent messages about the importance of legal research instruction. While external voices such as ABA accreditation standards and surveys of the practicing bar have long-recognized importance of the skills of legal research, evidence of the importance of the skill in the law school curriculum is mixed. If asked, most faculty members will agree that a given skill, such as legal research, is important. However, for that skill to be integrated into the curriculum in a way that will substantially affect graduate competencies, the skill must be important enough in the hierarchy of the faculty and curriculum to justify the costs of curricular change

    Three Views of the Academy: Legal Education and the Legal Profession in Transition

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    Reviewing James E. Milterno, The American Legal Profession in Crisis: Resistance and Responses to Change (Oxford University Press 2013); Deborah L. Rhode, Lawyers as Leaders (Oxford University Press 2013), and Robin L. West, Teaching Law: Justice, Politics, and the Demands of Professionalism (Cambridge University Press 2013)

    Landlords as Cops: Tort, Nuisance & Forfeiture Standards Imposing Liability on Landlords for Crime on the Premises

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