215 research outputs found

    The European arrest warrant and in absentia judgments:The cause of much trouble

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    The ground for optional refusal of Article 4a FD 2002/584/JHA was intended to strengthen the rights of defendants and make the execution of European Arrest Warrants after in absentia convictions easier. In practice, however, problems at the level of the EU legislator, at the level of national legislators and at the level of judicial authorities seem to stand in the way of achieving those goals. A common thread of the problems with applying Article 4a is a lack of awareness of the case-law of the European Court of Justice. Based on case studies from six EU Member States, this article makes an in-depth analysis of these problems and suggests concrete measures on how to overcome them

    Numerical Modeling of Mantle Flow Beneath Madagascar to Constrain Upper Mantle Rheology Beneath Continental Regions

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    Over the past few decades, azimuthal seismic anisotropy measurements have been widely used proxy to study past and present‐day deformation of the lithosphere and to characterize convection in the mantle. Beneath continental regions, distinguishing between shallow and deep sources of anisotropy remains difficult due to poor depth constraints of measurements and a lack of regional‐scale geodynamic modeling. Here, we constrain the sources of seismic anisotropy beneath Madagascar where a complex pattern cannot be explained by a single process such as absolute plate motion, global mantle flow, or geology. We test the hypotheses that either Edge‐Driven Convection (EDC) or mantle flow derived from mantle wind interactions with lithospheric topography is the dominant source of anisotropy beneath Madagascar. We, therefore, simulate two sets of mantle convection models using regional‐scale 3‐D computational modeling. We then calculate Lattice Preferred Orientation that develops along pathlines of the mantle flow models and use them to calculate synthetic splitting parameters. Comparison of predicted with observed seismic anisotropy shows a good fit in northern and southern Madagascar for the EDC model, but the mantle wind case only fits well in northern Madagascar. This result suggests the dominant control of the measured anisotropy may be from EDC, but the role of localized fossil anisotropy in narrow shear zones cannot be ruled out in southern Madagascar. Our results suggest that the asthenosphere beneath northern and southern Madagascar is dominated by dislocation creep. Dislocation creep rheology may be dominant in the upper asthenosphere beneath other regions of continental lithosphere

    Numerical Modeling of Mantle Flow Beneath Madagascar to Constrain Upper Mantle Rheology Beneath Continental Regions

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    Over the past few decades, azimuthal seismic anisotropy measurements have been widely used proxy to study past and present‐day deformation of the lithosphere and to characterize convection in the mantle. Beneath continental regions, distinguishing between shallow and deep sources of anisotropy remains difficult due to poor depth constraints of measurements and a lack of regional‐scale geodynamic modeling. Here, we constrain the sources of seismic anisotropy beneath Madagascar where a complex pattern cannot be explained by a single process such as absolute plate motion, global mantle flow, or geology. We test the hypotheses that either Edge‐Driven Convection (EDC) or mantle flow derived from mantle wind interactions with lithospheric topography is the dominant source of anisotropy beneath Madagascar. We, therefore, simulate two sets of mantle convection models using regional‐scale 3‐D computational modeling. We then calculate Lattice Preferred Orientation that develops along pathlines of the mantle flow models and use them to calculate synthetic splitting parameters. Comparison of predicted with observed seismic anisotropy shows a good fit in northern and southern Madagascar for the EDC model, but the mantle wind case only fits well in northern Madagascar. This result suggests the dominant control of the measured anisotropy may be from EDC, but the role of localized fossil anisotropy in narrow shear zones cannot be ruled out in southern Madagascar. Our results suggest that the asthenosphere beneath northern and southern Madagascar is dominated by dislocation creep. Dislocation creep rheology may be dominant in the upper asthenosphere beneath other regions of continental lithosphere

    Mitigating the impact of errors in travel time reporting on mode choice modelling

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    Travel time is a major component in understanding travel demand. However, the quantification of demand and forecasting hinges on understanding how travel time is perceived and reported. Travel time reporting is typically subject to errors and this paper focuses on the mitigation of their impact on choice models. The aim is to explain the origin of these errors by including elements of travel behaviour (e.g., activities during the trip), which have been shown to significantly affect mode choices and commuting satisfaction. Based on responses from a revealed preferences survey, we estimate a mode choice model that treats travel time as a latent variable and incorporates different sources of data along with information on travel activities. Employing these multiple \u2013 sometimes incongruent \u2013 sources of information in the choice model appears to be beneficial. Results from comparing a logit model assuming error-free inputs and the integrated hybrid model revealed significant impacts on the generated policy scenarios. The model results also contributed to identifying the main travel activity features that affect travel time reporting, providing indications that can assist in understanding and mitigating the impact of imprecise measurements

    Mechanism for deep crustal seismicity: Insight from modeling of deformation process at the Main Ethiopian Rift

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    We combine numerical modeling of lithospheric extension with analysis of seismic moment release and earthquake b-value in order to elucidate the mechanism for deep crustal seismicity and seismic swarms in the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER). We run 2-D numerical simulations of lithospheric deformation calibrated by appropriate rheology and extensional history of the MER to simulate migration of deformation from mid-Miocene border faults to ∌30 km wide zone of Pliocene to recent rift floor faults. While currently the highest strain rate is localized in a narrow zone within the rift axis, brittle strain has been accumulated in a wide region of the rift. The magnitude of deviatoric stress shows strong variation with depth. The uppermost crust deforms with maximum stress of 80 MPa, at 8–14 km depth stress sharply decreases to 10 MPa and then increases to a maximum of 160 MPa at ∌18 km depth. These two peaks at which the crust deforms with maximum stress of 80 MPa or above correspond to peaks in the seismic moment release. Correspondingly, the drop in stress at 8–14 km correlates to a low in seismic moment release. At this depth range, the crust is weaker and deformation is mainly accommodated in a ductile manner. We therefore see a good correlation between depths at which the crust is strong and elevated seismic deformation, while regions where the crust is weaker deform more aseismically. Overall, the bimodal depth distribution of seismic moment release is best explained by the rheology of the deforming crust

    Tectonic interactions during rift linkage: insights from analog and numerical experiments

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    Continental rifts evolve by linkage and interaction of adjacent individual segments. As rift segments propagate, they can cause notable re-orientation of the local stress field so that stress orientations deviate from the regional trend. In return, this stress re-orientation can feed back on progressive deformation and may ultimately deflect propagating rift segments in an unexpected way. Here, we employ numerical and analog experiments of continental rifting to investigate the interaction between stress re-orientation and segment linkage. Both model types employ crustal-scale two-layer setups wherein pre-existing linear heterogeneities are introduced by mechanical weak seeds. We test various seed configurations to investigate the effect of (i) two competing rift segments that propagate unilaterally, (ii) linkage of two opposingly propagating rift segments, and (iii) the combination of these configurations on stress re-orientation and rift linkage. Both the analog and numerical models show counterintuitive rift deflection of two sub-parallel propagating rift segments competing for linkage with an opposingly propagating segment. The deflection pattern can be explained by means of stress analysis in numerical experiments wherein stress re-orientation occurs locally and propagates across the model domain as rift segments propagate. Major stress re-orientations may occur locally, which means that faults and rift segment trends do not necessarily align perpendicularly to far-field extension directions. Our results show that strain localization and stress re-orientation are closely linked, mutually influence each other, and may be an important factor for rift deflection among competing rift segments as observed in nature.</p

    Aborted propagation of the Ethiopian rift caused by linkage with the Kenyan rift

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    International audienceContinental rift systems form by propagation of isolated rift segments that interact, and eventually evolve into continuous zones of deformation. This process impacts many aspects of rifting including rift morphology at breakup, and eventual ocean-ridge segmentation. Yet, rift segment growth and interaction remain enigmatic. Here we present geological data from the poorly documented Ririba rift (South Ethiopia) that reveals how two major sectors of the East African rift, the Kenyan and Ethiopian rifts, interact. We show that the Ririba rift formed from the southward propagation of the Ethiopian rift during the Pliocene but this propagation was short-lived and aborted close to the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary. Seismicity data support the abandonment of laterally offset, overlapping tips of the Ethiopian and Kenyan rifts. Integration with new numerical models indicates that rift abandonment resulted from progressive focusing of the tectonic and magmatic activity into an oblique, throughgoing rift zone of near pure extension directly connecting the rift sectors

    101 geodynamic modelling: how to design, interpret, and communicate numerical studies of the solid Earth

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    Geodynamic modelling provides a powerful tool to investigate processes in the Earth's crust, mantle, and core that are not directly observable. However, numerical models are inherently subject to the assumptions and simplifications on which they are based. In order to use and review numerical modelling studies appropriately, one needs to be aware of the limitations of geodynamic modelling as well as its advantages. Here, we present a comprehensive yet concise overview of the geodynamic modelling process applied to the solid Earth from the choice of governing equations to numerical methods, model setup, model interpretation, and the eventual communication of the model results. We highlight best practices and discuss their implementations including code verification, model validation, internal consistency checks, and software and data management. Thus, with this perspective, we encourage high-quality modelling studies, fair external interpretation, and sensible use of published work. We provide ample examples, from lithosphere and mantle dynamics specifically, and point out synergies with related fields such as seismology, tectonophysics, geology, mineral physics, planetary science, and geodesy. We clarify and consolidate terminology across geodynamics and numerical modelling to set a standard for clear communication of modelling studies. All in all, this paper presents the basics of geodynamic modelling for first-time and experienced modellers, collaborators, and reviewers from diverse backgrounds to (re)gain a solid understanding of geodynamic modelling as a whole

    Quantification of Adverse Drug Reactions Related to Drug Switches in The Netherlands

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    Contains fulltext : 220534.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)We performed a retrospective cohort study in the Dutch patient population to identify active substances with a relatively high number of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) potentially related to drug switching. For this, we analyzed drug switches and reported ADRs related to switching between June 1, 2009, and December 31, 2016, for a selection of 20 active substances. We also compared pharmacovigilance analyses based on the absolute, switch-corrected, and user-corrected numbers of ADRs. In total, 1,348 reported ADRs and over 23.8 million drug switches were obtained from the National Health Care Institute in The Netherlands and from Lareb, which is The Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre. There was no correlation between the number of ADRs and the number of switches, but, on average, we found 5.7 reported ADRs per 100,000 switches. The number was relatively high for rivastigmine, levothyroxine, methylphenidate, and salbutamol, with 74.9, 50.9, 47.6, and 26.1 ADRs per 100,000 switches, respectively. When comparing analyses using the absolute number and the switch-corrected number of ADRs, we demonstrate that different active substances would be identified as having a relatively high number of ADRs, and different time periods of increased numbers of ADRs would be observed. We also demonstrate similar results when using the user-corrected number of ADRs instead of the switch-corrected number of ADRs, allowing for a more feasible approach in pharmacovigilance practice. This study demonstrates that pharmacovigilance analyses of switch-related ADRs leads to different results when the number of reported ADRs is corrected for the actual number of drug switches
