1,160 research outputs found

    Analysis of prehistoric land use patterns in the Tongue River Valley, north of Decker, Montana

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    EPR of Cu\u3csup\u3e2+\u3c/sup\u3e Prion Protein Constructs at 2 GHz Using the \u3cem\u3eg\u3c/em\u3e\u3csub\u3e⊥\u3c/sub\u3e Region to Characterize Nitrogen Ligation

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    A double octarepeat prion protein construct, which has two histidines, mixed with copper sulfate in a 3:2 molar ratio provides at most three imidazole ligands to each copper ion to form a square-planar Cu2+ complex. This work is concerned with identification of the fourth ligand. A new (to our knowledge) electron paramagnetic resonance method based on analysis of the intense features of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum in the g⊥ region at 2 GHz is introduced to distinguish between three and four nitrogen ligands. The methodology was established by studies of a model system consisting of histidine imidazole ligation to Cu2+. In this spectral region at 2 GHz (S-band), g-strain and broadening from the possible rhombic character of the Zeeman interaction are small. The most intense line is identified with the MI = +1/2 extra absorption peak. Spectral simulation demonstrated that this peak is insensitive to cupric Ax and Ay hyperfine interaction. The spectral region to the high-field side of this peak is uncluttered and suitable for analysis of nitrogen superhyperfine couplings to determine the number of nitrogens. The spectral region to the low-field side of the intense extra absorption peak in the g⊥ part of the spectrum is sensitive to the rhombic distortion parameters Ax and Ay. Application of the method to the prion protein system indicates that two species are present and that the dominant species contains four nitrogen ligands. A new loop-gap microwave resonator is described that contains ∼1 mL of frozen sample

    The study of ventilation by the centrifugal fan system

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    The system under investigation was designed by the National Blower Works and consists of One Fan (see fan drawing) ten feet in diameter (guaranteed to deliver forty four thousand cubic feet of air at one hundred and thirty six revolutions per minute) housed in a three sixteenths inch steel plate casing which stands two hundred inches high from bottom of wheel pit to top of housing. One General Electric Motor of twenty horse power capacity at two hundred and twenty volts. A plenum chamber thirty four feet by twelve feet six inches from which extend forty galvanized iron air ducts varying in size and length. The heating system, which consists of steam coils and a patent system of temperature regulation, was not studied in connection with this work --page 2

    Modulated-splitting-ratio fiber-optic temperature sensor

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    A fiber-optic temperature sensor is described, which uses a small silicon beamsplitter whose splitting ratio varies as a function of temperature. A four-beam technique is used to measure the sensor's temperature-indicating splitting ratio. This referencing method provides a measurement that is largely independent of the transmission properties of the sensor's optical fiber link. A significant advantage of this sensor, relative to other fiber-optic sensors, is its high stability, which permits the fiber-optic components to be readily substituted, thereby simplifying the sensor's installation and maintenance

    ¹³C NMR metabolomics: applications at natural abundance.

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    (13)C NMR has many advantages for a metabolomics study, including a large spectral dispersion, narrow singlets at natural abundance, and a direct measure of the backbone structures of metabolites. However, it has not had widespread use because of its relatively low sensitivity compounded by low natural abundance. Here we demonstrate the utility of high-quality (13)C NMR spectra obtained using a custom (13)C-optimized probe on metabolomic mixtures. A workflow was developed to use statistical correlations between replicate 1D (13)C and (1)H spectra, leading to composite spin systems that can be used to search publicly available databases for compound identification. This was developed using synthetic mixtures and then applied to two biological samples, Drosophila melanogaster extracts and mouse serum. Using the synthetic mixtures we were able to obtain useful (13)C-(13)C statistical correlations from metabolites with as little as 60 nmol of material. The lower limit of (13)C NMR detection under our experimental conditions is approximately 40 nmol, slightly lower than the requirement for statistical analysis. The (13)C and (1)H data together led to 15 matches in the database compared to just 7 using (1)H alone, and the (13)C correlated peak lists had far fewer false positives than the (1)H generated lists. In addition, the (13)C 1D data provided improved metabolite identification and separation of biologically distinct groups using multivariate statistical analysis in the D. melanogaster extracts and mouse serum

    Learning Experiences in Career Exploration and Decision-Making: A Test of the Career Self-Management Model

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    The proposed study had two objectives. First, it refined a recently developed measure of five types of learning experiences that, according to social cognitive career theory (SCCT; Lent & Brown, 2013), inform self-efficacy and outcome expectations in the domain of career exploration and decision-making. Second, it used the new measure to test hypotheses that (a) career exploration and decision-making learning experiences predicted both career decision self-efficacy and outcome expectations, and (b) these learning experiences related to career exploration goals indirectly via self-efficacy and outcome expectations. Data were collected via an online survey from 215 college students in introductory psychology courses. Hypothesized relationships among the learning experiences, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and goals were tested using hierarchical linear regression. Non-parametric bootstrapping was used to test mediation (indirect effects) hypotheses

    Generating The All-Hazards Intelligence Synthesis Model In The Homeland Security Intelligence Enterprise

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    The United States all-hazards homeland security operational and intelligence domains are multijurisdictional, multiagency, and multidisciplinary intelligence challenges for all-hazards intelligence analysts. A common analytical conceptual framework is needed to help unify homeland security intelligence enterprise analysts who work in an all-hazards, all-source, all-crimes, and all-disciplinary intelligence environment. A unifying all-hazards intelligence synthesis model that unites intelligence analysts with the law-enforcement, cybersecurity, technology, and natural science disciplines, would benefit the homeland security and intelligence domain enterprises. The purpose of the applied research was to discover and generate an all-hazards analysis model that enables the production of risk-informed applied intelligence products in a pluralistic intelligence environment that is privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties compliant. A comprehensive literature review was conducted following the four-step collect, analyze, synthesize, and apply process. This process is derived from proven knowledge, information, and risk management programs, as well as proven intelligence analysis methodologies, for gathering information about adversarial, cyber, technological, and natural hazards and threats to social, technological, and environmental resources. The research resulted in the generation of a universal all-hazards intelligence synthesis model that may be applicable to systems safety engineering, criminal, political, military, economic, social, and medical intelligence activities

    Aplicación de Plan De Mantenimiento Predictivo Para Aumentar La Productividad Del Taller De Producción Del Sima Callao, 2018

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    La presente tesis tuvo como desarrollo de la aplicación de plan de mantenimiento predictivo para aumentar la productividad del taller de producción del SIMACALLAO, 2018, Para llevar a cabo la implementación de estos sistemas se realiza un estudio riguroso de las áreas de producción de la empresa, porque la elección del sistema a implementar será en base a las necesidades de esta. Los servicios industriales de la marina (SIMA) es el primer astillero de américa del sur y tienen su marca posicionada a nivel internacional. Es el único astillero de alto bordo en el Perú y cuenta con maquinaria grande que, en un taller de producción normal no se encuentra con facilidad. En el astillero se lleva a cabo la construcción de embarcaciones y el mantenimiento de estas. El SIMA tiene distintas áreas, todas ellas con una función específica, se cuenta con área como logística donde se lleva a cabo la aprobación y comprar de los requerimientos de las demás áreas, recursos humanos aquí se lleva control del personal y se aprueban las contracciones, el área de producción donde se realizan los trabajos de construcción y mantenimiento de embarcaciones, aseguramiento de la calidad esta área es la encargada de dar el visto bueno a los trabajos realizados, diseño donde se lleva a cabo los diseños con especificaciones técnicas según las normas internacionales y mantenimiento. El área de mantenimiento es la encargada de mantener las maquinas del área de producción en óptimas condiciones y es donde llevaremos la propuesta para su aprobación. En conclusión, después de la mejora se evidenció en los datos que, cuando se aplicó el mantenimiento preventivo, resultó favorable para el área de trabajo, ya que incrementó la productividad de los trabajadores en el en el taller X-37 del área de reparaciones navales de la empresa SIMA Perú, Callao