524 research outputs found

    Autogenic-feedback training improves pilot performance during emergency flying conditions

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    Studies have shown that autonomous mode behavior is one cause of aircraft fatalities due to pilot error. In such cases, the pilot is in a high state of psychological and physiological arousal and tends to focus on one problem, while ignoring more critical information. The effect of training in physiological self-recognition and regulation, as a means of improving crew cockpit performance was examined. Seventeen pilots were assigned to the treatment and control groups matched for accumulated flight hours. The treatment group comprised four pilots of HC-130 Hercules aircraft and four HH-65 Dolphin helicopter pilots; the control group comprised three pilots of HC-130's and six Dolphin helicopter pilots. During an initial flight physiological data were recorded for each crewmember and individual crew performance and rated by an instructor pilot. Eight crewmembers were then taught to regulate their own physiological response levels using Autogenic-Feedback Training (AFT). The remaining subjects received no training. During a second flight, treatment subjects showed significant improvement in performance, while controls did not improve. The results indicate that AFT management of high states of physiological arousal may improve pilot performance during emergency flying conditions


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    Logistic, Gompertz, Richards and Weibull growth curves were evaluated for their suitability as mathematical and empirical models to represent cumulative germination. By avoiding the limitations associated with the method of moments and single-value germination indices, the fitted models provided superior description of the time course of germination. The four-parameter Weibull model gave the best fit across a relatively wide range of seed species and germination conditions, and the resulting parameter estimates reflected identifiable aspects of the germination process. The nonlinear estimation of the germination response included a parameter summary, together with their asymptotic standard errors and correlation matrix, along with an approximate band for the expectation function, pairwise plots of the parameter inference region, and profile t plots. Evaluation of the fitted models also included information on lack of fit and residual structure. Empirical results and hypothesis testing were demonstrated with reference to a replicated experiment designed to determine the effects of reduced water potential on germination of onion seeds

    for Cancer Research-Cancer Institute,

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    Cell-free microRNAs: potential biomarkers in need o

    Group B streptococcus cystitis presenting in a diabetic patient with a massive abdominopelvic abscess: a case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Streptococcus agalactiae or group B streptococcus is a Gram-positive pathogen that is typically associated with neonatal disease and infection in pregnant women. Group B streptococcus also causes invasive infections in non-pregnant adults including urinary tract infections. The spectrum of urinary tract infections caused by group B streptococcus includes cystitis, pyelonephritis, urosepsis and asymptomatic bacteriuria, which is particularly common among elderly individuals. A rare form of invasive group B streptococcus infection in adults is secondary abscess. Here, we present the first reported case of a patient who developed an unusual, massive abdominopelvic abscess secondary to acute group B streptococcus urinary tract infection. CASE PRESENTATION: A 46-year-old African-American woman presented to the University Emergency Department complaining of urinary tract infection symptoms and severe abdominal pain. Diagnostic imaging by transvaginal ultrasound and computed tomography revealed a massive peripherally-enhancing, low-attenuating fluid collection within her pelvis. The patient’s abdominopelvic abscess was drained by ultrasound-guided drainage and this yielded a septic aspirate that was culture positive for abundant S. agalactiae. A recent history of urinary tract infection symptoms in the patient suggested that her abscess developed secondary to cystitis. Complete resolution of the abscess as a favorable outcome was achieved in this case following surgical drainage and appropriate antimicrobial therapy. CONCLUSION: Acute bacterial urinary tract infection leading to an abdominopelvic abscess has not previously been reported in the literature. This case report defines a new disease etiology associated with acute streptococcal cystitis and it will be of interest in cases of urinary tract infections where there is an association with abdominal and/or pelvic pain. A brief review of the literature on unusual secondary abscesses due to group B streptococcus is provided alongside this case to highlight the clinical significance and prognoses of these rare infections. Finally, this case emphasizes the requirement to distinguish unusual etiologies of pyogenic abscesses in order to guide successful clinical management and to treat patients with antibiotics active against the causal organism

    Book Reviews

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    An Instrument to Enable Identification of Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions Using Concurrent CO Measurements

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    We have developed an instrument concept that will enable the measurement of CO from the top of the atmosphere to the Earth's surface with very high sensitivity and at the high spatial and temporal resolutions required by the NRC Decadal Survey mission Active Sensing of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) over Nights, Days and Seasons (ASCENDS). We are developing an innovative CO sensor that will enable the ASCENDS mission to differentiate between anthropogenic and natural sources and sinks of global carbon. The NRC Decadal Survey places particular emphasis on retrieving CO information for the planetary boundary layer. Measurement made using both the 2.3 micron and 4.7 micron channels are needed to achieve the sensitivity required in the lower atmosphere where the degree of CO - CO2 correlation is indicative of anthropogenic sources of CO2. Measurements made using only the 4.7 micron channel cannot provide sufficient sensitivity to CO in the very lowest layers of the atmosphere. The fundamental method we use is Gas Filter Correlation Radiometry (GFCR), a highly successful technique used in other airborne and space-based missions for detecting trace species in the Earth's atmosphere. Our version of GFCR overcomes many of the limitations encountered by prior and existing instruments, allowing us to measure weak signals from small targets very quickly and with extremely high specificity by employing a new dual beam radiometer concept using a focal plane array. Our design will provide a means to make the desired CO measurements for the ASCENDS mission. A simple change in gas filter cell contents would allow the same hardware to measure CH4 with high precision under the nominal ASCENDS mission spatial and temporal constraints. All critical components in the sensor design are mature, many subsystems tested, and the system has been extensively modeled, bringing it to a present Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 3 (though some individual components are at TRLs 6-9). We are presently developing critical components for the new spectrometer and advancing our understanding of the measurement requirements for both CO and CH4. This new GFCR technique/sensor will enable measurements of trace gases with high sensitivity while maintaining the inherent robustness and simplicity of the more traditional radiometer hardware. Initial estimates of cost/risk of a spacebased 2-channel GFCR indicate that our design is extremely cost effective and will fit within existing ASCENDS mission budget constraints as determined by the NRC Decadal Survey and a NASA-sponsored mission study

    Eight-Tesla Synchrotron Dipoles -- Design Alternatives

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    The Diverse Bacterial Community in Intertidal, Anaerobic Sediments at Sapelo Island, Georgia

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    The phylogenetic diversity and composition of the bacterial community in anaerobic sediments from Sapelo Island, GA, USA were examined using 16S rRNA gene libraries. The diversity of this community was comparable to that of soil, and 1,186 clones formed 817 OTUs at 99% sequence similarity. Chao1 estimators for the total richness were also high, at 3,290 OTUs at 99% sequence similarity. The program RDPquery was developed to assign clones to taxonomic groups based upon comparisons to the RDP database. While most clones could be assigned to describe phyla, fewer than 30% of the clones could be assigned to a described order. Similarly, nearly 25% of the clones were only distantly related (<90% sequence similarity) to other environmental clones, illustrating the unique composition of this community. One quarter of the clones were related to one or more undescribed orders within the γ-Proteobacteria. Other abundant groups included the δ-Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Cyanobacteria. While these phyla were abundant in other estuarine sediments, the specific members at Sapelo Island appeared to be different from those previously described in other locations, suggesting that great diversity exists between as well as within estuarine intertidal sediments. In spite of the large differences in pore water chemistry with season and depth, differences in the bacterial community were modest over the temporal and spatial scales examined and generally restricted to only certain taxa
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