261 research outputs found
Opinión de los empleadores respecto al desempeño de los egresados del Plan Único de Especialización en Enfermería de la ENEO
ResumenIntroducciónLas Instituciones de Educación Superior requieren evaluar de manera permanente la pertinencia de su oferta educativa en función de las demandas del mercado de trabajo, a fin de garantizar las mejores condiciones para la inserción, desarrollo y desempeño profesional de sus egresados.ObjetivoIdentificar la opinión de los empleadores sobre el desempeño de los egresados del Plan Único de Especialización en Enfermería (PUEE) de la ENEO-UNAM.MétodosSe entrevistaron a empleadores de 11 instituciones de salud (9 públicas, una privada y una asociación civil), ubicadas en su mayoría en el D.F. y del tercer nivel de atención. Las variables estudiadas fueron las competencias generales, conocimientos específicos, atributos, actitudes y valores, para cada una se elaboraron diferentes ítems conforme a las características señaladas en el perfil del egresado del PUEE, el instrumento quedó integrado por 39 ítems en total, con una escala de respuestas que califica el desempeño de 1 al 5 equivalente a muy deficiente, deficiente, aceptable, muy aceptable y excelente, respectivamente.ResultadosLos empleadores consideran que los egresados tienen un nivel muy aceptable de conocimientos propios de la especialidad, de los cuidados especializados, del Proceso de Atención de Enfermería (PAE) y del lenguaje especializado; hubo diferencias en las calificaciones según el tamaño de las instituciones, las foráneas otorgaron mejores que los institutos nacionales de salud. DiscusiónEl nivel de desempeño es acorde con calidad en la atención, y debiera permanecer como distintivo del actuar del profesional de enfermería. Se requiere reforzar la capacidad de toma de decisiones, de autocrítica, entre otras y, analizar casos particulares de instituciones que otorgaron calificaciones menores.AbstractIntroductionHigh Level Education Institutions need to assess their education offer pertinence in terms of the labor market demands in order to guarantee the best conditions for the professional development of their graduates.ObjectiveIdentify the opinion of employers on the performance of the ENEO-UNAM Nursing Specialization Unique Plan (PUEE) graduates.MethodsEmployers from eleven 3rd level attention health institutions (9 public, one private, and one civil association) and located mainly in the Federal District, were interviewed. Studied variables included general competencies, specific knowledge, attributes, attitudes and values. The final instrument had 39 items to be graded as 1=very deficient, 2=deficient, 3=acceptable, 4=very acceptable, or 5=outstanding.ResultsEmployers considered that the graduates have a very acceptable level of specialty knowledge, specialized care, nursing attention process (NAP), and specialized language. There were differences in the grades depending on the institution size; the distant ones giving better scores than the national institutes of health.DiscussionThe performance level is proportional to the attention quality, and should stay as a nursing professional distinctive. It is necessary to strengthen the decision taking and self-assessment capacity, among other, and analyze the particular cases of the institutions which gave lower scores
Porphyrin-modified antimicrobial peptide indicators for detection of bacteria
This study demonstrates the potential of porphyrin modified antimicrobial peptides for indication of bacterial targets on the basis of changes in the spectrophotometric characteristics of the construct. Detection is a result of changes in the structure of the antimicrobial peptide upon target binding. Those constructs comprised of peptides that offer little or no change in conformation upon interaction with bacterial cells demonstrated negligible changes in absorbance and fluorescence when challenged using Escherichia coli or Bacillus cereus. CD analysis confirms the presence/absence of conformational changes in the porphyrin-peptide constructs. Differing spectrophotometric responses were observed for constructs utilizing different peptides. The incorporation of metals into the porphyrin component of the constructs was shown to alter their spectrophotometric characteristics as well as the resulting absorbance and fluorescence changes noted upon interaction with a target. The described constructs offer the potential to enable a new type of biosensing approach in which the porphyrin-peptide indicators offer both target recognition and optical transduction, requiring no additional reagents
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Forty years of temporal analysis of products
A detailed understanding of reaction mechanisms and kinetics is required in order to develop and optimize catalysts and catalytic processes. While steady-state investigations are known to give a global view of the catalytic system, transient studies are invaluable since they can provide more comprehensive insight into elementary steps. For almost forty years temporal analysis of products (TAP) has been successfully utilized for transient studies of gas phase heterogeneous reactions, and there have been a number of advances in instrumentation and numerical modeling methods in that time. Since TAP is a complex methodology it is often viewed as a niche specialty. With the purpose to make TAP more relevant and approachable to a wider segment of the catalytic research community, part of the intention of this work is to highlight the significant contributions TAP has made to elucidating mechanistic and kinetic aspects of complex, multi-step heterogeneous reactions. With this in mind, an outlook is also disclosed for the technique in terms of what is needed to revitalize the field and make it more applicable to the recent advances in catalyst characterization (e.g. operando modes)
A Sensitive Branched DNA HIV-1 Signal Amplification Viral Load Assay with Single Day Turnaround
Branched DNA (bDNA) is a signal amplification technology used in clinical and research laboratories to quantitatively detect nucleic acids. An overnight incubation is a significant drawback of highly sensitive bDNA assays. The VERSANT® HIV-1 RNA 3.0 Assay (bDNA) (“Versant Assay”) currently used in clinical laboratories was modified to allow shorter target incubation, enabling the viral load assay to be run in a single day. To dramatically reduce the target incubation from 16–18 h to 2.5 h, composition of only the “Lysis Diluent” solution was modified. Nucleic acid probes in the assay were unchanged. Performance of the modified assay (assay in development; not commercially available) was evaluated and compared to the Versant Assay. Dilution series replicates (>950 results) were used to demonstrate that analytical sensitivity, linearity, accuracy, and precision for the shorter modified assay are comparable to the Versant Assay. HIV RNA-positive clinical specimens (n = 135) showed no significant difference in quantification between the modified assay and the Versant Assay. Equivalent relative quantification of samples of eight genotypes was demonstrated for the two assays. Elevated levels of several potentially interfering endogenous substances had no effect on quantification or specificity of the modified assay. The modified assay with drastically improved turnaround time demonstrates the viability of signal-amplifying technology, such as bDNA, as an alternative to the PCR-based assays dominating viral load monitoring in clinical laboratories. Highly sensitive bDNA assays with a single day turnaround may be ideal for laboratories with especially stringent cost, contamination, or reliability requirements
Self-reflection and academic performance: is there a relationship?
The purposes of the present study were two-fold: first, to evaluate whether reflection journal writing was effective in promoting self-reflection and learning, and whether students become better at self-reflection if they engage continuously in reflection journal writing. To that end, the reflection journals of 690 first-year applied science students at a local polytechnic were studied by means of an automated coding procedures using software. Data was collected twice, once at the beginning and again towards the end of an academic year. Outcomes of the textual content analyses revealed that students reflected on both the process and contents of their learning: critical review of past learning experiences, learning strategies and summaries of what was learned. Correlational analyses showed weak to moderate inter-relationship
Recovered memories, satanic abuse, Dissociative Identity Disorder and false memories in the UK: a survey of Clinical Psychologists and Hypnotherapists
An online survey was conducted to examine psychological therapists’ experiences of, and beliefs about, cases of recovered memory, satanic / ritualistic abuse, Multiple Personality Disorder / Dissociative Identity Disorder, and false memory. Chartered Clinical Psychologists (n=183) and Hypnotherapists (n=119) responded. In terms of their experiences, Chartered Clinical Psychologists reported seeing more cases of satanic / ritualistic abuse compared to Hypnotherapists who, in turn, reported encountering more cases of childhood sexual abuse recovered for the first time in therapy, and more cases of suspected false memory. Chartered Clinical Psychologists were more likely to rate the essential accuracy of reports of satanic / ritualistic abuse as higher than Hypnotherapists. Belief in the accuracy of satanic / ritualistic abuse and Multiple Personality Disorder / Dissociative Identity Disorder reports correlated negatively with the belief that false memories were possible
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