105 research outputs found

    Методическая стратегия обучения реферированию в учебных материалах для иностранных студентов-медиков

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    The article looks into the main aspects of teaching foreign medical students to write the review of a scientific article: ability to provide generic semantic components relevant to standard topics, compress the text and form the abstracts. The article also includes the typical tasks from the manual for teaching abstracting.В статье рассматриваются основные аспекты обучения иностранных студентов-медиков написанию реферата научной статьи: умение выделять типовые смысловые компоненты, соответствующие типовым темам, производить компрессию текста и оформлять реферат. В статье также приводятся типовые задания из пособия по обучению реферированию

    Assessment of Spring Water on Geological Characteristics (Springs in Murmansk Are Taken As an Example)

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    The article deals with the relevance of the spring waters study and presents the results of the springs’ classification in Murmansk and outskirts of the town on geological and ecological characteristics. Spring Water is the main source of water for drinking, agricultural and industrial needs. The availability of water determines the location and activities of people in the area. Our growing population experiences great demands on natural freshwater resources. However they are under various forms of pollution such as agricultural, industrial and domestic. In this research spring water samples were taken from the springs of Murmansk and outskirts of the town. Physical and chemical parameters were analyzed. The characteristics of each parameter were compared with the standard data established in the Russian Federation for this indicator. The characteristics of each parameter were within safe limits

    Role of neuronal nitric oxide in the regulation of vasopressin expression and release in response to inhibition of cathecholamine synthesis and dehydration

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    We used neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) gene knockout mice to study the effects of catecholamines and neuronal nitric oxide on vasopressin expression in the hypothalamic neurosecretory centers. nNOS gene deletion did not change the level of vasopressin mRNA in the supraoptic or paraventricular nuclei. In contrast, vasopressin immunoreactivity was lower in nNOS deficient mice than in wild-type animals. Dehydration increased vasopressin mRNA levels and decreased vasopressin immunoreactivity in both wild-type and nNOS knockout mice, but these responses were more marked in the nNOS knockout mice. Treatment with α-mpt, a pharmacologic inhibitor of catecholamine synthesis, resulted in increased vasopressin mRNA levels in wild-type mice and in reduced vasopressin immunoreactivity in both wild-type and nNOS knockout mice. From these results, we conclude: (1) neuronal nitric oxide suppresses vasopressin expression under basal conditions and during activation of the vasopressin-ergic system by dehydration; (2) catecholamines limit vasopressin expression; (3) nNOS is required for the effects of catecholamines on vasopressin expression. Originally published Neuroscience Letters, Vol. 426, No. 3, Oct 200

    Chinese Shan Shui Painting: A Journey of Discovery

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    中国画是世界上现存的最古老的艺术传统形式之一,它与书法、哲学和诗歌联系密切,是中国文化的一个重要组成部分。在看似朴素的花鸟、人物和风景背后蕴含着深厚的哲学思想和象征意义。画家们力求其作品中气韵的表达,不过即使是国画大师也未必能轻易做到这一点。本论文讲述了我对国画材料、技巧、山水画哲理和中国风景画的个人研习历程,也展示了我的几幅素描和在个人艺术发展各阶段所绘的作品,同时也介绍了对我产生主要影响的画家,以展示我从遵循中国画传统而临摹名家名作到发展自我艺术风格的过渡。Chinese painting is one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world and is an important part of Chinese culture, with deep connections to calligraphy, philosophy and poetry. Deep philosophic and symbolic meaning lies hidden behind the simplest images of flowers and birds, human figures and landscapes. The expression of Qi energy within a Chinese painting is the goal of the artist, an...学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术教育学院美术系_马克思主义哲学学号:1862008115377

    Pim-1 kinase enhances NFATc activity and neuroendocrine functions in PC12 cells

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    The activity of NFAR family transcription factors is tightly regulated in T cells via signaling pathways initiated by stimulation of the T cell receptor or its downstream effectors such as the Pim-1 serine/threonine kinase. Here, we demonstrate that NFATc-dependent transcription is inducible also in NGF-differentiated rat PC12 pheochromocytoma cells treated with phorbol esthers, calcium ionophores and/or forskolin and that the Pim-1 kinase can further potentiate the effects of these agents. PC 12 cells, share many characteristics with sympathetic neurons and can be induced to produce and release catecholamines, such as dopamine and noradrenaline, and inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin 6. Interestingly, Pim-1 can synergize with forskolin-induced signaling pathways to stimulate also neuroendocrine functions of PC12 cells. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Functional state of the nigrostriatal system of Krushinsky – Molodkina rats during audiogenic seizure expression

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    Neurochemical mechanisms of initiation and expression of epileptic seizures are poorly explored, and there are no published data that could demonstrate the functional state of the neuromediator systems at the initial state of seizure in the animals genetically prone to seizure. In the current work, we studied the role of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) in the regulation of the nigrostriatal glutamate, GABA and dopamine neurons of Krushinsky – Molodkina rats at clonus-tonus and ataxia stages of audiogenic seizure. We demonstrated upregulation of ERK1/2 activity upon audio stimulation which was accompanied by increased activation of Synapsin I in the striatum and substantia nigra in comparison to intact Krushinsky – Molodkina rats. The observed exocytosis activation led to secretion of glutamate in the striatum and, as a result, to stimulation of seizures. However, at clonus-tonus stage in the striatum we revealed the changes that could participate in further inhibition of seizure activity, such as increased phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase upon increased ERK1/2 activity followed by activation of dopamine release in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra. At the same time, enhanced D2 and increased D1 dopamine receptor contents were observed. These data revealed attenuation of direct (pro-seizure) and indirect (anti-seizure) pathways of the regulation of the substantia nigra GABA neurons. We demonstrated activation of GABA in the substantia nigra pars reticulate, which probably results in the inhibition of glutamate neurons of the thalamus and could be one of the mechanisms inhibiting seizure activity during ataxia

    Dynamics of Students’ Opinions in the Context of the Transition to Online Learning Based on Social Network Data

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of users’ sentiment in social networks, performed using big data tools. The research was aimed at developing the methodology, which enables to analyze the content of social networks, assess students’ attitude to the transition to online learning in conditions of COVID-19 pandemic, identify dynamics and main trends in student satisfaction with the quality of educational process. We explored about 2 million posts and comments posted in university social networks (more than 1000 university public pages) for the period from Sept 2020 to July 2021. Special attention was paid to the problems of communication between students and teachers, strategies to solve them, an emotional reaction. PolyAnalyst software was applied for data precleaning. It has been found that the main problem affecting the quality of education is a change in the mechanisms of interaction between students and teachers. Based on student publications in social networks, we have identified the strategies for adapting students to online learning. We came to a conclusion that teachers’ support of students is crucial in preventing and solving social and academic problems in conditions of online learning. One of the ways to improve interaction between students and teachers, raise students’ involvement is using discussion forums, chats in messengers for academic purposes, and providing teachers’ methodical support

    Russia and the Arab Spring: supporting the counter-revolution

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    Russia’s response to the Arab Spring ranged from apprehension to deep anxiety and diverged significantly from the US and the EU responses. While initially welcoming the popular demands for political reform in North Africa, the Russian reaction rapidly became more critical as a result of Western military intervention into Libya and the threat of the spread of Islamist extremism. It was these twin fears which prompted the Russian leadership to adopt an uncompromizing stance towards Syria. While geopolitical factors certainly played a role in driving Russian strategy, domestic political factors were also more significant. As the Russian leadership felt internally threatened by the growing opposition within the country, conflict in the Middle East highlighted the perceived flaws of the imposition of Western liberal democracy and the virtues of Russia’s own model of state-managed political order. There was, as such, a significant ideational and ideological dimension to the Russian response to the Arab Spring