1,445 research outputs found

    Machine learning as an instrument for data unfolding

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    A method for correcting for detector smearing effects using machine learning techniques is presented. Compared to the standard approaches the method can use more than one reconstructed variable to infere the value of the unsmeared quantity on event by event basis. The method is implemented using a sequential neural network with a categorical cross entropy as the loss function. It is tested on a toy example and is shown to satisfy basic closure tests. Possible application of the method for analysis of the data from high energy physics experiments is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Probing the photonic content of the proton using photon-induced dilepton production in p+Pbp+\textrm{Pb} collisions at the LHC

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    We propose a new experimental method to probe the photon parton distribution function inside the proton (photon PDF) at LHC energies. The method is based on the measurement of dilepton production from the γp→ℓ+ℓ−+X\gamma p\rightarrow\ell^+\ell^-+X reaction in proton--lead collisions. These experimental conditions guarantee a clean environment, both in terms of reconstruction of the final state and in terms of possible background. We firstly calculate the cross sections for this process with collinear photon PDFs, where we identify optimal choice of the scale, in analogy to deep inelastic scattering kinematics. We then perform calculations including the transverse-momentum dependence of the probed photon. Finally we estimate rates of the process for the existing LHC data samples

    Heavy-flavor parton distributions without heavy-flavor matching prescriptions

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    We show that the well-known obstacle for working with the zero-mass variable flavor number scheme, namely, the omission of O(1) mass power corrections close to the conventional heavy flavor matching point (HFMP) mu_b=m, can be easily overcome. For this it is sufficient to take advantage of the freedom in choosing the position of the HFMP. We demonstrate that by choosing a sufficiently large HFMP, which could be as large as 10 times the mass of the heavy quark, one can achieve the following improvements: 1) above the HFMP the size of missing power corrections O(m) is restricted by the value of mu_b and, therefore, the error associated with their omission can be made negligible; 2) additional prescriptions for the definition of cross-sections are not required; 3) the resummation accuracy is maintained and 4) contrary to the common lore we find that the discontinuity of alpha_s and pdfs across thresholds leads to improved continuity in predictions for observables. We have considered a large set of proton-proton and electron-proton collider processes, many through NNLO QCD, that demonstrate the broad applicability of our proposal

    Spontaneous radiation of a finite-size dipole emitter in hyperbolic media

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    We study the radiative decay rate and Purcell effect for a finite-size dipole emitter placed in a homogeneous uniaxial medium. We demonstrate that the radiative rate is strongly enhanced when the signs of the longitudinal and transverse dielectric constants of the medium are opposite, and the isofrequency contour has a hyperbolic shape. We reveal that the Purcell enhancement factor remains finite even in the absence of losses, and it depends on the emitter size.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Cavity-control of interlayer excitons in van der Waals heterostructures

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    Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides integrated in optical microcavities host exciton-polaritons as a hallmark of the strong light-matter coupling regime. Analogous concepts for hybrid light-matter systems employing spatially indirect excitons with a permanent electric dipole moment in heterobilayer crystals promise realizations of exciton-polariton gases and condensates with inherent dipolar interactions. Here, we implement cavity-control of interlayer excitons in vertical MoSe2-WSe2 heterostructures. Our experiments demonstrate the Purcell effect for heterobilayer emission in cavity-modified photonic environments, and quantify the light-matter coupling strength of interlayer excitons. The results will facilitate further developments of dipolar exciton-polariton gases and condensates in hybrid cavity - van der Waals heterostructure systems

    Cavity-control of interlayer excitons in van der Waals heterostructures

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    Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides integrated in optical microcavities host exciton-polaritons as a hallmark of the strong light-matter coupling regime. Analogous concepts for hybrid light-matter systems employing spatially indirect excitons with a permanent electric dipole moment in heterobilayer crystals promise realizations of exciton-polariton gases and condensates with inherent dipolar interactions. Here, we implement cavity-control of interlayer excitons in vertical MoSe2-WSe2 heterostructures. Our experiments demonstrate the Purcell effect for heterobilayer emission in cavity-modified photonic environments, and quantify the light-matter coupling strength of interlayer excitons. The results will facilitate further developments of dipolar exciton-polariton gases and condensates in hybrid cavity – van der Waals heterostructure systems

    The PDF4LHC report on PDFs and LHC data: Results from Run I and preparation for Run II

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    The accurate determination of the Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) of the proton is an essential ingredient of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) program. PDF uncertainties impact a wide range of processes, from Higgs boson characterisation and precision Standard Model measurements to New Physics searches. A major recent development in modern PDF analyses has been to exploit the wealth of new information contained in precision measurements from the LHC Run I, as well as progress in tools and methods to include these data in PDF fits. In this report we summarise the information that PDF-sensitive measurements at the LHC have provided so far, and review the prospects for further constraining PDFs with data from the recently started Run II. This document aims to provide useful input to the LHC collaborations to prioritise their PDF-sensitive measurements at Run II, as well as a comprehensive reference for the PDF-fitting collaborations.Comment: 55 pages, 13 figure

    Parton Distribution Functions of the Charged Pion Within The xFitter Framework

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    We present the first open-source analysis of parton distribution functions (PDFs) of charged pions using xFitter, an open-source QCD fit framework to facilitate PDF extraction and analyses. Our calculations are implemented at next-to-leading order (NLO) using APPLgrids generated by MCFM generator. Using currently available Drell-Yan and photon production data, we find the valence distribution is well constrained; however, the considered data are not sensitive enough to unambiguously determine sea and gluon distributions. Fractions of momentum carried by the valence, sea and gluon components are discussed, and we compare with the results of JAM collaboration and the GRV group.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure
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