378 research outputs found

    Minimum Induced Drag for Tapered Wings Including Structural Constraints

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    For a wing in steady level flight, the lift distribution that minimizes induced drag depends on a tradeoff between wingspan and wing-structure weight. In 1933, Prandtl suggested that tapered wings have an advantage over rectangular wings due to this tradeoff. However, Prandtl’s solutions were obtained using assumptions that correspond to rectangular wings. Therefore, his claim was not analytically proven by his 1933 publication. Here, an approach similar to Prandtl’s is taken with more general approximations that apply to wings of arbitrary planform. This more general development is used to study Prandtl’s claim about tapered wings. Closed-form solutions for the optimum wingspan and corresponding induced drag are presented for wings having elliptic and linearly-tapered planforms with constraints of fixed wing loading and maximum stress. It is shown that induced drag is minimized with a triangular planform, which gives a reduction in induced drag of up to 24.44% over the rectangular planform and up to 11.71% over the elliptic planform. Numerical solutions for the lift distributions that minimize induced drag for each planform are also presented. It is shown that the optimum lift distribution produces up to 5.94% less induced drag than the elliptic lift distribution when the triangular planform is used

    Numerical Method for Rapid Aerostructural Design and Optimization

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    During early phases of wing design, analytic and low-fidelity methods are often used to identify promising design concepts. In many cases, solutions obtained using these methods provide intuition about the design space that is not easily obtained using higher-fidelity methods. This is especially true for aerostructural design. However, many analytic and low-fidelity aerostructural solutions are limited in application to wings with specific planforms and weight distributions. Here, a numerical method for minimizing induced drag with structural constraints is presented that uses approximations that apply to wings with arbitrary planforms and weight distributions. The method is applied to the NASA Ikhana airframe to show how it can be used for rapid aerostructural optimization and design-space exploration. The design space around the optimum solution is visualized, and the sensitivity of the optimum solution to changes in weight distribution, structural properties, wing loading, and taper ratio is shown. The optimum lift distribution and wing-structure weight for the Ikhana airframe are shown to be in good agreement with analytic solutions. Whereas most modern high-fidelity solvers obtain solutions in a matter of hours, all of the solutions shown here can be obtained in a matter of seconds

    Quantifying hiss-driven energetic electron precipitation: A detailed conjunction event analysis

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    Abstract We analyze a conjunction event between the Van Allen Probes and the low-altitude Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite (POES) to quantify hiss-driven energetic electron precipitation. A physics-based technique based on quasi-linear diffusion theory is used to estimate the ratio of precipitated and trapped electron fluxes (R), which could be measured by the two-directional POES particle detectors, using wave and plasma parameters observed by the Van Allen Probes. The remarkable agreement between modeling and observations suggests that this technique is applicable for quantifying hiss-driven electron scattering near the bounce loss cone. More importantly, R in the 100-300 keV energy channel measured by multiple POES satellites over a broad L magnetic local time region can potentially provide the spatiotemporal evolution of global hiss wave intensity, which is essential in evaluating radiation belt electron dynamics, but cannot be obtained by in situ equatorial satellites alone. Key Points Measured and calculated hiss Bw from POES electron measurements agree well Electron ratio measured by POES is able to estimate hiss wave intensity This technique can be used to provide global hiss wave distributio

    Experimental and Computational Investigation for In-Line Boundary Layer Ingestion

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    The aerodynamic characteristics of an aft-body, in-line mounted, boundary layer ingesting, electric ducted fan, propulsion installation system has been investigated through experimental and computational analysis. A modular wind-tunnel model allows variation in the geometry of the propulsion installation system to be assessed, in combination with fan speed. Various experimental measurement techniques, including LDA, seven-hole-probe and surface pressures are employed. The propulsion installation system has also been investigated using RANS CFD and comparison with experimental data is presented. An investigation of the boundary conditions for efficiently representing the fan in CFD is described. Initial results show reasonably good agreement between CFD and experiment, in terms of velocity profiles and surface pressures, but highlight remaining differences for cases exhibiting flow separation

    Disappearance of plasmaspheric hiss following interplanetary shock

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    Abstract Plasmaspheric hiss is one of the important plasma waves controlling radiation belt dynamics. Its spatiotemporal distribution and generation mechanism are presently the object of active research. We here give the first report on the shock-induced disappearance of plasmaspheric hiss observed by the Van Allen Probes on 8 October 2013. This special event exhibits the dramatic variability of plasmaspheric hiss and provides a good opportunity to test its generation mechanisms. The origination of plasmaspheric hiss from plasmatrough chorus is suggested to be an appropriate prerequisite to explain this event. The shock increased the suprathermal electron fluxes, and then the enhanced Landau damping promptly prevented chorus waves from entering the plasmasphere. Subsequently, the shrinking magnetopause removed the source electrons for chorus, contributing significantly to the several-hours-long disappearance of plasmaspheric hiss

    Closer look at the flight dynamics of wings with non-elliptic lift distributions

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    Prandtl’s alternative solution for wings with minimum induced drag opens another route for improving aircraft performance especially at the conceptual design phase. In this work, the lateral-directional characteristics of such wings are studied for a glider use case from a per-spective that focuses on pro verse yaw and handling qualities. The authors propose an aileron design methodology that ensures roll authority and proverse yaw characteristics. The resultsshow that these conditions cannot be satisfied by a conventional Elliptic configuration, whereaswings with non-elliptic distributions provide several solutions. Non-linear flight dynamic mod-els of the configurations that provided maximum proverse yaw were assessed in an engineering simulator and compared against the baseline Elliptic case. Proverse yaw was observed in thesimulation data and pilot feedback indicated improved handling qualities in the non-elliptic cases. However, the inherent directional instability combined with other lateral-directional coupling effects masked the observations from the pilot’s perspective

    Collagen reorganization at the tumor-stromal interface facilitates local invasion

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    BACKGROUND: Stromal-epithelial interactions are of particular significance in breast tissue as misregulation of these interactions can promote tumorigenesis and invasion. Moreover, collagen-dense breast tissue increases the risk of breast carcinoma, although the relationship between collagen density and tumorigenesis is not well understood. As little is known about epithelial-stromal interactions in vivo, it is necessary to visualize the stroma surrounding normal epithelium and mammary tumors in intact tissues to better understand how matrix organization, density, and composition affect tumor formation and progression. METHODS: Epithelial-stromal interactions in normal mammary glands, mammary tumors, and tumor explants in three-dimensional culture were studied with histology, electron microscopy, and nonlinear optical imaging methodologies. Imaging of the tumor-stromal interface in live tumor tissue ex vivo was performed with multiphoton laser-scanning microscopy (MPLSM) to generate multiphoton excitation (MPE) of endogenous fluorophores and second harmonic generation (SHG) to image stromal collagen. RESULTS: We used both laser-scanning multiphoton and second harmonic generation microscopy to determine the organization of specific collagen structures around ducts and tumors in intact, unfixed and unsectioned mammary glands. Local alterations in collagen density were clearly seen, allowing us to obtain three-dimensional information regarding the organization of the mammary stroma, such as radiating collagen fibers that could not have been obtained using classical histological techniques. Moreover, we observed and defined three tumor-associated collagen signatures (TACS) that provide novel markers to locate and characterize tumors. In particular, local cell invasion was found predominantly to be oriented along certain aligned collagen fibers, suggesting that radial alignment of collagen fibers relative to tumors facilitates invasion. Consistent with this observation, primary tumor explants cultured in a randomly organized collagen matrix realigned the collagen fibers, allowing individual tumor cells to migrate out along radially aligned fibers. CONCLUSION: The presentation of these tumor-associated collagen signatures allowed us to identify pre-palpable tumors and see cells at the tumor-stromal boundary invading into the stroma along radially aligned collagen fibers. As such, TACS should provide indications that a tumor is, or could become, invasive, and may serve as part of a strategy to help identify and characterize breast tumors in animal and human tissues

    A Fast Panel Code for Complex Actuator Disk Flows

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    A fast, linear scaling vortex method is presented to study inviscid incompressible flow problems involving one or more actuator disks. Building upon previous efforts that were limited to axi-symmetric flow cases, the proposed methodology is able to handle arbitrary configurations with no symmetry constraints. Applications include the conceptual study of wake interaction mechanisms in wind farms, and the correction of wind tunnel blockage effects in test sections of arbitrary shape. Actuator disks represent wind turbines through the shedding of a deformable vortex wake, discretized with a plaid of triangular distributed dipole singularities. An iterative method is adopted to align the wake with the local flow field, which is reconstructed from the vorticity field with a Green function approach. Interactions are computed with a Fast Multipole Method (FMM), effectively overcoming the quadratic scaling of computational time associated with traditional panel methods. When compared to direct computation, the use of an FMM algorithm reduced solution time by a factor 30 when studying the wake of a single actuator disk with 60000 panels. In the same case, the mass flux of the actuator streamtube was conserved to 0:002%. Finally, the presence of round and square impermeable walls around the actuator is considered to demonstrate the code applicability to wind tunnel wall interference correction problems
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