12 research outputs found

    Water Quality And Zooplankton Composition In Fishponds (Castanhal, Pará).

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    Viveiros de piscicultura como sistemas artificiais rasos sofrem influência externa e interna que vão atuar na comunidade planctônica e na qualidade da água. Neste sentido, o trabalho foi desenvolvido em seis viveiros e teve como objetivos: listar as espécies de zooplâncton, aplicar métodos quantitativos, calculando densidade, abundância relativa, riqueza, diversidade e equitabilidade entre os organismos registrados e avaliar a qualidade da água. Amostragens para determinação qualitativa e quantitativa do zooplâncton, além de análises de temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, condutividade elétrica e sólidos totais dissolvidos foram efetuadas. As médias de OD estiveram acima de 6,0 mg/l e o pH variou de básico a ligeiramente ácido. A condutividade variou de 8,5 a 25,3µS/cm. Foram identificados 80 taxa, sendo 60 de Rotifera, três de Protista e 17 de Artrhopoda. Em termos de densidade, a estação 06 se destacou, sendo Rotifera o grupo dominante, com pico em janeiro, 2.374,5org/l. Em termos de freqüência de ocorrência, as formas naupliares se destacaram entre os copepodes, Cyclestheria hislopi e Alona poppei entre os cladóceros e Keratella americana e Trichocerca pusilla entre os rotíferos. A estação 01 teve os maiores valores de diversidade e equitabilidade, demonstrando maior uniformidade de espécies. Neste estudo, as variáveis abióticas não variaram significativamente e estavam dentro da faixa recomendada para o cultivo, exceto a condutividade. A maior riqueza de espécies e dominância de rotíferos permitiu considerá-los como o grupo mais importante da Estação. Copépodos e cladóceros, por serem maiores, provavelmente estiveram mais sujeitos à predação visual por peixes.Fishponds as flat artificial systems suffer external and internal influence that go to act in the planktonic community and the factors physicist-chemistries of the water. In this direction, the paper was developed in six ponds and had as objective: to list the zooplanktonic species, to apply quantitative methods, calculating density, relative abundance, wealth, diversity and equitability between the registered organisms and to evaluate the water quality based on the parameters physicist-chemists. Samplings for qualitative and quantitative determination of zooplankton, beyond analyses of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, electric conductivity and dissolved total solids had been effected. The dissolved oxygen averages had been above of 6,0mg/l and pH varied of basic the slightly acid one. The conductivity varied of 8,5 the 25,3µS/cm. Had been identified 80 tax, being 60 of Rotifer, three of Protozoa and 17 of Artrhopoda. In density terms, station 06 if detached, being Rotifera the dominant group, with peak in january, 2374.5org/l. In terms of occurrence frequency, the naupliar forms if had detached among copepodes, Cyclestheria hislopi and Alona poppei between the cladocera and Keratella americana e Trichocerca pusilla between the rotifers. Station 01 had the biggest values of diversity and equitabilidity, demonstrating bigger uniformity of species. In this study, the abiotic variable had not varied significantly and were inside of the band recommended for the culture, except the conductivity. The biggest wealth of species and dominance of rotifers allowed to consider them as the group most important of the Station. Copepods and cladocers, for being bigger, had probably been citizens to the visual prerestitution for fish

    Avaliação da qualidade da água e da sazonalidade no processo produtivo de Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) no município de Curuçá–PA

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    Shrimp production in Amazon has a potential to rise in the next years. Litopenaeus vannamei is a marine species which is starting to be better explored in Para State. This is due to water quality, more precisely to physical, chemical, hydrologic and sanitary water condition, and sediments. We can also mention that the seasonality of region may contribute to adequate condition for L. vannamei production. The accompaniment of water conditions are indispensable to understand how the seasonality could affect the shrimp production in Para State. The management in shrimp farm could be improved with inclusion of statistic in the data from shrimp farm and this technique maybe used to model the parameters during the cultivation and, consequently, improving the production and decreasing the cost. Therefore, the Thesis aimed to evaluate the influence of seasonality in water quality and shrimp growth. To those evaluations, the shrimp production in a commercial farm (Curuçá city, PA) was evaluate during the two cycle found in the region, and the first was from January to April of 2011 (rainy season) and the second was from July to November of 2012 (less rainy season). The farm had four tanks of one hectare of water surface and those thanks were used alternately in both cycles. In general, the seasonality found in Amazon altered the water quality in both cycles, but the shrimp cultivation was not affected. In addition, the production showed to be viable economically in both periods (rainy and less rainy season). There was correlation among rainfall and shrimp production.FAPESPA - Fundação Amazônia de Amparo a Estudos e PesquisasA carcinicultura amazônica possui potencial produtivo que favorece seu desenvolvimento e está atualmente direcionada para o camarão marinho Litopenaeus vannamei. Como a produção da carcinicultura marinha é condicionada à qualidade dos parâmetros físicos, químicos, biológicos, hidrológicos e sanitários da água e dos sedimentos, aliado as variações entre os períodos sazonais; um adequado acompanhamento dessas variáveis no cultivo é indispensável para a sua produtividade. Além disso, para verificar a viabilidade das técnicas de manejo utilizadas, recentemente se destaca o uso da estatística na análise dos dados das fazendas de cultivo de camarão, para modelar os parâmetros relacionados ao cultivo e, assim melhorar a produção e diminuir custos. Deste modo, para avaliar a influência da sazonalidade da região amazônica neste processo produtivo, foi realizados duas abordagens: 1) foram analisados os dados de produção dos últimos cinco anos para verificar a interação entre sazonalidade e a produtividade e 2) O monitoramento de dois ciclos de cultivo, o primeiro de janeiro a abril de 2011 (período chuvoso), e o segundo de julho a novembro de 2011 (período menos chuvoso para avaliar as mudanças sazonais na qualidade da água e no desempenho zootécnico do camarão marinho, e a interação deste processo no ambiente adjacente. O estudo foi realizado em uma fazenda comercial em Curuçá/PA com lâmina d’água de 4 ha, sendo quatro viveiros com 1 ha cada, que são estocados alternadamente com criação intensiva da espécie. A série histórica revelou que a sazonalidade da região amazônica altera a qualidade da água no cultivo do camarão marinho, ocorrendo diferenciação evidente entre os períodos analisados, verificando-se uma melhor produção no período menos chuvoso; fato não observado no ano de 2011, onde o desempenho zootécnico ocorreu dentro dos padrões adequados para o cultivo nos dois períodos sazonais e se mostrou economicamente viável em ambos os períodos de cultivo. Os índices de qualidade da água refletiram uma interação entre os ambientes avaliados, o que sugere melhorias na utilização da bacia de sedimentação

    Composição e distribuição espaço temporal de ovos e larvas de peixes, nos estuários dos Rios Curuçá e Muriá (Curuçá-Pará)

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    Estuaries are surrounding of Transistion enter and the continent and the ocean, where rivers find the sea, resulting in the measurable dilution of the salty water. This study was carried through in order to determine the composition and distribution of eggs and larval periods of training of fish (ichthyoplankton) of the estuaries of the rivers Curuçá and Muriá, located in the northeast state of Pará (Br). For this semimonthly collections in receding tides diurne and of quadrature from September of 2003 until July of 2004 had been carried through. They had been daily pay established four stations to the long one of the estuary of the two rivers. They had been carried through measured of condutivity, pH, temperature and oxygen dissolved and carried through samples to a meter of depth that had been made with a net with mesh of 500μm and 50 cm of mouth opening, in which was connected a fluxgate Samples had been conserved with formol 4%. They had been registered 1,326 larvae, being that of these, 451 had been showed in the river Muriá and 875 larvae in the Curuçá river. The identified larvae of fish belong to the 11 families (Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Gobiidae, Scianidae, Carangidae, Pleuronectidae, Tetraodontidae, Beloniidae, Soleidae, Achiriidae and Scorpaenidae). The biggest densities had been registered in the months of July, January and March. It did not have a space standard of distribution of the larvae with the ambiental variables. The estuary of the city of Curuçá was represented mainly by clupeiformes (family Engraulidae and Clupeidae), that they play important role in the trophic net of this ecosystem as well as excellent paper in the local feeding.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorMCT/Brasil - Ministério da Ciência e TecnologiaEstuários são ambientes de transição entre e o continente e o oceano, onde rios encontram o mar, resultando na diluição mensurável da água salgada. Este estudo foi realizado a fim de determinar a composição e distribuição de ovos e estágios larvais de peixes (ictioplâncton) dos estuários dos rios Curuçá e Muriá, localizadas no nordeste paraense. Para isso foram realizadas coletas bimensais em marés vazantes diurna e de quadratura a partir de setembro de 2003 até julho de 2004. Foram pré-estabelecidas quatro estações ao longo do estuário dos dois rios. Foram realizados medidas de condutividade, pH, temperatura e oxigênio dissolvido e realizados arrastos a um metro de profundidade que foram feitos com uma rede com malha de 500µm e 50 cm de abertura de boca, na qual foi acoplado um fluxômetro. Amostras foram conservadas com formol a 4%. Foram registradas 1.326 larvas, sendo que destas, 451 foram amostradas no rio Muriá e 875 larvas no rio Curuçá. As larvas de peixes identificadas pertencem a 12 famílias ( Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Myctophidae, Gobiidae, Scianidae, Carangidae, Pleuronectidae, Tetraodontidae, Beloniidae, Soleidae, Achiriidae e Scorpaenidae ). As maiores densidades foram registradas nos meses de julho, janeiro e março. Não houve um padrão espacial de distribuição das larvas com as variáveis ambientais. O estuário do Município de Curuçá esteve representado principalmente por clupeiformes (família Engraulidae e Clupeidae ), que desempenham papel importante na teia trófica deste ecossistema assim como papel relevante na alimentação local

    High genetic diversity and connectivity in Colossoma macropomum in the Amazon basin revealed by microsatellite markers

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    Abstract Colossoma macropomum is the second largest scaled fish of the Amazon. It is economically important for commercial fisheries and for aquaculture, but few studies have examined the diversity and genetic structure of natural populations of this species. The aim of this study was to investigate the levels of genetic variability and connectivity that exist between three natural populations of C. macropomum from the Amazon basin. In total, 247 samples were collected from the municipalities of Tefé, Manaus, and Santarém. The populations were genotyped using a panel of 12 multiplex microsatellite markers. The genetic diversity found in these populations was high and similar to other populations described in the literature. These populations showed a pattern of high gene flow associated with the lack of a genetic structure pattern, indicating that the number of migrants per generation and recent migration rates are high. The values of the FST, RST, and exact test of differentiation were not significant for pairwise comparisons between populations. The Bayesian population clustering analysis indicated a single population. Thus, the data provide evidence for high genetic diversity and high gene flow among C. macropomum populations in the investigated region of the Amazon basin. This information is important for programs aiming at the conservation of natural populations

    High genetic diversity and connectivity in Colossoma macropomum in the Amazon basin revealed by microsatellite markers

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    Colossoma macropomum is the second largest scaled fish of the Amazon. It is economically important for commercial fisheries and for aquaculture, but few studies have examined the diversity and genetic structure of natural populations of this species. The aim of this study was to investigate the levels of genetic variability and connectivity that exist between three natural populations of C. macropomum from the Amazon basin. In total, 247 samples were collected from the municipalities of Tefé, Manaus, and Santarém. The populations were genotyped using a panel of 12 multiplex microsatellite markers. The genetic diversity found in these populations was high and similar to other populations described in the literature. These populations showed a pattern of high gene flow associated with the lack of a genetic structure pattern, indicating that the number of migrants per generation and recent migration rates are high. The values of the FST, RST, and exact test of differentiation were not significant for pairwise comparisons between populations. The Bayesian population clustering analysis indicated a single population. Thus, the data provide evidence for high genetic diversity and high gene flow among C. macropomum populations in the investigated region of the Amazon basin. This information is important for programs aiming at the conservation of natural populations

    First occurrence of Dolicholagus longirostris larvae (Maul 1948) (Osmeriformes, Bathylagidae) near the mouth of the Amazon River

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    The family Bathylagidae contains eight genera and 22 species, of which only five occur in the Southwest Atlantic. Until recently, only adult specimens of the bathylaginin Melanolagus bericoides had been recorded off southern Brazil, between the Santa Marta Cape and Rio Grande (31° S and 49° W). The present work reports the first occurrence of Dolicholagus longirostris larvae on the northern Brazilian coast, expanding its distribution in the Southwest Atlantic. The two specimens found were collected near the mouth of the Amazon River (02° 00' 19" N, 47° 03' 30" W, and 00° 49' 06" N, 46° 25' 09" W)

    Menthol and eugenol as natural anesthetics for early juveniles of curimba

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate menthol and eugenol as anesthetics for early juveniles of curimba, Prochilodus lineatus. Juveniles of 4.0±0.5 g and a total length of 8.8±0.1 cm were exposed to the anesthetics menthol (20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 mg L−1) and eugenol (20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 mg L−1) up to deep anesthesia. The anesthetic effects were evaluated measuring the induction time to deep anesthesia (characterized by loss of equilibrium, absence of swimming, reduction of opercular movements, and responses only to intense tactile stimuli), recovery time, time to appetite return, and mortality rate after 96 h of procedure. The concentrations between 60 to 80 mg of menthol L−1 provided the lowest time of induction. Increased concentrations led to a decrease in recuperation time. The concentrations between 50 to 70 mg of eugenol L−1 provided the lowest induction times; however, recovery time was not affected by eugenol concentrations. The return to appetite was observed 24 h after anesthesia, while the survival after 96 h was >90%. Concentrations of 60 and 50 mg L−1 of menthol and eugenol, respectively, are recommended for effective anesthesia with limited side effects

    Residue from Açai Palm, <i>Euterpe oleracea</i><i>,</i> as Substrate for Cilantro, <i>Coriandrum sativum</i>, Seedling Production in an Aquaponic System with Tambaqui, <i>Colossoma macropomum</i>

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    The production of high-quality seedlings is important to achieve better productivity in horticulture. Despite being well developed in conventional agriculture, there are few studies on aquaponic systems. The substrate choice in this integrated culture affects plant and economic feasibility. This study verified the effects of using Euterpe oleracea residue as a substrate for Coriandrum sativum seedling production in an aquaponic system with tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum. Five mixtures of Euterpe oleracea offal (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) with coconut fiber, nourished by aquaponic wastewater, were evaluated. Water quality, fish and plant performance were analyzed during an 18-day experiment. Although total ammonia decreased from 5.17 mg L−1 to 0.64 mg L−1, nitrite and nitrate did not exceed 1 mg L−1 and 3 mg L−1, respectively. C. macropomum mean weight gain was 118.79 g and achieved high food assimilation, with a 0.86 feed conversion rate. Mean blood hematocrit (30.20 ± 5.99%) and glucose (59.5 ± 10.06 mg dL−1) indicates good physiological status of the C. macropomum. The use of the Euterpe oleracea offal mixture at 50% decreased by half the total fresh mass of Coriandrum sativum, down to 1.12 ± 0.30 g, but did not decrease dry mass (p > 0.05). When the mixture was above 25%, plant and leaf length were 8 cm and 3 cm smaller, respectively, and the number of leaves and stem base diameter were reduced by 34% and 40%, respectively. We do not recommend using more than 25% of Euterpe oleracea offal with coconut fiber for Coriandrum sativum seedling production in an aquaponic system

    Zootechnical Performance and Some Physiological Indices of Tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum Juveniles during Biofloc Maturation and in Different Feed Regimes

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    The objective was to evaluate the hematological and biochemical blood parameters and performance of Colossoma macropomum submitted to BFT maturation and under different feeding regimes. BFT maturation was carried out for 60 days (Phase 1). Feeding on six or seven days a week and feeding rates of 4% or 6% of biomass were tested (Phase 2). The water quality parameters were monitored throughout the experimental period. At the end of Phases 1 and 2, blood samples and zootechnical performance were evaluated. In Phase 1, total ammonia was higher on the 17th day (1.25 mg TAN L&minus;1) and stabilized from the 21st day onwards. Nitrite reached a peak (9.67 mg L&minus;1) on the 26th day. There was an increase in nitrate between the 25th and 60th day (1.79 &plusmn; 0.01 vs. 5.45 &plusmn; 0.01 mg N-NO3&minus; L&minus;1, respectively). FCR (1.90 &plusmn; 0.21), weight gain (9.81 &plusmn; 1.08 g), and SGR (1.26 &plusmn; 0.12%) were highest at 30 days of phase 1. The glucose level (118.23 &plusmn; 26.30 mg dL&minus;1) was highest on the 30th day. The plasmatic protein (5.36 &plusmn; 0.30 g dL&minus;1) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels (27.58 &plusmn; 6.58 UI mL&minus;1) were highest after 60 days. The hemoglobin level (5.77 &plusmn; 0.74 g dL&minus;1) was lowest after 30 days. In Phase 2, the triglycerides, ALT, and hematocrit levels were different at the end of the experiment under all feeding regimes. Histological analysis of gills showed a normal condition for fish under BFT. It was possible to apply a feeding regime of six days a week and 4% biomass for juveniles, with 43 g on average