2,093 research outputs found

    Youth in Treatment Foster Care Homes: Outcomes at Discharge

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    This exploratory quantitative study examines existing records of 193 youth discharged from treatment foster care homes between January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997 and whether a correlation exists between the number of youth with mental health issues in a treatment foster care home, and the achievement of positive, non-institutionalized or negative, institutionalized outcomes at discharge. This research was compiled from treatment foster care homes in the Minnesota based Human Service Associates therapeutic foster care agency. According to Public Law 97\u27272 and social work ethical practice, the child welfare system strives to place children in the least restrictive, nurturing living environment. Permanency planning concepts that attempt to reduce the number of children in non-permanent homes are discussed in an ecological systems framework

    Rights of New Mexico Municipalities regarding the Siting and Operation of Privately Owned Landfills

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    Morphological Evolution of Distant Galaxies from Adaptive Optics Imaging

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    We report here on a sample of resolved, infrared images of galaxies at z~0.5 taken with the 10-m Keck Telescope's Adaptive Optics (AO) system. We regularly achieve a spatial resolution of 0.05'' and are thus able to resolve both the disk and bulge components. We have extracted morphological information for ten galaxies and compared their properties to those of a local sample. The selection effects of both samples were explicitly taken into account in order to derive the unbiased result that disks at z~0.5 are ~0.6 mag arcsec^-2 brighter than, and about the same size as, local disks. The no-luminosity-evolution case is ruled out at 90% confidence. We also find, in a more qualitative analysis, that the bulges of these galaxies have undergone a smaller amount of surface brightness evolution and have also not changed significantly in size from z~0.5 to today. This is the first time this type of morphological evolution has been measured in the infrared and it points to the unique power of AO in exploring galaxy evolution.Comment: 27 pages, 7figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    An Interactive UI to Support Sensemaking over Collections of Parallel Texts

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    Scientists and science journalists, among others, often need to make sense of a large number of papers and how they compare with each other in scope, focus, findings, or any other important factors. However, with a large corpus of papers, it's cognitively demanding to pairwise compare and contrast them all with each other. Fully automating this review process would be infeasible, because it often requires domain-specific knowledge, as well as understanding what the context and motivations for the review are. While there are existing tools to help with the process of organizing and annotating papers for literature reviews, at the core they still rely on people to serially read through papers and manually make sense of relevant information. We present AVTALER, which combines peoples' unique skills, contextual awareness, and knowledge, together with the strength of automation. Given a set of comparable text excerpts from a paper corpus, it supports users in sensemaking and contrasting paper attributes by interactively aligning text excerpts in a table so that comparable details are presented in a shared column. AVTALER is based on a core alignment algorithm that makes use of modern NLP tools. Furthermore, AVTALER is a mixed-initiative system: users can interactively give the system constraints which are integrated into the alignment construction process.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Cyber Insurance Effects on Cyber Hygiene: Does the Homeostatic Effect Apply?

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    A theoretical framework and research strategy is proposed to gain insight into perceptions and decisions as to how SMBs make decisions regarding cybersecurity hygiene measures, which could lead to betterinformed decisions regarding insurance as part of an ISA program, as well as have a bearing on policy structures and pricing for such insurance. This is because the definition of “cybersecurity hygiene habits”(CHH) as a task appears to vary within the industry and makes the practice hard to measure and evaluate. Research suggests that there may be a poorly understood connection between CHHs undertaken by organizations and their perceptions and/or adoption of cybersecurity insurance as well, thus leading to gaps or holes within business security perimeters. Homeostatic Risk Theory (HRT) has been observed in other venues in which the use of risk mitigation measures (including insurance) leads to more risky behavior; this may have a bearing on why so many organizations, particularly Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) are very slow to adopt Information Security Assurance (ISA) measures at all or do so minimally. This paper presents a theoretical framework and proposed research, which will provide greater clarity on these issues while highlighting areas where further research is required

    Asystole following Reintubation during Suspension Laryngoscopy

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    Transient increase in heart rate and mean arterial pressure commonly occur during manipulation of the airway via direct laryngoscopy. This phenomenon is understood to be due to a sympathetic nervous system reflex causing an increase in plasma catecholamines. Rarely, severe bradycardia and possible asystole can occur following laryngoscopy. One previous report described asystole during suspension laryngoscopy after uneventful direct laryngoscopy. Here we report a case of asystole occurring at the time of reinsertion and cuff inflation of an endotracheal tube in a patient who had been hemodynamically stable during initial direct laryngoscopy and the ensuing suspension laryngoscopy. The asystole was immediately recognized and successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation was performed with the patient returning to baseline sinus rhythm. Cardiac arrest following laryngoscopy is rare. This case highlights the importance of continued vigilance even after the initial manipulations of the airway by both direct laryngoscopy and suspension laryngoscopy are to be performed. Identifying patients who may benefit from premedication with a vagolytic drug may prevent adversity. Preoperative heart rate analysis can identify patients with strong vagal tone

    Exploring the Structure of Distant Galaxies with Adaptive Optics on the Keck-II Telescope

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    We report on the first observation of cosmologically distant field galaxies with an high order Adaptive Optics (AO) system on an 8-10 meter class telescope. Two galaxies were observed at 1.6 microns at an angular resolution as high as 50 milliarcsec using the AO system on the Keck-II telescope. Radial profiles of both objects are consistent with those of local spiral galaxies and are decomposed into a classic exponential disk and a central bulge. A star-forming cluster or companion galaxy as well as a compact core are detected in one of the galaxies at a redshift of 0.37+/-0.05. We discuss possible explanations for the core including a small bulge, a nuclear starburst, or an active nucleus. The same galaxy shows a peak disk surface brightness that is brighter than local disks of comparable size. These observations demonstrate the power of AO to reveal details of the morphology of distant faint galaxies and to explore galaxy evolution.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in P.A.S.

    Nonlinear cellular instabilities of planar premixed flames: numerical simulations of the Reactive Navier-Stokes equations

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    Two-dimensional compressible Reactive Navier-Stokes numerical simulations of intrinsic planar, premixed flame instabilities are performed. The initial growth of a sinusoidally perturbed planar flame is first compared with the predictions of a recent exact linear stability analysis, and it is shown the analysis provides a necessary but not sufficient test problem for validating numerical schemes intended for flame simulations. The long-time nonlinear evolution up to the final nonlinear stationary cellular flame is then examined for numerical domains of increasing width. It is shown that for routinely computationally affordable domain widths, the evolution and final state is, in general, entirely dependent on the width of the domain and choice of numerical boundary conditions. It is also shown that the linear analysis has no relevance to the final nonlinear cell size. When both hydrodynamic and thermal-diffusive effects are important, the evolution consists of a number of symmetry breaking cell splitting and re-merging processes which results in a stationary state of a single very asymmetric cell in the domain, a flame shape which is not predicted by weakly nonlinear evolution equations. Resolution studies are performed and it is found that lower numerical resolutions, typical of those used in previous works, do not give even the qualitatively correct solution in wide domains. We also show that the long-time evolution, including whether or not a stationary state is ever achieved, depends on the choice of the numerical boundary conditions at the inflow and outflow boundaries, and on the numerical domain length and flame Mach number for the types of boundary conditions used in some previous works

    Influence of Alternative Break Program Participation on College Students\u27 Development of

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    Although an ample amount of research on college students\u27 moral reasoning exists, little has been written about the degree to which participation in community service and alternative break programs results in growth of moral reasoning. This study investigated the extent to which participation in alternative break programs resulted in the development of college students\u27 moral reasoning. Results of pre- and post-Defining Issues Tests showed statistically significant differences between males and females and between White and non-White students. Implications regarding the influence of gender and ethnicity on alternative break programs outcomes and further research are discussed
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