669 research outputs found

    What the Health Magazine Redesign

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    I was art director for the Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 issues of What the Health magazine, a student-run publication on campus at Syracuse University. To put together the issues I oversaw an entire design department consisting of photographers and graphic artists. Photography assignments often came in late leaving little time for design work, and I did not feel satisfied with the ultimate layout design of the magazine. For my capstone project I took on the challenge creating a final book combining the strongest pieces from both original issues in a redesigned layout. I wanted to overcome the inconsistency that plagued the original issues and look into what it elements come together to create the most aesthetically pleasing designs. My designs quickly became more sophisticated throughout the process of designing by trial and error, and I researched the philosophy of aesthetics. One major issue was that I had not included a master grid to best align objects, and the result was a sloppy arrangement of columns and images. There was a gross lack of uniformity when it came to extra design elements that did not occur in more than one place in the issue. Additionally, the colors I used in different articles weren’t reminiscent of an overall theme. My ultimate goal was to achieve readability while overcoming the limitations my organizational mind placed on my creativity, or my ability to solve these problems. It was a process that involved taking a lot of breaks and looking for inspiration from other design work. I wanted to create a simplistic design. I learned how white space is not an enemy to design and preserving it can help to achieve simplicity. Negative space serves to give the positive elements (photographs and content) a meaning in space. I learned that the context in which I was working made the process either successful or unsuccessful. The previous designs were completed in a very limited time frame in order to meet deadlines. During the redesign I had an adequate scope of time to work with so many pages. This taught me a valuable lesson that creativity is a process. Taking breaks from the work serve to refresh my mind, and with frequent breaks the better the chances that I achieved a state of flow the next time I sat down to work. In this state, the best work is accomplished as the work absorbs all of the artist’s attention. I worked with a variety of equipment during this process and I was involved with every aspect of each photoshoot to produce studio photography for the issue. The biggest challenge here was working with the lighting equipment. I worked with the Adobe Creative Suite to edit images in Photoshop, and used InDesign to adjust the layout of the issue. In conclusion, this project involved setting my own goals and vision for an extensive project in order to create a work that communicates effectively due to a cohesive and readable design

    Foreign Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing in Somali Waters Perpetuates Conflict

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    Somali waters have high fisheries production potential, but the sustainability of those fisheries is compromised by the presence of foreign fishing vessels, many of them fishing illegally. The Somali domestic fishing sector is small and relatively nascent, but foreign vessels have fished in Somali waters for at least seven decades. Some foreign vessels and their crew have been a direct, physical threat to Somali artisanal fishers. Many foreign vessels directly compete for fish, reducing fish populations and destroying marine habitat through bottom trawling. In this paper, we reconstruct foreign catch in Somali waters from 1981–2014 and classify the health of seventeen commercial fish stocks. Foreign fishing has increased more than twenty-fold since 1981, and the most rapid increase occurred during the 1990s after the collapse of the Federal government and ensuing civil war

    Mte1 interacts with Mph1 and promotes crossover recombination and telomere maintenance

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    Mph1 is a member of the conserved FANCM family of DNA motor proteins that play key roles in genome maintenance processes underlying Fanconi anemia, a cancer predisposition syndrome in humans. Here, we identify Mte1 as a novel interactor of the Mph1 helicase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In vitro, Mte1 (Mph1-associated telomere maintenance protein 1) binds directly to DNA with a preference for branched molecules such as D loops and fork structures. In addition, Mte1 stimulates the helicase and fork regression activities of Mph1 while inhibiting the ability of Mph1 to dissociate recombination intermediates. Deletion of MTE1 reduces crossover recombination and suppresses the sensitivity of mph1Δ mutant cells to replication stress. Mph1 and Mte1 interdependently colocalize atDNAdamage-induced foci and dysfunctional telomeres, and MTE1 deletion results in elongated telomeres. Taken together, our data indicate that Mte1 plays a role in regulation of crossover recombination, response to replication stress, and telomere maintenance

    Advising Task Force Report

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    There is compelling evidence that advising is considered very important by students, that academic advising is an important factor in retention, and that many students at Minnesota State University, Mankato, feel that their advising experience is less than ideal. Many faculty feel frustrated with their lack of time, their lack of training, and the lack of a centralized advising resource that quickly and reliably provides information about policies and procedures necessary for good advising. The following report describes the issues uncovered by Noel-Levitz and NSSE, a pilot study matching survey done in 2006, an in-depth conversation with graduation evaluators here, a mirror-image advisee/advisor survey that has been completed this year, as well as a description of the institutional structures of other comparable universities. Discussion, recommendations, issues discussed but not addressed, and areas of interest and concern follow

    Optimal heat-induced expression of the Drosophila hsp26 gene requires a promoter sequence containing (CT)n.(GA)n repeats

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    We report here the analysis of the sequence requirements for the heat-induced expression of the Drosophila melanogaster hsp26 gene using germline transformation. Heat-induced expression is augmented fivefold by a homopurine/homopyrimidine region from -85 to -134 that is devoid of heat-shock elements but contains numerous (dC-dT).(dG-dA) repeats. Sequences within this interval have been shown to assume a nuclease S1-hypersensitive structure in vitro. In this paper, we extend those in vitro observations, demonstrating that the S1-hypersensitive structure is triple-helical H-DNA formed by a symmetric (dC-dT).(dG-dA) sequence. Thus, the sequences that form H-DNA in vitro are also required in vivo for optimal hsp26 transcription. However, mutational analysis and diethylpyrocarbonate modification experiments in isolated nuclei suggest that the (dC-dT).(dG-dA) sequence does not form H-DNA in vivo and argue against a role for H-DNA in the heat-induced expression of hsp26

    Armed conflict and fisheries in the Lake Victoria basin

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    Civil conflict is the most prevalent form of armed conflict in the world today, but this significant driver of food and income security has been largely missing from studies of fisheries. Fisheries conflict is an example of complex dynamics operating in social-ecological systems. We theorize and document the existence of such a feedback loop between conflict in Uganda and fisheries in Lake Victoria. Civil war in northern Uganda resulted in mass human population displacement, which corresponded in time with increases in fishing effort in Lake Victoria. Subsequent changes in catch of Nile perch, the dominant commercial fishery, sparked armed conflict in the lake itself, at Migingo Island, between Uganda and Kenya. From this case study, we draw seven main conclusions. First, these correlation-based relationships are illustrative but not conclusive and we call for further empirical investigation. Second, the couplings between conflict and fishing subsystems are spatially asymmetric: conflict effects are diffuse in their links to broad changes in the fishery, whereas fishery effects may produce more localized conflict events. Third, and most relevant to conflict scholars, the drivers of fishing effort and catch may originate in different subsystems, but their changes and effects must be analyzed in concert. Fourth, the complex and path-dependent impacts of conflicts on natural resources in general, and fisheries in particular, highlights the urgent need for targeted surveys and more mechanistic understanding. Fifth, the open access nature of fisheries in Lake Victoria may exacerbate instabilities not present in other systems. Sixth, the diffuse and context-specific effects of conflicts on fisheries means models of fisheries management (e.g., stock assessment) should not incorporate conflict as a driver at this time. Finally, countries and their stakeholders should focus on diversification in employment for short term coping mechanisms during conflict as a means of short-circuiting the conflict-fisheries feedback loop.U.S. Army Research Office under the Minerva Initiative of the U.S. Department of Defense [W911NF-09-1-007]; National Science Foundation Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems [1358861]Open Access JournalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Promoter sequence containing (CT)n.(GA)n repeats is critical for the formation of the DNase I hypersensitive sites in the Drosophila hsp26 gene

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    We have analyzed P-element-transformed lines carrying hsp26/lacZ transgenes with various deletions and substitutions within the Drosophila melanogaster hsp26 promoter region in order to identify the sequences required for the formation of the DNase I hypersensitive sites (DH sites). DH sites are generally found associated with promoters and enhancer elements of active and inducible eukaryotic genes, and are thought to be nucleosome-free regions of DNA that interact with regulatory proteins and the transcriptional machinery. There are two major DH sites located within the promoter region of the hsp26 gene, centered at -50 and at -350 (relative to the hsp26 transcription start site). The sequences from -135 to -85, which contain (CT)n.(GA)n repeats, contribute significantly to the formation of the DH sites in the hsp26 promoter region. Deletion or substitution of this (CT)n region drastically reduces the accessibility of the DNA at these sites to DNase I. This reduction in accessibility was quantified by measuring the susceptibility of the DNA within nuclei to cleavage at a restriction site within the DH site. In addition to the (CT)n region and the promoter at -85 to +11 (region P), one of two other regions must be present for effective creation of the DH sites: sequences between -351 and -135 (region A), or sequences between +11 and +632 (region D). Disruption of the wild-type chromatin structure, as assayed by the loss of accessibility to the DH sites, is correlated with a decrease in inducible transcriptional activity, even when the TATA box and heat shock regulatory elements are present in their normal positions

    The Smc5/6 complex regulates the yeast Mph1 helicase at RNA-DNA hybrid-mediated DNA damage

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    RNA-DNA hybrids are naturally occurring obstacles that must be overcome by the DNA replication machinery. In the absence of RNase H enzymes, RNA-DNA hybrids accumulate, resulting in replication stress, DNA damage and compromised genomic integrity. We demonstrate that Mph1, the yeast homolog of Fanconi anemia protein M (FANCM), is required for cell viability in the absence of RNase H enzymes. The integrity of the Mph1 helicase domain is crucial to prevent the accumulation of RNA-DNA hybrids and RNA-DNA hybrid-dependent DNA damage, as determined by Rad52 foci. Mph1 forms foci when RNA-DNA hybrids accumulate, e.g. in RNase H or THO-complex mutants and at short telomeres. Mph1, however is a double-edged sword, whose action at hybrids must be regulated by the Smc5/6 complex. This is underlined by the observation that simultaneous inactivation of RNase H2 and Smc5/6 results in Mph1-dependent synthetic lethality, which is likely due to an accumulation of toxic recombination intermediates. The data presented here support a model, where Mph1’s helicase activity plays a crucial role in responding to persistent RNA-DNA hybrids

    Differences in mtDNA haplogroup distribution among 3 Jewish populations alter susceptibility to T2DM complications

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    BACKGROUND: Recent genome-wide association studies searching for candidate susceptibility loci for common complex diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and its common complications have uncovered novel disease-associated genes. Nevertheless these large-scale population screens often overlook the tremendous variation in the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) and its involvement in complex disorders. RESULTS: We have analyzed the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genetic variability in Ashkenazi (Ash), Sephardic (Seph) and North African (NAF) Jewish populations (total n = 1179). Our analysis showed significant differences (p < 0.001) in the distribution of mtDNA genetic backgrounds (haplogroups) among the studied populations. To test whether these differences alter the pattern of disease susceptibility, we have screened our three Jewish populations for an association of mtDNA genetic haplogroups with T2DM complications. Our results identified population-specific susceptibility factors of which the best example is the Ashkenazi Jewish specific haplogroup N1b1, having an apparent protective effect against T2DM complications in Ash (p = 0.006), being absent in the NAF population and under-represented in the Seph population. We have generated and analyzed whole mtDNA sequences from the disease associated haplogroups revealing mutations in highly conserved positions that are good candidates to explain the phenotypic effect of these genetic backgrounds. CONCLUSION: Our findings support the possibility that recent bottleneck events leading to over-representation of minor mtDNA alleles in specific genetic isolates, could result in population-specific susceptibility loci to complex disorders

    ‘All the corridors are the same’: a qualitative study of the orientation experiences and design preferences of UK older adults living in a communal retirement development

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    Environments need to be designed such that they support successful orientation for older adults and those with dementia who often experience marked difficulties in their orientation abilities. To better understand how environments can compensate for decreasing orientation skills, voice should be given directly to those experiencing dementia to describe how they find their way and to understand their design preferences. This study explored the navigational experiences and design preferences of older adults with memory difficulties living in a retirement development. In-depth semi-structured interviews with 13 older adults experiencing memory difficulties were conducted. All participants were residents of one retirement development in the United Kingdom. Questions began broadly, for example, to describe their experiences of navigating in their living environment, before discussing any specific navigation difficulties in detail. Thematic analysis identified three main themes: highlighting environmental design that causes disorientation, strategies to overcome disorientation, and residents’ suggestions to improve the design. The design suggestions were particularly informative, heavily focusing on the importance of having memorable and meaningful spaces which were favoured more than signage as an orientation aid. The findings demonstrate the need to consider environmental design to support orientation for those with memory difficulties. Of particular importance is the use of meaningful and relevant landmarks as orientation aids which can additionally stimulate conversation and increase wellbeing. Given the range of suggestions in dementia-friendly design guidelines aimed to support orientation, it is crucial to speak directly to those living in different environments to learn how they find their way around and what design works in their environment
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