18 research outputs found

    Automatic Assessment and Learning of Robot Social Abilities

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    One of the key challenges of current state-of-the-art robotic deployments in public spaces, where the robot is supposed to interact with humans, is the generation of behaviors that are engaging for the users. Eliciting engagement during an interaction, and maintaining it after the initial phase of the interaction, is still an issue to be overcome. There is evidence that engagement in learning activities is higher in the presence of a robot, particularly if novel [1], but after the initial engagement state, long and non-interactive behaviors are detrimental to the continued engagement of the users [5, 16]. Overcoming this limitation requires to design robots with enhanced social abilities that go past monolithic behaviours and introduces in-situ learning and adaptation to the specific users and situations. To do so, the robot must have the ability to perceive the state of the humans participating in the interaction and use this feedback for the selection of its own actions over time [27]

    The Academic Medical Center Linear Disability Score (ALDS) item bank: item response theory analysis in a mixed patient population

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    BACKGROUND: Currently, there is a lot of interest in the flexible framework offered by item banks for measuring patient relevant outcomes. However, there are few item banks, which have been developed to quantify functional status, as expressed by the ability to perform activities of daily life. This paper examines the measurement properties of the Academic Medical Center linear disability score item bank in a mixed population. METHODS: This paper uses item response theory to analyse data on 115 of 170 items from a total of 1002 respondents. These were: 551 (55%) residents of supported housing, residential care or nursing homes; 235 (23%) patients with chronic pain; 127 (13%) inpatients on a neurology ward following a stroke; and 89 (9%) patients suffering from Parkinson's disease. RESULTS: Of the 170 items, 115 were judged to be clinically relevant. Of these 115 items, 77 were retained in the item bank following the item response theory analysis. Of the 38 items that were excluded from the item bank, 24 had either been presented to fewer than 200 respondents or had fewer than 10% or more than 90% of responses in the category 'can carry out'. A further 11 items had different measurement properties for younger and older or for male and female respondents. Finally, 3 items were excluded because the item response theory model did not fit the data. CONCLUSION: The Academic Medical Center linear disability score item bank has promising measurement characteristics for the mixed patient population described in this paper. Further studies will be needed to examine the measurement properties of the item bank in other populations

    Vers des Agents Conversationnels Animés dotés d'émotions et d'attitudes sociales

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    International audienceIn this article, we propose an architecture of a socio-affective Embodied Conversational Agent (ECA). The different computational models of the architecture enable an ECA to express emotions and social attitudes during an interaction with a user. Based on corpora of actors expressing emotions, models have been defined to compute the emotional facial expressions of an ECA and the characteristics of its corporal movements. A user-perceptive approach has been used to design models to define how an ECA should adapt its non-verbal behavior according to the social attitude the ECA wants to display and the behavior of its interlocutor. The emotions and the social attitudes to express are computed by cognitive models presented in this article.Dans cet article, nous proposons une architecture d'un Agent Conversationnel Animé (ACA) socio-affectif. Les différents modèles computationnels sous-jacents à cette architecture, permettant de donner la capacité à un ACA d'exprimer des émotions et des attitudes sociales durant son interaction avec l'utilisateur, sont présentés. A partir de corpus d'individus exprimant des émotions, des modèles permettant de calculer l'expression faciale émotionnelle d'un ACA ainsi que les caractéristiques de ses mouvements du corps ont été définis. Fondés sur une approche centrée sur la perception de l'utilisateur, des modèles permettant de calculer comment un ACA doit adapter son comportement non-verbal suivant l'attitude sociale qu'il souhaite exprimer et suivant le comportement de son interlocuteur ont été construits. Le calcul des émotions et des attitudes sociales à exprimer est réalisé par des modèles cognitifs présentés dans cet article

    Modélisation des stratégies verbales d'engagement dans les interactions humain-agent

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    In human-agent interaction the engagement of the user is an essential aspect to complete the goal of the interaction. In this thesis we study how the user’s engagement could be favoured by the agent’s behaviour. We thereby focus on the agent’s verbal behaviour considering strategies that regard respectively the form, timing, and content of utterances : We present empirical studies that regard (aspects of) the agent’s politeness behaviour, interruption behaviour, and the topics that the agent addresses in the interaction. Based on the outcomes of the latter study we propose an engagement-driven Topic Manager (computational model) that personalises the topics of an interaction in human-agent information-giving chat. The Topic Selection component of the Topic Manager decides what the agent should talk about and when. For this it takes into account the agent’s dynamically updated perception of the user as well as the agent’s own mental state. The Topic Transition component of the Topic Manager, based upon an empirical study, computes how the agent should introduce the topics in the ongoing interaction without loosing the coherence of the interaction. We implemented and evaluated the Topic Manager in a conversational virtual agent that plays the role of a visitor in amuseum.Dans une interaction humain-agent, l’engagement de l’utilisateur est un élément essentiel pour atteindre l’objectif de l’interaction. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions comment l’engagement de l’utilisateur pourrait être favorisé par le comportement de l’agent. Nous nous concentrons sur les stratégies de comportement verbal de l’agent qui concernent respectivement la forme, le timing et le contenu de ses énoncés. Nous présentons des études empiriques qui concernent certains aspects du comportement de politesse de l’agent, du comportement d’interruption de l’agent, et les sujets de conversation que l’agent adresse lors de l’interaction. Basé sur les résultats de la dernière étude, nous proposons un Gestionnaire de Sujets axé sur l’engagement (modèle computationnel) qui personnalise les sujets d’une interaction dans des conversations où l’agent donne des informations à un utilisateur humain. Le Modèle de Sélection des Sujets du Gestionnaire de Sujets décide sur quoi l’agent devrait parler et quand. Pour cela, il prend en compte la perception par l’agent de l’utilisateur, qui est dynamiquement mis à jour, ainsi que l’état mental et les préférences de l’agent. Le Modèle de Transition de Sujets du Gestionnaire de Sujet, basé sur une étude empirique, calcule comment l’agent doit présenter les sujets dans l’interaction en cours sans perdre la cohérence de l’interaction. Nous avons implémenté et évalué le Gestionnaire de Sujets dans un agent virtuel conversationnel qui joue le rôle d’un visiteur dans un musée

    Modelling verbal engagement strategies in human-agent interaction

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    Dans une interaction humain-agent, l’engagement de l’utilisateur est un élément essentiel pour atteindre l’objectif de l’interaction. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions comment l’engagement de l’utilisateur pourrait être favorisé par le comportement de l’agent. Nous nous concentrons sur les stratégies de comportement verbal de l’agent qui concernent respectivement la forme, le timing et le contenu de ses énoncés. Nous présentons des études empiriques qui concernent certains aspects du comportement de politesse de l’agent, du comportement d’interruption de l’agent, et les sujets de conversation que l’agent adresse lors de l’interaction. Basé sur les résultats de la dernière étude, nous proposons un Gestionnaire de Sujets axé sur l’engagement (modèle computationnel) qui personnalise les sujets d’une interaction dans des conversations où l’agent donne des informations à un utilisateur humain. Le Modèle de Sélection des Sujets du Gestionnaire de Sujets décide sur quoi l’agent devrait parler et quand. Pour cela, il prend en compte la perception par l’agent de l’utilisateur, qui est dynamiquement mis à jour, ainsi que l’état mental et les préférences de l’agent. Le Modèle de Transition de Sujets du Gestionnaire de Sujet, basé sur une étude empirique, calcule comment l’agent doit présenter les sujets dans l’interaction en cours sans perdre la cohérence de l’interaction. Nous avons implémenté et évalué le Gestionnaire de Sujets dans un agent virtuel conversationnel qui joue le rôle d’un visiteur dans un musée.In human-agent interaction the engagement of the user is an essential aspect to complete the goal of the interaction. In this thesis we study how the user’s engagement could be favoured by the agent’s behaviour. We thereby focus on the agent’s verbal behaviour considering strategies that regard respectively the form, timing, and content of utterances : We present empirical studies that regard (aspects of) the agent’s politeness behaviour, interruption behaviour, and the topics that the agent addresses in the interaction. Based on the outcomes of the latter study we propose an engagement-driven Topic Manager (computational model) that personalises the topics of an interaction in human-agent information-giving chat. The Topic Selection component of the Topic Manager decides what the agent should talk about and when. For this it takes into account the agent’s dynamically updated perception of the user as well as the agent’s own mental state. The Topic Transition component of the Topic Manager, based upon an empirical study, computes how the agent should introduce the topics in the ongoing interaction without loosing the coherence of the interaction. We implemented and evaluated the Topic Manager in a conversational virtual agent that plays the role of a visitor in amuseum

    Politeness versus Perceived Engagement: an Experimental Study

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    Hearer Engagement as a Variable in the Perceived Weight of a Face-Threatening Act

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    Engagement driven Topic Selection for Information Giving Agents

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    The use of an item response theory-based disability item bank across diseases: accounting for differential item functioning

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    Objective: There is not a single universally accepted activity of daily living (ADL) instrument available to compare disability assessments across different patient groups. We developed a generic item bank of ADL items using item response theory, the Academic Medical Center Linear Disability Scale (ALDS). When comparing outcomes of the ALDS between patients groups, item characteristics of the ALDS should be comparable across groups. The aim of the study was to assess the differential item functioning (DIF) in a group of patients with various disorders to investigate the comparability across these groups. Study Design and Setting: Cross-sectional, multicenter study including 1,283 in- and outpatients with a variety of disorders and disability levels. The sample was divided in two groups: (1) mainly neurological patients (n = 497; vascular medicine, Parkinson's disease and neuromuscular disorders) and (2) patients from internal medicine (n = 786; pulmonary diseases, chronic pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and geriatric patients). Results: Eighteen of 72 ALDS items showed statistically significant DIF (P <0.01). However, the DIF could effectively be modeled by the introduction of disease-specific parameters. Conclusion: In the subgroups studied, DIF could be modeled in such a way that the ensemble of the items comprised a scale applicable in both groups. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserve