5,123 research outputs found

    Mirror therapy and self-care autonomy after stroke: an intervention program

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    Background: In patients with middle cerebral artery (MCA) stroke, changes in upper limb function lead to dependence on others for self-care. In the process of recovering autonomy/independence, there is evidence on the effectiveness of sensory stimulation techniques in the motor recovery after stroke. Objective: To assess the effect of mirror therapy on the self-care autonomy of patients with hemiplegia/hemiparesis due to MCA stroke. Methodology: Cross-sectional and quasi-experimental study with a quantitative approach, a before-and-after design, and a non-equivalent control group. A nonprobability sample of 30 participants was selected. Results: Gains in grip strength, joint range of motion, and manual dexterity of the upper limb were more significant in the experimental group but without statistically significant differences between groups. Conclusion: Despite the more significant evolution of the experimental group, mirror therapy was not effective in the motor recovery of the upper limb. Further studies are needed in this area using randomized designs, larger samples, and focused on self-care

    Challenging school libraries in Portugal: compromise, consideration, communication and collaboration

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    School libraries in Portugal are facing several problems concerning their integration in school’s culture. This situation is due to different factors, which I intend to analyse in this paper. The first one comes from central administration and the institutionalization of the role of teacher librarian. At the school level, the commitment of school administrators and the collaboration with classroom teachers also need special attention

    A literatura nos novos programas de português

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    Collaboration or parallel worlds? Information literacy practices in Portuguese school libraries

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    This paper presents and analyses the results of a body of master’s dissertations developed on the context of a master’s programme for teacher librarians, at Universidade Aberta, Portugal. The main focus is on the concepts and work done by teacher librarians concerning information literacy. The results are set in the context of some important and recent developments in Portuguese schools

    Diálogos entre a Ciência da Informação e as Ciências da Educação: o caso da investigação em bibliotecas escolares

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    In recent years the area of school libraries has known an important development as a research domain. The consolidation of the School Libraries Network, launched in 1996 and currently covering a large majority of schools / groups of schools, has facilitated a more incisive and analytical eye on this new reality in Portugal. As a pedagogical structure within the school, the coordination of the school library requires particularly knowledge in both fields of Education and Information Science. So, this is also a field of study which makes essential that an alliance between Information Science and the area of Education must take place. The onset of masters courses, with School Libraries as an object of study (preferred or complement), has also created the preconditions for developing a more focused and specific research. These are the main points we propose to address, reflecting on the most productive intersections in these two areas, their points of contact and divergence, the paradigms of research involved and the limitations presented by the Portuguese set, which is still emerging in these fields of research

    O poder da palavra : dizer e fazer na literatura para crianças

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    Livro de homenagem à professora Maria Emília Ricardo Marque

    Times to meet

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    The article discusses the role of interviews throughout the history of art, especially from the 1950s onwards. It points out the particularity of interviews with artists as first-person speech independent of critical evaluation and its decisive place in art criticism and history

    Record numérique des crues pour la durabilité de la politique économique

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    The innovation of this investigation is to propose the creation of periodic reports with the categorized description of the fl ood events delivered by the publishers of the periodic press, through an application to be submitted on the portal of the Tax and Customs Authority. The periodic communication of events allows building a reliable database for crossing information taxed or not to insurers, of cases of compensation to insured persons, loss reserves and tax obligations, which highlight the consequences. This study is carried out for the hydrographic basin of the Vez River, and shows the number of fl ood events that actually took place (1900-2015). It was found that there is more data to be collected in the country than what was imagined.A inovação desta investigação consiste em propor a criação de relatórios periódicos com a descrição categorizada dos eventos de cheias entregues pelos editores da imprensa periódica, através de um requerimento a submeter no portal da Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira. A comunicação periódica de eventos permite construir uma base de dados confi ável para o cruzamento de informações tributadas ou não às seguradoras, de casos de indenizações a segurados, reservas de sinistros e obrigações fi scais, que evidenciam as consequências. Este estudo é realizado para a bacia hidrográfi ca do rio Vez e mostra o número de inundações que realmente ocorreram (1900-2015). Constatou-se que existem mais dados por recolher no país do aquilo que se imaginava.L’innovation de cette enquête est de proposer la création de rapports périodiques avec une description catégorisée des événements d’inondation délivrés par les éditeurs de la presse périodique, via une demande à soumettre sur le site Web de l’Autorité fi scale et douanière portugaise. La déclaration périodique des événements permet de construire une base de données fi able pour croiser les informations taxées ou non aux compagnies d’assurance, les cas d’indemnisation des assurés, les provisions pour sinistres et les obligations fi scales, qui en montrent les conséquences. Cette étude est réalisée pour le bassin du Vez et montre le nombre de crues qui se sont réellement produites (1900-2015). Il a été constaté qu’il y a plus de données à collecter dans le pays que ce qui avait été imaginé.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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