126 research outputs found

    Regional Management of Areas with Indications of Urban Sprawl in the Surrounding Areas of Universitas Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    This research was conducted in the surrounding areas of a university, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), which is administratively located in Tamantiro Village, Kasihan District, Bantul Regency, the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It aims to formulate the regional management of the surrounding areas as they have been presenting the indications of urban sprawl. It used a qualitative method with research data obtained from in-depth interviews to 22 informants including governmental agencies (7 informants), academics (6 informants), entrepreneurs (5 informants), and villagers (4 informants). The informants were sampled using purposive sampling method. Data processing and analysis were conducted using qualitative descriptive method, i.e. (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) data conclusion. Data validation and reliability tests were conducted using source triangulation method. The results show that the stakeholders proposed various management strategies to improve the positive impacts and, at the same time, reduce the negative impacts of urban sprawl. These management strategies include (1) consistency in implementing spatial planning regulation, (2) spatial synergism in development planning, implementation, and monitoring, (3) assistance to the native people and the migrants, and (4) integration between the university and the village

    Pola Spasial Transformasi Wilayah di Koridor Yogyakarta-Surakarta

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    This research is conducted in Yogyakarta-Surakarta Corridor which become an intercity corridor that has been experiencing regional transformation. The aim of this research is to analyze the pattern of regional transformation using secondary data. The research covers all of villages along Yogyakarta-Surakarta Corridor (206 villages). The data processing employs SPSS program to apply quantitative and qualitative analysis method. The result show that the higher the physical accessibility, the higher is the degree of regional transformation. This research also reveals that high regional transformation patterns which are drawn by five variables, scattered in the villages which have high physical accessibility degrees and that the villages which have low physical accessibility degrees confirm the reverse level

    Dampak Transformasi Wilayah terhadap Kondisi Kultural Penduduk (Tinjauan Perspektif Geografis)

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    This research was conducted in Yogyakarta-Surakarta Corridor aiming at analyzing the impacts of regional transformation on the cultural life of the citizens. Method applied in this research is based on the survey technique, with 120 household has been taken as the sample. Sampling technique based on stratified random sampling has been implemented in 4 villages that represent different degrees of accessibility, namely: Maguwoharjo Village-Sleman Regency (very high accessibility), Sumopuro Village-Klaten Regency (high accessibility), Danguran Village-Klaten Regency (medium accessibility), and Jatirejo Village-Boyolali Regency (low accessibility). Analysis technique is taken based on the descriptive quantitative analysis. The findings of this study show us that regional transformation has impacts on citizens cultural condition in the forms of some changes in traditional practices of dealing with pregnancy, birth, transition from childhood to adult life, marriage, and death, from complex practices to simpler ones. In the geographical perspective, this research also reveal the spatial variation (based on the 4 type of the village that represent different degrees of accessibility) from the impact of regional transformation on the cultural life of the citizens


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    The research conducted in the Yogyakarta-Surakarta Corridor is aimed at firstly understanding the dynamic of the corridor as one of the key factors to establish spatial synergism and secondly linking the findings with the recent discussion and future research agenda in urban geography. The investigation used survey research methods combined with in-depth interview with some key informants and scholars. The results of the research show that the potentials of the sub-regions within the corridor can play an important role and position to form spatial synergism in the corridor. The intra-regional proximity among sub-regions has impacted in increased efficiency in the production process. It also had an effect in reduced transportation cost. This research also found that some other issues in the corridor development such as the impact of climate change to regional development could be of interest in future research in urban geography and related field


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    The study was conducted in Maguwoharjo Village, Depok Sub-District, Sleman District, which is part of urban fringe area experiencing regional transformation. This study aims at understanding the regional transformation stages in the location studied The survey method using in-depth interviews with some informants was implemented. The data analysis was done descriptive qualitatively. From this study, it is found out that spatial distribution of regional transformation stages is closely associated with street connection and growth areas. Some areas directly bordering on Yogyakarta-Surakarta roads have higher regional transformation intensity than villages distant from the streets and growth areas

    PENGENTASAN KEMISKINAN YANG KOMPREHENSIF DI BAGIAN WILAYAH TERLUAR INDONESIA - KASUS KABUPATEN NUNUKAN, PROVINSI KALIMANTAN UTARA (Comprehensive Poverty Reduction in Indonesian Outermost Regions - Case Study of Nunukan Regency-North Kalimantan Province)

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    ABSTRAKKabupaten Nunukan terletak di Provinsi Kalimantan Utara yang merupakan salah satu kabupaten terluar di Indonesia. Kondisi pemilikan aset sumberdaya yang bervariasi antar kecamatan di Kabupaten Nunukan menyebabkan variasi kondisi kemiskinan di wilayah ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  mengetahui kondisi kemiskinan di Kabupaten Nunukan dan merumuskan program pengentasan kemiskinan yang komprehensif di Kabupaten Nunukan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survai dengan pengumpulan data berupa observasi lapangan, wawancara mendalam, dan diskusi kelompok terfokus. Pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi kemiskinan di Kabupaten Nunukan bervariasi antar kecamatan. Kondisi ini disebabkan oleh bervariasinya pemilikan aset sumberdaya antar kecamatan. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa terdapat dua pola pengentasan kemiskinan yang komprehensif di Kabupaten Nunukan. Pola pengentasan kemiskinan yang dimaksud adalah pola pengentasan kemskinan untuk kelompok anak-anak berupa pendidikan ekstra kurikuler ekonomi kreatif produktif dan pola pengentasan kemiskinan untuk kelompok dewasa adalah program pelatihan, bantuan modal, pendampingan, monitoring, dan pemasaran hasil melalui wadah Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). ABSTRACTNunukan Regency, located in the North Borneo Province, is one of Indonesia's outer regions. The variation of resources ownership among districts inside Nunukan Regency causing different poverty level in this region. This study aims to determine the poverty condition in Nunukan Regency and to formulate a comprehensive poverty reduction program in this regency. The method used in this study is based on survey method, consists of data collection from field observations, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. Data processing and analysis were analyzed using descriptive-qualitative analysis. The results showed that there was a variation of poverty conditions for each district in Nunukan Regency. This condition was caused by the variation of resource ownership among the districts. This study also reveal that there were two patterns of comprehensive poverty reduction in Nunukan Regency. The patterns of poverty reduction consist of  the reduction for groups of children by conducting extra-curricular education and creative economy productive program, while poverty reduction for adult groups consists of training programs, financial aids, mentoring, monitoring, and products marketing through micro, small, and medium scale corporation. value of water, the community is expected to support the preservation of MKPSF ecosystems. Economic value of water was aproached by estimating the willingness to pay (WTP) of community in two villages directly adjacent to MKPSF. Respondents are the people of the two villages which are the source of water comes from MKPSF. Respondents' willingness to pay values obtained from interviews using open-ended questions. The results showed that the total economic value of water MKPSF  region derived from the value of water for household and water for transportation was Rp. 888,834,365,275.25 per year or Rp. 6,431,507.71 per hectare per year. This suggests that in relation to the availability of water for surrounding communities, MKPSF  provide significant benefits that can be monetary  assessed. So that  the sustainability of MKPSF ecosystem should be supported to maintain environmental quality and economic sustainability

    Pola Spasial Transformasi Wilayah di Koridor Yogyakarta-Surakarta

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    This research is conducted in Yogyakarta-Surakarta Corridor which become an intercity corridor that has been experiencing regional transformation. The aim of this research is to analyze the pattern of regional transformation using secondary data. The research covers all of villages along Yogyakarta-Surakarta Corridor (206 villages). The data processing employs SPSS program to apply quantitative and qualitative analysis method. The result show that the higher the physical accessibility, the higher is the degree of regional transformation. This research also reveals that high regional transformation patterns which are drawn by five variables, scattered in the villages which have high physical accessibility degrees and that the villages which have low physical accessibility degrees confirm the reverse level

    Urban Sprawl in Yogyakarta: An Analysis of Urban Morphology in Sinduadi Village in 2021

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    Urban sprawl has become a concern in development because of its negative impact onsustainable development. Such a special trend is apparent in the transformation of a peri-urban area of Sinduadi Village that is directly affected by the city of Yogyakarta. The village is most likely affected by the urban sprawl phenomenon in the city of Yogyakarta, especially on the morphological aspect of the urban morphology. This study aims to analyze the urban morphology in the Sinduadi Village in 2021 as a result of the urban sprawl of Yogyakarta City. Using quantitative methods, this research is based on a primary data of obtained from field surveys through probability sampling method. The research data came from image interpretation and attribute data processing using ArcGIS 10.3 Software. Secondary data was obtained through Sentinel 2A Imagery while primary data was The data analysis used in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis and spatial analysis using maps. The analysis of the morphological form of the city is carried out by analysis of overlapping maps. This research found that the morphology of the city in the Sinduadi Village in 2021 is linear based on the center of the area on Magelang street This marked by activities in the center of the area are dominated by commercial activities, namely, trade and service. Therefore, regional needs can be accommodated. The center of the area has a high building density (BCR>70%). High densityresidential land surrounds the center of the area and its development follows a grid and spinal road network pattern. These findings show that Sinduadi village has experienced urban sprawl marked by development trend that trespasses its under bounded city

    Mobilitas Penduduk Daerah Pinggiran Kota

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    INTISARI Tulisan ini merupakan upaya untuk mengkaji mobilitas penduduk di daerah pinggiran kota. Lokasi penelitian adalah Dusun Kadipiro dan Dusun Sidorejo Desa Ngestiharjo Kecamatan Kasihan Kabupaten Bantul Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Tujuan penelitian : pertama, mengkaji daerah asal para migran yang inelakulcan mobilitas ke daerah penelitiankedua, mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi migran memilih daerah penelitian sebagai daerah tujuan mobilitasdan ketiga, mengkaji aktivitas ekonomi yang dilakukan setelah mereka berada di daerah penelitian. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survai dengan analisis data secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa daerah ini mulai banyak didatangi kaurn migran sejak lima belas tahun terakhir ini. Daerah ini jugs mulai berkembang sejak tumbuh permukiman-permukiman baru dan tempat-tempat usaha baru yaitu sejak lima belas tahun terakhir ini Para pendatang menetap di daerah penelitian serta mencabut status kependudukannya di daerah asal dan sekarang mempunyai Kartu Tanda Penduduk Desa Ngestiharjo. Bentuk mobilitas penduduk yang terjadi pada waktu mereka pindah di daerah penelitian adalah mobilitas permanen karena mereka mempunyai niat untuk menetap di daerah penelitian. Ditinjau dari daerah asal, sebagian besar migran berasal dari kabupatenkabupaten yang ada di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Di Dusun Kadipiro jumlah migran mencapal 44,0% dan sebanyak 39,0% di Dusun Sidorejo. Ada dua alasan ï´nengapa mereka memilih daerah pinggiran kota, pertama, karena harga lahan yang lebih murah jika dibandingkan dengan harga !chart di dalam kota, dan kedua, karena daerah ini memberikan kesempatan ekonomi yang lebih baik. Setelah para migran menetap di daerah penelitian, ternyata mereka masih tetap mengadakan hubungan dengan daerah asal. Sebagian besar migran mengadakan hubungan dengan penduduk di daerah asal secara langsung (kunjungan) yakni 86,0% di Dusun Kadipiro dan 83,0% di Dusun Sidorejo

    Dampak Transformasi Wilayah terhadap Kondisi Kultural Penduduk (Tinjauan Perspektif Geografis)

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    This research was conducted in Yogyakarta-Surakarta Corridor aiming at analyzing the impacts of regional transformation on the cultural life of the citizens. Method applied in this research is based on the survey technique, with 120 household has been taken as the sample. Sampling technique based on stratified random sampling has been implemented in 4 villages that represent different degrees of accessibility, namely: Maguwoharjo Village-Sleman Regency (very high accessibility), Sumopuro Village-Klaten Regency (high accessibility), Danguran Village-Klaten Regency (medium accessibility), and Jatirejo Village-Boyolali Regency (low accessibility). Analysis technique is taken based on the descriptive quantitative analysis. The findings of this study show us that regional transformation has impacts on citizens cultural condition in the forms of some changes in traditional practices of dealing with pregnancy, birth, transition from childhood to adult life, marriage, and death, from complex practices to simpler ones. In the geographical perspective, this research also reveal the spatial variation (based on the 4 type of the village that represent different degrees of accessibility) from the impact of regional transformation on the cultural life of the citizens