456 research outputs found

    Transmission of bovine viral diarrhea virus among white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)

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    Cattle persistently infected (PI) with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), a pestivirus in the family Flaviviridae, are an important source of viral transmission to susceptible hosts. Persistent BVDV infections have been identified in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), the most abundant free-ranging ruminant in North America. As PI deer shed BVDV similarly to PI cattle, maintenance of BVDV within white-tailed deer populations may be possible. To date, intraspecific transmission of BVDV in white-tailed deer has not been evaluated, which prompted this study. Six pregnant white-tailed deer were captured in the first trimester of pregnancy and cohabitated with a PI white-tailed deer. Cohabitation with the PI deer resulted in BVDV infection in all does, as indicated by seroconversion. All does gave birth to live fawns and no reproductive losses were observed. At birth, evidence of BVDV infection was identified in two singlet fawns, of which one was determined to be PI by repeated serum reverse transcription nested PCR, whole blood virus isolation and immunohistochemistry. This study demonstrates for the first time that BVDV transmission may occur among white-tailed deer. The birth of a PI fawn through contact to a PI white-tailed deer indicates that under appropriate circumstances, BVDV may be maintained in white-tailed deer by congenital infection

    Isovector soft dipole mode in 6Be

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    By using the 1H(6Li,6Be)n charge-exchange reaction, continuum states in 6Be were populated up to E_t=16 MeV, E_t being the 6Be energy above its three-body decay threshold. In kinematically complete measurements performed by detecting alpha+p+p coincidences, an E_t spectrum of high statistics was obtained, containing approximately ~5x10^6 events. The spectrum provides detailed correlation information about the well-known 0^+ ground state of 6Be at E_t=1.37 MeV and its 2^+ state at E_t=3.05 MeV. Moreover, a broad structure extending from 4 to 16 MeV was observed. It contains negative parity states populated by Delta L=1 angular momentum transfer without other significant contributions. This structure can be interpreted as a novel phenomenon, i.e. the isovector soft dipole mode associated with the 6Li ground state. The population of this mode in the charge-exchange reaction is a dominant phenomenon for this reaction, being responsible for about 60% of the cross section obtained in the measured energy range.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Supramolecular photochemistry of encapsulated caged ortho-nitrobenzyl triggers

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    ortho-Nitrobenzyl (oNB) triggers have been extensively used to release various molecules of interest. However, the toxicity and reactivity of the spent chromophore, o-nitrosobenzaldehyde, remains an unaddressed difficulty. In this study we have applied the well-established supramolecular photochemical concepts to retain the spent trigger o-nitrosobenzaldehyde within the organic capsule after release of water-soluble acids and alcohols. The sequestering power of organic capsules for spent chromophores during photorelease from ortho-nitrobenzyl esters, ethers and alcohols is demonstrated with several examples.National Science FoundationNational Science Foundation (NSF) [CHE-1807729]Kansas University Endowment AssociationFCT - Foundation for Science and TechnologyPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [UID/Multi/04326/2019, EMBRC.PT ALG-01-0145-FEDER-022121

    Gaugino Anomaly Mediated SUSY Breaking: phenomenology and prospects for the LHC

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    We examine the supersymmetry phenomenology of a novel scenario of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking which we call Gaugino Anomaly Mediation, or inoAMSB. This is suggested by recent work on the phenomenology of flux compactified type IIB string theory. The essential features of this scenario are that the gaugino masses are of the anomaly-mediated SUSY breaking (AMSB) form, while scalar and trilinear soft SUSY breaking terms are highly suppressed. Renormalization group effects yield an allowable sparticle mass spectrum, while at the same time avoiding charged LSPs; the latter are common in models with negligible soft scalar masses, such as no-scale or gaugino mediation models. Since scalar and trilinear soft terms are highly suppressed, the SUSY induced flavor and CP-violating processes are also suppressed. The lightest SUSY particle is the neutral wino, while the heaviest is the gluino. In this model, there should be a strong multi-jet +etmiss signal from squark pair production at the LHC. We find a 100 fb^{-1} reach of LHC out to m_{3/2}\sim 118 TeV, corresponding to a gluino mass of \sim 2.6 TeV. A double mass edge from the opposite-sign/same flavor dilepton invariant mass distribution should be visible at LHC; this, along with the presence of short-- but visible-- highly ionizing tracks from quasi-stable charginos, should provide a smoking gun signature for inoAMSB.Comment: 30 pages including 14 .eps figure

    The role of healthcare professionals in encouraging parents to see and hold their stillborn baby: a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies.

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    Background: Globally, during 2013 there were three million recorded stillbirths. Where clinical guidelines exist some recommend that professionals do not encourage parental contact. The guidance is based on quantitative evidence that seeing and holding the baby is not beneficial for everyone, but has been challenged by bereaved parents' organisations. We aim to inform future guideline development through a synthesis of qualitative studies reporting data relevant to the research question; how does the approach of healthcare professionals to seeing and holding the baby following stillbirth impact parents views and experiences? Methods/Findings: Using a predetermined search strategy of PubMed and PsychINFO we identified robust qualitative studies reporting bereaved parental views and/or experiences relating to seeing and holding their stillborn baby (final search 24 February, 2014). Eligible studies were English language, reporting parental views, with gestational loss >20weeks. Quality was independently assessed by three authors using a validated tool. We used meta-ethnographic techniques to identify key themes and a line of argument synthesis. We included 12 papers, representing the views of 333 parents (156 mothers, 150 fathers, and 27 couples) from six countries. The final themes were: "[Still]birth: Nature of care is paramount", "Real babies: Perfect beauties, monsters and spectres", and "Opportunity of a lifetime lost." Our line-of-argument synthesis highlights the contrast between all parents need to know their baby, with the time around birth being the only time memories can be made, and the variable ability that parents have to articulate their preferences at that time. Thus, we hypothesised that how health professionals approach contact between parents and their stillborn baby demands a degree of active management. An important limitation of this paper is all included studies originated from high income, westernised countries raising questions about the findings transferability to other cultural contexts. We do not offer new evidence to answer the question "Should parents see and hold their stillborn baby?", instead our findings advance understanding of how professionals can support parents to make appropriate decisions in a novel, highly charged and dynamic situation. Conclusions: Guidelines could be more specific in their recommendations regarding parental contact. The role of healthcare professionals in encouraging parents to see and hold their stillborn baby is paramount. Parental choice not to see their baby, apprehension, or uncertainty should be continuously revisited in the hours after birth as the opportunity for contact is fleeting and final

    Testing the gaugino AMSB model at the Tevatron via slepton pair production

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    Gaugino AMSB models-- wherein scalar and trilinear soft SUSY breaking terms are suppressed at the GUT scale while gaugino masses adopt the AMSB form-- yield a characteristic SUSY particle mass spectrum with light sleptons along with a nearly degenerate wino-like lightest neutralino and quasi-stable chargino. The left- sleptons and sneutrinos can be pair produced at sufficiently high rates to yield observable signals at the Fermilab Tevatron. We calculate the rate for isolated single and dilepton plus missing energy signals, along with the presence of one or two highly ionizing chargino tracks. We find that Tevatron experiments should be able to probe gravitino masses into the ~55 TeV range for inoAMSB models, which corresponds to a reach in gluino mass of over 1100 GeV.Comment: 14 pages including 6 .eps figure