76 research outputs found

    Archaeobotanical analysis from the long-term rural settlement of Contrada Castro (Corleone, Palermo): preliminary data

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    The project ÂżHarvesting Memories: Ecology and Archaeology of Monti Sicani landscapesÂż aims to analyse the long-term relationship of landscape dynamics and settlement patterns in a Mediterranean inland of Central-Western Sicily. The project combined different interdisciplinary approaches of vegetation science, landscape ecology, history and archaeology in order to diachronically understand and reconstruct the human- society-environment interactions. From 2017 to 2019 a new rural settlement has been investigated in Contrada Castro (Corleone, Palermo). The excavation in Contrada Castro showed a clear case of long-term occupation of an hill-top site during Late Archaic/Classical age (6 th -5 th c. BC) and the Byzantine and Islamic period (7 th -11 th c. AD). Soils from the archaeological excavation were sampled to obtain evidences about paleo-vegetation and vegetal paleo-diet. Archaeobotanical data (seeds and charcoal remains) represent an informative source in human-environmental dynamics to collect specific data on a small scale in terms of chronology and topography (Hastorf, Popper 1988; Pearsall 2009). Furthermore, presence of edible plants as cereals, pulses and fruit characterize their use as economical resources. Unfortunately, archaeobotanical analyses from archaeological sites in Sicily are still not very common (see http://brainplants.successoterra.net/sites.html). For the reconstruction of the paleo-environment and the use of arboreal resources from the three chronological phases of the site, a total of 239 liters of soils were analysed. Taxonomical identification was made by optical microscopy through the comparison with the reference collection and specific atlases (fig.). More than 400 wood charcoals were observed, about 80% of them was identified. Thanks to comparisons with the current vegetation, so far 8 species have been identified - Quercus cfr. ilex (fig.), Pistacia cfr. terebinthus, Rhamnus alathernus, Fraxinus ornus, Ulmus canescens, Acer cfr. campestris, Ostrya carpinifolia, Populus cf. nigra; identification reached the detail of genus or subfamily in 6 cases - Quercus cf. robur / pubescens, Phillyrea sp., Sorbus sp., Rosacea cfr. Pirus sp. and maybe Moracea. The arboreal vegetation is therefore represented by evergreen oaks, semi- and deciduous oaks, maples, ash trees, associated with riparian species such as elm, poplar and hornbeam, and shrub species such as backthorn, terebinth, sorb, plum. Cultivated species are mostly not represented. Despite the widespread presence of the evergreen oaks in the whole record, differences between the three chronological phases were identified, highlighting a selective use of the wild species present in the area and a specific collection of wood for the hearths. 1) Hastorf C.A., Popper V.F.1988, Current Paleoethnobotany. Analytical Methods and Cultural Interpretations of Archaeological Plant Remains, Chicago. ISBN: 978022631893 2) Pearsall D. M. 2009, Paleoethnobotany: A Handbook of Procedures, Second Edition, Walnut Creek. ISBN-10: 1598744720 3) BRAIN Network, http://brainplants.successoterra.net/sites.htmlFinanciaciĂłn: beca "Juan de la Cierva-incorporaciĂłn, IJCI-2017-31494, MINECO), IJCI-2017-31494" y proyecto "Harvesting Memories" de la Universidad de Palermo (financiado por Bona Furtuna LLC)

    Diccionario de directores

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    Garlazzo, G.; Speciale, A. (1999). Diccionario de directores. Nosferatu. Revista de cine. (30):80-99. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/41143.ImportaciĂłn Masiva80993


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    Il Centro Nazionale Terremoti (CNT), in collaborazione con la sezione di Catania, ha progettato e realizzato un esperimento di sismica passiva nell’area Calabro–Peloritana il cui scopo è fornire nuovi dati sismici volti a comprendere come le dinamiche superficiali ed il processo di subduzione interagiscano tra loro, migliorando così la comprensione dei processi sismogenetici nella zona colpita dal terremoto del 1908 [Margheriti et al., 2008; http://dpc-s5.rm.ingv.it]. Con l’obiettivo di ridurre l’errore di localizzazione degli ipocentri degli eventi verificatisi nell’area interessata dal progetto, ad integrazione delle 30 stazioni della rete sismica nazionale già presenti nell’area in esame, l’esperimento ha previsto l’installazione di 15 stazioni della rete mobile e la deposizione di 5 OBS/H (Ocean Bottom Seismometer with Hydrophone), per un numero complessivo di 50 stazioni sismiche larga banda 3C coinvolte nel progetto. La campagna sismica a terra ha avuto inizio nell’ottobre 2007 e ad oggi (gennaio 2009), le stazioni sono ancora in funzione, mentre la deposizione dei cinque OBS/H è avvenuta tra il 15 e il 18 luglio 2008 ed il loro recupero è stato effettuato tra il 6 e il 7 novembre 2008. Gli OBS/H, progettati e realizzati presso l’OBS Lab di Gibilmanna, sono stati equipaggiati con sismometri Nanometrics Trillium 120p (120s - 175 Hz) e con sensori differenziali di pressione (Differential Pressure Gauge) Cox-Webb, con banda passante tra i 200s e i 2Hz. La base autolivellante sulla quale è installato il sensore sismico è stata realizzata anch’essa presso l’OBS Lab di Gibilmanna nei mesi intercorsi tra il recupero degli OBS impiegati nella prima campagna NERIES, avvenuto nel marzo 2008, e il luglio 2008, data della deposizione degli OBS del progetto “Messina 1908 – 2008”. La necessità di realizzare una nuova base autolivellante in tempi così brevi, è stata una diretta conseguenza dei risultati negativi ottenuti dalla base Nautilus in occasione della già citata campagna NERIES [D’Anna et al., 2008]: due sismometri su tre non si erano livellati nel range di ±0.2°, massimo tilt dinamico previsto per i Trillium 120p, provocando il non funzionamento degli stessi. Come meglio verrà analizzato nei paragrafi successivi, le problematiche affrontate nella realizzazione di questi dispositivi di livellamento sono state molteplici e di difficile soluzione. L’analisi preliminare dei dati ha evidenziato che soltanto uno dei cinque sensori sismici ha funzionato correttamente per l’intero periodo, mentre gli altri quattro hanno funzionato in media per circa 20 giorni. Causa di ciò, un rapido consumo delle batterie dovuto ad un livellamento sì compreso nel range di ±0.2° dall’orizzontale, condizione necessaria perché il sismometro sia in grado di rilevare eventi sismici, ma oltre il range di ±0.1°, condizione necessaria perché i consumi del Trillium120p si riducano da circa 2.5W ai 600mW nominali. I risultati ottenuti da questo esperimento, sono comunque da inquadrare in una successione degli eventi che ha fatto sì che lo sviluppo di questa nuova base autolivellante fosse condizionato da una certa urgenza: al CNT premeva presentare i dati raccolti dagli OBS al convegno “Scienza e società a 100 anni dal grande Terremoto”, che si sarebbe tenuto a Reggio Calabria dal 10 al 12 dicembre 2008 e visti gli insuccessi della base Nautilus nel precedente esperimento, ci si è trovati di fronte alla necessità di progettare e sviluppare un nuovo sistema di livellamento per i Trillium 120p nell’arco di tre mesi e mezzo. Queste, oltre a quelle di natura economica, le ragioni per cui non è stato possibile procedere secondo un iter che per noi, come per le aziende che operano nel settore marino, è uno standard: - Progettazione; - Realizzazione del prototipo; - Test in laboratorio (e. g. tavola vibrante) - Test in camera iperbarica; - Test in mare; - Produzione in serie; E’ nostra intenzione, in un prossimo futuro, portare avanti lo sviluppo di questa base autolivellante, con tempi e risorse finanziare ed umane più appropriate. Ciò che riportiamo in questo Rapporto Tecnico vuole essere una descrizione del lavoro sin qui svolto, anche se non conclusivo e risolutivo, ma che ci ha già permesso di individuare delle problematiche fondamentali la cui soluzione sarà oggetto di studi più approfonditi. Rimane positivo il fatto che le basi già realizzate riescono già da adesso a livellare automaticamente un sensore entro un range di ±0.2°. Gli OBS/H dell’INGV verranno nuovamente deposti con la stessa disposizione del progetto “Messina 1908 – 2008” nell’estate 2009, nell’ambito del progetto S5 finanziato dal Dipartimento della Protezione Civile. Per sopperire alle problematiche riscontrate nella marinizzazione del Trillium 120p, si è scelto di installare a bordo degli OBS dei sensori Guralp CMG40T-OBS (60s – 100 Hz), progettati per installazioni in mare sino a profondità di 6000 m è già dotati di una propria base autolivellante. Il motivo per il quale non si è utilizzato nelle passate campagne questo tipo di sensore è da addebitare unicamente al fatto che sui fondi DPC della convenzione 2005-2007 non è stato possibile inserire l’acquisto di questi specifici sensori, mentre erano disponibili i Trillium 120p

    Nasal anomalies review with CT or MRI: from congenital to malignant.

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    Learning Objectives. To describe imaging findings of a wide spectrum of uncommon nasal cavity masses evaluated at our institution by CT, CBCT and MR imaging, clinically and pathologically proven. Background. In this work we present a succinct review of disease illustrated by a retrospective case series of nasalcavity masses, evaluated at our institution. between 2010 and 2013. Patients have been studied with different imaging modalities including multiraw computed tomography (CT), cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MR) to illustrate the findings and to summarize the main diagnostic keypoints for the differential diagnosis of nasal masses. Clinicopathological correlation is also reported and imaging findings we present have been isthopathologically proven. Images aid in recognition and characterization of the lesions. Many different types of lesions may involve the nasal cavities and imaging studies, CBCT, CT and MR, provide anatomical details and could be helpful first in differentiating benign to malignant lesions and secondary in characterization of the lesion. Referring to non neoplastic lesions, rinoliths, piogenic granuloma and septal mucocele are reported. Referring to benign and borderline tumors osteoma, hamartoma, hemangioma, hemangiopericytoma, cemento-ossifying fibroma, antrochoanal polip and inverted papilloma are reported. Referring to malignant neoplasms intestinal type adenocarcinoma, esthesioneuroblastoma and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma are reported. CONCLUSION. This review of uncommon nasal masses studied with different imaging modalities (CT, CBCT and MRI)should be useful in differential diagnosis of the wide spectrum of nasal tumors and non tumors masses

    HER2 status in advanced gastric cancer: the dark side of the moon

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    The present study evaluated HER2 status between primary gastric and paired metastatic disease to lymph nodes, collecting 62 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded representative tissue blocks as well as synchronous metastatic lymph nodes by immunohistochemistry and FISH. The discordant HER2 pooled rate, regardless either negative or positive conversion, was 9.26% in primary gastric carcinoma and corresponding nodal metastasis. Moreover, a high level concordance in HER2 expression between primary carcinoma and synchronous metastatic lymph nodes was achieved in 90.74% of cases. In our opinion, the observed event of discordant HER2 status should be ascribed to intra-tumor heterogeneity. In any case, the shift from positive to negative HER2 expression suggests that Trastuzumab could be the targeted treatment choice, while the opposite shift should be evaluated by a simultaneous HER2 determination in both primary and metastatic lymph nodes

    Sarcoglycans and integrins in masseter muscle of baboons: an immunohistochemical and molecular study

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    The sarcoglycans subcomplex consists of six transmenbrane proteins (α,β,δ,γ,ε,ζ), functionally connected by a bidirectional signalling with integrins, transmembrane receptors that play a key role in cell adhesion and differentiation. b1D-integrin is detected only in skeletal and cardiac muscle, while low amounts of b1A were detected in striated muscles. b1D was associated with α7A and α7B in adult skeletal. Although numerous studies have been carried out on these proteins in many muscle types, insufficient data exist on their behaviour in masseter muscle, an highly unusual muscle for the presence, in addition to slow and fast fibers, of hybrid fibers types important for the specific functional demands of masseter. Our studies on normal human masseter muscle and on masseter of subjects with right crossbite, showed that integrins play a role in the functional activity of muscle and in the optimization of contractile forces. Also, we studied these proteins in masseter of chimpanzees, alpha and non-alpha male subjects. These results have shown a different quantitative composition of integrins in alpha male in respect to non-alpha male hypothesizing a key role for integrins and sarcoglycans in the determination of contraction force. Here, we analyzed masseter muscle obtained from baboons, animals similar in phylogeny with humans and chimpanzees, individuating subjects with high and low dominance. Our immunohistochemical results, confirmed also by Western Blotting analysis, show that, in high dominance subjects, stainings for sarcoglycans and integrins were normal; interestingly, in low dominance subjects stainings for these proteins were normal, lower or absent in different fibers of the same microscopic field. Thus, preliminary analysis on cell cultures of myoblasts and myotubes, at different days of differentiation, immunolabelled with antibodies against sarcoglycans and integrins, have demonstrated a similar behaviour, showing cells with an higher or lower staining for these proteins. In our opinion, these results provide the first suggestion that integrins and sarcoglycans in masseter muscle play a key role regulating muscular functional activity and allowing the optimization of contractile forces of this muscle

    Phenolic Profiles, Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Hydrodistillation Wastewaters from Five Lamiaceae Species

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    Distillation is the most widely used method to obtain an essential oil from plant material. The biomass used in the process is returned as a solid residue together with variable amounts of water rich in water-soluble compounds, which currently are not addressed to any further application. The scope of this work was to evaluate the phytochemical composition of wastewaters coming from hydrodistillation (DWWs) of five aromatic plants belonging to the Lamiaceae family, and to assess their in vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. The phenolic profiles of the DWWs were determined by HPLC-DAD and HPLC-ESI/MS. Free radical scavenging ability, oxygen radical antioxidant capacity and superoxide dismutase mimetic activity of the samples under study were measured. Moreover, to investigate the anti-inflammatory activity of the DWWs, an in vitro experimental model of intestinal inflammation was used. The DWW samples' phytochemical analysis allowed the identification of 37 phenolic compounds, all exhibiting good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Our study contributes to the knowledge on the polyphenolic composition of the DWWs of five aromatic plants of the Lamiaceae family. The results highlight the presence of compounds with proven biological activity, and therefore of great interest in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical fields
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