219 research outputs found

    The investments in renewable energy sources: do low carbon economies better invest in green technologies?

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the driving of investment in renewable energy sources in low carbon and high carbon economies. To address these issues, a dynamic panel analysis of the renewable investment in a sample of 29 countries was proposed. Results demonstrate that the dynamic of investments in renewable sources is similar in the two panels, and depends by nuclear power generation, GDP and technological efficiency. Results show that countries try to reduce their environmental footprint, decreasing the CO2 intensity . Based on the estimation results, we think that energy sustainability passes through the use of renewable resources that can complement the nuclear technology on condition that both exceed their limits.CO2 intensity; Dynamic model; Nuclear Energy

    Studi urbani e periferie

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    L’antropologo Ferdinando Fava, dopo aver condotto una ricerca etnografica sullo Zen di Palermo, ha scritto un interessante saggio dal titolo “Tra iperghetti e banlieues, la nuova marginalità urbana”: “Ghetto a Chicago, banlieue a Parigi, poligono a Barcellona, probleemstandwij ad Amsterdam, hrushebi a Mosca, hood a Los Angeles: ogni città “dell’Occidente” ha le sue parole per descrivere i propri quartieri “maledetti” e marginali

    Protagonista ineludible de la antropología italiana, Alberto M. Sobrero (1949-2021)

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    El 18 de febrero de 2021 falleció el antropólogo Alberto Maria Sobrero a los 71 años mientras caminaba por las calles de su ciudad, Roma. Sobrero había sido durante años catedrático de la Universidad “La Sapienza” de Roma, titular de la cátedra de antropología cultural. En su dilatada trayectoria ha ocupado diversos cargos institucionales dirigiendo numerosos proyectos nacionales e internacionale

    “La Rete”: un gruppo di intellettuali nella Ferrara moderna

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    The present issue explores how a network of intellectuals was formed in Ferrara and its surroundings between the beginning of the Fifties and the end of the Eighties, producing plenty of innovative and anthropologically relevant works. This generation of intellectuals shared a remarkably transdisciplinary point of view, in a moment when the boundaries between disciplines were much less conspicuous than now and the Chair of Anthropology at the University was yet to be founded (it happened in Ferrara in 2008/09). The essay shows how this network was formed, to which extent it contributed to Ferrara becoming a cultural capital, how it managed to transform the Teatro Comunale and the Palazzo dei Diamanti, for instance, into outstanding cultural institutions.Oggetto di questo articolo è la formazione di una rete di intellettuali a Ferrara tra l’inizio degli anni Cinquanta e la fine degli anni Ottanta che hanno prodotto fuori e dentro le Mura cittadine una serie di opere visive e di scritti innovativi e di valore antropologico. Alla base dello sguardo di questa generazione di intellettuali vi era un punto di vista fortemente transdisciplinare in un momento in cui le separazioni tra discipline erano meno evidenti, vista anche l’assenza di facoltà umanistiche e l’istituzione della prima cattedra di antropologia culturale a Ferrara solo nel 2008/2009. La domanda al centro di questo articolo è: come si è formata questa rete? Quanto ha contribuito a fare del capoluogo estense una città dell’arte e della cultura? Come questo gruppo di intellettuali è riuscito in poco tempo a rendere istituzioni come il Teatro Comunale e/o i Palazzo dei Diamanti delle eccellenze

    Ibridi ferraresi. L'antropologia senza antropologi

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    The present essay deals with the network of intellectuals that was active in Ferrara between the beginning of the Fifties and the end of the Eighties in the fields of visual arts – painting, photography, movies – and writing – reportage, social enquiry, essays, poetry, fiction – and which are rather difficult to classify. These intellectuals had an analytic view marked by a transdisciplinary approach, in an environment where the disciplinary boundaries, starting from the duality Human vs. Scientific studies, were much less sharp than they are today, due to the absence of a Humanities faculty. The first professorship of anthropology in Ferrara was established in 2008 – 2009. How did scholars and artists produce hybrid and contaminated views of the urban before the introduction of Anthropology? This is the question this article wants to answer

    The causal relationship between energy consumption, energy prices and economic growth in Asian developing countries: A replication

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    In this paper, we first replicate estimates of [6] over a longer period from 1971 to 2015. We then extend the analysis estimating an additional specification in which a categorical variable is included to take into account if the four Asian countries adopted policies in support of the generation of energy from renewable sources. Most of the results of Asafu-Adjaye's analysis hold for Thailand and Philippines even when considering 20 years of additional data. The results for India and Indonesia are quite different from the original work in term of vector of cointegration and Granger-causality relationships. The Indian case is also different from other countries considered when we analyse the effects of the adoption of policies in favour of renewable energy sources. Keywords: Energy consumption, Economic growth, Granger causality, Replication, JEL classifications: C22, Q43, Q4

    The drivers of eco‐innovations in small and medium‐sized enterprises: A systematic literature review and research directions

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    The debate on innovations that contributes to the decoupling of economic growth and environmental degradation or fosters the transition from the brown to the green economy is becoming increasingly relevant in the academic and business worlds, fuelling a research stream that is proving very interesting for its economic, environmental and social implications. Although the debate on the adoption of environmental innovations is well underway, the discussion on eco-innovation in the context of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is at a less developed stage and deserves more attention, especially given the relevance of these companies in the economic system of several countries. Thus, this study proposes a systematic literature review of the determinants of eco-innovation in SMEs and explores the relationships among them by starting from the criticalities highlighted in the five literature reviews of determinants of eco-innovations in SMEs that have been recently published. The first step of the research concerns a detailed description of the selection process of the articles under consideration and of their characteristics. In the second step, 14 main categories of determinants are identified. Additionally, in the third step, as result of this investigation, three basilar research directions and 13 related research questions emerged

    Investments in renewable energy sources in OPEC members: a dynamic panel approach

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    In this paper we analyze the key factors promoting the investments in renewable energy sources a in a panel dataset of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). To address these issues, a dynamic panel analysis of the renewable investments in the sample of OPEC with distinct economic and social structures, in the years between 1980 and 2009, is proposed. Results confirm that key factors promoting investments in renewable energy sources are similar to others study which include more developed countries. However, absence of grant and/or incentives to promote the installations of new renewable power plants is a limit for the future and sustainable development of these countries

    The Investments in Renewable Energy Sources: Do Low Carbon Economies Better Invest in Green Technologies?

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the driving of investment in renewable energy sources in low carbon and high carbon economies. To address these issues, a dynamic panel analysis of the renewable investment in a sample of 29 countries was proposed. Results demonstrate that the dynamic of investments in renewable sources is similar in the two panels, and depends by nuclear power generation, GDP and technological efficiency. Results show that countries try to reduce their environmental footprint, decreasing the CO2 intensity. Based on the estimation results, we think that energy sustainability passes through the use of renewable resources that can complement the nuclear technology on condition that both exceed their limits. Keywords: CO2 intensity; Dynamic model; Nuclear Energy JEL Classifications: C23; O13; Q4

    The investments in renewable energy sources: do low carbon economies better invest in green technologies?

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the driving of investment in renewable energy sources in low carbon and high carbon economies. To address these issues, a dynamic panel analysis of the renewable investment in a sample of 29 countries was proposed. Results demonstrate that the dynamic of investments in renewable sources is similar in the two panels, and depends by nuclear power generation, GDP and technological efficiency. Results show that countries try to reduce their environmental footprint, decreasing the CO2 intensity . Based on the estimation results, we think that energy sustainability passes through the use of renewable resources that can complement the nuclear technology on condition that both exceed their limits