157 research outputs found

    I volgari municipali e l'affioramento di una scripta nel medioevo lombardo

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    L'articolo si propone di motivare come nella storia linguistica delle cittĂ  lombarde lingua/ dialetto non siano sistemi contrapposti, ma registri strettamente legati. Le indicazioni manzoniane in apertura invitano a osservare gli statuti cittadini del medioevo come luogo di contatto e di scambio tra due sistemi linguistici, latino e volgare. Senza varcare di proposito la soglia di alcuni dei piĂą antichi manoscritti lombardi, l'articolo cerca di rilevare nelle testimonianze dell'originaria diglossia una ben piĂą complessa sintonia di affioramenti e di successivi strappi, osservando nella lente della scrittura un passaggio di testimone, quello tra latino e volgare, che le opposizioni scolastiche al pari dei facili fraintendimenti terminologici non aiutano a sciogliere.The article aims at assessing the motives for which, in the linguistic history of the Lombardian cities, lingua/dialetto (language/dialect) are not contraposed systems, but are instead highly interlinked registers. The Manzonian information given at the beginning of the article invites us to consider the medieval city statutes as a point of contact and exchange between two linguistic systems, Latin and the vulgate. Without expressly crossing the threshold of some of the oldest Lombardian manuscripts, the article attempts to underline, within the evidence provided by the original digloss, a complex awareness both of growth and of successive breakings, observing, through the lens of writing, a passage of testimony between Latin and the vulgate, which scholastic opposition, just as with facile terminological misunderstandings, does not help to clarify


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    L’articolo si propone di valutare alcuni aspetti del rapporto tra la pedagogia linguistica di Giulio Tarra e l’assetto teorico dell’idea di formazione linguistica sotteso al pensiero linguistico manzoniano. A partire da un’analisi del resoconto dell’incontro tra Manzoni e un gruppo di giovani allievi dell’Istituto dei sordomuti di Milano, diretto dal Tarra, il saggio vuole portare alla luce la comune adesione a un ideale di parola intesa come strumento di integrazione e di partecipazione sociale.   The “most arduous, and therefore most deserving, education”. Brusuglio, 8 october 1972, Alessandro Manzoni and Giulio Tarra: the “foundation” of a linguistic position The article aims to evaluate some aspects of the relationship between Giulio Tarra's linguistic pedagogy and the theoretical structure of the idea of linguistic training underlying Manzoni's linguistic thought. Starting from an analysis of the report of the meeting between Manzoni and a group of young students from the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb in Milan, directed by Tarra, the essay aims to bring to light the common adherence to an ideal word understood as an instrument for integration and social participation

    effect of cleaning and disinfection on naturally contaminated clinical contact surfaces

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    Introduction. Data regarding methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Legionella pneumophila, Hepatitis B virus suggest that the environment plays an important role in infection transmission in dental healthcare settings. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention suggest covering clinical contact surfaces with disposal barriers or disinfecting them between patients. Both methods have drawbacks; preliminary data suggest that cleaning could be an alternative. Aim. To investigate microbial contamination on dental chairs after dental therapy with turbine and decontamination power of disinfection and cleaning. Material and methods. We assessed microbial contamination of a dental chair, used by paediatric patients receiving conservative/ endodontic therapy and located in an annex isolated from the rest of the dental office. Contact plates containing Nutrient Agar were used to assess microbial load, immediately before and after treatment, and following one of two decontamination protocols. Protocol-1 comprised cleaning (sodium lauryl sulphate- based soap) followed by disinfection (hypochlorite solution); and protocol-2 was soap-based cleaning only. Contamination levels were classified as no growth; scanty (<2.5 CFU/ cm2); light (2.5-12 CFU/cm2); moderate (12-40 CFU/cm2); or heavy growth (40-100 CFU/cm2). Results. Contamination ranged between moderate and heavy growth for 93.3% samples after dental therapy before decontamination. Scanty growth was obtained from 93.3% samples and 96.7% samples after protocol 1 and protocol-2, respectively. Initial level of contamination had no significant effect on the final level and the decontamination power of the two protocols was not significantly different either. Conclusion. Dental therapy produced high levels of microbial contamination which justified the use of adequate disinfection and/or cleaning. Cleaning alone was sufficient to decontaminate the surface of the dental chair, while disinfection offered no additional effect

    La pratica e la grammatica

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    Alle origini della storia linguistica italiana, su un crinale in cui definire un percorso conduce a determinarne in parte lo svolgimento, è la riflessione che Dante affida al De vulgari eloquentia: l’apertura del trattato, delimitando il subiectum della ricerca, mette a fuoco i termini di una situazione che riguarda la locutio e proprio per questa ragione va a toccare aspetti profondi della vita culturale e sociale del tempo, influenzando in prospettiva una situazione futura. L’istanza di def..

    Olfactory evaluation in obstructive sleep apnoea patients

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    The sense of smell has a high impact on the quality of life. The aim of the present study was to investigate olfactory dysfunction in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) and correlate the severity of disease with olfactory dysfunction. The relationships between nasal obstruction, nasal mucociliary cleareance and olfactory tests were also evaluated. Sixty patients with a diagnosis of OSAS were enrolled and underwent olfactory function evaluation. In all patients olfactory performance was tested with the Sniffin’ Sticks method. Mucociliary transport times and anterior rhinomanometry were performed to identify eventual nasal obstruction and deficits in nasal mucociliary clearance. Olfactory dysfunction was present in 22 (36.6%) patients of the study group: of these, hyposmia was present in 19 (86.4%) and anosmia in 3 (13.6%). The mean TDI score in the study group was 30. A strong correlation between the olfactory dysfunction and severity of sleep apnoea measured using the AHI was found. Patients with OSA would seem to have a high incidence of olfactory dysfunction. The degree of olfactory dysfunction appears to be related to the severity of disease. However, other co-factors such as nasal obstruction and reduced mucociliary clearance might also play a role in of the aetiology of this condition

    La pratica e la grammatica

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    Alle origini della storia linguistica italiana, su un crinale in cui definire un percorso conduce a determinarne in parte lo svolgimento, è la riflessione che Dante affida al De vulgari eloquentia: l’apertura del trattato, delimitando il subiectum della ricerca, mette a fuoco i termini di una situazione che riguarda la locutio e proprio per questa ragione va a toccare aspetti profondi della vita culturale e sociale del tempo, influenzando in prospettiva una situazione futura. L’istanza di def..

    The use of yoga to manage stress and burnout in healthcare workers: a systematic review

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    The purpose of this systematic review is to analyze and summarize the current knowledge regarding the use of yoga to manage and prevent stress and burnout in healthcare workers. In February 2017, a literature search was conducted using the databases Medline (PubMed) and Scopus. Studies that addressed this topic were included. Eleven articles met the inclusion criteria. Seven studies were clinical trials that analyzed yoga interventions and evaluated effectiveness by gauging stress levels, sleep quality and quality of life. A study on Chinese nurses showed statistical improvement in stress levels following a six-month yoga program (χ2 = 16.449; p &lt; 0.001). A population of medical students showed improvement in self-regulation values after an 11-week yoga program (from 3.49 to 3.58; p = 0.04) and in self-compassion values (from 2.88 to 3.25; p = 0.04). Four of the included articles were observational studies: They described the factors that cause stress in the work environment and highlighted that healthcare workers believe it is possible to benefit from improved physical, emotional and mental health related to yoga activity. According to the literature, yoga appears to be effective in the management of stress in healthcare workers, but it is necessary to implement methodologically relevant studies to attribute significance to such evidence

    Gender differences in reaching top roles in banking: a cross-sectional study performed by bankers work in province of Pisa

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    The financial industry is a pivot of the economy and plays an important social role. Goal of this study was to analyze factors associated with the framing level in banking in the province of Pisa. We collected data about age, gender, framing level, workplace and type of bank for bankers in Pisa through trade unionists. We collected data on 2018 workers and we found significant associations between framing level and aged over 40 years (OR = 4.5; 95% CI: 2.9-6.9), workplace in Pisa (OR = 0.30; 95% CI: 0.20-0.44) and male gender (OR = 2.89; 95% CI: 1.98-4.21). The first two factors are explainable with organizational characteristics. In fact for becoming manager you already have to work a number of year and in cities rather than in the surrounding municipalities, consistent with the size of bank. However, the third factor, already known in the literature in other work areas, requires further studies for explaining causes and helping to implement actions to reduce the gender gap


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