13 research outputs found

    Hospitalizations in Pediatric and Adult Patients for All Cancer Type in Italy: The EPIKIT Study under the E.U. COHEIRS Project on Environment and Health

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    Background: Cancer Registries (CRs) remain the gold standard for providing official epidemiological estimations. However, due to CRs' partial population coverage, hospitalization records might represent a valuable tool to provide additional information on cancer occurrence and expenditures at national/regional level for research purposes. The Epidemiology of Cancer in Italy (EPIKIT) study group has been built up, within the framework of the Civic Observers for Health and Environment: Initiative of Responsibility and Sustainability (COHEIRS) project under the auspices of the Europe for Citizens Program, to assess population health indicators. Objective: To assess the burden of all cancers in Italian children and adults. Methods: We analyzed National Hospitalization Records from 2001 to 2011. Based on social security numbers (anonymously treated), we have excluded from our analyses all re-hospitalizations of the same patients (n = 1,878,109) over the entire 11-year period in order to minimize the overlap between prevalent and incident cancer cases. To be more conservative, only data concerning the last five years (2007-2011) have been taken into account for final analyses. The absolute number of hospitalizations and standardized hospitalization rates (SHR) were computed for each Italian province by sex and age-groups (0-19 and 20-49). Results: The EPIKIT database included a total of 4,113,169 first hospital admissions due to main diagnoses of all tumors. The annual average number of hospital admissions due to cancer in Italy has been computed in 2362 and 43,141 hospitalizations in pediatric patients (0-19 years old) and adults (20-49 years old), respectively. Women accounted for the majority of cancer cases in adults aged 20-49. As expected, the big city of Rome presented the highest average annual number of pediatric cancers (n = 392, SHR = 9.9), followed by Naples (n = 378; SHR = 9.9) and Milan (n = 212; SHR = 7.3). However, when we look at SHR, minor cities (i.e., Imperia, Isernia and others) presented values >10 per 100,000, with only 10 or 20 cases per year. Similar figures are shown also for young adults aged 20-49. Conclusions: In addition to SHR, the absolute number of incident cancer cases represents a crucial piece of information for planning adequate healthcare services and assessing social alarm phenomena. Our findings call for specific risk assessment programs at local level (involving CRs) to search for causal relations with environmental exposures


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    \u201c9 prefazione Prefazione Verso la fine degli anni 80, in un piccolo paese dell\u2019entroterra siculo, tre guardiacaccia volontari vennero arrestati con l\u2019accusa di avere cacciato di notte \u201cfariannu\u201d, cio\ue8 usando potenti torce elet-triche per abbagliare la preda e ucciderla, cosa assolutamente proibita. Nel portabagagli dell\u2019au-to dei tre venne ritrovato un coniglio morto; i guardiacaccia si giustificarono sostenendo di averlo preso di giorno, legittimamente, ma non vennero creduti. L\u2019indomani, nel corso del processo per direttissima, il loro difensore sollev\uf2 una brillante questione preliminare: non \ue8 possibile stabilire l\u2019ora esatta della morte del coniglio; occorrerebbe un esame necroscopico. Chiese quindi un\u2019au-topsia sulla cadavere dell\u2019animale: se l\u2019esame avesse determinato che il coniglio era stato ucciso di mattina, gli arrestati sarebbero stati scagionati; se, invece, avesse collocato l\u2019evento letale in orario notturno, sarebbe stata raggiunta la prova della loro colpevolezza. Il vicepretore onorario, accogliendo la richiesta del difensore, dispose l\u2019accertamento tecnico, nominando perito il veteri-nario del paese. Quest\u2019ultimo, del tutto impreparato all\u2019originale incarico ricevuto, non fu capace di rispondere al quesito con la conseguenza che, permanendo un ragionevole dubbio, i guardia-caccia vennero assolti.* Oggi le cose sarebbero andate diversamente: l\u2019incarico sarebbe stato conferito a un esperto in scienze[\u2026]\u201d Passi di: \u201cLinee guida nazionali per le autopsie a scopo forense in medicina veterinaria\u201d. Apple Books