16 research outputs found

    Energy cost and psychological impact of robotic assisted gait training in people with spinal cord injury: effect of two different types of devices

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    Background: In the last years, there has been an intense technological development of robotic devices for gait rehabilitation in spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. The aim of the present study was to evaluate energy cost and psychological impact during a rehabilitation program with two different types of robotic rehabilitation systems (stationary system on a treadmill, Lokomat, and overground walking system, Ekso GT). Methods: Fifteen SCI patients with different injury levels underwent robot-assisted gait training sessions, divided into 2 phases: in the first phase, all subjects completed 3 sessions both Lokomat and Ekso GT. Afterwards, participants were randomly assigned to Lokomat or the Ekso for 17 sessions. A questionnaire, investigating the subjective psychological impact (SPI) during gait training, was administered. The functional outcome measures were oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), metabolic equivalent of task (MET), walking economy, and heart rate (HR). Results: The metabolic responses (7.73 ± 1.02 mL/kg/min) and MET values (3.20 ± 1.01) during robotic overground walking resulted to be higher than those during robotic treadmill walking (3.91 ± 0.93 mL/kg/min and 1.58 ± 0.44; p < 0.01).Both devices showed high scores in emotion and satisfaction. Overground walking resulted in higher scores of fatigue, mental effort, and discomfort while walking with Lokomat showed a higher score in muscle relaxation. All patients showed improvements in walking economy due to a decrease in energy cost with increased speed and workload. Conclusions: Overground robotic-assisted gait training in rehabilitation program needs higher cognitive and cardiovascular efforts than robot-assisted gait training on a treadmill

    Different media and supplements modulate the clonogenic and expansion properties of rabbit bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background -</p> <p>Rabbits provide an excellent model for many animal and human diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, for the development of new vaccines in wound healing management and in the field of tissue engineering of tendon, cartilage, bone and skin.</p> <p>The study presented herein aims to investigate the biological properties of bone marrow rabbit MSCs cultured in different conditions, in order to provide a basis for their clinical applications in veterinary medicine.</p> <p>Findings -</p> <p>MSCs were isolated from 5 New Zealand rabbits. Fold increase, CFU number, doubling time, differentiation ability and immunophenotype were analyzed.</p> <p>With the plating density of 10 cells/cm<sup>2 </sup>the fold increase was significantly lower with DMEM-20%FCS and MSCs growth was significantly higher with αMEM-hEGF. The highest clonogenic ability was found at 100 cell/cm<sup>2 </sup>with MSCBM and at 10 cell/cm<sup>2 </sup>with M199. Both at 10 and 100 cells/cm<sup>2</sup>, in αMEM medium, the highest CFU increase was obtained by adding bFGF. Supplementing culture media with 10%FCS-10%HS determined a significant increase of CFU.</p> <p>Conclusion -</p> <p>Our data suggest that different progenitor cells with differential sensitivity to media, sera and growth factors exist and the choice of culture conditions has to be carefully considered for MSC management.</p

    II funzionamento del sacro nei Carmi di Catullo. Una proposta di lettura

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    Stampacchia Giulia. II funzionamento del sacro nei Carmi di Catullo. Una proposta di lettura. In: Mélanges Pierre Lévêque. Tome 4 : Religion. Besançon : Université de Franche-Comté, 1990. pp. 381-395. (Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon, 413

    Effects of severe spasticity treatment with intrathecal Baclofen in multiple sclerosis patients: Long term follow-up

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    Background: Intrathecal Baclofen is available to treat severe generalized spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) unresponsive to oral drug delivery. Objective: The aims of this study were to investigate the effects and the drug dosage of intrathecal Baclofen in a selected population of MS patients, affected by severe spasticity at long term follow-up. Methods: A prospective cohort study of 14 MS patients is presented. Spasticity and pain were periodically assessed and the Baclofen dosage was adjusted. Results: The initial Baclofen dosage was 136.2 ± 109.3 μg, then it was increased at 12 months to 228.6 ± 179.2 μg (p < 0.05). The subsequent dose adjustments did not result in significant changes up to 76 months. Spasticity on the lower limbs decreased significantly from pre-implantation assessment (median: 3.5, IQR: 3.0-4.0) to 12 months evaluation (median: 0.5, IQR: 0.0-2.0) (p < 0.001); no further decrease was observed after 24 months (median: 0.5, IQR: 0.0-1.5); when pain was present, it decreased. Some effects on cerebellar symptoms were observed. Botulinum toxin injections were used with intrathecal Baclofen therapy. Conclusions: A reduced spasticity and pain was observed after the intrathecal Baclofen infusion for at least 76 months. To obtain these results a dosage adjustment was needed only in the first year after the implantation

    The Biological Substrate of the Motoric Cognitive Risk Syndrome: A Pilot Study Using Amyloid-/Tau-PET and MR Imaging

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    A cross-sectional pilot study to explore the biological substrate of the Motoric Cognitive Risk (MCR) syndrome in a Memory Clinic cohort, using a multimodal imaging approach, was conducted. Twenty participants were recruited and classified as MCR+/−. Amyloid- and tau-PET uptakes, temporal atrophy, white matter hyperintensities, lateral ventricular volume (LVV), and diffusion tensor parameters were compared between groups. No significant differences were found in imaging features related to Alzheimer’s disease or gross vascular damage. MCR+ patients had increased LVV and altered diffusion parameters in the superior corona radiata. Ventricular enlargement and microstructural damage of the surrounding white matter tracts could contribute to MCR pathophysiology

    Human Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stromal cells engineered to secrete Epstein-Barr virus interleukin-10 show enhanced immunosuppressive properties

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    Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) modulate the immune response and represent a potential treatment for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. We hypothesized that this feature could be potentiated by co-administering anti-inflammatory cytokines. In this article, we asked whether engineering of Wharton Jelly-derived human MSCs (WJ-hMSCs) to express an anti-inflammatory cytokine increases cell immunomodulatory properties without altering their native features

    Pianosa - Guida Geologica e Archeologica

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    Il manuale offre al visitatore un quadro del valore geologico-paleontologico dell’isola e del contesto paletnologico e archeologico che ha contraddistinto la passata presenza umana. Con queste pagine, gli studiosi ci accompagnano passo dopo passo nella visita ai luoghi più significativi attraverso una selezione di itinerari che i più interessati avranno l’opportunità di apprezzare direttamente sul campo grazie all’attività di accompagnamento delle Guide Parco

    Alzheimer's Disease Biomarkers in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: Linking Functional Connectivity and Clinical Outcome

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    Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology impacts the response to treatment in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH), possibly through changes in resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC).Objective: To explore the relationship between cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of AD and the default mode network (DMN)/hippocampal rs-FC in iNPH patients, based on their outcome after cerebrospinal fluid tap test (CSFTT), and in patients with AD.Methods: Twenty-six iNPH patients (mean age: 79.9±5.9 years; 12 females) underwent MRI and clinical assessment before and after CSFTT and were classified as responders (Resp) or not (NResp), based on the improvement at the timed up and go test and walking speed. Eleven AD patients (mean age: 70.91±5.2 years; 5 females), matched to iNPH for cognitive status, were also included. DMN and hippocampal rs-FC was related to amyloid-β42 and phosphorylated tau (pTau) levels.Results: Lower amyloid-β42 levels were associated with reduced inter- and intra-network rs-FC in NResp, and the interaction between amyloid-β42 and rs-FC was a predictor of outcome after CSFTT. The rs-FC between DMN and salience networks positively correlated to amyloid-β42 levels in both NResp and AD patients. The increase in the inter-network rs-FC after CSFTT was associated with higher pTau and lower amyloid-β42 levels in NResp, and to lower pTau levels in Resp.Conclusion: Amyloid-β42 and pTau impact on rs-FC and its changes after CSFTT in iNPH patients. The interaction between AD biomarkers and rs-FC might explain the responder status in iNPH.</p