881 research outputs found

    Parini e Tibullo

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    L’articolo trae ispirazione dal lavoro svolto per la Tesi di Laurea Parini e Tibullo. L’obiettivo è di dare rilievo a un soggetto poco frequentato dalla critica: Tibullo come possibile modello di Parini. Partendo dalla Tesi, che consiste in una catalogazione di tematiche elegiache e di termini tibulliani nelle opere di Parini, questo articolo mette in luce la presenza dell’autore elegiaco nelle opere del poeta settecentesco, tramite un confronto intertestuale; si prendono in considerazione i legami testuali e tematici (in particolare il tema della guerra), le riprese di Parini eminentemente lessicali e formali, i passi in cui la ripresa tematica è collegata a quella lessicale e le rielaborazioni del modello latino in direzione ironica, con la speranza di aggiungere nuovi riscontri e spunti di riflessione

    Historic city and urban regeneration: towards a new centrality of Italian historic centers

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    El proceso actual de metropolización tiende a la homologación y trivialización de los paisajes culturales e identitarios que caracterizan la ciudad contemporánea, dispersando un patrimonio común de valores y significados. Este proceso está asociado con fenómenos de marginación que afectan las partes de planta más antigua, para lo cual, como demuestran las investigaciones más recientes, en comparación con los años en que las reformas urbanas sancionaron la obligación de conservación preservándolos en manera emblemática, la situación ha cambiado profundamente. Hoy los centros históricos están amenazados por problemas nuevos y antiguos, de manera generalizada pero divergente (turístificación/despoblación, musealización/construcciones ilegales, gentrificación/abandono), que adquieren características específicas de acuerdo con los contextos físicos y socioeconómicos de referencia (metrópolis, áreas internas, etc.) y que, por lo tanto, requieren habilidades cognitivas, de planificación y financiamiento nuevas y más actuales. En este contexto, surge la necesidad de asignar una posición prioritaria a la ciudad histórica dentro de las estrategias de regeneración urbana, reinterpretando el patrimonio cultural como un bien común, integrando conservación e innovación, revitalización socioeconómica y valorización sociocultural, a través del refuerzo de la armadura de la ciudad pública para restaurar la calidad urbana y lograr nuevas formas de bienestar e inclusión social. El texto trata una reflexión sobre los instrumentos destinados a contrastar procesos de marginación social y económica que tienen lugar en estos contextos, apoyando la reflexión con la ilustración de experiencias nacionales (Taranto y Palermo) que encuentran convergencia en la experimentación de enfoques integrados y métodos de proyecto multinivel y multiactoriales.The current metropolization process tends towards the homologation and trivialization of the cultural and identity landscapes that characterize the contemporary city, dispersing a common heritage of values and meanings. This process is associated with the marginalization phenomena that also affect the parts of the oldest plant, for which, as evidenced by the most recent research and experimentations, compared to the years in which effective urban reforms sanctioned the obligation of conservation - preserving them in a way emblematic on the international scene - the situation has profoundly changed. The historic city and, in particular, the historic centers, in fact, are today threatened by new and old issues - in a generalized but often divergent way (tourism/depopulation, abusiveness/museumization, gentrification/abandonment) - which acquire specific characteristics according to the physical and socio-economic contexts of reference (metropolis, internal areas, territories of diffusion, etc.) and which therefore require new and more current cognitive, planning and financing skills. In this context, emerges the need to assign a priority position to the historic city within urban regeneration strategies, reinterpreting cultural heritage as a common good, integrating conservation and innovation, socio-economic revitalization and socio-cultural enhancement, through the reinforcement of the armature of the public city to restore urban quality and achieve new forms of well-being and social inclusion. The contribution addresses a reflection on the tools aimed at contrasting the processes of social, economic and spatial marginalization taking place in these contexts, supporting the reflection with the illustration of national experiences (including Taranto and Palermo) that find convergence in the experimentation of integrated approaches and multilevel and multiactorial methods of planning

    Design, synthesis, docking studies and monoamine oxidase inhibition of a small library of 1-acetyl- and 1-thiocarbamoyl-3,5-diphenyl-4,5-dihydro-(1h)-pyrazoles

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    New N-acetyl/N-thiocarbamoylpyrazoline derivatives were designed and synthesized in high yields to assess their inhibitory activity and selectivity against human monoamine oxidase A and B. The most important chiral compounds were separated into their single enantiomers and tested. The impact of the substituents at N1, C3 and C5 positions as well the influence of the configuration of the C5 on the biological activity were analyzed. Bulky aromatic groups at C5 were not tolerated. p-Prenyloxyaryl moiety at C3 oriented the selectivity toward the B isoform. The results were also corroborated by molecular modelling studies providing new suggestions for the synthesis of privileged structures to serve as lead compounds for the treatment of mood disorders and neurodegenerative diseases

    Cancerogenic parasites in veterinary medicine: a narrative literature review

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    Parasite infection is one of the many environmental factors that can significantly contribute to carcinogenesis and is already known to be associated with a variety of malignancies in both human and veterinary medicine. However, the actual number of cancerogenic parasites and their relationship to tumor development is far from being fully understood, especially in veterinary medicine. Thus, the aim of this review is to investigate parasite-related cancers in domestic and wild animals and their burden in veterinary oncology. Spontaneous neoplasia with ascertained or putative parasite etiology in domestic and wild animals will be reviewed, and the multifarious mechanisms of protozoan and metazoan cancer induction will be discussed

    Do “procedimento de liberação” societário segundo o § 246a da lei alemã das sociedades anônimas: objetivos da norma, pressupostos de aplicação e necessidade de reforma

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    Os problemas que envolvem o procedimento de liberação, assunto clássico no direito societário alemão, podem ser resumidos pelo confronto de dois importantes fatores: (i) de um lado, a obrigatoriedade de registrar algumas deliberações da Assembleia Geral – as chamadas “eintragungsbedürftige Hauptversammlungsbeschlüsse” – a fim que elas produzam efeitos jurídicos; (ii) de outro lado, o direito, conferido a todo e qualquer acionista, de controlar as deliberações da Assembleia Geral, através das ações de impugnação e anulação – Anfechtungs- und Nichtigkeitsklagen (que, em conjunto, podem ser denominadas “Beschlussmängelklagen”). Na prática do direito societário alemão, só se registram deliberações contra as quais não haja nenhuma ação pendente. Ou seja, a sobreposição desses dois fatores, somada com a dinâmica prática do sistema de registros dessas decisões, acarreta uma situação de bloqueio das atividades societárias que se sujeitam ao registro obrigatório. Para isso, o legislador criou o procedimento de liberação, permitindo que se proceda ao registro das deliberações, mesmo na pendência de uma ação. A despeito de sua irrefutável importância prática, o procedimento trouxe consigo inúmeras questões ainda não resolvidas.The problems involving the release procedure, a classic issue in German corporate law, arise from the confrontation of two factors: on the one hand, the obligation to register some resolutions of the general meeting so that they can have legal effects – the so-called “eintragungsbedürftige Hauptversammlungsbeschlüsse”; on the other hand, the right of each shareholder to control the legality of the resolutions by means of the claims for annulment and rescission (together referred to as “Beschlussmängelklagen”). In the German corporate law in practice, however, only resolutions against which no claim for annulment is pending are entered in the Commercial Register. In other words, the overlap of these two factors, together with the dynamics of the registration system, leads to a blockade situation. With the introduction of the release procedure, the German lawmaker has aimed to overcome the blockade and allow the resolutions to be registered despite the pending claim. Notwithstanding its irrefutable practical significance, the procedure prompts a large number of unresolved legal issues.Die Probleme des Freigabeverfahrens, klassisches Thema im deutschen Gesellschaftsrecht, lassen sich durch die Gegenüberstellung zweier Faktoren zusammenfassen: einerseits, die Verpflichtung, einige Hauptversammlungsbeschlüsse zu registrieren, damit sie Rechtswirkungen entfalten können – die sogenannten „eintragungsbedürftigen Hauptversammlungsbeschlüsse“; andererseits, das Recht jedes einzelnen Aktionärs, die Rechtmäßigkeit der Hauptversammlungsbeschlüsse mittels der Anfechtungs- und Nichtigkeitsklagen (die zusammen als „Beschlussmängelklagen“ bezeichnet werden) zu kontrollieren. In der deutschen gesellschaftsrechtlichen Praxis werden jedoch lediglich Beschlüsse im Handelsregister eingetragen, gegen die keine Beschlussmängelklage anhängig ist. Mit anderen Worten, die Überschneidung dieser beiden Faktoren führt zusammen mit der praktischen Dynamik des Eintragungssystems zu einer Blockade-Situation. Mit der Einführung des Freigabeverfahren hat das Gesetzgeber darauf abgezielt, die Blockade zu überwinden und die Beschlüsse trotz anhängiger Klage registrieren zu lassen. Ungeachtet seiner unwiderlegbaren praktischen Bedeutung stellt das Verfahren eine Vielzahl von ungelösten Rechtsfragen zur Diskussion


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    A presente monografia almeja apresentar um panorama dos desafios que a problemática hodierna das fake news traz para o ambiente jurídico, através do fenômeno da desinformação. Intenta-se, assim, em um primeiro momento, tecer considerações iniciais sobre os impactos democráticos do fenômeno da desinformação, tendo como pano de fundo garantias fundamentais como o direito à  informação e a liberdade de expressão. Em um segundo momento, busca-se refletir sobre os limites e deveres do direito neste contexto, considerando os instrumentos jurídicos já existentes e propostas de controle levantadas por autores envolvidos na discussão. No final do texto, pretende-se haver demonstrado que as fake news representam um problema regulatório complexo no ecossistema hodierno de comunicação, colocando diversos desafios ao Direito

    The Management of Long-Term Psychiatric Sequelae in a Young Woman Who Suffered From Suspected Autoimmune Limbic Encephalitis:

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    We report the case of a 23-year-old woman who presented to our Psychiatry Unit with a complex psychiatric symptomatology, 6 years after suffering from a form of encephalopathy which was retrospectively and hypothetically labeled as autoimmune limbic encephalitis. Over the years, several psychopharmacological therapies had been initiated, but none of them led to substantial remission of symptomatology. During the first visit, symptoms were characterized by dysphoric mood with suicidal ideation, anxiety, delusional thoughts. Self-harm and psychogenic seizures with daily frequency were also reported. A therapy with slow-release lithium sulfate, lurasidone, and lorazepam was prescribed. After 6 months of treatment, psychopathological manifestations significantly improved