1,124 research outputs found

    Cavity Soliton Laser based on mutually coupled semiconductor microresonators

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    We report on experimental observation of localized structures in two mutually coupled broad-areahttp://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/images/calendar.gif semiconductor resonators. These structures coexist with a dark homogeneous background and they have the same properties as cavity solitons without requiring the presence of a driving beam into the system. They can be switched individually on and off by means of a local addressing beam

    Intrinsic gap and exciton condensation in the nu_T=1 bilayer system

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    We investigate the quasiparticle excitation of the bilayer quantum Hall (QH) system at total filling factor νT=1\nu_{\mathrm{T}} = 1 in the limit of negligible interlayer tunneling under tilted magnetic field. We show that the intrinsic quasiparticle excitation is of purely pseudospin origin and solely governed by the inter- and intra-layer electron interactions. A model based on exciton formation successfully explains the quantitative behavior of the quasiparticle excitation gap, demonstrating the existence of a link between the excitonic QH state and the composite fermion liquid. Our results provide a new insight into the nature of the phase transition between the two states.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    CDKL5 expression is modulated during neuronal development and its subcellular distribution is tightly regulated by the C-terminal tail

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    Mutations in the human X-linked cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene have been identified in patients with Rett syndrome (RTT), West syndrome, and X-linked infantile spasms, sharing the common feature of mental retardation and early seizures. CDKL5 is a rather uncharacterized kinase, but its involvement in RTT seems to be explained by the fact that it works upstream of MeCP2, the main cause of Rett syndrome. To understand the role of this kinase for nervous system functions and to address if molecular mechanisms are involved in regulating its distribution and activity, we studied the ontogeny of CDKL5 expression in developing mouse brains by immunostaining and Western blotting. The expression profile of CDKL5 was compared with that of MeCP2. The two proteins share a general expression profile in the adult mouse brain, but CDKL5 levels appear to be highly modulated at the regional level. Its expression is strongly induced in early postnatal stages, and in the adult brain CDKL5 is present in mature neurons, but not in astroglia. Interestingly, the presence of CDKL5 in the cell nucleus varies at the regional level of the adult brain and is developmentally regulated. CDKL5 shuttles between the cytoplasm and the nucleus and the C-terminal tail is involved in localizing the protein to the cytoplasm in a mechanism depending on active nuclear export. Accordingly, Rett derivatives containing disease-causing truncations of the C terminus are constitutively nuclear, suggesting that they might act as gain of function mutations in this cellular compartment

    Stability of the Excitonic Phase in Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems at Total Filling One -- Effects of Finite Well Width and Pseudopotentials --

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    The ground state of a bilayer quantum Hall system at νT=1\nu_{\rm T}=1 with model pseudopotential is investigated by the DMRG method. Firstly, pseudopotential parameters appropriate for the system with finite layer thickness are derived, and it is found that the finite thickness makes the excitonic phase more stable. Secondly, a model, where only a few pseudopotentials with small relative angular momentum have finite values, is studied, and it is clarified how the excitonic phase is destroyed as intra-layer pseudopotential becomes larger. The importance of the intra-layer repulsive interaction at distance twice of the magnetic length for the destruction of the excitonic phase is found.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Diagonally Neighbour Transitive Codes and Frequency Permutation Arrays

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    Constant composition codes have been proposed as suitable coding schemes to solve the narrow band and impulse noise problems associated with powerline communication. In particular, a certain class of constant composition codes called frequency permutation arrays have been suggested as ideal, in some sense, for these purposes. In this paper we characterise a family of neighbour transitive codes in Hamming graphs in which frequency permutation arrays play a central rode. We also classify all the permutation codes generated by groups in this family

    Análisis filogenético de aislamientos de Groundnut ringspot virus desde maní e identificación de posibles trips vectores asociados al cultivo de maní en la Argentina

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    Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV), genus Tospovirus, is a thrips-transmitted virus infecting peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Córdoba province, Argentina. Fourteen viral isolates were recovered from Tospovirus-like symptomatic plants from different peanut fields. Viral isolates as GRSV were identified by serological and molecular tests. Nucleotide and derived amino acid sequence analyses of the nucleocapsid (N) gene indicated a high degree of identity between the GRSV peanut isolates, indicating that there is no molecular variability in the N gene of the GRSV that infects peanuts in the cropping area of Córdoba. In this study, we determined the presence of thrips species in the crop, which can potentially transmit the virus. Thrips were observed in all the evaluated peanut fields. Frankliniella schultzei was the most frequently identified species followed by Caliothrips phaseoli and Frankliniella occidentalis. This work reports the presence of F. schultzei and F. occidentalis in peanuts in Argentina for the first time. These results along with the high degree of similarity between the GRSV peanut isolates suggest that the virus could be transmitted by F. schultzei, which has been cited as its most efficient vector.Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV, género Tospovirus) es un virus que infecta naturalmente el cultivo de maní (Arachis hypogaea L.) en la región productora de Córdoba, Argentina. En distintas localidades de la provincia, se colectaron 14 aislamientos virales provenientes de maníes que manifestaban síntomas característicos de Tospovirus. Todos los aislamientos virales fueron identificados como GRSV mediante pruebas serológicas y moleculares. El análisis de las secuencias nucleotídicas y de amino ácidos deducidas del gen de la nucleoproteína (N) reveló un alto grado de identidad entre los 14 aislamientos, indicando que no existe variabilidad molecular en el gen N del GRSV que infecta maní en la provincia de Córdoba. En este estudio se determinó la presencia de trips en el cultivo que pueden potencialmente transmitir la enfermedad. Estos insectos fueron observados colonizando maní en todos los lotes evaluados. La especie identificada con mayor frecuencia fue Frankliniella schultzei, seguida de Caliothrips phaseoli y Frankliniella occidentalis. Este es el primer reporte de F. schultzei y F. occidentalis afectando maní en Argentina. Estos resultados, junto con el elevado grado de similitud encontrado entre los distintos aislamientos de GRSV, sugieren que el virus puede ser transmitido por F. schultzei, citado como el vector más eficiente del GRSV

    Colorectal cancer-screening program improves both short- and long-term outcomes: a single-center experience in Trieste

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    Screening programs (SC) have been proven to reduce both incidence and mortality of CRC. We retrospectively analyzed patients who underwent surgical treatment for CRC between 01/2011 and 01/2017. The current screening program in our region collects patients aged from 50 to 69. For this reason, out of a total of 600 patients, we compared 125 patients with CRC founded during the SC to 162 patients who presented with symptoms and were diagnosed between\ua050\u201369\ua0years old (NO-SC). 45% patients in the SC group were diagnosed as AJCC stage I vs 27% patients in the NO-SC group; 14% vs 20% were stage II, 14% vs 26% were stage III, and 3% vs 14% were stage IV (p 0.002). We found a significant difference in surgical approach: 89% SC vs 56% NO-SC patients had laparoscopic surgery (p 0.002). In the NO-SC group, 16% patients underwent resection in an emergency setting. Only 5% patients in the SC group had postoperative complications vs 14% patients in the NO-SC group (p 0.03). We had a 2-year OS of 86%, being 95% in the SC group and 80% in the NO-SC group (p 0.002). Likewise, the whole 2-year DFS was 77%, whereas it was 90% in the SC group and 66% in the NO-SC group (p 0.002). Screening significantly improves early diagnosis and accelerated surgical treatment. We obtained earlier stages at diagnosis, a less invasive surgical approach, and lower rates of complications and emergency surgery, all this leading to an improvement in both OS and DFS