71 research outputs found

    The Role of Stem Cells in Obstetrics and Gynecology

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    Kekuatan Hukum Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Dalam Hukum Perjanjian Indonesia

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    AbstractMemorandum of Understanding (MoU), made orally or in written form, is used as the basis for drafting a contract containing elaboration of the parties’ specific rights and duties.  MoU may thus be understood as a preliminary agreement to draft a contract. The author, starting from the Indonesian contract law, intend to analyze the extent to which MoU may be considered legally binding by the parties. To that purpose a comparison with how common law system recognize and regulate MoU will be considered necessary. The author’s main argument is that, notwithstanding the fact that there is no rule explicitly recognizing or mentioning the name, MoU’s containing the main understandings reached by parties should be treated as morally binding by the parties


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    E-commerce merupakan segala bentuk kegiatan jual beli dengan menggunakan media elektronik. Pada transaksi e-commerce, umumnya media yang digunakan adalah internet sebagai media komunikasi yang paling utama. Perkembangan e-commerce di Indonesia semakin bertumbuh sangat pesat sejak akhir 2019 dan ditambah adanya pandemi covid-19 yang terjadi di Indonesia. Repurchase intention menjadi penting bagi perusahaan karena menggambarkan tingkat keberhasilan perusahaan dalam memasarkan produk kepada pelanggan apalagi di dunia e-commerce saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh E-Service Quality terhadap Repurchase Intention. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif yaitu dengan penggambaran dan pemaparan variabel-variabel yang diteliti dan kemudian ditarik kesimpulan. Variabel terikat dalam penilitian ini adalah Repurchase Intention (Y) dan E-Service Quality (X) sebagai valiabel bebas. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah anggota group facebook Bukalapak. Pengambilan sampel dalam penilitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling (pengambilan sampel dengan menentukan kriteria-kriteria tertentu) dengan menggunakan teknik non-probability sampling terhadap 400 anggota group facebook. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis Regresi Linier Sederhana dengan alat bantu program IBM SPSS 22.0 for Windows. Hasil temuan penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa gambaran E-service Quality terhadap Repurchase Intention berada pada kategori baik. E-Service Quality memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan tehadap Repurchase Intention. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah terhadap Pendidikan dan Pendidikan Bisnis. E-commerce is any form of buying and selling activities using electronic media. In e-commerce transactions, generally the media used is the internet as the most important communication medium. The development of e-commerce in Indonesia has grown very rapidly since the end of 2019 and added to the covid-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia. Repurchase intention is important for companies because it illustrates the company's success rate in marketing products to customers, especially in today's e-commerce world. This study aims to determine the effect of E-Service Quality on Repurchase Intention. The type of research used is descriptive and verification, namely by describing and explaining the variables studied and then drawing conclusions. The dependent variable in this research is Repurchase Intention (Y) and E-Service Quality (X) as an independent variable. The population in this study were members of the Bukalapak Facebook group. Sampling in this study using purposive sampling method (sampling by determining certain criteria) using non-probability sampling technique of 400 facebook group members. The analysis technique used is Simple Linear Regression analysis with the IBM SPSS 22.0 for Windows program tool. The findings of this study indicate that the description of E-service Quality on Repurchase Intention is in the good category. E-Service Quality has a positive and significant influence on Repurchase Intention. Implications of the results of this study are for Education and Business Education


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    Proyek akhir ini bertujuan, untuk dapat: 1) mencipta disain busana pesta malam dengan sumber ide Menara Azadi untuk pergelaran busana Authenture. 2) membuat busana pesta malam dengan sumber ide Menara Azadi untuk pergelaran busana Authenture. 3) menyelenggarakan pergelaran busana dengan tema Authenture dan menampilkan busana pesta malam yang berjudul Power of Azadi. Proses penciptaan disain busana diawali dengan mengkaji tema Authenture, trend forecasting Resistance, tema Refugium, dan sub tema Timurid, sumber ide Menara Azadi, unsur dan prinsip disain, karakter pemakai, kesempatan pakai busana dan membuat disain busana pesta malam. Proses pembuatan busana pesta malam ini ada tiga tahapan, yaitu: 1) tahap persiapan meliputi pengambilan ukuran, pembuatan pola, rancangan bahan dan kalkulasi harga, serta penyusutan bahan, 2) tahap pelaksanaan meliputi peletakan pola, pemotongan bahan dan pemberian tanda jahitan, penjelujuran, evaluasi I bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketepatan ukuran model, penjahitan, dan pemberian hiasan busana, 3) tahap evaluasi meliputi evaluasi II merupakan hasil akhir pembuatan busana setelah proses penjahitan. Proses penyelenggaraam busana pesta melalui tiga tahapan, yaitu: 1) tahap persiapan meliputi pembentukan panitia, penentuan tema, sumber dana, dewan juri, serta waktu dan tempat penyelenggaraan, 2) tahap pelaksanaan meliputi penilaian gantung, grand juri, gladi bersih, dan penampilan busana pesta malam dalam pergelaran busana Authenture, 3) evaluasi terdiri dari persiapan sampai pelaksanaan pergelaran busana. Hasil penciptaan disain berupa mood board, design sketching, presentation drawing, fashion illustration, dan disain kerja yang memiliki style exotic dramatic dan pod look. Pembuatan busana pesta berupa gaun dan outer bersiluet A menggunakan bahan satin bridal, bahan batik lurik garis, dan bahan kulit dengan detail hiasan patchwork dan hallon. Pergelaran busana pesta malam dengan sumber ide Menara Azadi diperagakan oleh Chika pada pergelaran busana Authenture yang dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 19 April 2016 pukul 18.30 WIB bertempat di Auditorium Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta dengan judul Power of Azadi pada sesi dua dengan nomor urut 48

    Youth Adaptation in Transformation of Plantation and Agricultural Land on Sebatik Island

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    Studies at the border between Indonesia and Malaysia have not received much attention due to geographical factors and neglect on the part of the Central Government. One such area is on Sebatik Island, directly adjacent to Malaysia. Therefore, this study was developed to fill the gap in border studies, by explaining border dependence on neighboring countries. This dependence can be seen through the adaptation strategies of youth who work in the agricultural and plantation sectors in the Sebatik region. Qualitative methods with a case study approach were used. Data were obtained through observations, in-depth interviews, and secondary data analysis. Youth were the main informants; however, we also interviewed stakeholders in the Sebatik area, such as owners of agricultural land and plantations in Sebatik. The results showed that the Sebatik border community depends on Malaysia for trade and thus the agricultural and plantation aspects in the region are oriented to the needs of Malaysia. This ultimately impacts young people, especially those who work as manual laborers, to adapt to changing crops on plantations in Sebatik. Keywords: border, youth, Sebatik, plantation, agricultura

    Characteristic and Pregnancy Rate of IVF Patient: a Retrospective Analysis from Two Centres

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    Introduction: According to recent statistics, infertility in Indonesia reached 21,9%. In-vitro fertilization (IVF) was a reliable treatment option for subfertility couples with success rate of 22-40%. Data from the Indonesia Association for In-Vitro Fertilization (Perfitri) in 2010 showed the country had only 2000 cases, one third of Vietnam’s and half of Thailand’s. The technology’s high cost has been cited as the cause behind the slow development of IVF in Indonesia.Objective: We aim to evaluate the characteristics of patients and their pregnancy rate following in vitro fertilization in infertile couples from two different centres, Yasmin Clinic and Kedoya Clinic.Material and methods: Cohort retrospective was used to analyse outpatient data from two fertility centres. A total of 510 outpatients’ data, 405 in Yasmin Clinic and 105 in Kedoya Clinic, between October 2014 to September 2015 was collected. Patients and in vitro fertilization cycle characteristics from both clinics were evaluated. The pregnancy rate after IVF was compared between the groups. Result: Although maternal age (p=0,032) and paternal age (p=0,017) were statistically significant, they were not clinically significant. There were also no significant differences in the characteristics of in vitro fertilization in both clinics, clinically. However, pregnancy rate was higher in Yasmin Clinic than in Kedoya Clinic, with pregnancy rate of 64,8% and 45,7%, respectively (OR = 2,185; 95%CI 1,420-3,361; p=0,001).Discussion: There were no differences between characteristics of patients and in vitro fertilization cycle in both centres. Nevertheless, pregnancy rate between Yasmin Clinic and Kedoya Clinic were statistically different, suggesting another factors that influence success rate of in vitro fertilization. This research showed that most patients seek medical attention at the age of 35, after 7 years of infertility, suggesting awareness of infertility problem is still low

    Characteristic of Poor Responder Patients and the success rate of biochemical pregnancy in the administration of adjuvant recombinant Luteinizing Hormones in Yasmin Clinic, Jakarta

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    Introduction: Management for poor response patients is still a challenge for clinician engaged in Assisted Reproductive Technology. Various protocols have been proposed to improve the outcome for patients, though no RCT can provide the evidence based of success rate of one protocol among others.Objective: Our purpose is to find the basic data of poor responder patients in Yasmin Clinic, Jakarta and to assess the IVF cycle outcome after the addition of recombinant Luteinizing Hormones.Material and methods: This is a cohort retrospective study taken from medical records of IVF patients at Yasmin Clinic, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between January 2012 to January 2015.Result :  Two hundreds and eighty-one poor response patients were selected for ART during January 2012 to January 2015, were divided into four main group. Control group received gonadotrophin protocol, while group II received additional recombinant Luteinizing hormones (rLH), Group III received additional Growth hormones (GH) and Group IV received additional rLH and GH both.Discussion: Our study demonstrated the follicle count, the oocyte count and the cleavage rate were statistically significant difference between control group and LH group. Where the oocyte count and follicle count were significantly higher, but the cleavage rate with LH showed negative correlation compare with control group.Conclusion : In this study we found that with adjuvant therapy with recombinant Luteinizing Hormones, produced higher follicles count and oocyte count
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