834 research outputs found

    Challenges of implementing maritime spatial planning in the Eastern Mediterranean

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    The Maritime Spatial Planning Directive (2014/89/EU) was launched to create a common framework for maritime spatial planning (MSP) in Europe. The case of the Adriatic and Ionian Region (AIR) is emblematic of the peculiar challenges to be faced while implementing MSP in the region

    Managing multiple pressures for cetaceans’ conservation with an Ecosystem-Based Marine Spatial Planning approach

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    Despite the recognized important ecological role that cetaceans play in the marine environment, their protection is still scarcely enforced in the Mediterranean Sea even though this area is strongly threatened by local human pressures and climate change. The piecemeal of knowledge related to cetaceans' ecology and distribution in the basin undermines the capacity of addressing cetaceans' protection and identifying effective conservation strategies. In this study, an Ecosystem-Based Marine Spatial Planning (EB-MSP) approach is applied to assess human pressures on cetaceans and guide the designation of a conservation area in the Gulf of Taranto, Northern Ionian Sea (Central-eastern Mediterranean Sea). The Gulf of Taranto hosts different cetacean species that accomplish important phases of their life in the area. Despite this fact, the gulf does not fall within any area-based management tools (ABMTs) for cetacean conservation. We pin down the Gulf of Taranto being eligible for the designation of diverse ABMTs for conservation, both legally and non-legally binding. Through a risk-based approach, this study explores the cause-effect relationships that link any human activities and pressures exerted in the study area to potential effects on cetaceans, by identifying major drivers of potential impacts. These were found to be underwater noise, marine litter, ship collision, and competition and disturbance on preys. We draw some recommendations based on different sources of available knowledge produced so far in the area (i.e., empirical evidence, scientific and grey literature, and expert judgement) to boost cetaceans’ conservation. Finally, we stress the need of sectoral coordination for the management of human activities by applying an EB-MSP approach and valuing the establishment of an ABMT in the Gulf of Taranto

    An approach to ecosystem-based management in maritime spatial planning process

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    Sustainable development is the framing concept assuring that resources are exploited while maintaining the ability of these natural resources to provide for future generations. With human dependence on marine resources increasing, Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) has been identified as a suitable approach to ensure sustainable development. In order to achieve this, the core principles and elements of EBM should be operational in the maritime/marine spatial planning (MSP) process to ensure that human activities in marine space are ordered to attain ecological, economic and social objectives. However, policies from various states and organizations sometimes do not set a clear precedence for translating principles of EBM and present different and complex approaches to an ecosystem-based marine spatial planning (EB-MSP). Again, a feasible methodology for EBM to be operational in MSP is still vague. This paper therefore presents results from a survey and review of MSP initiatives in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Results showed that essential MSP steps and elements such as adaptive management, setting of planning boundaries, understanding and analysing the ecosystem and future conditions are not fully operational. This paper focuses on a methodology for EB-MSP and gives recommendations on how to ensure that EBM is operational at each stage of an MSP process. It stresses the importance of setting planning boundaries beyond jurisdictional borders to consider bio/eco-regions and cover near-shore waters, the need to have a cross-sector integration, understanding the ecosystem through having an ecosystem service perspective and having a legal framework to ensure that results from monitoring and evaluating of plans are adapted through review and revision

    The diversity of Class II transposable elements in mammalian genomes has arisen from ancestral phylogenetic splits during ancient waves of proliferation through the genome

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    DNA transposons make up three percent of the human genome, roughly the same percentage as genes. However, due to their inactivity, they are often ignored in favour of the more abundant, active, retroelements. Despite this relative ignominy, there are a number of interesting questions to be asked of these transposon families. One particular question relates to the timing of proliferation and inactivation of elements in a family. Does an ongoing process of turnover occur, or is the process more akin to a life cycle for the family, with elements proliferating rapidly before deactivation at a later date? We answer this question by tracing back to the most recent common ancestor of each modern transposon family, using two different methods. The first method identifies the most recent common ancestor of the species in which a family of transposon fossils can still be found, which we assume will have existed soon after the true origin date of the transposon family. The second method uses molecular dating techniques to predict the age of the most recent common ancestor element from which all elements found in a modern genome are descended. Independent data from five pairs of species are used in the molecular dating analysis: Human- Chimpanzee, Human-Orangutan, Dog-Panda, Dog-Cat and Cow-Pig. Orthologous pairs of elements from host species pairs are included, and the divergence dates of these species are used to constrain the analysis. We discover that, in general, the times to element common ancestry, for a given family, are the same for the different species pairs, suggesting that there has been no order-specific process of turnover. Furthermore, for most families, the ages of the common ancestor of the host species and of that of the elements are similar, suggesting a life cycle model for the proliferation of transposons. Where these two ages differ, in families found only in Primates and Rodentia, for example, we find that the host species date is later than that of the common ancestor of the elements, implying that there may be large deletions of elements from host species, examples of which were found in their ancestors

    Persistent gender bias in marine science and conservation calls for action to achieve equity

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    The increasing consideration of gender balance in conservation science and practice has been reflected in the setting of global commitments. Yet, women remain under-represented in science and conservation decision-making. We compiled and analyzed data on the representation of women in hiring, publishing, funding, and leadership positions in European Union marine sciences and conservation. To explore scientists' perceptions of gender imbalance in marine sciences and conservation more broadly, we conducted a global survey and analyzed 764 questionnaires from 42 countries. Participants were also asked to identify measures that promote gender equity. We found a consistent pattern of women being under-representated across institutions and nations characterized by a relatively balanced representation of men and women in early career stages and a growing gap in later stages, with women occupying only 13% to 24% of senior positions. The same pattern was found in publishing, funding, and leadership of research institutes. Survey results demonstrate that most marine scientists are aware of the general and persistent gender bias, and perceive that it may compromise our ability to effectively solve conservation problems. Measures that increase fairness in evaluations (e.g. for hiring) and that support work-life balance ranked high, whereas gender-oriented measures, such as gender-specific scholarships, received less support. Our findings suggest that mechanisms promoting a fairer share of family responsibilities and transparent processes in hiring and evaluation are the most promising path to a more balanced participation of women in scientific leadership and conservation decision-making. Such measures may benefit not only women but diversity more generally

    Expression profiling of microRNAs and isomiRs in conventional central chondrosarcoma

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    Conventional central chondrosarcoma (CCC) is a malignant bone tumor that is characterized by the production of chondroid tissue. Since radiation therapy and chemotherapy have limited effects on CCC, treatment of most patients depends on surgical resection. This study aimed to identify the expression profiles of microRNAs (miRNAs) and isomiRs in CCC tissues to highlight their possible participation to the regulation of pathways critical for the formation and growth of this type of tumor. Our study analyzed miRNAs and isomiRs from Grade I (GI), Grade II (GII), and Grade III (GIII) histologically validated CCC tissue samples. While the different histological grades shared a similar expression profile for the top abundant miRNAs, we found several microRNAs and isomiRs showing a strong different modulation in GII + GIII vs GI grade samples and their involvement in tumor biology could be consistently hypothesized. We then in silico validated these differently expressed miRNAs in a larger chondrosarcoma public dataset and confirmed the expression trend for 17 out of 34 miRNAs. Our results clearly suggests that the contribution of miRNA deregulation, and their targeted pathways, to the progression of CCC could be relevant and strongly indicates that when studying miRNA deregulation in tumors, not only the canonical miRNAs, but the whole set of corresponding isomiRs should be taken in account. Improving understanding of the precise roles of miRNAs and isomiRs over the course of central chondrosarcoma progression could help identifying possible targets for precision medicine therapeutic intervention

    Ocean Planning and Conservation in the Age of Climate Change: A Roundtable Discussion

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    Synopsis: Over recent years, recognition of the need to develop climate-smart marine spatial planning (MSP) has gained momentum globally. In this roundtable discussion, we use a question-and-answer format to leverage diverse perspectives and voices involved in the study of sustainable MSP and marine conservation under global environmental and social change. We intend this dialogue to serve as a stepping stone toward developing ocean planning initiatives that are sustainable, equitable, and climate-resilient around the globe

    A review of the combined effects of climate change and other local human stressors on the marine environment

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    Climate change (CC) is a key, global driver of change of marine ecosystems. At local and regional scales, other local human stressors (LS) can interact with CC and modify its effects on marine ecosystems. Understanding the response of the marine environment to the combined effects of CC and LS is crucial to inform marine ecosystem-based management and planning, yet our knowledge of the potential effects of such interactions is fragmented. At a global scale, we explored how cumulative effect assessments (CEAs) have addressed CC in the marine realm and discuss progress and shortcomings of current approaches. For this we conducted a systematic review on how CEAs investigated at different levels of biological organization ecological responses, functional aspects, and the combined effect of CC and HS. Globally, the effects of 52 LS and of 27 CC-related stressors on the marine environment have been studied in combination, such as industrial fisheries with change in temperature, or sea level rise with artisanal fisheries, marine litter, change in sediment load and introduced alien species. CC generally intensified the effects of LS at species level. At trophic groups and ecosystem levels, the effects of CC either intensified or mitigated the effects of other HS depending on the trophic groups or the environmental conditions involved, thus suggesting that the combined effects of CC and LS are context-dependent and vary among and within ecosystems. Our results highlight that large-scale assessments on the spatial interaction and combined effects of CC and LS remain limited. More importantly, our results strengthen the urgent need of CEAs to capture local-scale effects of stressors that can exacerbate climate-induced changes. Ultimately, this will allow identifying management measures that aid counteracting CC effects at relevant scales

    An Evolutionary Cancer Epigenetic Approach Revealed DNA Hypermethylation of Ultra-Conserved Non-Coding Elements in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Different Mammalian Species

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    BACKGROUND: Ultra-conserved non-coding elements (UCNEs) are genomic sequences that exhibit > 95% sequence identity between humans, mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish. Recent findings reported their functional role in cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the DNA methylation modifications of UNCEs in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) from different mammal species. METHODS: Fifty SCCs from 26 humans, 17 cats, 3 dogs, 1 horse, 1 bovine, 1 badger, and 1 porcupine were investigated. Fourteen feline stomatitis and normal samples from 36 healthy human donors, 7 cats, 5 dogs, 5 horses, 2 bovines and 1 badger were collected as normal controls. Bisulfite next generation sequencing evaluated the DNA methylation level from seven UCNEs (uc.160, uc.283, uc.416, uc.339, uc.270, uc.299, and uc.328). RESULTS: 57/59 CpGs were significantly different according to the Kruskal-Wallis test (p < 0.05) comparing normal samples with SCC. A common DNA hypermethylation pattern was observed in SCCs from all the species evaluated in this study, with an increasing trend of hypermethylation starting from normal mucosa, through stomatitis to SCC. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that UCNEs are hypermethylated in human SCC, and this behavior is also conserved among different species of mammals

    The use of ciclosporin in paediatric inflammatory bowel disease: an Italian experience

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    Aim: To asses the efficacy and safety of ciclosporin in a paediatric population with inflammatory bowel disease. Patients and methods: Twenty-three Italian children treated with ciclosporin were studied retrospectively. The indications for treatment were severe unresponsive colitis, chronic active colitis or severe fistulizing Crohn's disease. The treatment duration, follow-up and causes of drug discontinuation were assessed. Results: Sixteen patients were treated intravenously for a mean time of 10 +/- 7 days (1-24 days) and 19 orally for a mean time of 133 days (17-660 days). The mean follow-up of all patients was 13.2 months. Ciclosporin was totally ineffective, being discontinued for surgery, in nine of 23 patients (39%); it was discontinued for partial response in three patients (13%). During treatment, clinical remission was achieved in eight children (35%) and maintained after drug withdrawal in four (17%). In severe unresponsive colitis, urgent colectomy was avoided in 12 (85%) of 14 patients who tolerated the drug. Side-effects appeared in six of 23 patients (26%), and three (13%) required ciclosporin to be discontinued due to neurotoxicity. Conclusions: Ciclosporin shows disappointing long-term results in the treatment of refractory inflammatory bowel disease, but can play an important role in preventing urgent surgery in unresponsive severe colitis. Severe side-effects can occur