592 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional thermal mapping from IRT images for rapid architectural heritage NDT

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    Thermal infrared imaging is fundamental to architectural heritage non-destructive diagnostics. However, thermal sensors’ low spatial resolution allows capturing only very localized phenomena. At the same time, thermal images are commonly collected with independence of geometry, meaning that no measurements can be performed on them. Occasionally, these issues have been solved with various approaches integrating multi-sensor instrumentation, resulting in high costs and computational times. The presented work aims at tackling these problems by proposing a workflow for cost-effective three-dimensional thermographic modeling using a thermal camera and a consumer-grade RGB camera. The discussed approach exploits the RGB spectrum images captured with the optical sensor of the thermal camera and image-based multi-view stereo techniques to reconstruct architectural features’ geometry. The thermal and optical sensors are calibrated employing custom-made low-cost targets. Subsequently, the necessary geometric transformations between undistorted thermal infrared and optical images are calculated to replace them in the photogrammetric scene and map the models with thermal texture. The method’s metric accuracy is evaluated by conducting comparisons with different sensors and the efficiency by assessing how the results can assist the better interpretation of the present thermal phenomena. The conducted application demonstrates the metric and radiometric performance of the proposed approach and the straightforward implementability for thermographic surveys, as well as its usefulness for cost-effective historical building assessments


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    The conservation of built heritage is a complex process that necessitates co-operative efforts. Holistic, integrated documentation constitutes a crucial step towards conservation by contributing to diagnosis and by extension to the effective decision-making about the required preventive and restorative interventions. It involves the recording of interdisciplinary data to produce objective diagnostical conclusions concerning the state of preservation. Although the developments in close-range sensing techniques allow increasingly accurate and rich data recording for heritage building condition surveys, the problem of combining them (to allow integrated processing) often remains unsolved. This is particularly true when surveys include vastly heterogenous documentation data. This work aims to discuss methodologies and implications of such integrations through a monumental heritage survey case—the Castello del Valentino in Turin (Italy). Visible-spectrum and infrared imagery is combined with photogrammetric techniques, terrestrial LiDAR, and microwave measurements conducted on the historical façades’ surfaces, to examine the comprehensiveness of the data fusion results, as well as conclusions that can be drawn regarding previous interventions and the current condition of the monument

    DOPAL derived alpha-synuclein oligomers impair synaptic vesicles physiological function

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    Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the death of dopaminergic neurons and by accumulation of alpha-synuclein (aS) aggregates in the surviving neurons. The dopamine catabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (DOPAL) is a highly reactive and toxic molecule that leads to aS oligomerization by covalent modifications to lysine residues. Here we show that DOPAL-induced aS oligomer formation in neurons is associated with damage of synaptic vesicles, and with alterations in the synaptic vesicles pools. To investigate the molecular mechanism that leads to synaptic impairment, we first aimed to characterize the biochemical and biophysical properties of the aS-DOPAL oligomers; heterogeneous ensembles of macromolecules able to permeabilise cholesterol-containing lipid membranes. aS-DOPAL oligomers can induce dopamine leak in an in vitro model of synaptic vesicles and in cellular models. The dopamine released, after conversion to DOPAL in the cytoplasm, could trigger a noxious cycle that further fuels the formation of aS-DOPAL oligomers, inducing neurodegeneration

    Utilização da aveia para suínos em terminação.

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    Utilização de soja tostada para suínos em crescimento e terminação.

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    Avaliação da seletividade inicial de herbicidas para o tomateiro por meio da análise de fluorescência da clorofila.

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho analisar a fluorescência da clorofila por meio da avaliação da taxa de transporte de eletrons em tomateiro como forma de avaliar a seletividade inicial de hervicidas aplicados em pré-transplate

    Lixiviação e volatilização de nitrogênio em um Argissolo cultivado com videira submetida à adubação nitrogenada.

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    O nitrogênio (N) aplicado na superfície do solo em vinhedos pode ser perdido por volatilização ou lixiviação, sendo uma das possíveis explicações para o baixo aproveitamento de N pelas videiras. O trabalho objetivou avaliar as perdas de N por volatilização e lixiviação do N mineral em solo cultivado com videira submetida à adubação nitrogenada. Foram instalados dois experimentos em um vinhedo de Cabernet Sauvignon, em Rosário do Sul (RS), Brasil. No experimento 1, foram instalados lisímetros no solo que recebeu a aplicação de 0, 40, 80 e 120kg de N ha-1 ano-1 na forma de ureia e, durante o período de agosto a dezembro de 2009, foi coletada a solução do solo para a análise de N mineral. No experimento 2, foram instaladas câmaras coletoras no solo que recebeu, em agosto de 2010, a aplicação de 0, 20, 40, e 80kg de N ha-1 ano-1 na forma de ureia, 40kg de N ha-1 ano-1 de composto orgânico e 40kg de N ha-1 ano-1 de ureia revestida com polímeros, para avaliar a volatilização de N-NH3 do momento da aplicação até 80 horas depois da aplicação. As maiores concentrações de nitrogênio mineral na solução lixiviada foram encontradas nas doses mais elevadas de fertilizante mineral aplicado e ao longo da brotação e florescimento das videiras, o que pode diminuir o aproveitamento do nutriente pelas plantas. Os maiores fluxos e perdas de amônia do solo cultivado com videira para a atmosfera aconteceram nas doses mais elevadas de nitrogênio mineral aplicado, especialmente, depois de 44 horas da sua aplicação sobre a superfície do solo. A aplicação de ureia revestida com polímeros e composto orgânico promoveram as menores perdas de amônia por volatilização, o que pode estimular o aproveitamento de nitrogênio pelas videiras

    High Throughput Genetic Characterisation of Caucasian Patients Affected by Multi-Drug Resistant Rheumatoid or Psoriatic Arthritis

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    Rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis (RA and PsA) are inflammatory rheumatic disorders characterised by a multifactorial etiology. To date, the genetic contributions to the disease onset, severity and drug response are not clearly defined, and despite the development of novel targeted therapies, ~10% of patients still display poor treatment responses. We characterised a selected cohort of eleven non-responder patients aiming to define the genetic contribution to drug resistance. An accurate clinical examination of the patients was coupled with several high-throughput genetic testing, including HLA typing, SNPs-array and Whole Exome Sequencing (WES). The analyses revealed that all the subjects carry very rare HLA phenotypes which contain HLA alleles associated with RA development (e.g., HLA-DRB1*04, DRB1*10:01 and DRB1*01). Additionally, six patients also carry PsA risk alleles (e.g., HLA-B*27:02 and B*38:01). WES analysis and SNPs-array revealed 23 damaging variants with 18 novel “drug-resistance” RA/PsA candidate genes. Eight patients carry likely pathogenic variants within common genes (CYP21A2, DVL1, PRKDC, ORAI1, UGT2B17, MSR1). Furthermore, “private” damaging variants were identified within 12 additional genes (WNT10A, ABCB7, SERPING1, GNRHR, NCAPD3, CLCF1, HACE1, NCAPD2, ESR1, SAMHD1, CYP27A1, CCDC88C). This multistep approach highlighted novel RA/PsA candidate genes and genotype-phenotype correlations potentially useful for clinicians in selecting the best therapeutic strategy

    Usher syndrome: An effective sequencing approach to establish a genetic and clinical diagnosis

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    12noUsher syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by retinitis pigmentosa, sensorineural hearing loss and, in some cases, vestibular dysfunction. The disorder is clinically and genetically heterogeneous and, to date, mutations in 11 genes have been described. This finding makes difficult to get a precise molecular diagnosis and offer patients accurate genetic counselling. To overcome this problem and to increase our knowledge of the molecular basis of Usher syndrome, we designed a targeted resequencing custom panel. In a first validation step a series of 16 Italian patients with known molecular diagnosis were analysed and 31 out of 32 alleles were detected (97% of accuracy). After this step, 31 patients without a molecular diagnosis were enrolled in the study. Three out of them with an uncertain Usher diagnosis were excluded. One causative allele was detected in 24 out 28 patients (86%) while the presence of both causative alleles characterized 19 patients out 28 (68%). Sixteen novel and 27 known alleles were found in the following genes: USH2A (50%), MYO7A (7%), CDH23 (11%), PCDH15 (7%) and USH1G (2%). Overall, on the 44 patients the protocol was able to characterize 74 alleles out of 88 (84%). These results suggest that our panel is an effective approach for the genetic diagnosis of Usher syndrome leading to: 1) an accurate molecular diagnosis, 2) better genetic counselling, 3) more precise molecular epidemiology data fundamental for future interventional plans.partially_openembargoed_20160106Lenarduzzi, S.; Vozzi, D; Morgan, A.; Rubinato, E.; D'Eustacchio, A.; Osland, T.M.; Rossi, C.; Graziano, C.; Castorina, P.; Ambrosetti, U.; Morgutti, M.; Girotto, G.Lenarduzzi, Stefania; Vozzi, Diego; Morgan, Anna; Rubinato, Elisa; D'Eustacchio, A.; Osland, TERESA MARIA; Rossi, C.; Graziano, C.; Castorina, P.; Ambrosetti, U.; Morgutti, Marcello; Girotto, Giorgi