237 research outputs found

    Genes and lifestyle in normal hearing function and age-related hearing loss

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    2011/2012The auditory system is a complex machinery, constituted by many molecules involving hair cells, cochlear neurons, the stria vascularis, and combinations thereof. The analysis of complex genetic traits/diseases such as normal hearing function and Age-Related Hearing Loss has long been an enigma of genetic biology, whether in the animal or in medical sciences. In particular, Age-Related Hearing Loss is the most prevalent sensory impairment in the elderly affecting 30% of people aged over 60. The disease is not directly life threatening but it contributes to loss of autonomy and is associated with anxiety, depression, and cognitive decline largely compromising the quality of life. Until now, only few genes are known to contribute to variability of normal hearing function and Age-Related Hearing Loss. In both cases interactions between lifestyle and environmental determinants as well as several molecular and cellular basis and pathways should be taken into account. The main aim of the thesis is the understanding of the molecular bases of variation of normal hearing function and Age-Related Hearing Loss using: a) Genome Wide Association Studies to identify new genes/loci, b) immunohistochemistry to evaluate their expression in the mouse cochlea and c) epidemiological studies to identify environmental/lifestyle factors. Genome-Wide Association studies and the following Meta-analysis have been carried out on 3815 people coming from isolated villages located in Italy, Croatia, Caucasus and central Asia recruited within the International Consortium G-EAR leading to the identification of 3 loci (rs614171 on chromosome 13, rs3786724 on chromosome 19, rs11711388 on chromosome 3) with p-value≈1*10-8, 26 loci with p-value ≈1*10-7 and many others with high p-value. 23 genes have been then chosen for evaluation using expression studies in wildtype mice by immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy. Five of them (Arsg, Slc16a6, Dclk1, Gabrg3, Csmd1) display strikingly specific expression in the cochlea and additional eight (Ptprd, Grm8, 7 Kiaa056/GlyBP, Evi5, Irg1, Rimbp2, Ank2, Cdh13) show expression in multiple cell types of the cochlea. As regards environmental/lifestyle factors, the epidemiological analysis revealed that coffee consumption (coffee yes vs. no) and coffee intake (cups/day) displayed a significant association with better hearing function in four out of ten populations investigated. In particular, coffee drinking was associated at low and high frequencies (lowest p-value=0.006) while the intake only at high frequency (lowest p-value=0.003). Moreover, a statistical significant association between ARHL and education level was detected (lowest p-value=0.0003) confirming previously reported data.XXV Cicl

    Pharmacogenetics driving personalized medicine: Analysis of genetic polymorphisms related to breast cancer medications in Italian isolated populations

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women characterized by a high variable clinical outcome among individuals treated with equivalent regimens and novel targeted therapies. In this study, we performed a population based approach intersecting high-throughput genotype data from Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG) isolated populations with publically available pharmacogenomics information to estimate the frequency of genotypes correlated with responsiveness to breast cancer treatment thus improving the clinical management of this disease in an efficient and cost effective way. METHODS: A list of 80 variants reported to be related to the efficacy or toxicity of breast cancer drugs was obtained from PharmGKB database. Fourty-one were present in FVG, 1000G European (EUR) and ExAC (Non Finnish European) databases. Their frequency was extracted using PLINK software and the differences tested by Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: Statistical analyses revealed that 13 out of the 41 (32 %) variants were significantly different in frequency in our sample as compared to the EUR/ExAC cohorts. For nine variants the available level of evidence (LOE) included polymorphisms related to cyclophosphamide, tamoxifen, doxorubicin, fluorpyrimidine and paclitaxel. In particular, for trastuzumab two variants were detected: (1) rs1801274-G within FCGR2A and associated with decreased efficacy (LOE 2B); (2) rs1136201-G located within ERBB2 and associated with increased toxicity (LOE 3). Both these two variants were underrepresented in the FVG population compared to EUR/ExAC population thus suggesting a high therapeutic index of this drug in our population. Moreover, as regards fluoropyrimidines, the frequency of two polymorphisms within the DPYD gene associated with drug toxicity (e.g., rs2297595-C allele and rs3918290-T allele, LOE 2A and 1, respectively) was extremely low in FVG population thus suggesting that a larger number of FVG patients could benefit from full dosage of fluoropyrimidine therapy. CONCLUSIONS: All these findings increase the overall knowledge on the prevalence of specific variants related with breast cancer treatment responsiveness in FVG population and highlight the importance of assessing gene polymorphisms related with cancer medications in isolated communities

    TBC1D24 and non-syndromic autosomal dominant hearing loss: the identification of an additional Italo-American family carrying the p.(S178L) mutation

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    Hearing loss is the most common sensorineural disorder, affecting approximately 1:1000 new-borns. In developed countries, more than half of the cases of congenital hearing loss are due to genetic causes and both syndromic and non-syndromic forms may be recognized. Approximately 20% of the cases of nonsyndromic hearing loss are inherited according to an autosomal dominant pattern. Autosomal dominant hereditary hearing loss (ADHHL) is characterized by a wide genetic heterogeneity and by inter- and intrafamilial clinical variability, making genotype-phenotype correlations extremely complicated. Here we describe a large multi-generation Italo-American kindred affected by ADHHL. After a complete clinical evaluation and hearing function assessment through pure tone audiometry, the proband underwent a multiple-step genetic testing. Eventually, whole exome sequencing was performed on his and other selected family members’ DNA leading to the identification of a heterozygous missense variant in the TBC1D24 gene. Mutations in this gene have been associated with a variety of conditions that are inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern and that may or may not include hearing loss. Interestingly, the variant identified in our kindred is the only mutation in the TBC1D24 gene that has been associated with ADHHL in previous studies. Our case report confirms the role of the TBC1D24 gene and specifically of the p.(S178L) variant in the etiopathogenesis of ADHHL, underlining once again the clinical variability associated with variants in this gene

    Non-Syndromic Sensorineural Prelingual and Postlingual Hearing Loss due to COL11A1 Gene Mutation

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    This paper aims to present a third world case of Non-Syndromic sensorineural hearing loss (NSHL) due to a novel missense variant in COL11A1 gene, defined as DFNA37 non-syndromic hearing loss. The clinical features of a 6-year-old boy affected by a bilateral moderate to severe down-sloping sensorineural hearing loss are presented, as well as the genetic analysis, the latter identifying a heterozygous missense variation in the COL11A1 gene. In addition, in families with autosomal dominant transmission, COL11A1 gene should be considered in the genetic workup of the NSHL with prelingual onset

    Association of SNPs in LCP1 and CTIF with hearing in 11 year old children:findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) birth cohort and the G-EAR consortium

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    BACKGROUND: The genetic basis of hearing loss in humans is relatively poorly understood. In recent years, experimental approaches including laboratory studies of early onset hearing loss in inbred mouse strains, or proteomic analyses of hair cells or hair bundles, have suggested new candidate molecules involved in hearing function. However, the relevance of these genes/gene products to hearing function in humans remains unknown. We investigated whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the human orthologues of genes of interest arising from the above-mentioned studies correlate with hearing function in children. METHODS: 577 SNPs from 13 genes were each analysed by linear regression against averaged high (3, 4 and 8 kHz) or low frequency (0.5, 1 and 2 kHz) audiometry data from 4970 children in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) birth-cohort at age eleven years. Genes found to contain SNPs with low p-values were then investigated in 3417 adults in the G-EAR study of hearing. RESULTS: Genotypic data were available in ALSPAC for a total of 577 SNPs from 13 genes of interest. Two SNPs approached sample-wide significance (pre-specified at p = 0.00014): rs12959910 in CBP80/20-dependent translation initiation factor (CTIF) for averaged high frequency hearing (p = 0.00079, β = 0.61 dB per minor allele); and rs10492452 in L-plastin (LCP1) for averaged low frequency hearing (p = 0.00056, β = 0.45 dB). For low frequencies, rs9567638 in LCP1 also enhanced hearing in females (p = 0.0011, β = -1.76 dB; males p = 0.23, β = 0.61 dB, likelihood-ratio test p = 0.006). SNPs in LCP1 and CTIF were then examined against low and high frequency hearing data for adults in G-EAR. Although the ALSPAC results were not replicated, a SNP in LCP1, rs17601960, is in strong LD with rs9967638, and was associated with enhanced low frequency hearing in adult females in G-EAR (p = 0.00084). CONCLUSIONS: There was evidence to suggest that multiple SNPs in CTIF may contribute a small detrimental effect to hearing, and that a sex-specific locus in LCP1 is protective of hearing. No individual SNPs reached sample-wide significance in both ALSPAC and G-EAR. This is the first report of a possible association between LCP1 and hearing function

    The p.Cys169Tyr variant of connexin 26 is not a polymorphism

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    Mutations in the GJB2 gene, which encodes the gap junction protein connexin 26 (Cx26), are the primary cause of hereditary prelingual hearing impairment. Here, the p.Cys169Tyr missense mutation of Cx26 (Cx26C169Y), previously classified as a polymorphism, has been identified as causative of severe hearing loss in two Qatari families. We have analyzed the effect of this mutation using a combination of confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. At the cellular level, our results show that the mutant protein fails to form junctional channels in HeLa transfectants despite being correctly targeted to the plasma membrane. At the molecular level, this effect can be accounted for by disruption of the disulfide bridge that Cys169 forms with Cys64 in the wild-type structure (Cx26WT). The lack of the disulfide bridge in the Cx26C169Y protein causes a spatial rearrangement of two important residues, Asn176 and Thr177. In the Cx26WT protein, these residues play a crucial role in the intra-molecular interactions that permit the formation of an intercellular channel by the head-to-head docking of two opposing hemichannels resident in the plasma membrane of adjacent cells. Our results elucidate the molecular pathogenesis of hereditary hearing loss due to the connexin mutation and facilitate the understanding of its role in both healthy and affected individuals

    The Enigmatic Genetic Landscape of Hereditary Hearing Loss: A Multistep Diagnostic Strategy in the Italian Population

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    Hearing loss is the most frequent sensorineural disorder, affecting approximately 1:1000 newborns. Hereditary forms (HHL) represent 50–60% of cases, highlighting the relevance of genetic testing in deaf patients. HHL is classified as non-syndromic (NSHL—70% of cases) or syndromic (SHL—30% of cases). In this study, a multistep and integrative approach aimed at identifying the molecular cause of HHL in 102 patients, whose GJB2 analysis already showed a negative result, is described. In NSHL patients, multiplex ligation probe amplification and long-range PCR analyses of the STRC gene solved 13 cases, while whole exome sequencing (WES) identified the genetic diagnosis in 26 additional ones, with a total detection rate of 47.6%. Concerning SHL, WES detected the molecular cause in 55% of cases. Peculiar findings are represented by the identification of four subjects displaying a dual molecular diagnosis and eight affected by non-syndromic mimics, five of them presenting Usher syndrome type 2. Overall, this study provides a detailed characterisation of the genetic causes of HHL in the Italian population. Furthermore, we highlighted the frequency of Usher syndrome type 2 carriers in the Italian population to pave the way for a more effective implementation of diagnostic and follow-up strategies for this disease

    Haploinsufficiency as a Foreground Pathomechanism of Poirer-Bienvenu Syndrome and Novel Insights Underlying the Phenotypic Continuum of CSNK2B-Associated Disorders

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    CSNK2B encodes for the regulatory subunit of the casein kinase II, a serine/threonine kinase that is highly expressed in the brain and implicated in development, neuritogenesis, synaptic transmission and plasticity. De novo variants in this gene have been identified as the cause of the Poirier-Bienvenu Neurodevelopmental Syndrome (POBINDS) characterized by seizures and variably impaired intellectual development. More than sixty mutations have been described so far. However, data clarifying their functional impact and the possible pathomechanism are still scarce. Recently, a subset of CSNK2B missense variants affecting the Asp32 in the KEN box-like domain were proposed as the cause of a new intellectual disability-craniodigital syndrome (IDCS). In this study, we combined predictive functional and structural analysis and in vitro experiments to investigate the effect of two CSNK2B mutations, p.Leu39Arg and p.Met132LeufsTer110, identified by WES in two children with POBINDS. Our data prove that loss of the CK2beta protein, due to the instability of mutant CSNK2B mRNA and protein, resulting in a reduced amount of CK2 complex and affecting its kinase activity, may underlie the POBINDS phenotype. In addition, the deep reverse phenotyping of the patient carrying p.Leu39Arg, with an analysis of the available literature for individuals with either POBINDS or IDCS and a mutation in the KEN box-like motif, might suggest the existence of a continuous spectrum of CSNK2B-associated phenotypes rather than a sharp distinction between them

    Next Generation Sequencing and Animal Models Reveal SLC9A3R1 as a New Gene Involved in Human Age-Related Hearing Loss

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    Age-related hearing loss (ARHL) is the most common sensory impairment in the elderly affecting millions of people worldwide. To shed light on the genetics of ARHL, a large cohort of 464 Italian patients has been deeply characterized at clinical and molecular level. In particular, 46 candidate genes, selected on the basis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS), animal models and literature updates, were analyzed by targeted re-sequencing. After filtering and prioritization steps, SLC9A3R1 has been identified as a strong candidate and then validated by “in vitro” and “in vivo” studies. Briefly, a rare (MAF: 2.886e-5) missense variant c.539G > A, p.(R180Q) was detected in two unrelated male patients affected by ARHL characterized by a severe to profound high-frequency hearing loss. The variant, predicted as damaging, was not present in healthy matched controls. Protein modeling confirmed the pathogenic effect of p.(R180Q) variant on protein’s structure leading to a change in the total number of hydrogen bonds. In situ hybridization showed slc9a3r1 expression in zebrafish inner ear. A zebrafish knock-in model, generated by CRISPR-Cas9 technology, revealed a reduced auditory response at all frequencies in slc9a3r1R180Q/R180Q mutants compared to slc9a3r1+/+ and slc9a3r1+/R180Q animals. Moreover, a significant reduction (5.8%) in the total volume of the saccular otolith (which is responsible for sound detection) was observed in slc9a3r1R180Q/R180Q compared to slc9a3r1+/+ (P = 0.0014), while the utricular otolith, necessary for balance, was not affected in agreement with the human phenotype. Overall, these data strongly support the role of SLC9A3R1 gene in the pathogenesis of ARHL opening new perspectives in terms of diagnosis, prevention and treatment

    Long QT syndrome and left ventricular non-compaction in a family with KCNH2 mutation: A case report

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    Background: Left ventricular non-compaction (LVNC) is an abnormality of the myocardium, characterized by prominent left ventricular trabeculae and deep inter-trabecular recesses. Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a cardiac ion channelopathy presenting with a prolonged QT interval on resting electrocardiogram and is associated with increased susceptibility to sudden death. The association between LVNC and LQTS is uncommon. Case presentation: We report an Italian family with a novel pathogenic KCNH2 variant who presented with clinical features of LVNC and LQTS. The proband came to our attention after two syncopal episodes without prodromal symptoms. His ECG showed QTc prolongation and deep T wave inversion in anterior leads, and the echocardiogram fulfilled LVNC criteria. After that, also his sister was found to have LQTS and LVNC, while his father only presented LQTS. Conclusions: Physicians should be aware of the possible association between LVNC and LQTS. Even if this association is rare, patients with LVNC should be investigated