926 research outputs found

    Experimental optimization of perforated structures in presence of ship-generated waves

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    Due to waves generated by ferries and motorboats in Venice's canals, the navigation of small vessels, such as typical gondolas, has recently become more and more difficult. With the goal of reducing ferry- and motorboat-generated waves, 2 types of perforated breakwaters have been considered. After a preliminary sizing by using a mathematical model, the structures have been tested with experiments on physical models. Transient wave trains, similar to the ship waves observed in Venetian canals, have been considered incident loads. A wavelet transform-based method has been used to evaluate breakwaters' reflection coefficients. This paper looks at presenting an optimization-design procedure for perforated breakwaters subject to ship-generated transient waves. Since the breakwaters are going to be in Venice, an area of great architectural and environmental interest, their visual impact was one of the most important issues in our analysis

    Assessment of the potential role of atmospheric particulate pollution and airborne transmission in intensifying the first wave pandemic impact of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 in Northern Italy

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    AbstractThe severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which exploded in Wuhan (Hebei Region, China) in late 2019, has later spread around the world, causing pandemic effects on humans. During the first wave of the pandemic, Italy, and especially its Northern regions around the Po Valley, faced severe consequences in terms of infected individuals and casualties (more than 31,000 deaths and 255,000 infected people by mid-May 2020). While the spread and effective impact of the virus is primarily related to the lifestyles and social habits of the different human communities, environmental and meteorological factors also play a role. Among these, particulate pollution may directly impact the human respiratory system or act as virus carrier, thus behaving as potential amplifying factor in the pandemic spread of SARS-CoV-2. Enhanced levels of PM2.5 and PM10 particles in Northern Italy were observed over the 2-month period preceding the virus pandemic spread. Threshold levels for PM10 (< 50 μg/m3) were exceeded on 20–35 days over the period January–February 2020 in many areas in the Po Valley, where major effects in terms of infections and casualties occurred, with levels in excess of 80 μg/m3 occasionally observed in the 1–3 weeks preceding the contagious activation around February 25, 2020. Threshold values for PM2.5 indicated in WHO air quality guidelines (< 25 μg/m3) were exceeded on more than 40 days over the period January–February 2020 in large portions of the Po Valley, with levels up to 70 μg/m3 observed in the weeks preceding the contagious activation. In this paper, PM10 particle measurements are compared with epidemiologic parameters' data. Specifically, a statistical analysis is carried out to correlate the infection rate, or incidence of the pathology, the mortality rate, and the case fatality rate with PM concentrations. The study considers epidemiologic data for all 110 Italian provinces, as reported by the Italian Statistics Institute, over the period 20 February–31 March 2020. Corresponding PM10 concentrations covering the period 15–26 February 2020 were collected from the network of air quality monitoring stations run by different regional and provincial environment agencies. The case fatality rate is found to be highly correlated to the average PM10 concentration, with a correlation coefficient of 0.89 and a slope of the regression line of (6.7 ± 0.3) × 10−3 m3/μg, which implies a doubling (from 3 to 6%) of the mortality rate of infected patients for an average PM10 concentration increase from 22 to 27 μg/m3. Infection and mortality rates are also found to be correlated with PM10 concentrations, with correlation coefficients being 0.82 and 0.80, respectively, and the slopes of the regression lines indicating a doubling (from 1 to 2‰) of the infection rate and a tripling (from 0.1 to 0.3‰) of the mortality rate for an average PM10 concentration increase from 25 to 29 μg/m3. Considerations on the exhaled particles' sizes, their concentrations and residence times, the transported viral dose and the minimum infective dose, in combination with PM2.5 and PM10 pollution measurements and an analytical microphysical model, allowed assessing the potential role of airborne transmission through virus-laden PM particles, in addition to droplet and the traditional airborne transmission, in conveying SARS-CoV-2 in the human respiratory system. In specific circumstances which can be found in indoor environments, the number of small potentially infectious particles coalescing on PM2.5 and PM10 particles is estimated to exceed the number of infectious particles needed to activate COVID-19 infection in humans

    3D numerical simulation of hydro-acoustic waves registered during the 2012 negros-cebu earthquake

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    The paper investigates on the hydro-acoustic waves propagation caused by the underwater earthquake, occurred on 6 February 2012, between the Negros and Cebu islands, in the Philippines. Hydro-acoustic waves are pressure waves that propagate at the sound celerity in water. These waves can be triggered by the sudden vertical sea-bed movement, due to underwater earthquakes. The results of three dimensional numerical simulations, which solve the wave equation in a weakly compressible sea water domain are presented. The hydro-acoustic signal is compared to an underwater acoustic signal recorded during the event by a scuba diver, who was about 12 km far from the earthquake epicenter

    The Historical Development of the Port of Livorno (Italy) and Its New Port Plan 2010 in Advanced Stage of Elaboration

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    The geographical location makes the port of Livorno one of the most important in Italy. The port, in fact, benefits of an extended network of roads and rails connecting it with the rest of Italy, and central and southern Europe as well. The history of Livorno and its port is inextricably linked to that of Pisa and Florence, and to the complexity of events that determined the political set-up of the region along several centuries. Looking at the new port plan of Livorno has made it necessary an extensive overview of the history of both the port, and of its planning. This analysis has allowed: to understand the reason for the different choices made in the past for the development of the port, highlighting, when necessary, the errors made; to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing port infrastructure; to identify the works needed to boost the port in the European context. The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the analysis performed for the implementation of the new Livorno port plan 2010 and show how the port planning in Italy is often conditioned by hundreds of centuries of history

    Characterization of convection-related parameters by Raman lidar: Selected case studies from the convective and orographically-induced precipitation study

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    An approach to determine the convective available potential energy (CAPE) and the convective inhibition (CIN) based on the use of data from a Raman lidar system is illustrated in this work. The use of Raman lidar data allows to provide high temporal resolution measurements (5 min) of CAPE and CIN and follow their evolution over extended time periods covering the full cycle of convective activity. Lidar-based measurements of CAPE and CIN are obtained from Raman lidar measurements of the temperature and water vapor mixing ratio profiles and the surface measurements of temperature, pressure and dew point temperature provided by a surface weather station. The approach is applied to the data collected by the Raman lidar system BASIL in the frame of COPS. Attention was focused on 15 July and 25-26 July 2007. Lidar-based measurements are in good agreement with simultaneous measurements from radiosondes and with estimates from different mesoscale models

    Algorithms for Automatic, Real-Time Tsunami Detection in Sea Level Measurements

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    Automatic, real-time tsunami detection in sea-level measurements is a main component of a tsunami early warning system (TEWS). Although a great effort has been recently undertaken by the scientific and engineering community in developing new technologies (e.g. satellite altimetry, detectors of low-frequency elastic oscillations associated to a tsunami) capable of increasing the awareness of potential tsunamis in the minimum amount of time, at present direct detection in sea level measurements is still the main mean to confirm their actual generation and propagation, i.e. to upgrade or cancel the rapid initial warning usually given on the sole basis of seismic data. The paper describes the best available algorithms and numerical techniques which can be used for automatic real-time tsunami detection by using sea level measurements. The paper takes into consideration all possible device and locations for the sea level detection

    Engineering Tools for the Estimation of Dredging-Induced Sediment Resuspension and Coastal Environmental Management

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    In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to environmental impacts that may result from resuspension, sedimentation and increase in concentration of chemicals during dredging activities. Dredging dislodges and resuspends bottom sediments that are not captured by dredge-head movements. Resuspended sediments are advected far from the dredging site as a dredging plume and the increase in the suspended solid concentration (SSC) can strongly differ, in time and space, depending on site and operational conditions. Well-established international guidelines often include numerical modelling applications to support environmental studies related to dredging activities. Despite the attention that has been focused on this issue, there is a lack of verified predictive techniques of plume dynamics at progressive distances from the different dredging sources, as a function of the employed dredging techniques and work programs, i.e., spatial and temporal variation of resuspension source. This chapter illustrates predictive techniques to estimate the SSC arising from dredges with different mechanisms of sediment release and to assess the spatial and temporal variability of the resulting plume in estuarine and coastal areas. Predictive tools are aimed to support technical choices during planning and operational phases and to better plan the location and frequency of environmental monitoring activities during dredging execution

    Improvement of neuropsychological performances and reduction of immune-activation markers after probiotic supplementation and change of life-style in an HIV positive male: targeting the microbiota to act on gut-brain axis

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    The gut-brain axis is widely in uenced by the intestinal microbiota and dysbiosis is consequently associated with a large dysregulation of its functions. Probiotic supplementation, reducing the harmful effects of dysbiosis, has shown positive effects not only on gut and brain functions, but also on the control of the dangerous effects of immune activation. Mounting evidence has shown that neurocognitive impairment can be a secondary to the impairment of the microbiota-gut-brain axis in HIV positive patients. In this case report we analyzed the im- provement of neurocognitive performances associated with a reduction of levels of peripheral immune-activa- tion, after 6 months of probiotic supplementation. In this case, the achieved result may have been in uenced by a more comprehensive modi cation of the patient’s lifestyle with the introduction of a controlled diet and regular physical activity. Our observations suggest that integrate antiretroviral therapy and non-pharmacological tools into an overall approach, can be a useful strategy to control some non-AIDS related diseases

    BDNF, Brain, and Regeneration: Insights from Zebrafish.

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    Zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a teleost fish widely accepted as a model organism for neuroscientific studies. The adults show common basic vertebrate brain structures, together with similar key neuroanatomical and neurochemical pathways of relevance to human diseases. However, the brain of adult zebrafish possesses, differently from mammals, intense neurogenic activity, which can be correlated with high regenerative properties. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a member of the neurotrophin family, has multiple roles in the brain, due also to the existence of several biologically active isoforms, that interact with different types of receptors. BDNF is well conserved in the vertebrate evolution, with the primary amino acid sequences of zebrafish and human BDNF being 91% identical. Here, we review the available literature regarding BDNF in the vertebrate brain and the potential involvement of BDNF in telencephalic regeneration after injury, with particular emphasis to the zebrafish. Finally, we highlight the potential of the zebrafish brain as a valuable model to add new insights on future BDNF studies
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