188 research outputs found

    Lutte contre les inégalités sociales de santé : le rôle des centres de santé

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    On en compte 1 200 environ et pourtant, ils représentent moins de 3 % de la dépense de santé ambulatoire au niveau national. Les centres de santé (CDS) – du fait notamment de leur mode d’exercice particulier et de leurs pratiques sociales – font l’objet, ces derniers temps, d’une attention soutenue des pouvoirs publics. Fabrice Giraux explique le rôle qu’ils peuvent jouer dans la lutte contre les inégalités sociales de santé

    Les droits populaires en Suisse : vers un idéal démocratique ?

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    La quête de démocratie ne peut se faire qu’à l’aune d’expériences avérées et elles sont fort rares. La Suisse fédérale offre depuis au moins 160 ans l’exemple de modalités directes de choix par les citoyens, non seulement pour élire leurs représentants, mais surtout pour trancher souverainement par des référendums populaires, certains prenant même l’initiative de les provoquer. Certes rien n’y est parfait, l’abstentionnisme y est élevé et l’argent du paradis fiscal y côtoie des lobbies conservateurs qui canalisent le plus souvent les choix du peuple en ce sens. Mais les votations sont nombreuses et le peuple y joue le rôle principal.The quest for democracy can only be pursued through concrete experiences and these are quite rare. For at least the past one hundred sixty years the Swiss confederacy has provided examples of mechanisms through which citizens have a direct choice not only in electing their representatives, but above all in making sovereign decisions in popular referendums, some of which they initiate directly. Of course, nothing is perfect. Voter absentee rates are high and the lucrative tax haven attracts conservative lobbies that generally manage to canalize the people’s choice as they wish. Nonetheless, referendums are numerous and citizens continue to play the principal role in their creation and outcome

    DeclaraciĂłn de lyon cuando la mundializaciĂłn nos enloquece, por una ecologĂ­a del vĂ­nculo social 22 octubre del 2011

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    la investigaciĂłn, los intercambios y las propuestas referentes a los problemas de precariedad y de sufrimiento psĂ­quico relacionados con los efectos alienantes de la financiarizaciĂłn y mercantilizaciĂłn del mund

    Experimental investigation of pressure applied on the lower leg by elastic compression bandage

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    International audienceCompression therapy with stockings or bandage is the most common treatment for venous or lymphatic disorders. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of bandage mechanical properties, application technique and subject morphology on the interface pressure, which is the key of this treatment. Bandage stretch and interface pressure measurements (between the bandage and theleg) were performed on 30 healthy subjects (15 men and 15 women) at two different heights on the lower leg and in two positions (supine and standing). Two bandages were applied with two application techniques by a single operator. The statistical analysis of the results revealed: no significant difference in pressure between men and women, except for the pressure variation between supine and standing position; a very strong correlation between pressure and bandage mechanical properties (p<0.00001) and between pressure and bandage overlapping (p<0.00001); a significant pressure increase from supine to standing positions (p<0.0001). Also, it showed that pressure tended to decrease when leg circumference increased. Overall, pressure applied by elastic compression bandages varies with subject morphology, bandage mechanical properties and application technique. A better knowledge of the impact of these parameters on the applied pressure may lead to a more effective treatment

    Effects of brain polarization on reaction times and pinch force in chronic stroke

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies showed that anodal transcranial DC stimulation (tDCS) applied to the primary motor cortex of the affected hemisphere (M1(affected hemisphere)) after subcortical stroke transiently improves performance of complex tasks that mimic activities of daily living (ADL). It is not known if relatively simpler motor tasks are similarly affected. Here we tested the effects of tDCS on pinch force (PF) and simple reaction time (RT) tasks in patients with chronic stroke in a double-blind cross-over Sham-controlled experimental design. RESULTS: Anodal tDCS shortened reaction times and improved pinch force in the paretic hand relative to Sham stimulation, an effect present in patients with higher impairment. CONCLUSION: tDCS of M1(affected hemisphere )can modulate performance of motor tasks simpler than those previously studied, a finding that could potentially benefit patients with relatively higher impairment levels

    Santé, précarité, banlieues

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    Fabrice GirauxPour revenir sur le titre de cette table ronde, je souhaiterais préciser d’emblée que nous ne souhaitons pas discuter ce soir des banlieues en général mais bien essentiellement des zones urbaines sensibles ou des quartiers prioritaires pour la politique de la ville, bref de tous ces lieux le plus souvent situés en périphérie des villes dans lesquels se concentrent aujourd’hui des populations en difficultés. Depuis juillet 1981 et les incendies de voitures aux Minguettes, on parl..

    Pollicization: The Concept, Technical Details, and Outcome

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    Pollicization substitutes a functioning finger for a deficient thumb. The most indication is thumb hypoplasia with absence or instability of the carpometacarpal joint. However, there are additional causes that may negate thumb function, such as trauma, macrodactyly, multi-fingered hand, and a mirror hand. The technique of pollicization represents a consolidation of contributions from surgeons over the last 100 years. A meticulous stepwise approach from incision to closure is necessary to optimize outcome. Following pollicization, cortical plasticity and motor relearning play a pivotal role in function following pollicization with connections and adjacent sprouting from nearby cortical and/or subcortical territories. Occupational therapy is necessary to encourage large object acquisition followed by smaller objects and ultimately fine pinch. Pollicization is more reliable in patients with isolated thumb hypoplasia and a mobile index finger with robust extrinsic and intrinsic muscle-tendon units compared to and patients with radial forearm deficiencies and diminished index mobility
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