32,907 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Girard, Marie (Waterville, Kennebec County)

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    Eucharist and Sacrifice

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    An exploration of different understandings of 'sacrifice' by Christian theologians, and how these affect our understanding of the eucharist, especially in the light of the mimetic of Rene Girard

    Weak topologies for Linear Logic

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    We construct a denotational model of linear logic, whose objects are all the locally convex and separated topological vector spaces endowed with their weak topology. The negation is interpreted as the dual, linear proofs are interpreted as continuous linear functions, and non-linear proofs as sequences of monomials. We do not complete our constructions by a double-orthogonality operation. This yields an interpretation of the polarity of the connectives in terms of topology

    The Lamb of God and the Forgiveness of Sin(s) in the Fourth Gospel

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    The article presents a speech by Sandra M. Schneiders of the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, delivered at the 73rd International Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America, which was held at the Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California, July 31-August 3, 2010, in which she discussed the violence issue and the role of Christian Scripture in alleviating such dilemma, the Messiahship of Jesus Christ, and God\u27s salvific plan to mankind

    The Montmorencys and the Abbey of Sainte Trinit�, Caen: Politics, Profit and Reform

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    Female religious, especially holders of benefices, made significant contributions to aristocratic family strategy and fortune in early modern France. This study of members of the wider Montmorency family in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries demonstrates the financial and political benefits derived from female benefice holding. Abbey stewards and surintendants of aristocratic households collaborated in the administration of religious revenues. Montmorency control of Sainte Trinit�, the Abbaye aux Dames, Caen, for over a century was associated with attempts to assert political influence in Normandy. Conflict ostensibly over religious reform could have a political dimension. Yet reform could be pursued vigorously by those originally cloistered for mercenary or political reasons

    L’Amérindien de la tradition populaire dans les almanachs canadiens-français

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    À la suite d’une brève présentation de l’importance socioculturelle des almanachs canadiens-français, cette contribution analyse les formes de présence de la figure de l’Amérindien dans ce corpus de 1850 à 1950. Très marginale jusqu’au début du xxe siècle, évoquée seulement de manière succincte et stéréotypée, la figure de l’Amérindien devient, dans des récits ethnographiques et des contes populaires publiés dans les almanachs par Marie-Victorin, Corinne Rocheleau et Rodolphe Girard, une composante majeure de l’identité canadienne-française et de sa mémoire historique, dont ce corpus a formé un support de diffusion de tout premier plan.Following a brief presentation of the sociocultural importance of French-Canadian almanachs, this contribution analyzes the forms of presence of the figure of the Amerindian in this medium from 1850 to 1950. Highly marginal up to the early twentieth century and evoked only in a succinct, stereotyped manner, the figure of the Amerindian becomes, in the ethnographic narratives and popular tales published in the almanachs by Marie-Victorin, Corinne Rocheleau and Rodolphe Girard, a major component of French-Canadian identity and its historic memory, for which this body of work was a premier medium of dissemination

    Facing the Devil's Test: The Truth According to René Girard

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    Entrevista realizada a René Girard en 2005 sobre su libro El origen de la Cultura en el que Girard habla del carácter fundacional de la violencia.post-print16 p

    Alien Registration- Girard, Marie Anne (Winslow, Kennebec County)

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