18 research outputs found

    An integrated hypothesis on the domestication of Bactris gasipaes

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    Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) has had a central place in the livelihoods of people in the Americas since pre-Columbian times, notably for its edible fruits and multi-purpose wood. The botanical taxon includes both domesticated and wild varieties. Domesticated var gasipaes is believed to derive from one or more of the three wild types of var. chichagui identified today, although the exact dynamics and location of the domestication are still uncertain. Drawing on a combination of molecular and phenotypic diversity data, modeling of past climate suitability and existing literature, we present an integrated hypothesis about peach palm's domestication. We support a single initial domestication event in south western Amazonia, giving rise to var. chichagui type 3, the putative incipient domesticate. We argue that subsequent dispersal by humans across western Amazonia, and possibly into Central America allowed for secondary domestication events through hybridization with resident wild populations, and differential human selection pressures, resulting in the diversity of present-day landraces. The high phenotypic diversity in the Ecuadorian and northern Peruvian Amazon suggest that human selection of different traits was particularly intense there. While acknowledging the need for further data collection, we believe that our results contribute new insights and tools to understand domestication and dispersal patterns of this important native staple, as well as to plan for its conservation. (R茅sum茅 d'auteur

    Prevenci贸n De La Delincuencia Infantil Y Juvenil En El Instituto Docente Antonio Nari帽o

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    En los 煤ltimos tiempos las relaciones al interior del Instituto han cambiado de manera profunda evidenci谩ndose estos cambios en el trato agresivo y violento en palabra y obra entre compa帽eros de la instituci贸n educativa. Los estudiantes de los diversos cursos acuden a las palabras soeces o los hechos para hacerse escuchar o simplemente para imponer sus decisiones. A nivel del Instituto es preocupante, dicha situaci贸n por cuanto se supone que el papel de la instituci贸n es de formar actitudes para la vida, basadas en el respeto la tolerancia y la aceptaci贸n de la individualidad de cada uno de los seres que comparten la comunidad. Los docentes que enfrentamos este flagelo vemos con preocupaci贸n que cada vez el fen贸meno tiende a ser mayor, contando con la tolerancia de las autoridades pol铆ticas y civiles, que simplemente le dejan al ente educador la soluci贸n al problema sin tener presente que debe ser una soluci贸n concertada entre los diversos estamentos sociales. Se observa un gran desinter茅s por el estudio dado que prestan poca atenci贸n a la clase, se distraen con facilidad, hablan mucho, se paran del puesto, se mueven, son rebeldes, hostiles, da帽an los pupitres, arrojan piedras, se notan algunos ni帽os tristes, con baja autoestima y se presenta bajo rendimiento acad茅mico y deserci贸n escolar.PregradoLicenciado en Pedagog铆a Infant铆