2,631 research outputs found

    Generalized CMB initial conditions with pre-equality magnetic fields

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    The most general initial conditions of CMB anisotropies, compatible with the presence of pre-equality magnetic fields, are derived. When the plasma is composed by photons, baryons, electrons, CDM particles and neutrinos, the initial data of the truncated Einstein-Boltzmann hierarchy contemplate one magnetized adiabatic mode and four (magnetized) non-adiabatic modes. After obtaining the analytical form of the various solutions, the Einstein-Boltzmann hierarchy is numerically integrated for the corresponding sets of initial data. The TT, TE and EE angular power spectra are illustrated and discussed for the magnetized generalization of the CDM-radiation mode, of the baryon-radiation mode and of the non-adiabatic mode of the neutrino sector. Mixtures of initial conditions are examined by requiring that the magnetized adiabatic mode dominates over the remaining non-adiabatic contributions. In the latter case, possible degeneracies between complementary sets of initial data might be avoided through the combined analysis of the TT, TE and EE angular power spectra at high multipoles (i.e. >1000\ell >1000).Comment: 28 pages, 24 included figures in eps styl

    Last scattering, relic gravitons and the circular polarization of the CMB

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    The tensor contribution to the VV-mode polarization induced by a magnetized plasma at last scattering vanishes exactly. Conversely a polarized background of relic gravitons cannot generate a VV-mode polarization. The reported results suggest that, in the magnetized Λ\LambdaCDM paradigm, the dominant source of circular dichroism stems from the large-scale fluctuations of the spatial curvature.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Electric-magnetic duality and the conditions of inflationary magnetogenesis

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    The magnetogenesis scenarios triggered by the early variation of the gauge coupling are critically analyzed. In the absence of sources, it is shown that the electric and magnetic power spectra can be explicitly computed by means of electric-magnetic duality transformations. The remnants of a pre-inflationary expansion and the reheating process break explicitly electric-magnetic duality by inducing Ohmic currents. The generation of large-scale magnetic field and the physical distinction between electric and magnetic observables stems, in this class of models, from the final value reached by the conductivity of the plasma right after inflation. Specific numerical examples are given. The physical requirements of viable magnetogenesis scenarios are spelled out.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Diffuse radio emission in a REFLEX cluster

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    Deep Very Large Array radio observations are presented for the REFLEX clusters RXCJ0437.1+0043 and RXCJ1314.4-2515. They are at similar distance and show similar X-ray luminosity, but they are quite different in X-ray structure. Indeed RXCJ0437.1+0043 is regular and relaxed, whereas RXCJ1314.4-2515 is characterized by substructure and possible merging processes. The radio images reveal no diffuse emission in RXCJ0437.1+0043, and a complex diffuse structure in RXCJ1314.4-2515. The diffuse source in the latter cluster consists of a central radio halo which extends to the West toward the cluster periphery and bends to the North to form a possible relic. Another extended source is detected in the eastern cluster peripheral region. Although there could be plausible optical identifications for this source, it might also be a relic candidate owing to its very steep spectrum. The present results confirm the tight link between diffuse cluster radio sources and cluster merger processes.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. Figures here have been degraded to reduce their size. A version with full resolution figures is available at http://www.ira.cnr.it/~lferetti/OUTGOING/papREFLEX.ps.g

    Heating up the cold bounce

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    Self-dual string cosmological models provide an effective example of bouncing solutions where a phase of accelerated contraction smoothly evolves into an epoch of decelerated Friedmann--Robertson--Walker expansion dominated by the dilaton. While the transition to the expanding regime occurs at sub-Planckian curvature scales, the Universe emerging after the bounce is cold, with sharply growing gauge coupling. However, since massless gauge bosons (as well as other massless fields) are super-adiabatically amplified, the energy density of the maximally amplified modes re-entering the horizon after the bounce can efficiently heat the Universe. As a consequence the gauge coupling reaches a constant value, which can still be perturbative.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figure

    e-EVN monitoring of M87

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    M87 is a privileged laboratory for a detailed study of the properties of jets, owing to its proximity (D=16.7 Mpc, 1 mas = 0.080 pc), its massive black hole (~6.0 x 10^9M) and its conspicuous emission at radio wavelengths and above. We started on November 2009 a monitoring program with the e-EVN at 5 GHz, in correspondence of the season of Very High Energy (VHE) observations. Indeed, two episodes of VHE activity have been reported in February and April 2010. We present here the main results of these multi-epoch observations: the inner jet and HST-1 are both detected and resolved in our datasets. We study the apparent velocity of HST-1, which seems to be increasing since 2005, and the flux density variability in the inner jet. All in all, the radio counterpart to this year’s VHE event seems to be different from the ones in 2005 and 2008, opening new scenario for the radio-high energy connection

    On the variation of the gauge couplings during inflation

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    It is shown that the evolution of the (Abelian) gauge coupling during an inflationary phase of de Sitter type drives the growth of the two-point function of the magnetic inhomogeneities. After examining the constraints on the variation of the gauge coupling arising in a standard model of inflationary and post-inflationary evolution, magnetohydrodynamical equations are generalized to the case of time evolving gauge coupling. It is argued that large scale magnetic fields can be copiously generated. Other possible implications of the model are outlined.Comment: 5 pages in RevTex style, one figur

    Enhanced Polarized Emission from the One-Parsec-Scale Hotspot of 3C 84 as a Result of the Interaction with Clumpy Ambient Medium

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    We present Very Long Baseline Array polarimetric observations of the innermost jet of 3C\sim84 (NGC\sim1275) at 43\simGHz. A significant polarized emission is detected at the hotspot of the innermost re-started jet, which is located \sim1 pc south from the radio core. While the previous report presented a hotspot at the southern end of the western limb, the hotspot location has been moved to the southern end of the eastern limb. Faraday rotation is detected within an entire bandwidth of the 43-GHz band. The measured rotation measure (RM) is at most (6.3±\pm1.9)×105\times10^{5}\simrad\simm2^{-2} and might be slightly time variable on the timescale of a month by a factor of a few. Our measured RM and the RM previously reported by the CARMA and SMA observations cannot be consistently explained by the spherical accretion flow with a power-law profile. We propose that a clumpy/inhomogeneous ambient medium is responsible for the observed rotation measure. Using equipartition magnetic field, we derive the electron density of 2×1042\times10^{4}\simcm3^{-3}. Such an electron density is consistent with the cloud of narrow line emission region around the central engine. We also discuss the magnetic field configuration from black hole scale to pc scale and the origin of low polarization.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap