237 research outputs found

    I fondamenti storici dell'educazione nazionale. Discorso inaugurale

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    Las Gentianaceae: botánica, fitoquímica y actividad biológica

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    Este artículo es una revisión actualizada sobre los metabolitos secundarios de la familia de las Gentianaceae. Estas plantas se emplean en la medicina tradicional de numerosos países y presentan actividad biológica interesante. Después de haber detallado botánicamente esta familia de plantas, que ha sido y que sigue siendo muy estudiada, se recogen los estudios fitoquímicos sobre numerosas especies. Los metabolitos característicos son los xantonas, una clase de compuestos no muy difundidos en el mundo vegetal. Son característicos también derivados de los seco-iridoides, y algunos alcaloides.This paper is a review on the secondary metabolites of the Gentianaceae family. These plants are very well known as remedies in the traditional medicine of many countries because they present a number of biological activities. After a botanical presentation of this family, that is still studied, the phytochemical research of many species are reported. The most characteristic metabolites are xanthones, a class of natural products that is not very widespread in plants. Characteristic are also the seco-iridoids and alkaloids

    Poorly Investigated Ecuadorian Medicinal Plants

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    Ecuador has, in proportion of its size, one of the richest floras of Latin America and the world; the country also has an immense cultural heritage due to the presence of different ethnic groups that have implemented the use of many wild and cultivated plants, mainly as medicinal remedies. In a recent publication, we have summarized the results of research activities recently carried out on about 120 plants native to Ecuador, which includes the structures of non-volatile isolated compounds, as well as the chemical composition of essential oils (EOs) and the in vitro tested biological activity data. For the sake of completeness, we have collected in this paper the main information obtained from recent ethnobotanical investigations on other important Ecuadorian medicinal plants for which phytochemical, pharmacological, and toxicological studies are, however, still largely lacking. Thus, one of the objectives of this paper is to preserve the traditional knowledge of Ecuadorian Indigenous communities which, being transmitted orally, is in danger of becoming lost. Moreover, it is our intention to stimulate more extensive studies on the rich medicinal flora of the country, which can provide economic and social benefits, especially to the people who traditionally cultivate or collect the plants

    Chemical Characterization and Biological Activity of the Essential Oil from Araucaria brasiliensis Collected in Ecuador

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the chemical composition, physical properties, enantiomeric composition and cholinesterase inhibitory activity of the essential oil (EO) steam-distilled from the leaves of the plant Araucaria brasiliensis Loud. collected in Ecuador. The chemical composition was determined by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis on two capillary GC columns (DB5-ms and HP-INNOWax). Thirty-three compounds were identified in the EO; the main compounds were beyerene (26.08%), kaurene (24.86%), myrcene (11.02%), α-pinene (9.99%) and 5,15-rosadiene (5.87%). Diterpene hydrocarbons (65.41%), followed by monoterpene hydrocarbons (21.11%), were the most representative components of the EO. Enantioselective analysis of the EO showed four pairs of enantiomeric compounds, α-pinene, camphene, γ-muurolene and δ-cadinene. In an in vitro assay, the EO showed moderate inhibitory activity towards the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) (95.7 µg/mL), while it was inactive towards acetylcholinesterase (AChE) (225.3 µg/mL). Further in vivo studies are needed to confirm the anticholinesterase potential of the EO

    Pharmacology and Phytochemistry of Ecuadorian Medicinal Plants: An Update and Perspectives

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    The use of plants as therapeutic agents is part of the traditional medicine that is practiced by many indigenous communities in Ecuador. The aim of this study was to update a review published in 2016 by including the studies that were carried out in the period 2016–July 2021 on about 120 Ecuadorian medicinal plants. Relevant data on raw extracts and isolated secondary metabolites were retrieved from different databases, resulting in 104 references. They included phytochemical and pharmacological studies on several non-volatile compounds, as well as the chemical composition of essential oils (EOs). The tested biological activities are also reported. The potential of Ecuadorian plants as sources of products for practical applications in different fields, as well the perspectives of future investigations, are discussed in the last part of the review

    Caracterización fitoquímica de la especie Ilex guayusa Loes. y elaboración de un prototipo de fitofármaco de interés comercial

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    De los 17 países megadiversos del mundo cuatro de ellos se ubican en la zona andina y concentran el 75% de la diversidad en especies de animales y plantas, estos son: Colombia, Perú, Venezuela y Ecuador (Estrella et al. 2005). La Amazonía ecuatoriana representa una de las áreas con mayor biodiversidad del planeta y por su enorme variedad de plantas se convierte en una fuente de investigación de interés permanente, especialmente para el desarrollo de nuevas materias primas del mercado farmacéutico, cosmético y alimentario. Al interés comercial se unen también el científico y el antropológico, sobre todo cuando se trata de recuperar una de las plantas sagradas de las nacionalidades indígenas que habitan en la región amazónica ecuatoriana conocida con el nombre vernáculo de guayusa (Ilex guayusa Loes.) y que es usada tradicionalmente por los Achuar y mestizos en forma de infusión.Dentro de este contexto, es fundamental aclarar que el conocimiento fitoquímico de la guayusa es limitado y la literatura científica es escasa, razón por la cual es necesaria una profunda investigación científica con el fin de evaluar su actividad biológica o farmacéutica y los posibles usos comerciales. Actualmente, los pocos datos fitoquímicos de esta planta solo revelan datos de su contenido en cafeína, así como la presencia de triterpenos y ácidos clorogénicos (Rosero Gordón 2006-2007); por lo tanto, aún no se pueden explicar todas las propiedades curativas que la tradición popular le atribuye. Así, los objetivos de esta investigación fueron:1. Desarrollar un fitofármaco con base en Ilex guayusa Loes. que actúe como un coadyuvante en el tratamiento de manifestaciones sintomáticas como gripe, jaqueca y fiebre.2. Identificar las familias químicas presentes en Ilex guayusa Loes.3. Desarrollar la preparación de un extracto adecuado a la formulación final.4. Desarrollar un método de cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (CLAR) para la dosificación de la cafeína en el producto final.5. Establecer los parámetros de calidad del producto transformado.6. Realizar un proceso productivo apto a las condiciones tecnológicas locales.El enfoque de la investigación se puede resumir en nueve etapas principales (Figura 1), las cuales deben ser completadas con el desarrollo de un prototipo sometido a estudios preclínicos y clínicos, pruebas industriales y finalmente, el producto desarrollado debe tener un plan de comercialización

    Anti-Contraction Effects of Euscaphic Acid Isolated from Crataegus azarolus var. aronia L on Rat’s Aortic Smooth Muscle

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    The current study represents the first attempt to investigate the effect of the Euscaphic acid (EA) on Rats isolated  thoracic aortic smooth muscle cells. Isolated aorta was used to test the anti-contraction effects and the possible mode of action(s) of the EA (1*10-7 M) and (3*10-7 M) isolated from Crataegus azarolus var. aronia L. Euscaphic acid showed high anti-contraction effects on norepinephrin (NE), (1*10-9-10-4 M) induced contraction in aortic smooth muscle cells in endothelium-intact, endothelium-denuded, and aortic rings pre-incubated with potassium (K+)-channels blocker (tetraethylammonium, TEA), prostaglandin I2 (PGI2) inhibitor (indomethacin) and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) inhibitor ( methylene blue). On the other hand, other K+ channels subtype blockers glibenclamide (GLIB); barium chloride (BaCl2) and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) demonstrated that adenosine triphosphate sensitive K+ (KATP), inwardly rectifying K+ (Kir) and voltage-dependent K+ (KV) channels played no role in anti-contraction induced by EA. Furthermore, the role of L-types calcium (Ca++) channels in EA anti-contractile effects on aortic smooth muscle cells was proved, by using the Ca++-channel blocker verapamil, as indicated by the production of a potent anti-contraction effect . The results of the current study indicate that the anti-contraction effects of EA may be due to the activation of calcium dependent, K+ (KCa) channels and blocking of L-type Ca++ channels. Thus, from these results it can be concluded that both K+ and Ca++ channels play an important role in anti-contraction effects of EA, which are mediated possibly through opening of KCa channels and blockade of voltage-dependent calcium channels, which may justify the use of medicinal plant C. azarolus in cardiovascular disease. Keywords: Crataegus azarolus var. aronia, Euscaphic acid, smooth muscle cells, K+-channels blockers, Ca++-channels blocker

    Las Gentianaceae: botánica, toquímica y actividad biológica

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    Este artículo es una revisión actualizada sobre los metabolitos secundarios de la familia de las Gentianaceae. Estas plantas se emplean en la medicina tradicional de numerosos países y presentan actividad biológica interesante. Después de haber detallado botánicamente esta familia de plantas, que ha sido y que sigue siendo muy estudiada, se recogen los estudios toquímicos sobre numerosas especies. Los metabolitos característicos son los xantonas, una clase de compuestos no muy difundidos en el mundo vegetal. Son característicos también derivados de los seco-iridoides, y algunos alcaloides

    Phytochemical Investigation and Antioxidant Effects of Different Solvent Extracts of Pterocephalus Nestorianus Nab. Growing in Kurdistan Region-Iraq

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    The medicinal plants have been used as a herbal tradition in Kurdistan. Most of the medicinal plants are still not investigated from a phytochemical and biological activity. Therefore, different solvent extraction carried out to study phytochemicals and antioxidant activity of Pterocephalus nestorianus Nab. Through this research, it is reported for the first time that the phytochemicals and antioxidant activity on P. nestorianus Nab. collected at Safeen Mountain in Erbil-Iraq, which was known as a Lawa in Kurdistan. It is used against inflammation and oral diseases. The phytochemical study of four extracts (Hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and methanol 70%) of P. nestorianus flowers, leaves and roots revealed that it contains rich phytochemical composition. C4H8O2 and CH3OH extracts of P. nestorianus showed a high radical scavenging activity compared with trihydroxy benzoic acid as a standard. The flavonoid and phenolic presence showed strong correlation with the antioxidant activity

    Structures and Bioactivities of Steroidal Saponins Isolated from the Genera Dracaena and Sansevieria

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    The species Dracaena and Sansevieria, that are well-known for different uses in traditional medicines and as indoor ornamental plants with air purifying property, are rich sources of bioactive secondary metabolites. In fact, a wide variety of phytochemical constituents have been isolated so far from about seventeen species. This paper has reviewed the literature of about 180 steroidal saponins, isolated from Dracaena and Sansevieria species, as a basis for further studies. Saponins are among the most characteristic metabolites isolated from the two genera. They show a great variety in structural motifs and a wide range of biological activities, including anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-proliferative effects and, in most case, remarkable cytotoxic propertie